#普通创建 create database dbname; #没用dbname进行创建有着不创建 create database if not exists dbname; create database if not exists dbname comment '备注信息';
#查看数据库的信息 desc database dbname; #查看数据库的信息详细 desc database extended dbname; #显示创建语法 show create database dbname;
use dbname;
#删除空的数据库 drop if database dbname; #删除数据库(强删) drop database dbname cascade;
#普通创建 create table stu(id int,name string,sex string); #备注信息 create table stu(id int,name string comment '备注信息',sex string); #指定分隔符 创表后默认的列分隔符为^A,行分隔符为n create table if not exists stu(id int,name string,sex string) row fromat delimited fields terminated by 't' #指定列分割符 lines terminated by 'n'; #指定行分割符
#查看表 show tables; #查看表结构 desc stu; #查看详细表结构 desc extended stu; #查看建表语句 show create table stu;
#更改表名 alter table oldtablename rename to newtablename; #更改列名 alter table tablename chang column oldColumnName newColumnName; #增加字段 alter table tablename add columns(sex string,~); #删除字段 alter table tablename replace columns(sex string,~);
drop table if exists tableName;
#使用hdfs dfs上传到指定的路径下 hdfs dfs -put file.txt /user/hive/warehouse/work.db #使用load命令 load data local inpath '路径' overwrite into table tablename; #基于查询插入&插入多表 insert into tablename select * from tablename1 ---------------------------------------------- from tablename insert into tablename1 select * where 条件 insert into tablename2 select * where 条件 ---------------------------------------------- #克隆命令 create table tablename as select --from--where; #克隆表结构 create table tablename like tablename1;
#hive数据导出到目录下 insert overwrite local directory '本地目录' select--from--where insert overwrite directory 'hdfs目录' select--from--where #hive数据导出到目录下指定分隔符 insert overwrite local directory '本地目录' row delimited fieds terminated by '分割符' select--from--where [root@moyue01 ~]# hive -e e 'hql' >> '文件路径'
#一般用于测试 ${hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}数据一般在指定目录下 hive删除表数据消失
#extended关键字 create extended table tablename(id int,~)location '可以指定数据位置' 在hive中删除只会删除MySQL元数据hdfs上的原始数据不会删除
#内部表转外部表 alter table tablename set tblproperties('EXTERNAL'='TRUE'); #外部表转内部表 alter table tablename set tblproperties('EXTERNAL'='FALSE');
#上传到hdfs上 hdfs dfs -put file.txt /user/hive/warehouse/work.db #hive命令行使用 load data [local#加上local表示在linux本地获取,不加默认在hdfs上获取] inpath '地址' into table 表名; #基于其他表的查询结果 insert into tablename select * from tablename1 #克隆 create table tablename as select ~ from~ create table tablename like tablename1 location'地址' #只克隆表结构 create table tablename like tablename1
#上传到linux本地 insert overwrite local directory '本地目录' select ~ from tablename1; #上传到hdfs insert overwrite directory '本地目录' select ~ from tablename1;
#linux本地 insert overwrite local directory '目录' row format delimited fields terminated by '分割符' #hdfs insert overwrite directory '目录' row format delimited fields terminated by '分割符'
#exists的用法 select * from tablename a where exists(select 1 from tablename tablename b where a.xx=b.xx)
left semi join 和exists差不多左链接
select * from tablename a left semi join tablename b on a.xx = b.xx;
#/tmp/root/ 日志名为hive.log
hive -e 'sql语句';#数据库.表名 hive --database 数据库 -e 'sql语句';#指定数据库
#整数int bigint smallint tinyint #浮点double float decimal #布尔boolean #字符串string varchar(length) char(length) #日期date timestamp
create table if not exists tablename( uname string, score array<int> ) row format delimited fields terminated by 't' collection items terminated by ','; load data local inpath '路径' into table 表名; #score[下标]获取对应数据 #size(score)获取个数
#展开函数explode应用 desc scores; OK name string score array<int> select name,t1.*from scores lateral view explode(score) t1 as scores; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 。。虚拟表别名.from 原表名 lateral view explode (要展开的表名) 虚拟表别名 as 展开字段的列别名 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
concat(元素A,元素B,元素C) concat(元素A,'分割符',元素B) #一次性指定分割符 concat_ws(分割符,元素A,元素B,元素C) group_concat(链接字段 order by 排序字段 desc separator 分隔符)
collect_list #有序可重复 collect_set #无序不可重复 create table score_1 as select name,t1.*from scores lateral view explode(score) t1 as scores; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- desc score_1; name string scores int select name,collect_list(scores) from score_1 group by name; lisi [67,75,83,94] wangwu [23,12] zhangsan [78,89,92,96] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select name,collect_set(scores) from score_1 group by name; lisi [67,75,83,94] wangwu [23,12] zhangsan [78,89,92,96]
create table tablename( colName map<T,T> ) select * from scores_map; OK zhangsan {"chinese":90,"math":87,"english":63,"nature":76} lisi {"chinese":60,"math":30,"english":78,"nature":0} wangwu {"chinese":89,"math":25} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table scores_map(name string,scores map<string,int>) row format delimited fields terminated by 't'collection items terminated by ',' map keys terminated by ':' lines terminated by 'n'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 查询每个人的数学成绩 select name , scores["math"] from scores_map; OK zhangsan 87 lisi 30 wangwu 25 展开函数 select explode(scores) from scores_map; OK chinese 90 math 87 english 63 nature 76 chinese 60 math 30 english 78 nature 0 chinese 89 math 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select name,subject,score from scores_map lateral view explode(scores) t1 as subject,score; zhangsan chinese 90 zhangsan math 87 zhangsan english 63 zhangsan nature 76 lisi chinese 60 lisi math 30 lisi english 78 lisi nature 0 wangwu chinese 89 wangwu math 25
create table tablename( filedsName struct<subName1:Type,subName:Type,.....> ) #创建表 create table struct_1(name string,scores struct<math:int,chinese:int,english:int,nature:int>) #指定分隔符 row format delimited fields terminated by 't' collection items terminated by','; #插入数据 load data local inpath'./data/struct1.txt'into table struct_1; #表预览 select * from struct_1; OK zhangsan {"math":90,"chinese":87,"english":63,"nature":76} lisi {"math":60,"chinese":30,"english":78,"nature":0} wangwu {"math":89,"chinese":25,"english":81,"nature":9} #简单查询 select name,scores.math,scores.english from struct_1; OK zhangsan 90 63 lisi 60 78 wangwu 89 81 通过key查找values
内置函数 #查看函数 show functions #查看hive中的函数 desc functions 函数 #查看函数用法 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #时间函数 1.current_date() 2.current_timestamp() 3.unix_timestamp() #日期转时间戳函数 hive (default)> select unix_timestamp("1970-1-1 00:00:00","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); OK -28800 东八区凌晨返回的是本初子午线,这时候正是1969-12-31下午4点整 #时间戳日期函数 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hive (default)> select from_unixtime(28800,"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); OK 1970-01-01 16:00:00 本初子午线8点为东八区16点 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #datediff() datediff() #计算时间差函数 select datediff(current_date(),'2020-9-6'); #current_date()当天时间 datediff相减 当天时间-日期得到天数 #months_between() select months_between(current_date(),'2020-9-6'); #返回相差的月数 会有小数 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #日期时间分量函数 year() #select year('2012-11-3 09:12:03') 查看年 month() #select month('2012-11-3 09:12:03') 查看月 day() #select day('2012-11-3 09:12:03') 查看天 hour() #select day('2012-11-3 09:12:03') 查看小时 minute() #select day('2012-11-3 09:12:03') 查看分钟 second() #select day('2012-11-3 09:12:03') 查看秒 #日期定位函数 last_day()#返回指定日期最后一天的日期 hive (default)> select last_day(current_date()); OK 2021-12-31 next_day()#返回指定日期下一周的星期一 hive (default)> select next_day(current_date(),'mon'); OK 2021-12-20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 日期加减函数 date_add() select date_add(current_date(),-1) #获取后天的日期 date_sub() select date_sub(current_date(),1) #获取前n天的日期 add_months() select add_months(current_date(),1) #获取后n月的日期 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 字符串转日期 to_date(express) select to_date("2014-8-5");#默认格式yyyy-MM-dd 日期转字符串 date_format(current_date(),'yyyy-MM-dd'); 日期截断函数 select trunc(current_date(),'YYYY'); 阶段到年,表示日期分量回到最小值
lower/lcase(转小写) select lower('ABC'); -------------------- upper/ucase(转大写) select upper('abc'); -------------------- length(查看字符串长度,字符串) select length('abc'); -------------------- concat(字符拼接) select concat("A","B"); -------------------- concat_Ws(指定分隔符) select concat_ws('-','a','b','c'); -------------------- substr(求字符串) select substr('abcde',3); 从第几个开始读取 -------------------- split(str,regex)切分字符串,返回数组 select split("a-b-c-d-e-f","-"); -------------------- select substr("helloworld",4,2); 从第4个开始截取2个
max() #最大 min() #最小 avg() #平均 sum() #和 count() #行数 rount() #四舍五入 ceil() #返回是大于参数的最小整数 floor() #返回是小于参数的最大整数 rand() #返回的是[0,1)之间的任意小数
nvl(value,default value) #value如果为空返回default 否则返回value if(p1,p2,p3) #p1为true返回p2,p1为false返回p3 isnull()判断是否为空 isnotnull()判断是否不为空 coalesce(value1,value2)返回第一个不为空的
select a.*,b.num from t_order a join (select count(*) num from t_order) b; t_order和count(*)匹配 select *,count(1) over() from t_order; over()以整张表为一个分区
distribute by + sort by 组合 distribute by 指定字段分区 sort by 指定字段升降序 over(distribute by 字段 sort by 字段 [desc|asc])
partition by + order by 组合 partition by 分组字段 order by 升降字段 [desc|asc]
current row:当前行 preceding :向前 following :向后 unbounded preceding :从起点 unbounded following :从终点 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sum(cost) over(partition by name order by orderdate rows between unbounded preceding and current row)as 列别名 --当前行和第一行所有数据做聚合 LAG():取之前行的值 LEAD():取之后的行的值 FIRST_VALUE():取第一行的值 LAST_VALUE():取第一行的值 lag(score,1)over(partition by class order by score desc )
#必须配合over函数 row_number() #不重复不间断 分数 名次 100 1 99 2 99 3 98 4 dense_rank() #重复间断 分数 名次 100 1 99 2 99 2 98 4 rank() #重复不间断 分数 名次 100 1 99 2 99 2 98 3
select * , ntile(3) over(sort by 升降字段 desc) from 表名; 将行数分为三份
select lag(字段名,n行[,value]) from 表名 取前n行如果没有则取value select lead(字段名,n行[,value]) from 表名 取后n行如果没有则取value
a 最后一行 b c d e f g 第一行 first_value(colName)取分组排序后,截至到当前行,第一个值 last_value(colName)取分组内排序后,截至到当前行,最后一个值 > select *,first_value(cost) over(partition by name order by orderdate) firstV, > first_value(cost) over(partition by name order by orderdate desc) lastV from order; lisi 2019-10-13 20 30 20 lisi 2019-10-12 30 30 20 mart 2018-04-13 94 62 94 mart 2018-04-11 75 62 94 mart 2018-04-09 68 62 94 mart 2018-04-08 62 62 94 neil 2018-06-12 80 12 80 neil 2018-05-10 12 12 80 saml 2018-04-06 42 10 42 saml 2018-02-03 23 10 42 saml 2018-01-08 55 10 42 saml 2018-01-05 46 10 42 saml 2018-01-01 10 10 42 tony 2018-01-07 50 15 50 tony 2018-01-04 29 15 50 tony 2018-01-02 15 15 50 wangwu 2019-10-14 20 10 20 wangwu 2019-10-13 10 10 20 zsan 2019-10-13 30 10 30 zsan 2019-10-12 20 10 30 zsan 2019-10-11 10 10 30
1.UDF 一进一出 2.UDAF 多进一出 3.UDTF 一进多出
创建分区表 create table if not exists emp_part1( empno into comment'编号', ename string, job string, mgr int, hiredate date, sal double, comm double, deptno int ) partitioned by (year string) #分区字段 row format delimited fields terminated by ','; load data local inpath '' overwrite into table emp_part1 partition(year="2021") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ load data local inpath '' overwrite into table emp_part1 partition(year="2021") 添加分区数据
二级分区表 create table if not exists emp_part1( empno int,ename string,job string,sex string ) partitioned by (year string,month string) row format delimited fields terminated by 't'; #和一级分区区别为添加子分区 加载数据 load data local inpath"./map.txt"into table emp_part1 partition(year="",month="");
三级分区表 create table emp_part2( empno int,ename string,job string,sex string ) partitioned by (year="",month="",day="") row format delimited fields terminated by 't'; load data local inpath'./map.txt'into table emp_part2 partition(year="",month="",city="");
#查看分区信息 show partitions tablename; #增加分区数 alter table tablename add partition(colname type,.......); alter table tablename add partition(colname type,.......)partition(colname type,......); alter table tablename add aprtition(colname type,.......)location '路径'; alter table tablename add aprtition(colname type,.......)location '路径' partition(colname type,.....) location '路径'; 例如:alter table emp_part1 add partition(year="2021",month="08"); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alter table emp_part1 add partition(year="2021",month="03") partition(year="2020",month="10"); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alter table emp_part1 add partition(year="2020",month="05")location 'path'; hdfs上的路径 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #修改映射 alter table tablename partition(colName=value,.....)set location 'new path'; #分区删除 alter table tablename drop partition(colName=value,.....); 删除多个分区 alter table tablename drop partition(colName=value,.....),partition(colName=value,....);
insert 动态加载数据 load 静态加载 insert into emp_part partition(year) select * from emp_part; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10096]: Dynamic partition strict mode requires at least one static partition column. To turn this off set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 需要有一个静态否则会报错,否则要修改严格模式 set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict 开启严格模式 set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=strict ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- insert into userinfo_part partition(year="2019",month,day) 动态分区 select id,name,month,day from userinfo; 静态分区
先创建表在创建分桶表 create table student_bucket(sno int,name string,sex string,age int,academy string) clustered by(sno) sorted by(age desc)into 4 buckets row format delimited fields terminated by ','; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clustered by(分桶字段) sorted by(升降字段 desc) into 分桶数 buckets
加载数据 不能使用load要动态加载insert insert into 追加 insert overwrite覆盖 1.insert into table student_bucket select * from student disteribute by (sno) sort by (age desc); 2.insert overwrite table student_bucket select * from student distribute by (sno) sort by(age desc); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- insert overwrite table 窗口表 select * from 原表 distribute by(分窗字段) sort by(排序字段 desc) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
select * from student_bucket; select * from student_bucket tablesample(bucket 1 out of 1); 查询4桶的第一桶 select * from student_bucket tablesample(bucket 1 out of 4 on sno); 查询4桶中的第一桶和第三桶 select * from student_bucket tablesample(bucket 1 out of 4 on sno) union select * from student_bucket tablesample(bucket 3 out of 4 on sno); ------------------------------------------------------------------- select * from student_bucket tablesample(bucket 1 out of 2 on sno); 查询4桶中的第二桶和第四桶 select * from student_bucket tablesample(bucket 2 out of 2 on sno); 查询5桶中的第三桶 select * from student_bucket tablesample(bucket 3 out of 5 on sno);
查询三行数据 select * from student_bucket limit 3; select * from student_bucket tablesample(3 rows); 查询百分比的数据 select * from student_bucket tablesample(13 percent);大小的百分比所占的那一行。 查询固定大小的数据 select * from student_bucket tablesample(68b); 单位(K,KB,MB,GB...) 固定大小所占的那一行。 随机抽三行数据 select * from student_bucket order by rand() limit 3;
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