1、All apps have an associated process, represented by the UIApplication object. 进程对应
object来表征。--whose job is to respond to important events happening within that process。
2、When the user first launches your app on a device, the system displays your launch storyboard until your app is ready to display its UI. 默认提供启动闪屏
- - 在启动你的app时,ios会主动提供一个launch storyboard来展示你公司的logo,图片这些,就是启动画面。为app的后台初始化运行争取时间,同时也是给一个用户错觉,以为自己启动得很快。
- Add views to your launch storyboard, and use Auto Layout constraints to size and position those views so that they adapt to the underlying environment.
--所以你可以在launch storyboard 中添加你的视图
3、(重点)Put your app's launch-time initialization code in one or both of the following methods: 先行方法
- application(_:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) //还未就绪,准备阶段
application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) //已经就绪,随时可以运行
--UIKit calls these methods at the beginning of your app’s launch cycle. Use them to:
Initialize your app's data structures.
Verify that your app has the resources it needs to run.
--所以UIKit会先执行这两个方法(或其一),然后再初始化你的视图,你应该在这两个方法体能写你的初始化代码,资源, 数据什么的
//其中的参数UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey是Keys used to access values in the launch options dictionary passed to your app at initialization time. 字典类型中的一个元素,在初始化时间内,传递给你的app信息
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, CLLocationManagerDelegate { let locationManager = CLLocationManager() func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // If launched because of new location data, // start the visits service right away. if let keys = launchOptions?.keys { if keys.contains(.location) { locationManager.delegate = self locationManager.startMonitoringVisits() } } return true } // other methods… }
1、Move Long-Running Tasks off the Main Thread。 去重就轻
Defer the initialization of features that are not needed immediately.
Move important, long-running tasks off your app’s main thread. For example, run them asynchronously on a global dispatch queue.
以上就是奋斗红酒最近收集整理的关于0912-从启动iOS的app的生命周期说起,Responding to the Launch of Your App必须清楚的前提知识点:的全部内容,更多相关0912-从启动iOS的app的生命周期说起,Responding内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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