【编码 - x264】
x264源代码简单分析:熵编码(Entropy Encoding)部分
【解码 - libavcodec H.264 解码器】
FFmpeg的H.264解码器源代码简单分析:环路滤波(Loop Filter)部分
x264_slice_init():创建 Slice Header。
x264_encoder_encode()是libx264的API函数,用于编码一帧YUV为H.264码流。该函数的声明如下所示。/* x264_encoder_encode:
encode one picture.
*pi_nal is the number of NAL units outputted in pp_nal.
returns the number of bytes in the returned NALs.
returns negative on error and zero if no NAL units returned.
the payloads of all output NALs are guaranteed to be sequential in memory. */
x264_encoder_encode( x264_t *, x264_nal_t **pp_nal, int *pi_nal, x264_picture_t *pic_in, x264_picture_t *pic_out );
* x264_encoder_encode:
XXX: i_poc
: is the poc of the current given picture
i_frame : is the number of the frame being coded
type frame poc
* 注释和处理:雷霄骅
* http://blog.csdn.net/leixiaohua1020
* leixiaohua1020@126.com
x264_encoder_encode( x264_t *h,
x264_nal_t **pp_nal, int *pi_nal,
x264_picture_t *pic_in,
x264_picture_t *pic_out )
x264_t *thread_current, *thread_prev, *thread_oldest;
int i_nal_type, i_nal_ref_idc, i_global_qp;
int overhead = NALU_OVERHEAD;
if( h->opencl.b_fatal_error )
return -1;
if( h->i_thread_frames > 1 )
= h->thread[ h->i_thread_phase ];
h->i_thread_phase = (h->i_thread_phase + 1) % h->i_thread_frames;
thread_current = h->thread[ h->i_thread_phase ];
= h->thread[ (h->i_thread_phase + 1) % h->i_thread_frames ];
x264_thread_sync_context( thread_current, thread_prev );
x264_thread_sync_ratecontrol( thread_current, thread_prev, thread_oldest );
h = thread_current;
thread_current =
= h;
h->i_cpb_delay_pir_offset = h->i_cpb_delay_pir_offset_next;
/* no data out */
*pi_nal = 0;
*pp_nal = NULL;
/* ------------------- Setup new frame from picture -------------------- */
if( pic_in != NULL )
/* 1: Copy the picture to a frame and move it to a buffer */
x264_frame_t *fenc = x264_frame_pop_unused( h, 0 );
if( !fenc )
return -1;
if( x264_frame_copy_picture( h, fenc, pic_in ) < 0 )
return -1;
if( h->param.i_width != 16 * h->mb.i_mb_width ||
h->param.i_height != 16 * h->mb.i_mb_height )
x264_frame_expand_border_mod16( h, fenc );//扩展至16整数倍
fenc->i_frame = h->frames.i_input++;
if( fenc->i_frame == 0 )
h->frames.i_first_pts = fenc->i_pts;
if( h->frames.i_bframe_delay && fenc->i_frame == h->frames.i_bframe_delay )
h->frames.i_bframe_delay_time = fenc->i_pts - h->frames.i_first_pts;
if( h->param.b_vfr_input && fenc->i_pts <= h->frames.i_largest_pts )
x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "non-strictly-monotonic PTSn" );
h->frames.i_second_largest_pts = h->frames.i_largest_pts;
h->frames.i_largest_pts = fenc->i_pts;
if( (fenc->i_pic_struct < PIC_STRUCT_AUTO) || (fenc->i_pic_struct > PIC_STRUCT_TRIPLE) )
fenc->i_pic_struct = PIC_STRUCT_AUTO;
if( fenc->i_pic_struct == PIC_STRUCT_AUTO )
int b_interlaced = fenc->param ? fenc->param->b_interlaced : h->param.b_interlaced;
int b_interlaced = 0;
if( b_interlaced )
int b_tff = fenc->param ? fenc->param->b_tff : h->param.b_tff;
fenc->i_pic_struct = b_tff ? PIC_STRUCT_TOP_BOTTOM : PIC_STRUCT_BOTTOM_TOP;
fenc->i_pic_struct = PIC_STRUCT_PROGRESSIVE;
if( h->param.rc.b_mb_tree && h->param.rc.b_stat_read )
if( x264_macroblock_tree_read( h, fenc, pic_in->prop.quant_offsets ) )
return -1;
x264_stack_align( x264_adaptive_quant_frame, h, fenc, pic_in->prop.quant_offsets );
if( pic_in->prop.quant_offsets_free )
pic_in->prop.quant_offsets_free( pic_in->prop.quant_offsets );
if( h->frames.b_have_lowres )
x264_frame_init_lowres( h, fenc );
/* 2: Place the frame into the queue for its slice type decision */
x264_lookahead_put_frame( h, fenc );
if( h->frames.i_input <= h->frames.i_delay + 1 - h->i_thread_frames )
/* Nothing yet to encode, waiting for filling of buffers */
pic_out->i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;
return 0;
//输入数据为空的时候(Flush Encoder?),不需要lookahead
/* signal kills for lookahead thread */
x264_pthread_mutex_lock( &h->lookahead->ifbuf.mutex );
h->lookahead->b_exit_thread = 1;
x264_pthread_cond_broadcast( &h->lookahead->ifbuf.cv_fill );
x264_pthread_mutex_unlock( &h->lookahead->ifbuf.mutex );
/* 3: The picture is analyzed in the lookahead */
// 步骤3
if( !h->frames.current[0] )
x264_lookahead_get_frames( h );
if( !h->frames.current[0] && x264_lookahead_is_empty( h ) )
return x264_encoder_frame_end( thread_oldest, thread_current, pp_nal, pi_nal, pic_out );
/* ------------------- Get frame to be encoded ------------------------- */
/* 4: get picture to encode */
h->fenc = x264_frame_shift( h->frames.current );
/* If applicable, wait for previous frame reconstruction to finish */
if( h->param.b_sliced_threads )
if( x264_threadpool_wait_all( h ) < 0 )
return -1;
if( h->i_frame == h->i_thread_frames - 1 )
h->i_reordered_pts_delay = h->fenc->i_reordered_pts;
if( h->reconfig )
x264_encoder_reconfig_apply( h, &h->reconfig_h->param );
h->reconfig = 0;
if( h->fenc->param )
x264_encoder_reconfig_apply( h, h->fenc->param );
if( h->fenc->param->param_free )
h->fenc->param->param_free( h->fenc->param );
h->fenc->param = NULL;
// ok to call this before encoding any frames, since the initial values of fdec have b_kept_as_ref=0
if( x264_reference_update( h ) )
return -1;
h->fdec->i_lines_completed = -1;
if( !IS_X264_TYPE_I( h->fenc->i_type ) )
int valid_refs_left = 0;
for( int i = 0; h->frames.reference[i]; i++ )
if( !h->frames.reference[i]->b_corrupt )
/* No valid reference frames left: force an IDR. */
if( !valid_refs_left )
h->fenc->b_keyframe = 1;
h->fenc->i_type = X264_TYPE_IDR;
if( h->fenc->b_keyframe )
h->frames.i_last_keyframe = h->fenc->i_frame;
if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_IDR )
h->i_frame_num = 0;
h->frames.i_last_idr = h->fenc->i_frame;
h->sh.i_mmco_command_count =
h->sh.i_mmco_remove_from_end = 0;
h->b_ref_reorder[0] =
h->b_ref_reorder[1] = 0;
h->fdec->i_poc =
h->fenc->i_poc = 2 * ( h->fenc->i_frame - X264_MAX( h->frames.i_last_idr, 0 ) );
/* ------------------- Setup frame context ----------------------------- */
/* 5: Init data dependent of frame type */
if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_IDR )
/* reset ref pictures */
i_nal_ref_idc = NAL_PRIORITY_HIGHEST;
h->sh.i_type = SLICE_TYPE_I;
x264_reference_reset( h );
h->frames.i_poc_last_open_gop = -1;
else if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_I )
i_nal_ref_idc = NAL_PRIORITY_HIGH; /* Not completely true but for now it is (as all I/P are kept as ref)*/
h->sh.i_type = SLICE_TYPE_I;
x264_reference_hierarchy_reset( h );
if( h->param.b_open_gop )
h->frames.i_poc_last_open_gop = h->fenc->b_keyframe ? h->fenc->i_poc : -1;
else if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_P )
i_nal_ref_idc = NAL_PRIORITY_HIGH; /* Not completely true but for now it is (as all I/P are kept as ref)*/
h->sh.i_type = SLICE_TYPE_P;
x264_reference_hierarchy_reset( h );
h->frames.i_poc_last_open_gop = -1;
else if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF )
i_nal_ref_idc = h->param.i_bframe_pyramid == X264_B_PYRAMID_STRICT ? NAL_PRIORITY_LOW : NAL_PRIORITY_HIGH;
h->sh.i_type = SLICE_TYPE_B;
x264_reference_hierarchy_reset( h );
/* B frame */
h->sh.i_type = SLICE_TYPE_B;
h->fdec->i_type = h->fenc->i_type;
h->fdec->i_frame = h->fenc->i_frame;
h->fenc->b_kept_as_ref =
h->fdec->b_kept_as_ref = i_nal_ref_idc != NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE && h->param.i_keyint_max > 1;
h->fdec->mb_info = h->fenc->mb_info;
h->fdec->mb_info_free = h->fenc->mb_info_free;
h->fenc->mb_info = NULL;
h->fenc->mb_info_free = NULL;
h->fdec->i_pts = h->fenc->i_pts;
if( h->frames.i_bframe_delay )
int64_t *prev_reordered_pts = thread_current->frames.i_prev_reordered_pts;
h->fdec->i_dts = h->i_frame > h->frames.i_bframe_delay
? prev_reordered_pts[ (h->i_frame - h->frames.i_bframe_delay) % h->frames.i_bframe_delay ]
: h->fenc->i_reordered_pts - h->frames.i_bframe_delay_time;
prev_reordered_pts[ h->i_frame % h->frames.i_bframe_delay ] = h->fenc->i_reordered_pts;
h->fdec->i_dts = h->fenc->i_reordered_pts;
if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_IDR )
h->i_last_idr_pts = h->fdec->i_pts;
/* ------------------- Init
----------------------------- */
/* build ref list 0/1 */
x264_reference_build_list( h, h->fdec->i_poc );
/* ---------------------- Write the bitstream -------------------------- */
/* Init bitstream context */
if( h->param.b_sliced_threads )
for( int i = 0; i < h->param.i_threads; i++ )
bs_init( &h->thread[i]->out.bs, h->thread[i]->out.p_bitstream, h->thread[i]->out.i_bitstream );
h->thread[i]->out.i_nal = 0;
bs_init( &h->out.bs, h->out.p_bitstream, h->out.i_bitstream );
h->out.i_nal = 0;
if( h->param.b_aud )
int pic_type;
if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_I )
pic_type = 0;
else if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_P )
pic_type = 1;
else if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_B )
pic_type = 2;
pic_type = 7;
x264_nal_start( h, NAL_AUD, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );
bs_write( &h->out.bs, 3, pic_type );
bs_rbsp_trailing( &h->out.bs );
if( x264_nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + NALU_OVERHEAD;
h->i_nal_type = i_nal_type;
h->i_nal_ref_idc = i_nal_ref_idc;
if( h->param.b_intra_refresh )
if( IS_X264_TYPE_I( h->fenc->i_type ) )
h->fdec->i_frames_since_pir = 0;
h->b_queued_intra_refresh = 0;
/* PIR is currently only supported with ref == 1, so any intra frame effectively refreshes
* the whole frame and counts as an intra refresh. */
h->fdec->f_pir_position = h->mb.i_mb_width;
else if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_P )
int pocdiff = (h->fdec->i_poc - h->fref[0][0]->i_poc)/2;
float increment = X264_MAX( ((float)h->mb.i_mb_width-1) / h->param.i_keyint_max, 1 );
h->fdec->f_pir_position = h->fref[0][0]->f_pir_position;
h->fdec->i_frames_since_pir = h->fref[0][0]->i_frames_since_pir + pocdiff;
if( h->fdec->i_frames_since_pir >= h->param.i_keyint_max ||
(h->b_queued_intra_refresh && h->fdec->f_pir_position + 0.5 >= h->mb.i_mb_width) )
h->fdec->f_pir_position = 0;
h->fdec->i_frames_since_pir = 0;
h->b_queued_intra_refresh = 0;
h->fenc->b_keyframe = 1;
h->fdec->i_pir_start_col = h->fdec->f_pir_position+0.5;
h->fdec->f_pir_position += increment * pocdiff;
h->fdec->i_pir_end_col = h->fdec->f_pir_position+0.5;
/* If our intra refresh has reached the right side of the frame, we're done. */
if( h->fdec->i_pir_end_col >= h->mb.i_mb_width - 1 )
h->fdec->f_pir_position = h->mb.i_mb_width;
h->fdec->i_pir_end_col = h->mb.i_mb_width - 1;
if( h->fenc->b_keyframe )
/* Write SPS and PPS */
if( h->param.b_repeat_headers )
/* generate sequence parameters */
x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SPS, NAL_PRIORITY_HIGHEST );
x264_sps_write( &h->out.bs, h->sps );
if( x264_nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
/* Pad AUD/SPS to 256 bytes like Panasonic */
if( h->param.i_avcintra_class )
h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_padding = 256 - bs_pos( &h->out.bs ) / 8 - 2*NALU_OVERHEAD;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_padding + NALU_OVERHEAD;
/* generate picture parameters */
x264_nal_start( h, NAL_PPS, NAL_PRIORITY_HIGHEST );
x264_pps_write( &h->out.bs, h->sps, h->pps );
if( x264_nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
if( h->param.i_avcintra_class )
h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_padding = 256 - h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload - NALU_OVERHEAD;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_padding + NALU_OVERHEAD;
/* when frame threading is used, buffering period sei is written in x264_encoder_frame_end */
if( h->i_thread_frames == 1 && h->sps->vui.b_nal_hrd_parameters_present )
x264_hrd_fullness( h );
x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );
x264_sei_buffering_period_write( h, &h->out.bs );
if( x264_nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;
/* write extra sei */
for( int i = 0; i < h->fenc->extra_sei.num_payloads; i++ )
x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );
x264_sei_write( &h->out.bs, h->fenc->extra_sei.payloads[i].payload, h->fenc->extra_sei.payloads[i].payload_size,
h->fenc->extra_sei.payloads[i].payload_type );
if( x264_nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;
if( h->fenc->extra_sei.sei_free )
h->fenc->extra_sei.sei_free( h->fenc->extra_sei.payloads[i].payload );
h->fenc->extra_sei.payloads[i].payload = NULL;
if( h->fenc->extra_sei.sei_free )
h->fenc->extra_sei.sei_free( h->fenc->extra_sei.payloads );
h->fenc->extra_sei.payloads = NULL;
h->fenc->extra_sei.sei_free = NULL;
if( h->fenc->b_keyframe )
/* Avid's decoder strictly wants two SEIs for AVC-Intra so we can't insert the x264 SEI */
if( h->param.b_repeat_headers && h->fenc->i_frame == 0 && !h->param.i_avcintra_class )
/* identify ourself */
x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );
if( x264_sei_version_write( h, &h->out.bs ) )
return -1;
if( x264_nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;
if( h->fenc->i_type != X264_TYPE_IDR )
int time_to_recovery = h->param.b_open_gop ? 0 : X264_MIN( h->mb.i_mb_width - 1, h->param.i_keyint_max ) + h->param.i_bframe - 1;
x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );
x264_sei_recovery_point_write( h, &h->out.bs, time_to_recovery );
if( x264_nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;
if( h->param.i_frame_packing >= 0 && (h->fenc->b_keyframe || h->param.i_frame_packing == 5) )
x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );
x264_sei_frame_packing_write( h, &h->out.bs );
if( x264_nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;
/* generate sei pic timing */
if( h->sps->vui.b_pic_struct_present || h->sps->vui.b_nal_hrd_parameters_present )
x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );
x264_sei_pic_timing_write( h, &h->out.bs );
if( x264_nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;
/* As required by Blu-ray. */
if( !IS_X264_TYPE_B( h->fenc->i_type ) && h->b_sh_backup )
h->b_sh_backup = 0;
x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );
x264_sei_dec_ref_pic_marking_write( h, &h->out.bs );
if( x264_nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;
if( h->fenc->b_keyframe && h->param.b_intra_refresh )
h->i_cpb_delay_pir_offset_next = h->fenc->i_cpb_delay;
/* Filler space: 10 or 18 SEIs' worth of space, depending on resolution */
if( h->param.i_avcintra_class )
/* Write an empty filler NAL to mimic the AUD in the P2 format*/
x264_filler_write( h, &h->out.bs, 0 );
if( x264_nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + NALU_OVERHEAD;
/* All lengths are magic lengths that decoders expect to see */
/* "UMID" SEI */
x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );
if( x264_sei_avcintra_umid_write( h, &h->out.bs ) < 0 )
return -1;
if( x264_nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;
int unpadded_len;
int total_len;
if( h->param.i_height == 1080 )
unpadded_len = 5780;
total_len = 17*512;
unpadded_len = 2900;
total_len = 9*512;
/* "VANC" SEI */
x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );
if( x264_sei_avcintra_vanc_write( h, &h->out.bs, unpadded_len ) < 0 )
return -1;
if( x264_nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_padding = total_len - h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload - SEI_OVERHEAD;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_padding + SEI_OVERHEAD;
/* Init the rate control */
/* FIXME: Include slice header bit cost. */
x264_ratecontrol_start( h, h->fenc->i_qpplus1, overhead*8 );
i_global_qp = x264_ratecontrol_qp( h );
pic_out->i_qpplus1 =
h->fdec->i_qpplus1 = i_global_qp + 1;
if( h->param.rc.b_stat_read && h->sh.i_type != SLICE_TYPE_I )
x264_reference_build_list_optimal( h );
x264_reference_check_reorder( h );
if( h->i_ref[0] )
h->fdec->i_poc_l0ref0 = h->fref[0][0]->i_poc;
/* ------------------------ Create slice header
----------------------- */
//创建Slice Header
x264_slice_init( h, i_nal_type, i_global_qp );
/*------------------------- Weights -------------------------------------*/
if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_B )
x264_macroblock_bipred_init( h );
x264_weighted_pred_init( h );
if( i_nal_ref_idc != NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE )
/* Write frame */
h->i_threadslice_start = 0;
h->i_threadslice_end = h->mb.i_mb_height;
if( h->i_thread_frames > 1 )
x264_threadpool_run( h->threadpool, (void*)x264_slices_write, h );
h->b_thread_active = 1;
else if( h->param.b_sliced_threads )
if( x264_threaded_slices_write( h ) )
return -1;
if( (intptr_t)x264_slices_write( h ) )
return -1;
return x264_encoder_frame_end( thread_oldest, thread_current, pp_nal, pi_nal, pic_out );
(9)根据选项做一些配置:a)如果b_aud不为0,输出AUD类型NALUb)在当前帧是关键帧的情况下,如果b_repeat_headers不为0,调用x264_sps_write()和x264_pps_write()输出SPS和PPS。c)输出一些特殊的SEI信息,用于适配各种解码器。(10)调用x264_slice_init()初始化Slice Header信息。
x264_frame_t *x264_frame_pop_unused( x264_t *h, int b_fdec )
x264_frame_t *frame;
if( h->frames.unused[b_fdec][0] )//unused队列不为空
frame = x264_frame_pop( h->frames.unused[b_fdec] );//从unused队列取
frame = x264_frame_new( h, b_fdec );//分配一帧空间
if( !frame )
return NULL;
frame->b_last_minigop_bframe = 0;
frame->i_reference_count = 1;
frame->b_intra_calculated = 0;
frame->b_scenecut = 1;
frame->b_keyframe = 0;
frame->b_corrupt = 0;
frame->i_slice_count = h->param.b_sliced_threads ? h->param.i_threads : 1;
memset( frame->weight, 0, sizeof(frame->weight) );
memset( frame->f_weighted_cost_delta, 0, sizeof(frame->f_weighted_cost_delta) );
return frame;
x264_frame_t *x264_frame_pop( x264_frame_t **list )
x264_frame_t *frame;
int i = 0;
assert( list[0] );
while( list[i+1] ) i++;
frame = list[i];
list[i] = NULL;
return frame;
static x264_frame_t *x264_frame_new( x264_t *h, int b_fdec )
x264_frame_t *frame;
int i_csp = x264_frame_internal_csp( h->param.i_csp );
int i_mb_count = h->mb.i_mb_count;
int i_stride, i_width, i_lines, luma_plane_count;
int i_padv = PADV << PARAM_INTERLACED;
int align = 16;
#if ARCH_X86 || ARCH_X86_64
if( h->param.cpu&X264_CPU_CACHELINE_64 )
align = 64;
else if( h->param.cpu&X264_CPU_CACHELINE_32 || h->param.cpu&X264_CPU_AVX2 )
align = 32;
int disalign = 1<<9;
int disalign = 1<<10;
CHECKED_MALLOCZERO( frame, sizeof(x264_frame_t) );
/* allocate frame data (+64 for extra data for me) */
= h->mb.i_mb_width*16;
= h->mb.i_mb_height*16;
i_stride = align_stride( i_width + 2*PADH, align, disalign );
if( i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_NV16 )
luma_plane_count = 1;
frame->i_plane = 2;
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
frame->i_width[i] = i_width >> i;
frame->i_lines[i] = i_lines >> (i && i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12);
frame->i_stride[i] = i_stride;
else if( i_csp == X264_CSP_I444 )
luma_plane_count = 3;
frame->i_plane = 3;
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
frame->i_width[i] = i_width;
frame->i_lines[i] = i_lines;
frame->i_stride[i] = i_stride;
goto fail;
frame->i_csp = i_csp;
frame->i_width_lowres = frame->i_width[0]/2;
frame->i_lines_lowres = frame->i_lines[0]/2;
frame->i_stride_lowres = align_stride( frame->i_width_lowres + 2*PADH, align, disalign<<1 );
for( int i = 0; i < h->param.i_bframe + 2; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < h->param.i_bframe + 2; j++ )
PREALLOC( frame->i_row_satds[i][j], i_lines/16 * sizeof(int) );
frame->i_poc = -1;
frame->i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;
frame->i_qpplus1 = X264_QP_AUTO;
frame->i_pts = -1;
frame->i_frame = -1;
frame->i_frame_num = -1;
frame->i_lines_completed = -1;
frame->b_fdec = b_fdec;
frame->i_pic_struct = PIC_STRUCT_AUTO;
frame->i_field_cnt = -1;
frame->i_duration =
frame->i_cpb_duration =
frame->i_dpb_output_delay =
frame->i_cpb_delay = 0;
frame->i_coded_fields_lookahead =
frame->i_cpb_delay_lookahead = -1;
frame->orig = frame;
if( i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_NV16 )
int chroma_padv = i_padv >> (i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12);
int chroma_plane_size = (frame->i_stride[1] * (frame->i_lines[1] + 2*chroma_padv));
PREALLOC( frame->buffer[1], chroma_plane_size * sizeof(pixel) );
PREALLOC( frame->buffer_fld[1], chroma_plane_size * sizeof(pixel) );
/* all 4 luma planes allocated together, since the cacheline split code
* requires them to be in-phase wrt cacheline alignment. */
for( int p = 0; p < luma_plane_count; p++ )
int luma_plane_size = align_plane_size( frame->i_stride[p] * (frame->i_lines[p] + 2*i_padv), disalign );
if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine && b_fdec )
/* FIXME: Don't allocate both buffers in non-adaptive MBAFF. */
PREALLOC( frame->buffer[p], 4*luma_plane_size * sizeof(pixel) );
PREALLOC( frame->buffer_fld[p], 4*luma_plane_size * sizeof(pixel) );
PREALLOC( frame->buffer[p], luma_plane_size * sizeof(pixel) );
PREALLOC( frame->buffer_fld[p], luma_plane_size * sizeof(pixel) );
frame->b_duplicate = 0;
if( b_fdec ) /* fdec frame */
PREALLOC( frame->mb_type, i_mb_count * sizeof(int8_t) );
PREALLOC( frame->mb_partition, i_mb_count * sizeof(uint8_t) );
PREALLOC( frame->mv[0], 2*16 * i_mb_count * sizeof(int16_t) );
PREALLOC( frame->mv16x16, 2*(i_mb_count+1) * sizeof(int16_t) );
PREALLOC( frame->ref[0], 4 * i_mb_count * sizeof(int8_t) );
if( h->param.i_bframe )
PREALLOC( frame->mv[1], 2*16 * i_mb_count * sizeof(int16_t) );
PREALLOC( frame->ref[1], 4 * i_mb_count * sizeof(int8_t) );
frame->ref[1] = NULL;
PREALLOC( frame->i_row_bits, i_lines/16 * sizeof(int) );
PREALLOC( frame->f_row_qp, i_lines/16 * sizeof(float) );
PREALLOC( frame->f_row_qscale, i_lines/16 * sizeof(float) );
if( h->param.analyse.i_me_method >= X264_ME_ESA )
PREALLOC( frame->buffer[3], frame->i_stride[0] * (frame->i_lines[0] + 2*i_padv) * sizeof(uint16_t) << h->frames.b_have_sub8x8_esa );
PREALLOC( frame->field, i_mb_count * sizeof(uint8_t) );
if( h->param.analyse.b_mb_info )
PREALLOC( frame->effective_qp, i_mb_count * sizeof(uint8_t) );
else /* fenc frame */
if( h->frames.b_have_lowres )
int luma_plane_size = align_plane_size( frame->i_stride_lowres * (frame->i_lines[0]/2 + 2*PADV), disalign );
PREALLOC( frame->buffer_lowres[0], 4 * luma_plane_size * sizeof(pixel) );
for( int j = 0; j <= !!h->param.i_bframe; j++ )
for( int i = 0; i <= h->param.i_bframe; i++ )
PREALLOC( frame->lowres_mvs[j][i], 2*h->mb.i_mb_count*sizeof(int16_t) );
PREALLOC( frame->lowres_mv_costs[j][i], h->mb.i_mb_count*sizeof(int) );
PREALLOC( frame->i_propagate_cost, (i_mb_count+7) * sizeof(uint16_t) );
for( int j = 0; j <= h->param.i_bframe+1; j++ )
for( int i = 0; i <= h->param.i_bframe+1; i++ )
PREALLOC( frame->lowres_costs[j][i], (i_mb_count+3) * sizeof(uint16_t) );
if( h->param.rc.i_aq_mode )
PREALLOC( frame->f_qp_offset, h->mb.i_mb_count * sizeof(float) );
PREALLOC( frame->f_qp_offset_aq, h->mb.i_mb_count * sizeof(float) );
if( h->frames.b_have_lowres )
PREALLOC( frame->i_inv_qscale_factor, (h->mb.i_mb_count+3) * sizeof(uint16_t) );
PREALLOC_END( frame->base );
if( i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_NV16 )
int chroma_padv = i_padv >> (i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12);
frame->plane[1] = frame->buffer[1] + frame->i_stride[1] * chroma_padv + PADH;
frame->plane_fld[1] = frame->buffer_fld[1] + frame->i_stride[1] * chroma_padv + PADH;
for( int p = 0; p < luma_plane_count; p++ )
int luma_plane_size = align_plane_size( frame->i_stride[p] * (frame->i_lines[p] + 2*i_padv), disalign );
if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine && b_fdec )
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
frame->filtered[p][i] = frame->buffer[p] + i*luma_plane_size + frame->i_stride[p] * i_padv + PADH;
frame->filtered_fld[p][i] = frame->buffer_fld[p] + i*luma_plane_size + frame->i_stride[p] * i_padv + PADH;
frame->plane[p] = frame->filtered[p][0];
frame->plane_fld[p] = frame->filtered_fld[p][0];
frame->filtered[p][0] = frame->plane[p] = frame->buffer[p] + frame->i_stride[p] * i_padv + PADH;
frame->filtered_fld[p][0] = frame->plane_fld[p] = frame->buffer_fld[p] + frame->i_stride[p] * i_padv + PADH;
if( b_fdec )
M32( frame->mv16x16[0] ) = 0;
if( h->param.analyse.i_me_method >= X264_ME_ESA )
frame->integral = (uint16_t*)frame->buffer[3] + frame->i_stride[0] * i_padv + PADH;
if( h->frames.b_have_lowres )
int luma_plane_size = align_plane_size( frame->i_stride_lowres * (frame->i_lines[0]/2 + 2*PADV), disalign );
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
frame->lowres[i] = frame->buffer_lowres[0] + (frame->i_stride_lowres * PADV + PADH) + i * luma_plane_size;
for( int j = 0; j <= !!h->param.i_bframe; j++ )
for( int i = 0; i <= h->param.i_bframe; i++ )
memset( frame->lowres_mvs[j][i], 0, 2*h->mb.i_mb_count*sizeof(int16_t) );
frame->i_intra_cost = frame->lowres_costs[0][0];
memset( frame->i_intra_cost, -1, (i_mb_count+3) * sizeof(uint16_t) );
if( h->param.rc.i_aq_mode )
/* shouldn't really be initialized, just silences a valgrind false-positive in x264_mbtree_propagate_cost_sse2 */
memset( frame->i_inv_qscale_factor, 0, (h->mb.i_mb_count+3) * sizeof(uint16_t) );
if( x264_pthread_mutex_init( &frame->mutex, NULL ) )
goto fail;
if( x264_pthread_cond_init( &frame->cv, NULL ) )
goto fail;
frame->opencl.ocl = h->opencl.ocl;
return frame;
x264_free( frame );
return NULL;
static int x264_frame_internal_csp( int external_csp )
switch( external_csp & X264_CSP_MASK )
case X264_CSP_NV12:
case X264_CSP_I420:
case X264_CSP_YV12:
return X264_CSP_NV12;
case X264_CSP_NV16:
case X264_CSP_I422:
case X264_CSP_YV16:
case X264_CSP_V210:
return X264_CSP_NV16;
case X264_CSP_I444:
case X264_CSP_YV24:
case X264_CSP_BGR:
case X264_CSP_BGRA:
case X264_CSP_RGB:
return X264_CSP_I444;
return X264_CSP_NONE;
int x264_frame_copy_picture( x264_t *h, x264_frame_t *dst, x264_picture_t *src )
int i_csp = src->img.i_csp & X264_CSP_MASK;
if( dst->i_csp != x264_frame_internal_csp( i_csp ) )
x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid input colorspacen" );
return -1;
if( !(src->img.i_csp & X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH) )
x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "This build of x264 requires high depth input. Rebuild to support 8-bit input.n" );
return -1;
if( src->img.i_csp & X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH )
x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "This build of x264 requires 8-bit input. Rebuild to support high depth input.n" );
return -1;
if( BIT_DEPTH != 10 && i_csp == X264_CSP_V210 )
x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "v210 input is only compatible with bit-depth of 10 bitsn" );
return -1;
= src->i_type;
= src->i_qpplus1;
= dst->i_reordered_pts = src->i_pts;
= src->param;
dst->i_pic_struct = src->i_pic_struct;
= src->extra_sei;
= src->opaque;
= h->param.analyse.b_mb_info ? src->prop.mb_info : NULL;
dst->mb_info_free = h->param.analyse.b_mb_info ? src->prop.mb_info_free : NULL;
uint8_t *pix[3];
int stride[3];
if( i_csp == X264_CSP_V210 )
stride[0] = src->img.i_stride[0];
pix[0] = src->img.plane[0];
h->mc.plane_copy_deinterleave_v210( dst->plane[0], dst->i_stride[0],
dst->plane[1], dst->i_stride[1],
(uint32_t *)pix[0], stride[0]/sizeof(uint32_t), h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height );
else if( i_csp >= X264_CSP_BGR )
stride[0] = src->img.i_stride[0];
pix[0] = src->img.plane[0];
if( src->img.i_csp & X264_CSP_VFLIP )
pix[0] += (h->param.i_height-1) * stride[0];
stride[0] = -stride[0];
int b = i_csp==X264_CSP_RGB;
h->mc.plane_copy_deinterleave_rgb( dst->plane[1+b], dst->i_stride[1+b],
dst->plane[0], dst->i_stride[0],
dst->plane[2-b], dst->i_stride[2-b],
(pixel*)pix[0], stride[0]/sizeof(pixel), i_csp==X264_CSP_BGRA ? 4 : 3, h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height );
int v_shift = CHROMA_V_SHIFT;
get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[0], &stride[0], 0, 0, 0 );
h->mc.plane_copy( dst->plane[0], dst->i_stride[0], (pixel*)pix[0],
stride[0]/sizeof(pixel), h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height );
if( i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_NV16 )
get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[1], &stride[1], 1, 0, v_shift );
h->mc.plane_copy( dst->plane[1], dst->i_stride[1], (pixel*)pix[1],
stride[1]/sizeof(pixel), h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height>>v_shift );
else if( i_csp == X264_CSP_I420 || i_csp == X264_CSP_I422 || i_csp == X264_CSP_YV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_YV16 )
int uv_swap = i_csp == X264_CSP_YV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_YV16;
get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[1], &stride[1], uv_swap ? 2 : 1, 1, v_shift );
get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[2], &stride[2], uv_swap ? 1 : 2, 1, v_shift );
h->mc.plane_copy_interleave( dst->plane[1], dst->i_stride[1],
(pixel*)pix[1], stride[1]/sizeof(pixel),
(pixel*)pix[2], stride[2]/sizeof(pixel),
h->param.i_width>>1, h->param.i_height>>v_shift );
else //if( i_csp == X264_CSP_I444 || i_csp == X264_CSP_YV24 )
get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[1], &stride[1], i_csp==X264_CSP_I444 ? 1 : 2, 0, 0 );
get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[2], &stride[2], i_csp==X264_CSP_I444 ? 2 : 1, 0, 0 );
h->mc.plane_copy( dst->plane[1], dst->i_stride[1], (pixel*)pix[1],
stride[1]/sizeof(pixel), h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height );
h->mc.plane_copy( dst->plane[2], dst->i_stride[2], (pixel*)pix[2],
stride[2]/sizeof(pixel), h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height );
return 0;
void x264_lookahead_put_frame( x264_t *h, x264_frame_t *frame )
if( h->param.i_sync_lookahead )
x264_sync_frame_list_push( &h->lookahead->ifbuf, frame );
x264_sync_frame_list_push( &h->lookahead->next, frame );//放入next队列
x264_sync_frame_list_push()用于向x264_sync_frame_list_t类型的队列中放入一个帧。该函数的定义位于commonframe.c,如下所示。void x264_sync_frame_list_push( x264_sync_frame_list_t *slist, x264_frame_t *frame )
x264_pthread_mutex_lock( &slist->mutex );
while( slist->i_size == slist->i_max_size )
x264_pthread_cond_wait( &slist->cv_empty, &slist->mutex );
slist->list[ slist->i_size++ ] = frame;
x264_pthread_mutex_unlock( &slist->mutex );
x264_pthread_cond_broadcast( &slist->cv_fill );
void x264_lookahead_get_frames( x264_t *h )
if( h->param.i_sync_lookahead )
/* We have a lookahead thread, so get frames from there */
x264_pthread_mutex_lock( &h->lookahead->ofbuf.mutex );
while( !h->lookahead->ofbuf.i_size && h->lookahead->b_thread_active )
x264_pthread_cond_wait( &h->lookahead->ofbuf.cv_fill, &h->lookahead->ofbuf.mutex );
x264_lookahead_encoder_shift( h );
x264_pthread_mutex_unlock( &h->lookahead->ofbuf.mutex );
/* We are not running a lookahead thread, so perform all the slicetype decide on the fly */
if( h->frames.current[0] || !h->lookahead->next.i_size )
x264_stack_align( x264_slicetype_decide, h );
x264_lookahead_update_last_nonb( h, h->lookahead->next.list[0] );
int shift_frames = h->lookahead->next.list[0]->i_bframes + 1;
x264_lookahead_shift( &h->lookahead->ofbuf, &h->lookahead->next, shift_frames );
/* For MB-tree and VBV lookahead, we have to perform propagation analysis on I-frames too. */
if( h->lookahead->b_analyse_keyframe && IS_X264_TYPE_I( h->lookahead->last_nonb->i_type ) )
x264_stack_align( x264_slicetype_analyse, h, shift_frames );
x264_lookahead_encoder_shift( h );
void x264_slicetype_decide( x264_t *h )
x264_frame_t *frames[X264_BFRAME_MAX+2];
x264_frame_t *frm;
int bframes;
int brefs;
if( !h->lookahead->next.i_size )
int lookahead_size = h->lookahead->next.i_size;
for( int i = 0; i < h->lookahead->next.i_size; i++ )
if( h->param.b_vfr_input )
if( lookahead_size-- > 1 )
h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration = 2 * (h->lookahead->next.list[i+1]->i_pts - h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_pts);
h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration = h->i_prev_duration;
h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration = delta_tfi_divisor[h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_pic_struct];
h->i_prev_duration = h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration;
h->lookahead->next.list[i]->f_duration = (double)h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration
* h->sps->vui.i_num_units_in_tick
/ h->sps->vui.i_time_scale;
if( h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_frame > h->i_disp_fields_last_frame && lookahead_size > 0 )
h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_field_cnt = h->i_disp_fields;
h->i_disp_fields += h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration;
h->i_disp_fields_last_frame = h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_frame;
else if( lookahead_size == 0 )
h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_field_cnt = h->i_disp_fields;
h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration = h->i_prev_duration;
if( h->param.rc.b_stat_read )
/* Use the frame types from the first pass */
for( int i = 0; i < h->lookahead->next.i_size; i++ )
h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_type =
x264_ratecontrol_slice_type( h, h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_frame );
else if( (h->param.i_bframe && h->param.i_bframe_adaptive)
|| h->param.i_scenecut_threshold
|| h->param.rc.b_mb_tree
|| (h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size && h->param.rc.i_lookahead) )
x264_slicetype_analyse( h, 0 );//分析帧的类型(I、B、P)
for( bframes = 0, brefs = 0;; bframes++ )
frm = h->lookahead->next.list[bframes];
if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF && h->param.i_bframe_pyramid < X264_B_PYRAMID_NORMAL &&
brefs == h->param.i_bframe_pyramid )
frm->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;
x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "B-ref at frame %d incompatible with B-pyramid %s n",
frm->i_frame, x264_b_pyramid_names[h->param.i_bframe_pyramid] );
/* pyramid with multiple B-refs needs a big enough dpb that the preceding P-frame stays available.
smaller dpb could be supported by smart enough use of mmco, but it's easier just to forbid it. */
else if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF && h->param.i_bframe_pyramid == X264_B_PYRAMID_NORMAL &&
brefs && h->param.i_frame_reference <= (brefs+3) )
frm->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;
x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "B-ref at frame %d incompatible with B-pyramid %s and %d reference framesn",
frm->i_frame, x264_b_pyramid_names[h->param.i_bframe_pyramid], h->param.i_frame_reference );
if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_KEYFRAME )
frm->i_type = h->param.b_open_gop ? X264_TYPE_I : X264_TYPE_IDR;
/* Limit GOP size */
if( (!h->param.b_intra_refresh || frm->i_frame == 0) && frm->i_frame - h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe >= h->param.i_keyint_max )
if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_AUTO || frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_I )
frm->i_type = h->param.b_open_gop && h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe >= 0 ? X264_TYPE_I : X264_TYPE_IDR;
int warn = frm->i_type != X264_TYPE_IDR;
if( warn && h->param.b_open_gop )
warn &= frm->i_type != X264_TYPE_I;
if( warn )
x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "specified frame type (%d) at %d is not compatible with keyframe intervaln", frm->i_type, frm->i_frame );
frm->i_type = h->param.b_open_gop && h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe >= 0 ? X264_TYPE_I : X264_TYPE_IDR;
if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_I && frm->i_frame - h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe >= h->param.i_keyint_min )
if( h->param.b_open_gop )
h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe = frm->i_frame; // Use display order
if( h->param.b_bluray_compat )
h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe -= bframes; // Use bluray order
frm->b_keyframe = 1;
frm->i_type = X264_TYPE_IDR;
if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_IDR )
/* Close GOP */
h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe = frm->i_frame;
frm->b_keyframe = 1;
if( bframes > 0 )
h->lookahead->next.list[bframes]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
if( bframes == h->param.i_bframe ||
!h->lookahead->next.list[bframes+1] )
if( IS_X264_TYPE_B( frm->i_type ) )
x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "specified frame type is not compatible with max B-framesn" );
if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_AUTO
|| IS_X264_TYPE_B( frm->i_type ) )
frm->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF )
if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_AUTO )
frm->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;
else if( !IS_X264_TYPE_B( frm->i_type ) ) break;
if( bframes )
h->lookahead->next.list[bframes-1]->b_last_minigop_bframe = 1;
h->lookahead->next.list[bframes]->i_bframes = bframes;
/* insert a bref into the sequence */
if( h->param.i_bframe_pyramid && bframes > 1 && !brefs )
h->lookahead->next.list[bframes/2]->i_type = X264_TYPE_BREF;
/* calculate the frame costs ahead of time for x264_rc_analyse_slice while we still have lowres */
if( h->param.rc.i_rc_method != X264_RC_CQP )
x264_mb_analysis_t a;
int p0, p1, b;
p1 = b = bframes + 1;
x264_lowres_context_init( h, &a );
frames[0] = h->lookahead->last_nonb;
memcpy( &frames[1], h->lookahead->next.list, (bframes+1) * sizeof(x264_frame_t*) );
if( IS_X264_TYPE_I( h->lookahead->next.list[bframes]->i_type ) )
p0 = bframes + 1;
else // P
p0 = 0;
x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, p0, p1, b, 0 );
if( (p0 != p1 || bframes) && h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size )
/* We need the intra costs for row SATDs. */
x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, b, b, b, 0 );
/* We need B-frame costs for row SATDs. */
p0 = 0;
for( b = 1; b <= bframes; b++ )
if( frames[b]->i_type == X264_TYPE_B )
for( p1 = b; frames[p1]->i_type == X264_TYPE_B; )
p1 = bframes + 1;
x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, p0, p1, b, 0 );
if( frames[b]->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF )
p0 = b;
/* Analyse for weighted P frames */
if( !h->param.rc.b_stat_read && h->lookahead->next.list[bframes]->i_type == X264_TYPE_P
&& h->param.analyse.i_weighted_pred >= X264_WEIGHTP_SIMPLE )
x264_weights_analyse( h, h->lookahead->next.list[bframes], h->lookahead->last_nonb, 0 );
/* shift sequence to coded order.
use a small temporary list to avoid shifting the entire next buffer around */
int i_coded = h->lookahead->next.list[0]->i_frame;
if( bframes )
int idx_list[] = { brefs+1, 1 };
for( int i = 0; i < bframes; i++ )
int idx = idx_list[h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF]++;
frames[idx] = h->lookahead->next.list[i];
frames[idx]->i_reordered_pts = h->lookahead->next.list[idx]->i_pts;
frames[0] = h->lookahead->next.list[bframes];
frames[0]->i_reordered_pts = h->lookahead->next.list[0]->i_pts;
memcpy( h->lookahead->next.list, frames, (bframes+1) * sizeof(x264_frame_t*) );
for( int i = 0; i <= bframes; i++ )
h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_coded = i_coded++;
if( i )
x264_calculate_durations( h, h->lookahead->next.list[i], h->lookahead->next.list[i-1], &h->i_cpb_delay, &h->i_coded_fields );
h->lookahead->next.list[0]->f_planned_cpb_duration[i-1] = (double)h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_cpb_duration *
h->sps->vui.i_num_units_in_tick / h->sps->vui.i_time_scale;
x264_calculate_durations( h, h->lookahead->next.list[i], NULL, &h->i_cpb_delay, &h->i_coded_fields );
void x264_slicetype_analyse( x264_t *h, int intra_minigop )
x264_mb_analysis_t a;
x264_frame_t *frames[X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX+3] = { NULL, };
int num_frames, orig_num_frames, keyint_limit, framecnt;
int i_mb_count = NUM_MBS;
int cost1p0, cost2p0, cost1b1, cost2p1;
// 确定最大的搜索长度
// 在我的调试当中, h->lookahead->next.i_size = 4
int i_max_search = X264_MIN( h->lookahead->next.i_size, X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX );
int vbv_lookahead = h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size && h->param.rc.i_lookahead;
/* For determinism we should limit the search to the number of frames lookahead has for sure
* in h->lookahead->next.list buffer, except at the end of stream.
* For normal calls with (intra_minigop == 0) that is h->lookahead->i_slicetype_length + 1 frames.
* And for I-frame calls (intra_minigop != 0) we already removed intra_minigop frames from there. */
if( h->param.b_deterministic )
i_max_search = X264_MIN( i_max_search, h->lookahead->i_slicetype_length + 1 - intra_minigop );
int keyframe = !!intra_minigop;
assert( h->frames.b_have_lowres );
if( !h->lookahead->last_nonb )
frames[0] = h->lookahead->last_nonb;
//frames[] 依次指向 lookahead->next链表中的帧
for( framecnt = 0; framecnt < i_max_search && h->lookahead->next.list[framecnt]->i_type == X264_TYPE_AUTO; framecnt++ )
frames[framecnt+1] = h->lookahead->next.list[framecnt];
x264_lowres_context_init( h, &a );
if( !framecnt )
if( h->param.rc.b_mb_tree )
x264_macroblock_tree( h, &a, frames, 0, keyframe );
keyint_limit = h->param.i_keyint_max - frames[0]->i_frame + h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe - 1;
orig_num_frames = num_frames = h->param.b_intra_refresh ? framecnt : X264_MIN( framecnt, keyint_limit );
/* This is important psy-wise: if we have a non-scenecut keyframe,
* there will be significant visual artifacts if the frames just before
* go down in quality due to being referenced less, despite it being
* more RD-optimal. */
if( (h->param.analyse.b_psy && h->param.rc.b_mb_tree) || vbv_lookahead )
num_frames = framecnt;
else if( h->param.b_open_gop && num_frames < framecnt )
else if( num_frames == 0 )
frames[1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_I;
int num_bframes = 0;
int num_analysed_frames = num_frames;
int reset_start;
if( h->param.i_scenecut_threshold && scenecut( h, &a, frames, 0, 1, 1, orig_num_frames, i_max_search ) )
frames[1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_I;
x264_opencl_slicetype_prep( h, frames, num_frames, a.i_lambda );
if( h->param.i_bframe )
if( h->param.i_bframe_adaptive == X264_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS )
if( num_frames > 1 )
char best_paths[X264_BFRAME_MAX+1][X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX+1] = {"","P"};
int best_path_index = num_frames % (X264_BFRAME_MAX+1);
/* Perform the frametype analysis. */
for( int j = 2; j <= num_frames; j++ )
x264_slicetype_path( h, &a, frames, j, best_paths );
num_bframes = strspn( best_paths[best_path_index], "B" );
/* Load the results of the analysis into the frame types. */
for( int j = 1; j < num_frames; j++ )
frames[j]->i_type = best_paths[best_path_index][j-1] == 'B' ? X264_TYPE_B : X264_TYPE_P;
frames[num_frames]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
else if( h->param.i_bframe_adaptive == X264_B_ADAPT_FAST )
for( int i = 0; i <= num_frames-2; )
cost2p1 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, i+2, i+2, 1 );
if( frames[i+2]->i_intra_mbs[2] > i_mb_count / 2 )
frames[i+1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
frames[i+2]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
i += 2;
if( h->param.b_opencl )
int b_work_done = 0;
b_work_done |= x264_opencl_precalculate_frame_cost(h, frames, a.i_lambda, i+0, i+2, i+1 );
b_work_done |= x264_opencl_precalculate_frame_cost(h, frames, a.i_lambda, i+0, i+1, i+1 );
b_work_done |= x264_opencl_precalculate_frame_cost(h, frames, a.i_lambda, i+1, i+2, i+2 );
if( b_work_done )
x264_opencl_flush( h );
//p0 b p1
// i + 1 作为B帧编码的代价
cost1b1 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, i+2, i+1, 0 );
// i + 1 作为P帧编码的代价
cost1p0 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, i+1, i+1, 0 );
// i + 2 作为P帧编码的代价
cost2p0 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+1, i+2, i+2, 0 );
//如果i+1作为P帧编码的代价 + i+2作为P帧编码的代价
//小于 i+1作为B帧编码的代价
+ i+2作为P帧编码的代价
if( cost1p0 + cost2p0 < cost1b1 + cost2p1 )
frames[i+1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
i += 1;
// arbitrary and untuned
#define INTER_THRESH 300
#define P_SENS_BIAS (50 - h->param.i_bframe_bias)
// i+1 将作为B帧编码
frames[i+1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;
int j;
for( j = i+2; j <= X264_MIN( i+h->param.i_bframe, num_frames-1 ); j++ )
int pthresh = X264_MAX(INTER_THRESH - P_SENS_BIAS * (j-i-1), INTER_THRESH/10);
// 预测j+1作为P帧编码代价
int pcost = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, j+1, j+1, 1 );
// 如果pcost 满足下述条件, 则确定了一个P帧,跳出循环
if( pcost > pthresh*i_mb_count || frames[j+1]->i_intra_mbs[j-i+1] > i_mb_count/3 )
// 否则就是B帧
frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;
// 将j帧确定为P帧
frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
i = j;
// 最后一帧确定为P帧
frames[num_frames]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
num_bframes = 0;
// 确定有多少个B帧
while( num_bframes < num_frames && frames[num_bframes+1]->i_type == X264_TYPE_B )
// 确定多少B帧
num_bframes = X264_MIN(num_frames-1, h->param.i_bframe);
// 每num_bframes + 1一个P帧, 其余皆为B帧
for( int j = 1; j < num_frames; j++ )
frames[j]->i_type = (j%(num_bframes+1)) ? X264_TYPE_B : X264_TYPE_P;
// 最后一帧为P帧
frames[num_frames]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
/* Check scenecut on the first minigop. */
// 如果B帧中, 有帧有场景切换, 则改变其为P帧
for( int j = 1; j < num_bframes+1; j++ )
if( h->param.i_scenecut_threshold && scenecut( h, &a, frames, j, j+1, 0, orig_num_frames, i_max_search ) )
frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
num_analysed_frames = j;
reset_start = keyframe ? 1 : X264_MIN( num_bframes+2, num_analysed_frames+1 );
//h->param.i_bframe为 0
for( int j = 1; j <= num_frames; j++ )
frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
reset_start = !keyframe + 1;
num_bframes = 0;
/* Perform the actual macroblock tree analysis.
* Don't go farther than the maximum keyframe interval; this helps in short GOPs. */
if( h->param.rc.b_mb_tree )
x264_macroblock_tree( h, &a, frames, X264_MIN(num_frames, h->param.i_keyint_max), keyframe );
/* Enforce keyframe limit. */
if( !h->param.b_intra_refresh )
for( int i = keyint_limit+1; i <= num_frames; i += h->param.i_keyint_max )
frames[i]->i_type = X264_TYPE_I;
reset_start = X264_MIN( reset_start, i+1 );
if( h->param.b_open_gop && h->param.b_bluray_compat )
while( IS_X264_TYPE_B( frames[i-1]->i_type ) )
if( vbv_lookahead )
x264_vbv_lookahead( h, &a, frames, num_frames, keyframe );
/* Restore frametypes for all frames that haven't actually been decided yet. */
for( int j = reset_start; j <= num_frames; j++ )
frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;
x264_opencl_slicetype_end( h );
// p0 b p1
static int x264_slicetype_frame_cost( x264_t *h, x264_mb_analysis_t *a,
x264_frame_t **frames, int p0, int p1, int b,
int b_intra_penalty )
int i_score = 0;
int do_search[2];
const x264_weight_t *w = x264_weight_none;
x264_frame_t *fenc = frames[b];
/* Check whether we already evaluated this frame
* If we have tried this frame as P, then we have also tried
* the preceding frames as B. (is this still true?) */
/* Also check that we already calculated the row SATDs for the current frame. */
if( fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b] >= 0 && (!h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size || fenc->i_row_satds[b-p0][p1-b][0] != -1) )
i_score = fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b];
int dist_scale_factor = 128;
/* For each list, check to see whether we have lowres motion-searched this reference frame before. */
do_search[0] = b != p0 && fenc->lowres_mvs[0][b-p0-1][0][0] == 0x7FFF;
do_search[1] = b != p1 && fenc->lowres_mvs[1][p1-b-1][0][0] == 0x7FFF;
if( do_search[0] )
if( h->param.analyse.i_weighted_pred && b == p1 )
x264_weights_analyse( h, fenc, frames[p0], 1 );
w = fenc->weight[0];
fenc->lowres_mvs[0][b-p0-1][0][0] = 0;
if( do_search[1] ) fenc->lowres_mvs[1][p1-b-1][0][0] = 0;
if( p1 != p0 )
dist_scale_factor = ( ((b-p0) << 8) + ((p1-p0) >> 1) ) / (p1-p0);
int output_buf_size = h->mb.i_mb_height + (NUM_INTS + PAD_SIZE) * h->param.i_lookahead_threads;
int *output_inter[X264_LOOKAHEAD_THREAD_MAX+1];
int *output_intra[X264_LOOKAHEAD_THREAD_MAX+1];
output_inter[0] = h->scratch_buffer2;
output_intra[0] = output_inter[0] + output_buf_size;
if( h->param.b_opencl )
x264_opencl_lowres_init(h, fenc, a->i_lambda );
if( do_search[0] )
x264_opencl_lowres_init( h, frames[p0], a->i_lambda );
x264_opencl_motionsearch( h, frames, b, p0, 0, a->i_lambda, w );
if( do_search[1] )
x264_opencl_lowres_init( h, frames[p1], a->i_lambda );
x264_opencl_motionsearch( h, frames, b, p1, 1, a->i_lambda, NULL );
if( b != p0 )
x264_opencl_finalize_cost( h, a->i_lambda, frames, p0, p1, b, dist_scale_factor );
x264_opencl_flush( h );
i_score = fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b];
if( h->param.i_lookahead_threads > 1 )
x264_slicetype_slice_t s[X264_LOOKAHEAD_THREAD_MAX];
for( int i = 0; i < h->param.i_lookahead_threads; i++ )
x264_t *t = h->lookahead_thread[i];
/* FIXME move this somewhere else */
t->mb.i_me_method = h->mb.i_me_method;
t->mb.i_subpel_refine = h->mb.i_subpel_refine;
t->mb.b_chroma_me = h->mb.b_chroma_me;
s[i] = (x264_slicetype_slice_t){ t, a, frames, p0, p1, b, dist_scale_factor, do_search, w,
output_inter[i], output_intra[i] };
t->i_threadslice_start = ((h->mb.i_mb_height *
+ h->param.i_lookahead_threads/2) / h->param.i_lookahead_threads);
= ((h->mb.i_mb_height * (i+1) + h->param.i_lookahead_threads/2) / h->param.i_lookahead_threads);
int thread_height = t->i_threadslice_end - t->i_threadslice_start;
int thread_output_size = thread_height + NUM_INTS;
memset( output_inter[i], 0, thread_output_size * sizeof(int) );
memset( output_intra[i], 0, thread_output_size * sizeof(int) );
output_inter[i][NUM_ROWS] = output_intra[i][NUM_ROWS] = thread_height;
output_inter[i+1] = output_inter[i] + thread_output_size + PAD_SIZE;
output_intra[i+1] = output_intra[i] + thread_output_size + PAD_SIZE;
x264_threadpool_run( h->lookaheadpool, (void*)x264_slicetype_slice_cost, &s[i] );
for( int i = 0; i < h->param.i_lookahead_threads; i++ )
x264_threadpool_wait( h->lookaheadpool, &s[i] );
h->i_threadslice_start = 0;
h->i_threadslice_end = h->mb.i_mb_height;
memset( output_inter[0], 0, (output_buf_size - PAD_SIZE) * sizeof(int) );
memset( output_intra[0], 0, (output_buf_size - PAD_SIZE) * sizeof(int) );
output_inter[0][NUM_ROWS] = output_intra[0][NUM_ROWS] = h->mb.i_mb_height;
x264_slicetype_slice_t s = (x264_slicetype_slice_t){ h, a, frames, p0, p1, b, dist_scale_factor, do_search, w,
output_inter[0], output_intra[0] };
x264_slicetype_slice_cost( &s );
/* Sum up accumulators */
if( b == p1 )
fenc->i_intra_mbs[b-p0] = 0;
if( !fenc->b_intra_calculated )
fenc->i_cost_est[0][0] = 0;
fenc->i_cost_est_aq[0][0] = 0;
fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b] = 0;
fenc->i_cost_est_aq[b-p0][p1-b] = 0;
int *row_satd_inter = fenc->i_row_satds[b-p0][p1-b];
int *row_satd_intra = fenc->i_row_satds[0][0];
for( int i = 0; i < h->param.i_lookahead_threads; i++ )
if( b == p1 )
fenc->i_intra_mbs[b-p0] += output_inter[i][INTRA_MBS];
if( !fenc->b_intra_calculated )
fenc->i_cost_est[0][0] += output_intra[i][COST_EST];
fenc->i_cost_est_aq[0][0] += output_intra[i][COST_EST_AQ];
fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b] += output_inter[i][COST_EST];
fenc->i_cost_est_aq[b-p0][p1-b] += output_inter[i][COST_EST_AQ];
if( h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size )
int row_count = output_inter[i][NUM_ROWS];
memcpy( row_satd_inter, output_inter[i] + NUM_INTS, row_count * sizeof(int) );
if( !fenc->b_intra_calculated )
memcpy( row_satd_intra, output_intra[i] + NUM_INTS, row_count * sizeof(int) );
row_satd_inter += row_count;
row_satd_intra += row_count;
i_score = fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b];
if( b != p1 )//B帧
i_score = (uint64_t)i_score * 100 / (120 + h->param.i_bframe_bias);
fenc->b_intra_calculated = 1;
fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b] = i_score;
if( b_intra_penalty )
// arbitrary penalty for I-blocks after B-frames
int nmb = NUM_MBS;
i_score += (uint64_t)i_score * fenc->i_intra_mbs[b-p0] / (nmb * 8);
return i_score;
static void x264_slicetype_slice_cost( x264_slicetype_slice_t *s )
x264_t *h = s->h;
/* Lowres lookahead goes backwards because the MVs are used as predictors in the main encode.
* This considerably improves MV prediction overall. */
/* The edge mbs seem to reduce the predictive quality of the
* whole frame's score, but are needed for a spatial distribution. */
int do_edges = h->param.rc.b_mb_tree || h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size || h->mb.i_mb_width <= 2 || h->mb.i_mb_height <= 2;
int start_y = X264_MIN( h->i_threadslice_end - 1, h->mb.i_mb_height - 2 + do_edges );
int end_y = X264_MAX( h->i_threadslice_start, 1 - do_edges );
int start_x = h->mb.i_mb_width - 2 + do_edges;
int end_x = 1 - do_edges;
for( h->mb.i_mb_y = start_y; h->mb.i_mb_y >= end_y; h->mb.i_mb_y-- )
for( h->mb.i_mb_x = start_x; h->mb.i_mb_x >= end_x; h->mb.i_mb_x-- )
x264_slicetype_mb_cost( h, s->a, s->frames, s->p0, s->p1, s->b, s->dist_scale_factor,
s->do_search, s->w, s->output_inter, s->output_intra );
static void x264_slicetype_mb_cost( x264_t *h, x264_mb_analysis_t *a,
x264_frame_t **frames, int p0, int p1, int b,
int dist_scale_factor, int do_search[2], const x264_weight_t *w,
int *output_inter, int *output_intra )
x264_frame_t *fref0 = frames[p0];
x264_frame_t *fref1 = frames[p1];
x264_frame_t *fenc
= frames[b];
const int b_bidir = (b < p1);
const int i_mb_x = h->mb.i_mb_x;
const int i_mb_y = h->mb.i_mb_y;
const int i_mb_stride = h->mb.i_mb_width;
const int i_mb_xy = i_mb_x + i_mb_y * i_mb_stride;
const int i_stride = fenc->i_stride_lowres;
const int i_pel_offset = 8 * (i_mb_x + i_mb_y * i_stride);
const int i_bipred_weight = h->param.analyse.b_weighted_bipred ? 64 - (dist_scale_factor>>2) : 32;
int16_t (*fenc_mvs[2])[2] = { &fenc->lowres_mvs[0][b-p0-1][i_mb_xy], &fenc->lowres_mvs[1][p1-b-1][i_mb_xy] };
int (*fenc_costs[2]) = { &fenc->lowres_mv_costs[0][b-p0-1][i_mb_xy], &fenc->lowres_mv_costs[1][p1-b-1][i_mb_xy] };
int b_frame_score_mb = (i_mb_x > 0 && i_mb_x < h->mb.i_mb_width - 1 &&
i_mb_y > 0 && i_mb_y < h->mb.i_mb_height - 1) ||
h->mb.i_mb_width <= 2 || h->mb.i_mb_height <= 2;
ALIGNED_ARRAY_16( pixel, pix1,[9*FDEC_STRIDE] );
pixel *pix2 = pix1+8;
x264_me_t m[2];
int i_bcost = COST_MAX;
int list_used = 0;
/* A small, arbitrary bias to avoid VBV problems caused by zero-residual lookahead blocks. */
int lowres_penalty = 4;
h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0] = h->mb.pic.fenc_buf;
h->mc.copy[PIXEL_8x8]( h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE, &fenc->lowres[0][i_pel_offset], i_stride, 8 );
if( p0 == p1 )
goto lowres_intra_mb;
// no need for h->mb.mv_min[]
h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[0][0] = -8*h->mb.i_mb_x - 4;
h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[1][0] = 8*( h->mb.i_mb_width - h->mb.i_mb_x - 1 ) + 4;
h->mb.mv_min_spel[0] = 4*( h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[0][0] - 8 );
h->mb.mv_max_spel[0] = 4*( h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[1][0] + 8 );
if( h->mb.i_mb_x >= h->mb.i_mb_width - 2 )
h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[0][1] = -8*h->mb.i_mb_y - 4;
h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[1][1] = 8*( h->mb.i_mb_height - h->mb.i_mb_y - 1 ) + 4;
h->mb.mv_min_spel[1] = 4*( h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[0][1] - 8 );
h->mb.mv_max_spel[1] = 4*( h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[1][1] + 8 );
#define LOAD_HPELS_LUMA(dst, src)
(dst)[0] = &(src)[0][i_pel_offset];
(dst)[1] = &(src)[1][i_pel_offset];
(dst)[2] = &(src)[2][i_pel_offset];
(dst)[3] = &(src)[3][i_pel_offset];
#define LOAD_WPELS_LUMA(dst,src)
(dst) = &(src)[i_pel_offset];
#define CLIP_MV( mv )
mv[0] = x264_clip3( mv[0], h->mb.mv_min_spel[0], h->mb.mv_max_spel[0] );
mv[1] = x264_clip3( mv[1], h->mb.mv_min_spel[1], h->mb.mv_max_spel[1] );
#define TRY_BIDIR( mv0, mv1, penalty )
int i_cost;
if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine <= 1 )
int hpel_idx1 = (((mv0)[0]&2)>>1) + ((mv0)[1]&2);
int hpel_idx2 = (((mv1)[0]&2)>>1) + ((mv1)[1]&2);
pixel *src1 = m[0].p_fref[hpel_idx1] + ((mv0)[0]>>2) + ((mv0)[1]>>2) * m[0].i_stride[0];
pixel *src2 = m[1].p_fref[hpel_idx2] + ((mv1)[0]>>2) + ((mv1)[1]>>2) * m[1].i_stride[0];
h->mc.avg[PIXEL_8x8]( pix1, 16, src1, m[0].i_stride[0], src2, m[1].i_stride[0], i_bipred_weight );
intptr_t stride1 = 16, stride2 = 16;
pixel *src1, *src2;
src1 = h->mc.get_ref( pix1, &stride1, m[0].p_fref, m[0].i_stride[0],
(mv0)[0], (mv0)[1], 8, 8, w );
src2 = h->mc.get_ref( pix2, &stride2, m[1].p_fref, m[1].i_stride[0],
(mv1)[0], (mv1)[1], 8, 8, w );
h->mc.avg[PIXEL_8x8]( pix1, 16, src1, stride1, src2, stride2, i_bipred_weight );
i_cost = penalty * a->i_lambda + h->pixf.mbcmp[PIXEL_8x8](
m[0].p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE, pix1, 16 );
COPY2_IF_LT( i_bcost, i_cost, list_used, 3 );
m[0].i_pixel = PIXEL_8x8;
m[0].p_cost_mv = a->p_cost_mv;
m[0].i_stride[0] = i_stride;
m[0].p_fenc[0] = h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0];
m[0].weight = w;
m[0].i_ref = 0;
LOAD_HPELS_LUMA( m[0].p_fref, fref0->lowres );
m[0].p_fref_w = m[0].p_fref[0];
if( w[0].weightfn )
LOAD_WPELS_LUMA( m[0].p_fref_w, fenc->weighted[0] );
if( b_bidir )
int16_t *mvr = fref1->lowres_mvs[0][p1-p0-1][i_mb_xy];
ALIGNED_ARRAY_8( int16_t, dmv,[2],[2] );
m[1].i_pixel = PIXEL_8x8;
m[1].p_cost_mv = a->p_cost_mv;
m[1].i_stride[0] = i_stride;
m[1].p_fenc[0] = h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0];
m[1].i_ref = 0;
m[1].weight = x264_weight_none;
LOAD_HPELS_LUMA( m[1].p_fref, fref1->lowres );
m[1].p_fref_w = m[1].p_fref[0];
dmv[0][0] = ( mvr[0] * dist_scale_factor + 128 ) >> 8;
dmv[0][1] = ( mvr[1] * dist_scale_factor + 128 ) >> 8;
dmv[1][0] = dmv[0][0] - mvr[0];
dmv[1][1] = dmv[0][1] - mvr[1];
CLIP_MV( dmv[0] );
CLIP_MV( dmv[1] );
if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine <= 1 )
M64( dmv ) &= ~0x0001000100010001ULL; /* mv & ~1 */
TRY_BIDIR( dmv[0], dmv[1], 0 );
if( M64( dmv ) )
int i_cost;
h->mc.avg[PIXEL_8x8]( pix1, 16, m[0].p_fref[0], m[0].i_stride[0], m[1].p_fref[0], m[1].i_stride[0], i_bipred_weight );
i_cost = h->pixf.mbcmp[PIXEL_8x8]( m[0].p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE, pix1, 16 );
COPY2_IF_LT( i_bcost, i_cost, list_used, 3 );
for( int l = 0; l < 1 + b_bidir; l++ )
if( do_search[l] )
int i_mvc = 0;
int16_t (*fenc_mv)[2] = fenc_mvs[l];
ALIGNED_4( int16_t mvc[4][2] );
/* Reverse-order MV prediction. */
M32( mvc[0] ) = 0;
M32( mvc[2] ) = 0;
#define MVC(mv) { CP32( mvc[i_mvc], mv ); i_mvc++; }
if( i_mb_x < h->mb.i_mb_width - 1 )
MVC( fenc_mv[1] );
if( i_mb_y < h->i_threadslice_end - 1 )
MVC( fenc_mv[i_mb_stride] );
if( i_mb_x > 0 )
MVC( fenc_mv[i_mb_stride-1] );
if( i_mb_x < h->mb.i_mb_width - 1 )
MVC( fenc_mv[i_mb_stride+1] );
#undef MVC
if( i_mvc <= 1 )
CP32( m[l].mvp, mvc[0] );
x264_median_mv( m[l].mvp, mvc[0], mvc[1], mvc[2] );
/* Fast skip for cases of near-zero residual.
Shortcut: don't bother except in the mv0 case,
* since anything else is likely to have enough residual to not trigger the skip. */
if( !M32( m[l].mvp ) )
m[l].cost = h->pixf.mbcmp[PIXEL_8x8]( m[l].p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE, m[l].p_fref[0], m[l].i_stride[0] );
if( m[l].cost < 64 )
M32( m[l].mv ) = 0;
goto skip_motionest;
x264_me_search( h, &m[l], mvc, i_mvc );
m[l].cost -= a->p_cost_mv[0]; // remove mvcost from skip mbs
if( M32( m[l].mv ) )
m[l].cost += 5 * a->i_lambda;
CP32( fenc_mvs[l], m[l].mv );
*fenc_costs[l] = m[l].cost;
CP32( m[l].mv, fenc_mvs[l] );
m[l].cost = *fenc_costs[l];
COPY2_IF_LT( i_bcost, m[l].cost, list_used, l+1 );
if( b_bidir && ( M32( m[0].mv ) || M32( m[1].mv ) ) )
TRY_BIDIR( m[0].mv, m[1].mv, 5 );
if( !fenc->b_intra_calculated )
ALIGNED_ARRAY_16( pixel, edge,[36] );
pixel *pix = &pix1[8+FDEC_STRIDE];
pixel *src = &fenc->lowres[0][i_pel_offset];
const int intra_penalty = 5 * a->i_lambda;
int satds[3];
int pixoff = 4 / sizeof(pixel);
/* Avoid store forwarding stalls by writing larger chunks */
memcpy( pix-FDEC_STRIDE, src-i_stride, 16 * sizeof(pixel) );
for( int i = -1; i < 8; i++ )
M32( &pix[i*FDEC_STRIDE-pixoff] ) = M32( &src[i*i_stride-pixoff] );
h->pixf.intra_mbcmp_x3_8x8c( h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0], pix, satds );
int i_icost = X264_MIN3( satds[0], satds[1], satds[2] );
if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine > 1 )
h->predict_8x8c[I_PRED_CHROMA_P]( pix );
int satd = h->pixf.mbcmp[PIXEL_8x8]( pix, FDEC_STRIDE, h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE );
i_icost = X264_MIN( i_icost, satd );
h->predict_8x8_filter( pix, edge, ALL_NEIGHBORS, ALL_NEIGHBORS );
for( int i = 3; i < 9; i++ )
h->predict_8x8[i]( pix, edge );
satd = h->pixf.mbcmp[PIXEL_8x8]( pix, FDEC_STRIDE, h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE );
i_icost = X264_MIN( i_icost, satd );
i_icost += intra_penalty + lowres_penalty;
fenc->i_intra_cost[i_mb_xy] = i_icost;
int i_icost_aq = i_icost;
if( h->param.rc.i_aq_mode )
i_icost_aq = (i_icost_aq * fenc->i_inv_qscale_factor[i_mb_xy] + 128) >> 8;
output_intra[ROW_SATD] += i_icost_aq;
if( b_frame_score_mb )
output_intra[COST_EST] += i_icost;
output_intra[COST_EST_AQ] += i_icost_aq;
i_bcost += lowres_penalty;
/* forbid intra-mbs in B-frames, because it's rare and not worth checking */
/* FIXME: Should we still forbid them now that we cache intra scores? */
if( !b_bidir )
int i_icost = fenc->i_intra_cost[i_mb_xy];
int b_intra = i_icost < i_bcost;
if( b_intra )
i_bcost = i_icost;
list_used = 0;
if( b_frame_score_mb )
output_inter[INTRA_MBS] += b_intra;//[INTRA_MBS]统计有多少个帧内模式的宏块
/* In an I-frame, we've already added the results above in the intra section. */
if( p0 != p1 )
int i_bcost_aq = i_bcost;
if( h->param.rc.i_aq_mode )
i_bcost_aq = (i_bcost_aq * fenc->i_inv_qscale_factor[i_mb_xy] + 128) >> 8;
output_inter[ROW_SATD] += i_bcost_aq;
if( b_frame_score_mb )
/* Don't use AQ-weighted costs for slicetype decision, only for ratecontrol. */
output_inter[COST_EST] += i_bcost;
output_inter[COST_EST_AQ] += i_bcost_aq;
fenc->lowres_costs[b-p0][p1-b][i_mb_xy] = X264_MIN( i_bcost, LOWRES_COST_MASK ) + (list_used << LOWRES_COST_SHIFT);
#undef TRY_BIDIR
x264_frame_t *x264_frame_shift( x264_frame_t **list )
x264_frame_t *frame = list[0];
int i;
for( i = 0; list[i]; i++ )
list[i] = list[i+1];
return frame;
static inline int x264_reference_update( x264_t *h )
if( !h->fdec->b_kept_as_ref )
if( h->i_thread_frames > 1 )
x264_frame_push_unused( h, h->fdec );
h->fdec = x264_frame_pop_unused( h, 1 );
if( !h->fdec )
return -1;
return 0;
/* apply mmco from previous frame. */
for( int i = 0; i < h->sh.i_mmco_command_count; i++ )
for( int j = 0; h->frames.reference[j]; j++ )
if( h->frames.reference[j]->i_poc == h->sh.mmco[i].i_poc )
x264_frame_push_unused( h, x264_frame_shift( &h->frames.reference[j] ) );
/* move frame in the buffer */
x264_frame_push( h->frames.reference, h->fdec );
if( h->frames.reference[h->sps->i_num_ref_frames] )
x264_frame_push_unused( h, x264_frame_shift( h->frames.reference ) );
h->fdec = x264_frame_pop_unused( h, 1 );
if( !h->fdec )
return -1;
return 0;
static inline void x264_reference_reset( x264_t *h )
while( h->frames.reference[0] )
x264_frame_push_unused( h, x264_frame_pop( h->frames.reference ) );
h->fdec->i_poc =
h->fenc->i_poc = 0;
x264_slice_init()用于创建Slice Header,初始化其中的信息。该函数的定义位于encoderencoder.c,如下所示。//创建Slice Header
static inline void x264_slice_init( x264_t *h, int i_nal_type, int i_global_qp )
/* ------------------------ Create slice header
----------------------- */
if( i_nal_type == NAL_SLICE_IDR )
x264_slice_header_init( h, &h->sh, h->sps, h->pps, h->i_idr_pic_id, h->i_frame_num, i_global_qp );
/* alternate id */
if( h->param.i_avcintra_class )
switch( h->i_idr_pic_id )
case 5:
h->i_idr_pic_id = 3;
case 3:
h->i_idr_pic_id = 4;
case 4:
h->i_idr_pic_id = 5;
h->i_idr_pic_id ^= 1;
x264_slice_header_init( h, &h->sh, h->sps, h->pps, -1, h->i_frame_num, i_global_qp );
h->sh.i_num_ref_idx_l0_active = h->i_ref[0] <= 0 ? 1 : h->i_ref[0];
h->sh.i_num_ref_idx_l1_active = h->i_ref[1] <= 0 ? 1 : h->i_ref[1];
if( h->sh.i_num_ref_idx_l0_active != h->pps->i_num_ref_idx_l0_default_active ||
(h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_B && h->sh.i_num_ref_idx_l1_active != h->pps->i_num_ref_idx_l1_default_active) )
h->sh.b_num_ref_idx_override = 1;
if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF && h->param.b_bluray_compat && h->sh.i_mmco_command_count )
h->b_sh_backup = 1;
h->sh_backup = h->sh;
h->fdec->i_frame_num = h->sh.i_frame_num;
if( h->sps->i_poc_type == 0 )
h->sh.i_poc = h->fdec->i_poc;
h->sh.i_delta_poc_bottom = h->param.b_tff ? 1 : -1;
h->sh.i_poc += h->sh.i_delta_poc_bottom == -1;
h->sh.i_delta_poc_bottom = 0;
h->fdec->i_delta_poc[0] = h->sh.i_delta_poc_bottom == -1;
h->fdec->i_delta_poc[1] = h->sh.i_delta_poc_bottom ==
/* Nothing to do ? */
x264_macroblock_slice_init( h );
从源代码可以看出,x264_slice_init()调用x264_slice_header_init()完成了Slice Header “通用”的初始化工作,然后根据帧类型的不同,做了一些特殊参数的设置。下面看一下x264_slice_header_init()。
x264_slice_header_init()用于对Slice Header进行初始化工作。该函数的定义如下所示。/* Fill "default" values */
static void x264_slice_header_init( x264_t *h, x264_slice_header_t *sh,
x264_sps_t *sps, x264_pps_t *pps,
int i_idr_pic_id, int i_frame, int i_qp )
x264_param_t *param = &h->param;
/* First we fill all fields */
sh->sps = sps;
sh->pps = pps;
= 0;
= h->mb.i_mb_count - 1;
= pps->i_id;
sh->i_frame_num = i_frame;
sh->b_mbaff = PARAM_INTERLACED;
sh->b_field_pic = 0;
/* no field support for now */
sh->b_bottom_field = 0; /* not yet used */
sh->i_idr_pic_id = i_idr_pic_id;
/* poc stuff, fixed later */
sh->i_poc = 0;
sh->i_delta_poc_bottom = 0;
sh->i_delta_poc[0] = 0;
sh->i_delta_poc[1] = 0;
sh->i_redundant_pic_cnt = 0;
h->mb.b_direct_auto_write = h->param.analyse.i_direct_mv_pred == X264_DIRECT_PRED_AUTO
&& h->param.i_bframe
&& ( h->param.rc.b_stat_write || !h->param.rc.b_stat_read );
if( !h->mb.b_direct_auto_read && sh->i_type == SLICE_TYPE_B )
if( h->fref[1][0]->i_poc_l0ref0 == h->fref[0][0]->i_poc )
if( h->mb.b_direct_auto_write )
sh->b_direct_spatial_mv_pred = ( h->stat.i_direct_score[1] > h->stat.i_direct_score[0] );
sh->b_direct_spatial_mv_pred = ( param->analyse.i_direct_mv_pred == X264_DIRECT_PRED_SPATIAL );
h->mb.b_direct_auto_write = 0;
sh->b_direct_spatial_mv_pred = 1;
/* else b_direct_spatial_mv_pred was read from the 2pass statsfile */
sh->b_num_ref_idx_override = 0;
sh->i_num_ref_idx_l0_active = 1;
sh->i_num_ref_idx_l1_active = 1;
sh->b_ref_pic_list_reordering[0] = h->b_ref_reorder[0];
sh->b_ref_pic_list_reordering[1] = h->b_ref_reorder[1];
/* If the ref list isn't in the default order, construct reordering header */
for( int list = 0; list < 2; list++ )
if( sh->b_ref_pic_list_reordering[list] )
int pred_frame_num = i_frame;
for( int i = 0; i < h->i_ref[list]; i++ )
int diff = h->fref[list][i]->i_frame_num - pred_frame_num;
sh->ref_pic_list_order[list][i].idc = ( diff > 0 );
sh->ref_pic_list_order[list][i].arg = (abs(diff) - 1) & ((1 << sps->i_log2_max_frame_num) - 1);
pred_frame_num = h->fref[list][i]->i_frame_num;
sh->i_cabac_init_idc = param->i_cabac_init_idc;
sh->i_qp = SPEC_QP(i_qp);
sh->i_qp_delta = sh->i_qp - pps->i_pic_init_qp;
sh->b_sp_for_swidth = 0;
sh->i_qs_delta = 0;
int deblock_thresh = i_qp + 2 * X264_MIN(param->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0, param->i_deblocking_filter_beta);
/* If effective qp <= 15, deblocking would have no effect anyway */
if( param->b_deblocking_filter && (h->mb.b_variable_qp || 15 < deblock_thresh ) )
sh->i_disable_deblocking_filter_idc = param->b_sliced_threads ? 2 : 0;
sh->i_disable_deblocking_filter_idc = 1;
sh->i_alpha_c0_offset = param->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0 << 1;
sh->i_beta_offset = param->i_deblocking_filter_beta << 1;
static void *x264_slices_write( x264_t *h )
int i_slice_num = 0;
int last_thread_mb = h->sh.i_last_mb;
/* init stats */
memset( &h->stat.frame, 0, sizeof(h->stat.frame) );
h->mb.b_reencode_mb = 0;
while( h->sh.i_first_mb + SLICE_MBAFF*h->mb.i_mb_stride <= last_thread_mb )
h->sh.i_last_mb = last_thread_mb;
if( !i_slice_num || !x264_frame_new_slice( h, h->fdec ) )
if( h->param.i_slice_max_mbs )
// convert first to mbaff form, add slice-max-mbs, then convert back to normal form
int last_mbaff = 2*(h->sh.i_first_mb % h->mb.i_mb_width)
+ h->mb.i_mb_width*(h->sh.i_first_mb / h->mb.i_mb_width)
+ h->param.i_slice_max_mbs - 1;
int last_x = (last_mbaff % (2*h->mb.i_mb_width))/2;
int last_y = (last_mbaff / (2*h->mb.i_mb_width))*2 + 1;
h->sh.i_last_mb = last_x + h->mb.i_mb_stride*last_y;
h->sh.i_last_mb = h->sh.i_first_mb + h->param.i_slice_max_mbs - 1;
if( h->sh.i_last_mb < last_thread_mb && last_thread_mb - h->sh.i_last_mb < h->param.i_slice_min_mbs )
h->sh.i_last_mb = last_thread_mb - h->param.i_slice_min_mbs;
else if( h->param.i_slice_count && !h->param.b_sliced_threads )
int height = h->mb.i_mb_height >> PARAM_INTERLACED;
int width = h->mb.i_mb_width << PARAM_INTERLACED;
h->sh.i_last_mb = (height * i_slice_num + h->param.i_slice_count/2) / h->param.i_slice_count * width - 1;
h->sh.i_last_mb = X264_MIN( h->sh.i_last_mb, last_thread_mb );
if( x264_stack_align( x264_slice_write, h ) )
goto fail;
h->sh.i_first_mb = h->sh.i_last_mb + 1;
// if i_first_mb is not the last mb in a row then go to the next mb in MBAFF order
if( SLICE_MBAFF && h->sh.i_first_mb % h->mb.i_mb_width )
h->sh.i_first_mb -= h->mb.i_mb_stride;
return (void *)0;
/* Tell other threads we're done, so they wouldn't wait for it */
if( h->param.b_sliced_threads )
x264_threadslice_cond_broadcast( h, 2 );
return (void *)-1;
static int x264_encoder_frame_end( x264_t *h, x264_t *thread_current,
x264_nal_t **pp_nal, int *pi_nal,
x264_picture_t *pic_out )
char psz_message[80];
if( !h->param.b_sliced_threads && h->b_thread_active )
h->b_thread_active = 0;
if( (intptr_t)x264_threadpool_wait( h->threadpool, h ) )
return -1;
if( !h->out.i_nal )
pic_out->i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;
return 0;
/* generate buffering period sei and insert it into place */
if( h->i_thread_frames > 1 && h->fenc->b_keyframe && h->sps->vui.b_nal_hrd_parameters_present )
x264_hrd_fullness( h );
x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );
x264_sei_buffering_period_write( h, &h->out.bs );
if( x264_nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
/* buffering period sei must follow AUD, SPS and PPS and precede all other SEIs */
int idx = 0;
while( h->out.nal[idx].i_type == NAL_AUD ||
h->out.nal[idx].i_type == NAL_SPS ||
h->out.nal[idx].i_type == NAL_PPS )
x264_nal_t nal_tmp = h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1];
memmove( &h->out.nal[idx+1], &h->out.nal[idx], (h->out.i_nal-idx-1)*sizeof(x264_nal_t) );
h->out.nal[idx] = nal_tmp;
int frame_size = x264_encoder_encapsulate_nals( h, 0 );
if( frame_size < 0 )
return -1;
/* Set output picture properties */
pic_out->i_type = h->fenc->i_type;
pic_out->b_keyframe = h->fenc->b_keyframe;
pic_out->i_pic_struct = h->fenc->i_pic_struct;
pic_out->i_pts = h->fdec->i_pts;
pic_out->i_dts = h->fdec->i_dts;
if( pic_out->i_pts < pic_out->i_dts )
x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "invalid DTS: PTS is less than DTSn" );
pic_out->opaque = h->fenc->opaque;
pic_out->img.i_csp = h->fdec->i_csp;
pic_out->img.i_csp |= X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;
pic_out->img.i_plane = h->fdec->i_plane;
for( int i = 0; i < pic_out->img.i_plane; i++ )
pic_out->img.i_stride[i] = h->fdec->i_stride[i] * sizeof(pixel);
pic_out->img.plane[i] = (uint8_t*)h->fdec->plane[i];
x264_frame_push_unused( thread_current, h->fenc );
/* ---------------------- Update encoder state ------------------------- */
/* update rc */
int filler = 0;
if( x264_ratecontrol_end( h, frame_size * 8, &filler ) < 0 )
return -1;
pic_out->hrd_timing = h->fenc->hrd_timing;
pic_out->prop.f_crf_avg = h->fdec->f_crf_avg;
/* Filler in AVC-Intra mode is written as zero bytes to the last slice
* We don't know the size of the last slice until encapsulation so we add filler to the encapsulated NAL */
if( h->param.i_avcintra_class )
x264_t *h0 = h->thread[0];
int ret = x264_check_encapsulated_buffer( h, h0, h->out.i_nal, frame_size, frame_size + filler );
if( ret < 0 )
return -1;
memset( h->out.nal[0].p_payload + frame_size, 0, filler );
h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload += filler;
h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_padding = filler;
frame_size += filler;
while( filler > 0 )
int f, overhead;
overhead = (FILLER_OVERHEAD - h->param.b_annexb);
if( h->param.i_slice_max_size && filler > h->param.i_slice_max_size )
int next_size = filler - h->param.i_slice_max_size;
int overflow = X264_MAX( overhead - next_size, 0 );
f = h->param.i_slice_max_size - overhead - overflow;
f = X264_MAX( 0, filler - overhead );
if( x264_bitstream_check_buffer_filler( h, f ) )
return -1;
x264_filler_write( h, &h->out.bs, f );
if( x264_nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
int total_size = x264_encoder_encapsulate_nals( h, h->out.i_nal-1 );
if( total_size < 0 )
return -1;
frame_size += total_size;
filler -= total_size;
/* End bitstream, set output
*pi_nal = h->out.i_nal;
*pp_nal = h->out.nal;
h->out.i_nal = 0;
x264_noise_reduction_update( h );
/* ---------------------- Compute/Print statistics --------------------- */
x264_thread_sync_stat( h, h->thread[0] );
/* Slice stat */
//帧数+1 (根据类型)
h->stat.i_frame_size[h->sh.i_type] += frame_size;
h->stat.f_frame_qp[h->sh.i_type] += h->fdec->f_qp_avg_aq;
for( int i = 0; i < X264_MBTYPE_MAX; i++ )
h->stat.i_mb_count[h->sh.i_type][i] += h->stat.frame.i_mb_count[i];
for( int i = 0; i < X264_PARTTYPE_MAX; i++ )
h->stat.i_mb_partition[h->sh.i_type][i] += h->stat.frame.i_mb_partition[i];
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
h->stat.i_mb_count_8x8dct[i] += h->stat.frame.i_mb_count_8x8dct[i];
for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
h->stat.i_mb_cbp[i] += h->stat.frame.i_mb_cbp[i];
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < 13; j++ )
h->stat.i_mb_pred_mode[i][j] += h->stat.frame.i_mb_pred_mode[i][j];
if( h->sh.i_type != SLICE_TYPE_I )
for( int i_list = 0; i_list < 2; i_list++ )
for( int i = 0; i < X264_REF_MAX*2; i++ )
h->stat.i_mb_count_ref[h->sh.i_type][i_list][i] += h->stat.frame.i_mb_count_ref[i_list][i];
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
h->stat.i_mb_field[i] += h->stat.frame.i_mb_field[i];
if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_P && h->param.analyse.i_weighted_pred >= X264_WEIGHTP_SIMPLE )
h->stat.i_wpred[0] += !!h->sh.weight[0][0].weightfn;
h->stat.i_wpred[1] += !!h->sh.weight[0][1].weightfn || !!h->sh.weight[0][2].weightfn;
if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_B )
h->stat.i_direct_frames[ h->sh.b_direct_spatial_mv_pred ] ++;
if( h->mb.b_direct_auto_write )
//FIXME somewhat arbitrary time constants
if( h->stat.i_direct_score[0] + h->stat.i_direct_score[1] > h->mb.i_mb_count )
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
h->stat.i_direct_score[i] = h->stat.i_direct_score[i] * 9/10;
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
h->stat.i_direct_score[i] += h->stat.frame.i_direct_score[i];
psz_message[0] = '