Orignal Article:
Sam Geall - Lies, damn lies and Chinese science | New Humanist
“What is the definition of a good person?” Wang Jisi, dean of the School of International Studies at Peking University, asked at a graduation address in July. His answer: “He does not cheat in exams, or plagiarise another scholar’s work, or cut corners in construction projects, or sell fake goods or accept bribes.” All fairly uncontroversial, you might think, especially considering the occasion. But, in fact, Wang was bravely addressing an issue that surfaces almost every day in the Chinese media. He was taking a stand in the continuing battle between those who uphold academic and scientific values and those others who can still achieve high status and rewards in China from peddling pseudoscience.
Even this article mainly talked about the lies here, how to become a good person here. I strongly believe that the writter was talking about "what's going on here".
Yes, I wanna ask: what the hell is going on here?
What can we believe or trust? What type of food is safe? Which source of the news is true?
Everyone on the TV are talking sh*t which they would never believe. Everyone on the internet can only talk some-shit they are allowed to talk.
Then we are in such a situation, true or false?
Here we have half true and half false, we don't konw what the fxxking pure true is.
2010-9-14 16:52:05
以上就是美丽白羊最近收集整理的关于"Lies, dxmn lies and Chin-ese science "~~where all the truth gone?的全部内容,更多相关"Lies,内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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