我是靠谱客的博主 感动仙人掌,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍WebSocket断线自动重连javascript库(含心跳包),觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


ReconnectingWebSocket 是一个小型的 JavaScript 库,封装了 WebSocket API

// 只需要简单的将:
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://....');
// 替换成:
var ws = new ReconnectingWebSocket('ws://....');


(function (global, factory) {
    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        define([], factory);
    } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports){
        module.exports = factory();
    } else {
        global.SlWebSocket = factory();
})(this, function () {

    if (!('WebSocket' in window)) {

    function SlWebSocket(url, protocols, options) {

        // Default settings
        var settings = {

            /** Whether this instance should log debug messages. */
            debug: false,

            /** Whether or not the websocket should attempt to connect immediately upon instantiation. */
            automaticOpen: true,

            /** The number of milliseconds to delay before attempting to reconnect. */
            reconnectInterval: 1000,
            /** The maximum number of milliseconds to delay a reconnection attempt. */
            maxReconnectInterval: 30000,
            /** The rate of increase of the reconnect delay. Allows reconnect attempts to back off when problems persist. */
            reconnectDecay: 1.5,

            /** The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for a connection to succeed before closing and retrying. */
            timeoutInterval: 2000,

            /** The maximum number of reconnection attempts to make. Unlimited if null. */
            maxReconnectAttempts: null,

            /** The binary type, possible values 'blob' or 'arraybuffer', default 'blob'. */
            binaryType: 'blob',

            /** 心跳包定时器-by slong .*/
            heartbeat_time: null,

            /** 心跳持续时间-by slong .*/
            heartbeat_duration: 30,

            /** 心跳包数据-by slong .*/
            heartbeat_content: ''
        if (!options) { options = {}; }

        // Overwrite and define settings with options if they exist.
        for (var key in settings) {
            if (typeof options[key] !== 'undefined') {
                this[key] = options[key];
            } else {
                this[key] = settings[key];

        // These should be treated as read-only properties

        /** The URL as resolved by the constructor. This is always an absolute URL. Read only. */
        this.url = url;

        /** The number of attempted reconnects since starting, or the last successful connection. Read only. */
        this.reconnectAttempts = 0;

         * The current state of the connection.
         * Can be one of: WebSocket.CONNECTING, WebSocket.OPEN, WebSocket.CLOSING, WebSocket.CLOSED
         * Read only.
        this.readyState = WebSocket.CONNECTING;

         * A string indicating the name of the sub-protocol the server selected; this will be one of
         * the strings specified in the protocols parameter when creating the WebSocket object.
         * Read only.
        this.protocol = null;

        // Private state variables

        var self = this;
        var ws;
        var forcedClose = false;
        var timedOut = false;
        var eventTarget = document.createElement('div');

        // Wire up "on*" properties as event handlers

        eventTarget.addEventListener('open',       function(event) { self.onopen(event); });
        eventTarget.addEventListener('close',      function(event) { self.onclose(event); });
        eventTarget.addEventListener('connecting', function(event) { self.onconnecting(event); });
        eventTarget.addEventListener('message',    function(event) { self.onmessage(event); });
        eventTarget.addEventListener('error',      function(event) { self.onerror(event); });

        // Expose the API required by EventTarget

        this.addEventListener = eventTarget.addEventListener.bind(eventTarget);
        this.removeEventListener = eventTarget.removeEventListener.bind(eventTarget);
        this.dispatchEvent = eventTarget.dispatchEvent.bind(eventTarget);

         * This function generates an event that is compatible with standard
         * compliant browsers and IE9 - IE11
         * This will prevent the error:
         * Object doesn't support this action
         * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19345392/why-arent-my-parameters-getting-passed-through-to-a-dispatched-event/19345563#19345563
         * @param s String The name that the event should use
         * @param args Object an optional object that the event will use
        function generateEvent(s, args) {
            var evt = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
            evt.initCustomEvent(s, false, false, args);
            return evt;

        this.open = function (reconnectAttempt) {
            let that = this;
            ws = new WebSocket(self.url, protocols || []);
            ws.binaryType = this.binaryType;

            if (reconnectAttempt) {
                if (this.maxReconnectAttempts && this.reconnectAttempts > this.maxReconnectAttempts) {
            } else {
                this.reconnectAttempts = 0;

            if (self.debug || SlWebSocket.debugAll) {
                console.debug('SlWebSocket', 'attempt-connect', self.url);

            var localWs = ws;
            var timeout = setTimeout(function() {
                if (self.debug || SlWebSocket.debugAll) {
                    console.debug('SlWebSocket', 'connection-timeout', self.url);
                timedOut = true;
                timedOut = false;
            }, self.timeoutInterval);

            ws.onopen = function(event) {
                // that.send();// 触发心跳包,一般接入成功就会进行token等鉴权判断,所以该行可忽略
                if (self.debug || SlWebSocket.debugAll) {
                    console.debug('SlWebSocket', 'onopen', self.url);
                self.protocol = ws.protocol;
                self.readyState = WebSocket.OPEN;
                self.reconnectAttempts = 0;
                var e = generateEvent('open');
                e.isReconnect = reconnectAttempt;
                reconnectAttempt = false;

            ws.onclose = function(event) {
                ws = null;
                if (forcedClose) {
                    self.readyState = WebSocket.CLOSED;
                } else {
                    self.readyState = WebSocket.CONNECTING;
                    var e = generateEvent('connecting');
                    e.code = event.code;
                    e.reason = event.reason;
                    e.wasClean = event.wasClean;
                    if (!reconnectAttempt && !timedOut) {
                        if (self.debug || SlWebSocket.debugAll) {
                            console.debug('SlWebSocket', 'onclose', self.url);

                    var timeout = self.reconnectInterval * Math.pow(self.reconnectDecay, self.reconnectAttempts);
                    setTimeout(function() {
                    }, timeout > self.maxReconnectInterval ? self.maxReconnectInterval : timeout);
            ws.onmessage = function(event) {
                if (self.debug || SlWebSocket.debugAll) {
                    console.debug('SlWebSocket', 'onmessage', self.url, event.data);
                var e = generateEvent('message');
                e.data = event.data;
            ws.onerror = function(event) {
                if (self.debug || SlWebSocket.debugAll) {
                    console.debug('SlWebSocket', 'onerror', self.url, event);

        // Whether or not to create a websocket upon instantiation
        if (this.automaticOpen == true) {

         * 改造后的send方法
         * @param data a text string, ArrayBuffer or Blob to send to the server.
        this.send = function(type,param) {
            if (ws) {
                if (self.debug || SlWebSocket.debugAll) {
                    console.debug('SlWebSocket', 'send', self.url, data);
                clearTimeout(this.heartbeat_time);// 清除上次未执行的心跳
                this.heartbeat_time = setTimeout(this.send.bind(this),this.heartbeat_duration * 1000,'__HEARTBEAT__');
                if(type === '__HEARTBEAT__'){
                else if(typeof type === 'object'){
                else if(type && param){
            } else {
                throw 'INVALID_STATE_ERR : Pausing to reconnect websocket';

         * Transmits data to the server over the WebSocket connection.
         * @param data a text string, ArrayBuffer or Blob to send to the server.
        this.sendRaw = function(data) {
            if (ws) {
                if (self.debug || SlWebSocket.debugAll) {
                    console.debug('SlWebSocket', 'send', self.url, data);
                return ws.send(data);
            } else {
                throw 'INVALID_STATE_ERR : Pausing to reconnect websocket';

         * Closes the WebSocket connection or connection attempt, if any.
         * If the connection is already CLOSED, this method does nothing.
        this.close = function(code, reason) {
            // Default CLOSE_NORMAL code
            if (typeof code == 'undefined') {
                code = 1000;
            forcedClose = true;
            if (ws) {
                ws.close(code, reason);

         * Additional public API method to refresh the connection if still open (close, re-open).
         * For example, if the app suspects bad data / missed heart beats, it can try to refresh.
        this.refresh = function() {
            if (ws) {

     * An event listener to be called when the WebSocket connection's readyState changes to OPEN;
     * this indicates that the connection is ready to send and receive data.
    SlWebSocket.prototype.onopen = function(event) {};
    /** An event listener to be called when the WebSocket connection's readyState changes to CLOSED. */
    SlWebSocket.prototype.onclose = function(event) {};
    /** An event listener to be called when a connection begins being attempted. */
    SlWebSocket.prototype.onconnecting = function(event) {};
    /** An event listener to be called when a message is received from the server. */
    SlWebSocket.prototype.onmessage = function(event) {};
    /** An event listener to be called when an error occurs. */
    SlWebSocket.prototype.onerror = function(event) {};

     * Whether all instances of SlWebSocket should log debug messages.
     * Setting this to true is the equivalent of setting all instances of SlWebSocket.debug to true.
    SlWebSocket.debugAll = false;

    SlWebSocket.CONNECTING = WebSocket.CONNECTING;
    SlWebSocket.OPEN = WebSocket.OPEN;
    SlWebSocket.CLOSING = WebSocket.CLOSING;
    SlWebSocket.CLOSED = WebSocket.CLOSED;

    return SlWebSocket;

使用时把new new WebSocket(‘ws://…’)替换成new SlWebSocket(‘ws://…’);
下载ReconnectingWebSocket + 修改后的SlWebSocket资源包





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