我是靠谱客的博主 复杂果汁,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍关于文件系统中的重命名操作,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。






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What's in a Name? - Cracking Rename Operations
(By: The NT Insider, Vol 4, Issue 2, Mar-Apr 1997 | Published: 15-Apr-97| Modified: 22-Aug-02)

Filter Drivers are one of the many different types of NT Kernel Mode Device Drivers. A filter driver inserts itself above a particular device driver in order to receive all the IO requests targeted at that device driver. The filter driver can then examine and alter these IO requests before passing them down to the target device. In addition a filter driver may also process IO requests as they are completed, examining and perhaps modifying the results of IO processing by the target device.

File System Filter Drivers (FSFD) are a specific type of NT Kernel Mode Filter Drivers that in general operate between IO requests targeted at file systems and the File System Drivers that implement them.

Typically, user processes issue file IO requests which the operating system (NT) directs to the appropriate File System Driver. FSFDs layer themselves on top of one or more File System Drivers, and in doing so, become the effective target of file system IO requests directed at the file system it filters.

What can you do with an FSFD? Well, virus detection and file-replication are two typical commercial uses.

I/O in most cases is communicated to NT drivers through messages called IO Request Packets, or as they are commonly known, IRPs. Although the IRP is a standard well-defined structure, there are many different types of IRPs and in many cases the type and contents of an IRP depend on its target device. In particular, file system IO requests have their own set of IRPs that really are specific to file system I/O.

So a filter driver, in order to do anything useful, must understand exactly what type of IRPs it is going to be filtering. In the case of a FSFD, this means that the driver must understand the way in which the NT operating system packages file system operations into an IRP. For the most part, this packaging is not documented.

This article is going to show you how to decode one of the more complex File System IRPs: a rename request. In particular, we will show you how you can filter an NT system API NTSetInformationFile() operation for the case FileInformationClass equals FileRenameInformation. Specifically, we will look at the IRP that represents this operation. I?m sure that this is exactly what has kept you up at night for Lo These Many Months. So worry no more bucky, the hideous truth about rename IRPs is about to be disclosed.

Step 1  Identifying an NTSetInformationFile Operation

Well of course a Rename operation in NT is not its own separate type of file operation, as it is for example in the UNIX VFS architecture. Instead, it is one of many file operations that are all possible from a single NT API call (You do know that there is an NT System Service API don?t you? No? We are not talking about Win32. We are talking about the real system service API.). That API function is NtSetInformationFile, and its prototype is shown below:  

            HANDLE FileHandle,
            PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock,
            PVOID FileInformation,
            ULONG Length,
            FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS FileInformationClass);

The careful observer may notice that this function looks exactly like ZwSetInformationFile(), except for the substitution of Nt for Zw. Just so. They are in fact the same. Of course if you go read the documentation for ZwSetInformationFile() you will see absolutely no reference to rename operations. I have no explanation either. Ask Microsoft.

Now we are not going to be talking here about anything other than rename operations, so I'm only giving you enough information about NtSetInformationFile() to understand how a rename request is transformed from a procedure call in an application into an IRP. The IRP of course has a major function code, and it turns out that the major function code for file system setinformation operations is IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION. I'm not kidding. Look it up in the DDK include files.

I'm sure you've always worried that you should have a dispatch entry point in your driver for this IRP. Now you know. If you are a file system filter driver and rename operations are of interest to you then you had better have a dispatch entry point for IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION.

You can find out what type of the many different types of SetInformation operations you have in a particular IRP by looking at the IRP?s IoStack.Parameters.SetFile.FileInformationClass field because right there is where the IO Manager has placed the value of FileInformationClass from the original request. In our case, we are only interested in class FileRenameInformation class operations.

In summary, to filter rename operations you must have a dispatch entry point in your filter driver for IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION, and in that dispatch entry point you have to further decode the IRP from the IoStack.Parameters.SetFile.FileInformationClass field in order to identify a rename operation.

The C code for routing from IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION to a FileRenameInformation operation might look like that below.  

PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);

BOOLEAN IsRename = (irpSp->Parameters.SetFile.FileInformationClass ==                      FileRenameInformation);

if (IsRename) {
                ntStatus = FilterProcessRenameOperation(Irp, irpSp);

But Wait, What Exactly Is A File System Rename Operation?

It may seem obvious that a rename operation changes the name of a file. For example you could change the file C:/frob/nicate.txt to C:/frob/etacin.txt. It is less obvious that you could also change the name of C:/frob/nicate.txt to C:/frobnicate.txt. Which is to say you can move a file from one location to another by renaming it.

A rename operation has four pieces of pathname data to deal with:

·         The source directory or pathname

·         The source filename

·         The target directory or pathname

·         The target filename

In addition, there are three different types of renaming that can occur:

·         Rename, change the name of the source file, not its location

·         Move - change a file's location, not its name

·         Move and rename - change the name of a file and its location

In addition, there may or may not be a conflict with an existing file that currently uses the rename target filename. A filter driver or a file system driver might have to understand what is the correct thing to do if a conflict occurs.

Windows NT file system documentation refers to three types of rename operations called Simple Rename, Fully Qualified Rename, and Relative Rename. These only roughly correspond to the 3 cases above. What these three NT types of rename really describe is how the target of the rename operation is described by the SetInformation operation, and therefore how the file system driver, and by extension our file system filter driver, can understand it.

In the case of a Simple Rename, the source file object and the target file object are in fact the same objects. Only the name (not directory) of the file is being changed.

In the Fully Qualified Rename case, an absolute (fully qualified) pathname identifies the target of the rename operation. In this case the target filename may or may not be the same as the source filename, but we can be sure that the fully qualified source pathname is not the same as the fully qualified target pathname.

In the case of a Relative Rename, the target file name is specified as a filename relative to a directory. Once again we can be sure that the two fully qualified pathnames are not the same.

Yes But Why Do I Care?

File System Filter Driver that is performing replication services might wish to track all rename operations so that these operations can be replayed on another file system, perhaps even on another system. To do so the filter driver would have to record the name of the file being renamed (the source file) and the new name of the file (the target file.)

For example, if I were to rename C:/frob/nicate.txt to C:/frobnicate.txt, my replication filter driver would create the log record:

RENAME: C:/frob/nicate.txt C:/frobnicate.txt

And my replication agent, in communication with my filter driver, would read this log record and then perform whatever miracle is required to replicate the rename elsewhere.

All the filter driver has to do is produce a simple record containing three values:

·         The operation (RENAME)

·         The fully qualified pathname of the source file

·         The fully qualified pathname of the target file

Should be simple eh? Well, nothing is ever as simple as it should be.

Step 2. Getting at the Parameters

The NT DDK defines the parameters relevant to an IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION in one of the fields in the union IO_STACK.Parameters (shown below).

// System service parameters for: NtSetInformationFile

struct {

        ULONG Length;
        FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS FileInformationClass;
        PFILE_OBJECT FileObject;

        union {

        struct {

        BOOLEAN ReplaceIfExists;
        BOOLEAN AdvanceOnly;


        ULONG ClusterCount;
        HANDLE DeleteHandle;


} SetFile;

If you know how to interpret these parameters for a rename operation you are all set. Well almost. There is another structure supplied with a IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION IRP that contains more of the data required to process the rename operation. Unfortunately, it is NOT defined in any standard NT include file. It might look something like the code segment below. And best of all, it most certainly is located at Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer.

typedef struct {
    BOOLEAN Replace;
    HANDLE RootDir;
    ULONG FileNameLength;
    WCHAR FileName[1];


Step 3. Putting the Pieces Together

Now that you now know where all the pieces are, all that remains is to put them into the context of a rename operation so that your filter driver can do something useful.

We need to look at the two structures from the SET_INFORMATION IRP, the IO_STACK_LOCATION.Parameters.SetFile structure and the FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION structure found at IRP.AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer. Our goal is to produce a log record of the rename operation.

The Rules

·         Simple Rename: SetFile.FileObject is NULL.

·         Fully Qualified Rename: SetFile.FileObject is non-NULL and FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION.RootDir is NULL.

·         Relative Rename: SetFile.FileObject and FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION.RootDir are both non-NULL.

Expressed as a C algorithm, these rules look like the code segment below.

// assume that Irp is a pointer to an IRP and that
// irpSp is a pointer to our IO_STACK location in that IRP.


renameInfo = (PFILE_RENAME_INFORMATION) Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;

if (!irpSp->Parameters.SetFile.FileObject) {

        // simple rename case ? call function that handles this case

        status = processSimpleRename(Irp, irpSp, renameInfo);

} else {


        if (renameInfo->RootDirectory == NULL) {

                //fully qualified rename case ? call function for this

                status = processFQRename(Irp, irpSp, renameInfo);

        } else {

                // relative rename case ? call a function for this case.

                status = processRelativeRename(Irp, irpSp, renameInfo);



I mentioned earlier that you might need to know what to do if a rename target already exists. The SetFile.ReplaceIfExists field informs the driver about the correct action. This is a BOOLEAN, and if it has the value TRUE, a rename target can be deleted if it exists, otherwise, if it is FALSE, an existing rename target causes the rename operation to fail.


Build a fully qualified filename for the source file object. How you do that is not the subject of this article. Suffice it to say that one can always construct a fully qualified pathname for a file object by walking back through the file objects linked to the original file object and collecting each file object?s UNICODE_STRING name (i.e. FILE_OBJECT. FileName,) thus building the fully qualified pathname of the original file object.

Having done that, we still need the fully qualified target pathname in order to record the file operation. How we get the target fully qualified pathname depends on which type of rename operation we have: simple, fully qualified or relative. The remainder of this article demonstrates how for each rename type the target pathname can be constructed.

Simple Rename

Easy ? just copy the pathname component of the fully qualified source filename and append the target filename. The target filename is the WCHAR string at FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION.FileName.

The code for a simple rename might look like that below (note that the following code segments, while based on a functional filter driver are pseudo code only and will not compile without errors).

// simple rename case
// FileNameBuffer is the fully qualified source file name

WCHAR * FileNameBuffer;

// renameInfo is a pointer to the FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION structure


// NewNameBuffer will contain the fully qualified target file name

WCHAR * NewNameBuffer;

// prefix is a pointer to the end of the pathname
// component of FileNameBuffer


WCHAR * prefix;

// prefixLength is the length of prefix

ULONG prefixLength;

// length is the string length of NewNameBuffer

ULONG length;

// First find out just how big a string we need:

length = 0;

// find the last pathname component of the source file

prefix = wcsrchr(FileNameBuffer, (int) L'//');

if (prefix == NULL) {

        // just the file system will fail too.
        return (STATUS_SUCCESS);

} else {

        // set prefixlength and initalize length
        length = prefixLength = ((prefix - FileNameBuffer) + 1)* sizeof(WCHAR);


// Now add the prefix length to the length of the target FileName

length += (wcslen(renameInfo->FileName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);

// Great! Now allocate the buffer for this thing

NewNameBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, length, ?tset?);

if (!NewNameBuffer) { // ? no memory of any type?



// Ok we have the memory and the length, now construct the string

RtlZeroMemory(NewNameBuffer, length);

(void) wcsncpy(NewNameBuffer, FileNameBuffer, prefixLength);

wcscat(NewNameBuffer, renameInfo->FileName);

// That?s it ? now just create the log record

Fully Qualified Rename

In the Fully Qualified Rename case, RenameInfo.FileName is the fully qualified pathname of the rename target. This makes our task relatively simple.

I?ve introduced one other complexity here, the drive specification of the fully qualified pathname. In the simple rename case I ignored the drive specification portion of the fully qualified pathname. In other words I just left out the fact that to fully log a file system operation we need the fully qualified pathname to include the drive (e.g. "C:"). I left it out for the same reason I am omitting a discussion of exactly how one constructs a fully qualified pathname from a File Object: it is in and of itself a complicated enough subject to warrant its own article. In the simple rename case, just assume that the source file name included the drive letter and that the target file name will as well.

Since we are not just copying the source file name, this drive letter has to come from somewhere. In the following example, how we obtain the drive specification is undefined, and a global variable DriveLetter just magically has the correct value.

// fully qualified rename
// renameInfo is a pointer to the FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION structure


// NewNameBuffer will contain the fully qualified target file name

WCHAR * NewNameBuffer;

// startOffset is used to locate the beginning of the fully qualified pathname
// we want to use from the string that is passed into us at renameInfo.FileName

ULONG startOffset = 0;

// If we need to add a drive spec, prependChars is used to account for the space
// we need to do that.

ULONG prependChars = 0;

// finally target length is going to be set to the total size of the WCHAR string
// we are going to construct.

ULONG targetlength = 0;

// DriveLetter has been set to the correct value for this operation.

extern WCHAR DriveLetter;

// For this case the string at renameInfo.FileName MUST start with a '/'
// and could start with "/DosDevices/". If we find "/DosDevices/" then
// we can assume that this string already has a drive specifier, otherwise we
// will provide one based on the value of DriveLetter.
// If the string does not start with a '/' note this and stop
// trying to process this operation.

if (renameInfo->FileName[0] != L'//') {

        return (STATUS_SUCCESS);


// See if the prefix of FileName is "/DosDevices/"
// if it is, strip off the /DosDevices/ part, leaving the FQpathname.
// else prepend the Device specification.

if (0 == wcsnicmp(L"//DosDevices//", renameInfo->FileName, 12)) {
            startOffset = 12;
            // Copy from end of /DosDevices/

} else {
        // put in the device spec (e.g. D:)

        prependChars = 2;


// figure out how many WCHARS we need

targetLength = (renameInfo->FileNameLength/sizeof(WCHAR)) ?
            startOffset + prependChars + 1;
            // make room for NULL too

if (targetLength < 4) {
            // must be at least "D:/"

        return (STATUS_SUCCESS);


// Allocate the storage for the target file name

NewNameBuffer = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, targetLength * sizeof(WCHAR), ?tset?);

// if there is no paged pool available fail the operation

if (NewNameBuffer == NULL) {



// now construct the string by prepending the drive letter if needed
// and appending the filename in renameInfo.

if (prependChars) {

        // set the device spec, just assume that DriveLetter is a WCHAR
        // that contains the correct value.

        NewNameBuffer[0] = DriveLetter;
        NewNameBuffer[1] = L':';


wcsncpy(&NewNameBuffer[prependChars], &renameInfo->FileName[startOffset],                  targetLength );

// that?s all ? go log the operation

Relative Rename

Okay, we took care of the easy cases, now lets take a look at the last case, the relative rename operation. In this case the source file is being moved to a new location relative to the directory referenced at FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION.RootDir. One can easily construct the fully qualified pathname from a file object, but we are given a handle. So we have to call into the object manager to get the object (i.e. the file object) referenced by the handle at RootDir. This can only work if we are in the same process context as the process that issued the original IO request.

An example of processing a relative rename operation in order to produce a log record of the operation from a file system filter driver is shown below.

// relative rename
// renameInfo is a pointer to the FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION structure


// NewNameBuffer will contain the fully qualified target file name

WCHAR * NewNameBuffer;

// status is use to collect the return value from standard DDK functions.

NTSTATUS status;

// We need to convert from the RootDir HANDLE to a FILE_OBJECT


// we will call ConstructFQPname() and this function will magically produce
// a fully qualified pathname given a file object and a drive specification
// dirPath will contain the unicode string for the fully qualified pathname


// as usual we need to index into WCHAR strings

ULONG wcharOffset;

// Our friend the mysterious drive specification

extern WCHAR DriveLetter;

// We need the fully qualified pathname
// of the directory referenced by Buffer->RootDir
// Once we have that we should then be able to
// append the contents of Buffer->FileName to
// construct the fully qualified target pathname

status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(renameInfo->RootDirectory,
                                    (PVOID *)&dirObject,

if (!NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {

        // assume that the file system driver will fail as well
        return (STATUS_SUCCESS);


// the function ConstructFQPname takes a file object and a driveletter
// as input and produces a UNICODE_STRING containing the fully
// qualified pathname of the input file object as output.
// The buffer for the UNICODE_STRING is allocated by this function, we
// must remember to free it up when we are done

if (! ConstructFQPname(dirObject, &dirPath, DriveLetter) ) {

        // assume the file system driver will fail
        return (STATUS_SUCCESS);


ObDereferenceObject(dirObject); // we don't need this anymore

// figure out how many WCHARs we need

targetLength = ((dirPath.Length + renameInfo->FileNameLength ) /
                sizeof(WCHAR)) + 2; // add in a L'/' and a NULL

// Allocate the storage for the target file name

NewNameBuffer = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, targetLength * sizeof(WCHAR), 'tset');

if (NewNameBuffer == NULL) {

        // Or we can stop a file operation right here


// copy the relative directory fully qualified pathname to our buffer

wcharOffset = dirPath.Length/sizeof(WCHAR);

// if we need a path separator, then add it it now

if (NewNameBuffer[wcharOffset-1] != L'//') {

        NewNameBuffer[wcharOffset] = L'//';


} else {

        // we don?t need a path separator

// since constructFQPname allocated storage, it would be nice to free it up


// that?s all ? go log the operation


To wrap up rename operations here is what your filter driver needs to do then:

Filter IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION operations.
Decode rename operations by examining the IO_STACK.Parameters.SetFile.FileInformationClass field.
Compute the fully qualified pathnames for the source and target files of the rename operation. To do that you have to understand the rules for deciding if you have a simple rename, a fully qualified rename, or a relative rename, and derive the target file name correctly based on which type of rename you have.
That?s all that there really is to logging a rename operation. Of course there is quite a lot more to correctly filtering file system operations that we have not mentioned at all in this article. For example, we have not discussed issues such as completion handling. Yet a file system filter driver that performs replication, as in our example, cannot assume that all operations succeed. It might need to undo a logging operation if it observes that an IO request failed on completion.

And we only touched on the issue of process context indirectly in one of the code samples, yet dealing with process context is frequently a complex design issue in a filter driver. For example, if the underlying device driver assumes that certain IO requests are always processed in the user?s process context, then a filter driver must not violate that assumption. And, as we have seen, if a logging operation needs to obtain information from a handle to an object, it must be sure that that handle is valid in the current execution context.






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