3-1 姓名
>>> name = ['Alex', 'Leo', 'Mike']
>>> print(name[0])
>>> print(name[1])
>>> print(name[2])
3-2 问候语
>>> message = 'Hello, '+name[0] +', how are you ?'
>>> print(message)
Hello, Alex, how are you ?
>>> print(message1)
Hello, Leo, how are you ?
>>> message2 = 'Hello, '+name[2] +', how are you ?'
>>> print(message2)
Hello, Mike, how are you ?
3-4 嘉宾名单
>>> list = ['Alex', 'Demmo', 'Mike']
>>> print(list[0] + ',May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?')
Alex,May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?
>>> print(list[1] + ',May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?')
Demmo,May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?
>>> print(list[2] + ',May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?')
Mike,May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?
3-5 修改嘉宾名单
>>> list = ['Alex', 'Demmo', 'Mike']
>>> print(list[0] + " is unable to attent the dinner !")
Alex is unable to attent the dinner !
>>> list[0] = 'Leo'
>>> print(list[0] + ',May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?')
Leo,May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?
>>> print(list[1] + ',May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?')
Demmo,May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?
>>> print(list[2] + ',May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?')
Mike,May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?
3-6 添加嘉宾
>>> list = ['Alex', 'Demmo', 'Mike']
>>> print('We can invite more people to join us!')
We can invite more people to join us!
>>> list.insert(0,'Jack')
>>> list.insert(2,'Bessie')
>>> list.append('Lili')
>>> list
['Jack', 'Alex', 'Bessie', 'Demmo', 'Mike', 'Lili']
>>> print(list[0] + ',May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?')
Jack,May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?
>>> print(list[1] + ',May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?')
Alex,May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?
>>> print(list[2] + ',May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?')
Bessie,May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?
>>> print(list[3] + ',May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?')
Demmo,May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?
>>> print(list[4] + ',May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?')
Mike,May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?
>>> print(list[5] + ',May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?')
Lili,May I have the honour to have a dinner with you ?
3-8 放眼望世界
>>> travel_location = ['Guangzhou','Wuhan','Beijing','Shanghai','Nanjing']
>>> print(travel_location)
['Guangzhou', 'Wuhan', 'Beijing', 'Shanghai', 'Nanjing'] #原始顺序
>>> print(sorted(travel_location))
['Beijing', 'Guangzhou', 'Nanjing', 'Shanghai', 'Wuhan'] #Sorted()排序
>>> print(travel_location)
['Guangzhou', 'Wuhan', 'Beijing', 'Shanghai', 'Nanjing'] #sorted()排序未改变原始顺序 核查
>>> travel_location.reverse()
>>> print(travel_location)
['Nanjing', 'Shanghai', 'Beijing', 'Wuhan', 'Guangzhou'] #reverse()改变原始顺序
>>> travel_location.reverse()
>>> print(travel_location)
['Guangzhou', 'Wuhan', 'Beijing', 'Shanghai', 'Nanjing'] #reverse()恢复原始顺序
>>> travel_location.sort()
>>> print(travel_location)
['Beijing', 'Guangzhou', 'Nanjing', 'Shanghai', 'Wuhan'] #sort()改变顺序
>>> travel_location.sort(reverse = True)
>>> print(travel_location)
['Wuhan', 'Shanghai', 'Nanjing', 'Guangzhou', 'Beijing'] #按与字母顺序相反的顺序排列
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