1. 概念说明
Persistent and Accountable Domain Validation (PADVA) is a next-generation TLS notary service. PADVA combines the advantages of previous proposals, enhancing them, introducing novel mechanisms, and leveraging a blockchain platform which provides new features. PADVA keeps notaries auditable and accountable, introduces service-level agreements and mechanisms to enforce them, relaxes availability requirements for notaries, and works with the legacy TLS ecosystem.
PADVA 是下一代TLS notary技术服务,PAVDA包含之前投案、建议,加强它们,引入新的机制并影响区块链平台的诸多特性。 PADVA使公证数据保持可审计性和责任感,引入服务级别协议和机制来执行这些协议,放宽公证人的可用性要求,并与LS生态经济系统合作。
2. 业务流程
3. 系统架构The internal architecture of a PADVA notary
4. 扩展的公钥机制
- "Blockchain-based TLS Notary Service " Computer Science 2018
以上就是狂野期待为你收集整理的TLSNotary中心化预言机(3) 下一代技术----PADVA的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决TLSNotary中心化预言机(3) 下一代技术----PADVA所遇到的程序开发问题。
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