我是靠谱客的博主 辛勤绿茶,这篇文章主要介绍church_encoding C++版实现,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

namespace ChurBool
//church bool To normal bool
auto ToNormalBool = [](auto&&f)
    return f(true, false);

auto True = [](auto&&m, auto&&)
    return m;
auto False = [](auto&&, auto&&n)
    return n;
auto And = [](auto&&m, auto&&n)
    return m(n,m);
auto Or = [](auto&&m, auto&&n)
    return m(m,n);
auto Not = [](auto&&m)
    return [=](auto&&a, auto&&b)
        return m(b,a);
auto Xor = [=](auto&&m, auto&&n)
    return m(Not(n),n);
auto If = [](auto&&predicate)
    return [=](auto&&t, auto&&f)
        return predicate(t, f);

namespace ChurNum
//church number To normal number
auto ToNormalNum = [](auto&&f)
    return f([](int a)
        return a+1;
auto zero=[](auto&&)
    return [](auto&&x)
        return x;
auto Inc=[](auto&&n)
    return [=](auto&&f)
        return [=](auto&&x)
            return f((n(f)(x)));
auto Dec = [](auto&&n)
    return [=](auto&&f)
        return [=](auto&&x)
            return n([=](auto&&g)
                return [=](auto&&h)
                    return h(g(f));
                return x;
                return u;
auto Add=[](auto&&m, auto&&n)
    return [=](auto&&f)
        return [=](auto&&x)
            return m(f)((n(f)(x)));
constexpr auto Sub=[=](auto&&m, auto&&n)
    return [=](auto&&f)
        return [=](auto&&x)
            return (n(Dec))(m)(f)(x);
auto Mul=[](auto&&m, auto&&n)
    return [=](auto&&f)
        return [=](auto&&x)
            return m(n(f))(x);
auto Exp=[](auto&&m, auto&&n)
    return [=](auto&&f)
        return [=](auto&&x)
            return n(m)(f)(x);
using namespace ChurBool;
auto isZero = [=](auto&&n)
    return n([=](auto&&)
        return False;
//cmp(churNum m,churNum n){return m>=n;}
auto GEQ = [=](auto&&m, auto&&n)
    return isZero(Sub(n,m));

auto EQU = [=](auto&&m, auto&&n)
    return And(isZero(Sub(n,m)), isZero(Sub(m,n)));

auto Max = [=](auto&&m, auto&&n)
    return If(GEQ(m,n))

//    auto div=[=](auto&&m, auto&&n){return [=](auto&&f){return [=](auto&&x){return (n(sub))(m)(f)(x);};};};
//auto div = [=](auto&&m, auto&&n)
//    return If(GEQ(m,n))
//            (
//                ,)

//auto Remainder = [=](auto&&m, auto&&n)
//    auto ret = Sub(m,n);
//    isZero(ret);
//    if(ToNormalBool(GEQ(m, n)))
//        return Remainder(Sub(m,n), n);
//    return m;

using namespace ChurNum;
template<size_t n>
auto ToChurNum()
    return Inc(ToChurNum<n-1>());
auto ToChurNum<0>()
    return zero;
namespace ChurList
    auto Cons = [](auto&&x, auto&&y)
        return [=](auto&&z)
            return z(x,y);
    auto Car = [](auto&&p)
        return p([](auto&&x, auto&&)
            return x;
    auto Cdr = [](auto&&p)
        return p([](auto&&, auto&&y)
            return y;
    auto Nil = [=](auto&&)
        return True;
    auto isNil = [](auto&&l)
        return l([](auto&&,auto&&)
            return False;
int main()
    auto one = Inc(zero);
    auto two = ToChurNum<2>();
    auto three = Add(two, one);
    auto eighteen = Mul(two, Mul(three,three));     //2*3*3
    cout<<ToNormalNum(three)<<endl;                 //3
    cout<<ToNormalNum(eighteen)<<endl;              //18
    cout<<ToNormalNum(Exp(three,three))<<endl;      //3^3
    cout<<ToNormalNum(Dec(Exp(three,three)))<<endl; //3^3-1
    cout<<ToNormalNum(Sub(eighteen, three))<<endl;  //18-3
    using namespace ChurBool;
    cout<<ToNormalNum(Max(Sub(eighteen, two), Mul(zero, two)))<<endl;    //max(18-2, 0*2)
    using namespace ChurList;
    auto myPair = Cons("Cons string,",Cons(1,Nil));
关于division的实现,很遗憾,这里的If并没有对两个分支的求值进行特殊处理,会出现out of memory,会无限递归下去,即SICP第一章的某一题。暂时没想到好的处理方式。求余函数同理,好遗憾啊,涉及到递归的话,那个If没法单独触发某个branch。


以上就是辛勤绿茶最近收集整理的关于church_encoding C++版实现的全部内容,更多相关church_encoding内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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