2021-06-15 00:16:18,889 WARN hdfs.DataStreamer: DataStreamer Exception
org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(java.io.IOException): File /kb12/hd/cha01/a.txt._COPYING_ could only be written to 0 of the 1 minReplication nodes. There are 0 datanode(s) running and 0 node(s) are excluded in this operation.
具体原因:存储空间为空,使用hadoop namenode -format格式化时格式化了多次造成那么spaceID不一致
[root@singlem ~]# hadoop dfsadmin -report
WARNING: Use of this script to execute dfsadmin is deprecated.
WARNING: Attempting to execute replacement "hdfs dfsadmin" instead.
Configured Capacity: 0 (0 B)
Present Capacity: 0 (0 B)
DFS Remaining: 0 (0 B)
DFS Used: 0 (0 B)
DFS Used%: 0.00%
Replicated Blocks:
Under replicated blocks: 0
Blocks with corrupt replicas: 0
Missing blocks: 0
Missing blocks (with replication factor 1): 0
Low redundancy blocks with highest priority to recover: 0
Pending deletion blocks: 0
Erasure Coded Block Groups:
Low redundancy block groups: 0
Block groups with corrupt internal blocks: 0
Missing block groups: 0
Low redundancy blocks with highest priority to recover: 0
Pending deletion blocks: 0
rm -rf /opt/software/hadoop/hadoop313/data
./bin/hdfs namenode -format
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