Reading notes: What is settlement in the e-commerce system? What is settlement in the e-commerce system? Design 2024-09-25 37 点赞 0 评论 56 浏览
UVALive - 3882 And Then There Was One(ac,但想不通) And Then There Was OneTime Limit: 3000MS Memory Limit: Unknown 64bit IO Format: %lld & %lluSubmit StatusDescriptionLet's play a stone removing game.Initiall Other 2024-01-17 77 点赞 1 评论 116 浏览
下拉菜单和滑动菜单设计实例 我找到了很多网站,它们使用下拉菜单或滑动菜单,而且我想,你也可能会对我找到的这些实例感兴趣吧。 请告诉我你是如何看待这些菜单设计 WEB实战 2022-04-08 124 点赞 1 评论 187 浏览
photoshop 鼠绘超酷的人物插画 最终效果 1、漫画首先都是完成构图,绘画上色通常我用PT里的覆盖铅笔,其实PT里更接近手绘感觉的铅笔还是2B铅笔。但是2B铅笔只有在背景 Photoshop教程 2022-04-07 141 点赞 2 评论 213 浏览