7.5 函数和C-风格字符串
7.5.1 将C-风格字符串作为参数的函数
7.5.2 返回C-风格字符串的函数
7.5 函数和C-风格字符串
7.5.1 将C-风格字符串作为参数的函数
- char数组;
- 用引号括起的字符串常量(也称字符串字面值);
- 被设置为字符串的地址的char指针。
char ghost[15] = "galloping";
char* str = "galumphing";
int n1 = strlen(ghost); //ghost is &ghost[0]
int n2 = strlen(str); //pointer to char
int n3 = strlen("galumphing"); //address of string
C-风格字符串与常规char数组之间的一个重要区别是,字符串有内置的结束字符(前面讲过,包含字符,但不以空值字符结尾的char数组只是数组,而不是字符串)。这意味着不必将字符串长度作为参数传递给函数,而函数可以使用循环依次检查字符串中的每个字符,直到遇到结尾的空值字符为止。程序清单7.9演示了这种方法,使用一个函数来计算特定的字符在字符串中出现的次数。由于该程序不需要处理负数,因此它将计数变量的声明为unsigned int。
程序清单7.9 strgfun.cpp
//strgfun.cpp -- functions with a string argument
unsigned int c_in_str(const char* str, char ch);
int main()
using namespace std;
char mmm[15] = "minimum"; //string in an array
//some systems require preceding char with static to
//enable array initialization
char* wail = "ululate"; //wail points to string
unsigned int ms = c_in_str(mmm, 'm');
unsigned int us = c_in_str(wail, 'u');
cout << ms << " m characters in " << mmm << endl;
cout << us << " u characters in " << wail << endl;
return 0;
//this function counts the number of ch characters
//in the string str
unsigned int c_in_str(const char* str, char ch) {
unsigned int count = 0;
while(*str) //quit when *str is '