monitor/watch/trace - related
Attention: commands here are taking advantage of byte-code-injection, which means we are injecting some aspects into the current classes for monitoring and statistics purpose. Therefore when use it for online troubleshooting in your production environment, you’d better explicitly specify classes/methods/criteria, and remember to remove the injected code by shutdown or reset.
- monitor - monitor method execution statistics
- watch - display the input/output parameter, return object, and thrown exception of specified method invocation
- trace - trace the execution time of specified method invocation
- stack - display the stack trace for the specified class and method
- tt - time tunnel, record the arguments and returned value for the methods and replay
Monitor method invocation.
Monitor invocation for the method matched with class-pattern and method-pattern.
monitor is not a command returning immediately.
A command returning immediately is a command immediately returns with the result after the command is input, while a non-immediate returning command will keep outputting the information from the target JVM process until user presses Ctrl+C.
On Arthas’s server side, the command is running as a background job, but the weaved code will not take further effect once the job is terminated, therefore, it will not impact the performance after the job quits. Furthermore, Arthas is designed to have no side effect to the business logic.
Items to monitor
Item | Specification |
timestamp | timestamp |
class | Java class |
method | method (constructor and regular methods) |
total | calling times |
success | success count |
fail | failure count |
rt | average RT |
fail-rate | failure ratio |
Parameter [c:] stands for cycles of statistics. Its value is an integer value in seconds.
Name | Specification |
class-pattern | pattern for the class name |
method-pattern | pattern for the method name |
[E] | turn on regex matching while the default is wildcard matching |
[c:] | cycle of statistics, the default value: 120 s |
$ monitor -c 5 demo.MathGame primeFactors
Press Ctrl+C to abort.
Affect(class-cnt:1 , method-cnt:1) cost in 94 ms.
timestamp class method total success fail avg-rt(ms) fail-rate
2018-12-03 19:06:38 demo.MathGame primeFactors 5 1 4 1.15 80.00%
timestamp class method total success fail avg-rt(ms) fail-rate
2018-12-03 19:06:43 demo.MathGame primeFactors 5 3 2 42.29 40.00%
timestamp class method total success fail avg-rt(ms) fail-rate
2018-12-03 19:06:48 demo.MathGame primeFactors 5 3 2 67.92 40.00%
timestamp class method total success fail avg-rt(ms) fail-rate
2018-12-03 19:06:53 demo.MathGame primeFactors 5 2 3 0.25 60.00%
timestamp class method total success fail avg-rt(ms) fail-rate
2018-12-03 19:06:58 demo.MathGame primeFactors 1 1 0 0.45 0.00%
timestamp class method total success fail avg-rt(ms) fail-rate
2018-12-03 19:07:03 demo.MathGame primeFactors 2 2 0 3182.72 0.00%
* 表示匹配任意长度的任意字符
? 表示匹配一个任意字符
2.正则表达式(regular expression)一种字符串匹配模式标准
[abc] 字符集合(a、b或z)
[^abc] 负值字符集合 (任何字符, 除了abc)
^ 匹配字符串的开始
$ 匹配字符串的结束
b 匹配单词的开始或结束
{n} 重复n次
{n,} 重复n次或更多次
{n,m} 重复n到m次,
{n,m}? 重复n到m次,但尽可能少重复
{n,}? 重复n次以上,但尽可能少重复
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