我是靠谱客的博主 自然白开水,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍微软亚洲研究院开发的低延时流媒体服务器,Microsoft Research Lab - Asia - Microsoft Research...,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), Microsoft’s fundamental research arm in the Asia Pacific region and the company’s largest research institute outside the United States, was founded in 1998 in Beijing. Through collaboration with the best talents from Asia and across the globe, MSRA has grown into a world-class research lab, conducting both basic and applied research. In Sep. 2018, Microsoft announced the establishment of Microsoft Research Asia · Shanghai.

Today, MSRA has more than 200 scientists and more than 300 visiting scholars and students. Technologies from MSRA have had a large influence within Microsoft and around the world, and new technologies are constantly born from MSRA. MSRA has achieved breakthrough results in many areas of basic and applied computer research, and research results transferred into Microsoft’s products. Based on a deployment-driven research philosophy, MSRA has, in recent years, incubated many popular applications and technology projects based on its own technology accumulation and research innovation.

While advancing technology innovation, MSRA is also acting a role as a platform for talent development and cultivation, continuing to cultivate the world’s top computer research talents. Currently, MSRA “alumni” are spread out across the world, actively engaging at the forefront of scientific innovation. They have become the backbone of innovation and development in today’s academic and industry circles.

MSRA has excelled at creating a talent-fostering environment, where researchers are free to explore and pursue what interests them. This culture not only drives researchers to develop groundbreaking technologies and work at the cutting edge, but has also made the lab a natural partner for academia. MSRA is committed to seeking broad and deep engagement with academic communities and industry partners in order to promote collaboration, cultivate innovation, advance education, and turn ideas into reality.

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以上就是自然白开水为你收集整理的微软亚洲研究院开发的低延时流媒体服务器,Microsoft Research Lab - Asia - Microsoft Research...的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决微软亚洲研究院开发的低延时流媒体服务器,Microsoft Research Lab - Asia - Microsoft Research...所遇到的程序开发问题。



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