adb root
adb shell setenforce 0
adb shell setprop persist.vendor.mtk.camera.log_level 3
adb shell setprop vendor.debug.camera.log.FDNode 1
adb shell setprop vendor.debug.camera.fd.config.enable 1
adb shell setprop vendor.debug.camera.fd.enable 1
adb shell setprop vendor.debug.camera.fd.detail.log 1
adb shell setprop debug.cam.drawid 1
adb shell setprop vendor.debug.camera.log.ZoomRatioConverter 1
adb shell setprop vendor.debug.hal3av3.log 1
adb shell pkill camera*
adb logcat -G 20M
当算法识别到人脸数后Log中会有提示NumFace = x,如下:
11-21 04:33:53.864 16160 16328 D MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [RunFaceDetection] status : 1, after calculateRotateDegree : 90
11-21 04:33:53.864 16160 16328 I MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [RunFaceDetection] rotatetion : 90, sensor facing : 1
11-21 04:33:53.864 16160 16328 D MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [RunFaceDetection] after calculate rot : 90
11-21 04:33:53.864 16160 16328 I MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [RunFaceDetection] FD frame timestamp : 267939140741000
11-21 04:33:53.864 16160 16328 I MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [RunFaceDetection] FD count : 199, duration : 199
11-21 04:33:53.864 16160 16328 D MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [RunFaceDetection] halFDDo In.
11-21 04:33:53.886 16160 16328 D MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [RunFaceDetection] halFDDo Out.
11-21 04:33:53.887 16160 16328 D MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [RunFaceDetection] NumFace = 2,
11-21 04:33:53.887 16160 16328 D MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [RunFaceDetection] faceArea = 762625, mFaceRatio = 0.190656
11-21 04:33:53.887 16160 16328 I MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [RunFaceDetection] 3A NumFace = 2,
11-21 04:33:53.887 16160 16328 D MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [RunFaceDetection] [Before 3A] magicNo: 105
11-21 04:33:53.887 16160 16328 I MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [convertResult] set 3A fd info
void get_fd_CustomizeData(FD_Customize_PARA *FDDataOut)
FDDataOut->FDThreadNum = 1;
FDDataOut->FDThreshold = 256;
FDDataOut->MajorFaceDecision = 1;
FDDataOut->OTRatio = 1088;
FDDataOut->SmoothLevel = 8;
FDDataOut->Momentum = 0;
FDDataOut->MaxTrackCount = 10;
FDDataOut->FDSkipStep = 2;
FDDataOut->FDRectify = 10;
FDDataOut->FDRefresh = 3;
FDDataOut->SDThreshold = 69;
FDDataOut->SDMainFaceMust = 1;
FDDataOut->SDMaxSmileNum = 3;
FDDataOut->GSensor = 1;
FDDataOut->FDModel = 1;
FDDataOut->OTFlow = 1; //0:Original Flow (FDRefresh:60) , 1:New Flow (FDRefresh:3)
FDDataOut->UseCustomScale = 1;
FDDataOut->FDSizeRatio = 0.0; // float:0~1
FDDataOut->SkipPartialFD = 0;
FDDataOut->SkipAllFD = 0;
void get_fd_CustomizeData(FD_Customize_PARA *FDDataOut)
FDDataOut->FDThreadNum = 1; //默认为1,不建议设的很大,此值越大,耗电越高,功耗越大,因为FD本身计算量较大,如果多开几条thread,那功耗就更多了。
FDDataOut->FDThreshold = 88; //代表人脸检测的一个阈值,用来判断是否为人脸区域。
FDDataOut->MajorFaceDecision = 1; //因为FD的结果会用来调整AE、AF的设定,所以当画面有多人脸的时候,需要决定一个重要的脸来做3A设定,这个值用来决定要以哪个脸优先,设定如下:
// 0: 人脸大小优先,即最大的那张人脸是要送到AE/AF那边去的
// 1: 画面中心优先,最中间的那种人脸是要送到AE/AF那边的
FDDataOut->OTRatio = 1088; // 画面中人在移动的情况下,人脸追踪的准确度和速度就需要调整此值,默认值为1024。
// 此值越大,表示越能够抗人脸的移动、转动和光线的变化,不会掉框,框会一直跟着人脸,不会lose tracing,但是框虽然跟上去了,但不一定能追到脸上去,有可能追到脖子或者脸部以外的区域,建议值:800~1280。
// 若认为tracing偏移的状况严重,可以降低此值,以losing tracing来换取校正位置。
//此值增加 ==》较不会losing tracing,易追到人脸区域以外。
//此值减小 ==》较易losing tracing,但易追到人脸区域。
FDDataOut->SmoothLevel = 8;
FDDataOut->FDSkipStep = 3;
FDDataOut->FDRectify = 10; //希望人脸框追人脸追的更准确一些,默认值为10,建议值5~15,此值越大,人脸框追踪人脸越不准确。
FDDataOut->FDRefresh = 3;
FDDataOut->SDThreshold = 69;
FDDataOut->SDMainFaceMust = 1;
FDDataOut->SDMaxSmileNum = 3;
FDDataOut->GSensor = 1; //默认值1,预设FD需要G-sensor的辅助来加速FD的搜寻时间
// 0: 不使用G-sensor
// 1:使用G-sensor
// 一般有Gsensor时,建议打开
FDDataOut->FDModel = 1;
FDDataOut->OTFlow = 1; //0:Original Flow (FDRefresh:60) , 1:New Flow (FDRefresh:3)
FDDataOut->SkipAllFD = 0;
struct tuning_para
MUINT32 FDThreshold; // default 256, suggest range: 100~400 bigger is harder
MUINT32 DisLimit; // default 4, suggest range: 1 ~ 4
MUINT32 DecreaseStep; // default 48, suggest range: 0 ~ 384
MUINT32 DelayThreshold; // default 20, under this goes to median reliability, above goes high
MUINT32 DelayCount; // default 2, for median reliability face, should have deteced in continous frame
MUINT32 MajorFaceDecision; // default 1, 0: Size fist. 1: Center first. 2: Size first perframe. 3: Center first per frame
MUINT8 OTBndOverlap; // default 8, suggest range: 6 ~ 9
MUINT32 OTRatio; // default 960, suggest range: 400~1200
MUINT32 OTds; // default 2, suggest range: 1~2
MUINT32 OTtype; // default 1, suggest range: 0~1
MUINT32 SmoothLevel; // default 8, suggest range: 0~16
MUINT32 Momentum; // default 2819,
MUINT32 SmoothLevelUI; // default 8, suggest range: 0~16
MUINT32 MomentumUI; // default 2818
MUINT32 MaxTrackCount; // default 10, suggest range: 0~120
MUINT8 SilentModeFDSkipNum; // default 0, suggest range: 0~2
MUINT8 HistUpdateSkipNum; // default 1, suggest range: 0~5
MUINT32 FDSkipStep; // default 2, suggest range: 2~6
MUINT32 FDRectify; // default 10000000 means disable and 0 means disable as well. suggest range: 5~10
MUINT32 FDRefresh; // default 3, suggest range: 30~120
static struct tuning_para tuning_35 =
100, //FDThreshold;
4, //DisLimit;
384, //DecreaseStep;
127, //DelayThreshold;
3, //DelayCount;
1, //MajorFaceDecision;
8, //OTBndOverlap;
2, //OTds;
1, //OTtype;
8, //SmoothLevel;
0, //Momentum;
0, //SmoothLevelUI;
0, //MomentumUI;
10, //MaxTrackCount;
6, //SilentModeFDSkipNum;
1, //HistUpdateSkipNum;
2, //FDSkipStep;
10, //FDRectify;
3 //FDRefresh;
static struct tuning_para tuning_40 =
200, //FDThreshold;
4, //DisLimit;
192, //DecreaseStep;
50, //DelayThreshold;
2, //DelayCount;
14, //MajorFaceDecision;
8, //OTBndOverlap;
2, //OTds;
1, //OTtype;
8, //SmoothLevel;
0, //Momentum;
0, //SmoothLevelUI;
0, //MomentumUI;
10, //MaxTrackCount;
0, //SilentModeFDSkipNum;
1, //HistUpdateSkipNum;
2, //FDSkipStep;
10, //FDRectify;
3 //FDRefresh;
// Dump FD information
void halFDVT::dumpFDParam(MTKFDFTInitInfo &FDFTInitInfo)
MY_LOGD("WorkingBufAddr = %p", FDFTInitInfo.WorkingBufAddr);
MY_LOGD("WorkingBufSize = %d", FDFTInitInfo.WorkingBufSize);
MY_LOGD("FDThreadNum = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDThreadNum);
MY_LOGD("FDThreshold = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDThreshold);
MY_LOGD("DelayThreshold = %d", FDFTInitInfo.DelayThreshold);
MY_LOGD("MajorFaceDecision = %d", FDFTInitInfo.MajorFaceDecision);
MY_LOGD("OTRatio = %d", FDFTInitInfo.OTRatio);
MY_LOGD("SmoothLevel = %d", FDFTInitInfo.SmoothLevel);
MY_LOGD("FDSkipStep = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDSkipStep);
MY_LOGD("FDRectify = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDRectify);
MY_LOGD("FDRefresh = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDRefresh);
MY_LOGD("FDBufWidth = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDBufWidth);
MY_LOGD("FDBufHeight = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDBufHeight);
MY_LOGD("FDTBufWidth = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDTBufWidth);
MY_LOGD("FDTBufHeight = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDTBufHeight);
MY_LOGD("FDImageArrayNum = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDImageArrayNum);
MY_LOGD("FDImageWidthArray = ");
for (int i = 0; i < FD_SCALES; i++)
MY_LOGD("%d, ",FDFTInitInfo.FDImageWidthArray[i]);
MY_LOGD("FDImageHeightArray = ");
for (int i = 0; i < FD_SCALES; i++)
MY_LOGD("%d, ",FDFTInitInfo.FDImageHeightArray[i]);
MY_LOGD("FDMinFaceLevel = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDMinFaceLevel);
MY_LOGD("FDMaxFaceLevel = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDMaxFaceLevel);
MY_LOGD("FDImgFmtCH1 = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDImgFmtCH1);
MY_LOGD("FDImgFmtCH2 = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDImgFmtCH2);
MY_LOGD("SDImgFmtCH1 = %d", FDFTInitInfo.SDImgFmtCH1);
MY_LOGD("SDImgFmtCH2 = %d", FDFTInitInfo.SDImgFmtCH2);
MY_LOGD("SDThreshold = %d", FDFTInitInfo.SDThreshold);
MY_LOGD("SDMainFaceMust = %d", FDFTInitInfo.SDMainFaceMust);
MY_LOGD("GSensor = %d", FDFTInitInfo.GSensor);
MY_LOGD("GenScaleImageBySw = %d", FDFTInitInfo.GenScaleImageBySw);
MY_LOGD("FDManualMode = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDManualMode);
MY_LOGD("mUserScaleNum = %d", mUserScaleNum);
MY_LOGD("FDVersion = %d", FDFTInitInfo.FDVersion);
MY_LOGD("Version = %d", halFDGetVersion());
MY_LOGD("DisLimit = %d", FDFTInitInfo.DisLimit);
MY_LOGD("DecreaseStep = %d", FDFTInitInfo.DecreaseStep);
MY_LOGD("DelayThreshold = %d", FDFTInitInfo.DelayThreshold);
MY_LOGD("DelayCount = %d", FDFTInitInfo.DelayCount);
MY_LOGD("LandmarkEnableCnt = %d", FDFTInitInfo.LandmarkEnableCnt);
03-06 02:33:54.763350 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] mtkcam3 FDThreshold = 230
03-06 02:33:54.763359 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] DelayThreshold = 50
03-06 02:33:54.763367 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] MajorFaceDecision = 14
03-06 02:33:54.763375 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] OTRatio = 1088
03-06 02:33:54.763384 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] SmoothLevel = 8
03-06 02:33:54.763392 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] FDSkipStep = 2
03-06 02:33:54.763401 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] FDRectify = 10
03-06 02:33:54.763409 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] FDRefresh = 3
03-06 02:33:54.763417 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] FDBufWidth = 400
03-06 02:33:54.763840 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] FDMINSZ = 0
03-06 02:33:54.763848 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] Version = 7
03-06 02:33:54.763856 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] DisLimit = 4
03-06 02:33:54.763864 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] DecreaseStep = 100
03-06 02:33:54.763872 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] DelayThreshold = 50
03-06 02:33:54.763881 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] mtkcam3 DelayCount = 3
03-06 02:33:54.763890 953 9336 D mHalFDVT: (9336)[dumpFDParam] LandmarkEnableCnt = 5
adb root
adb shell setprop vendor.debug.camera.fd.disable 1
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