by Alex Shortsleeve
由Alex Shortsleeve
学习管理系统:它们是什么,为什么要一个 (Learning Management Systems: what they are, and why you might want one)
什么是LMS? (What is an LMS?)
Imagine you have hundreds and even thousands of students, employees, or customers located throughout the world — and you are looking to either educate them, train them, or service them. Trying to communicate with all of them can be daunting, let alone managing their knowledge and understanding. This is where today’s technologies give you the power and reach to manage all your stakeholders.
想象一下,您在世界各地有成百上千的学生,员工或客户,而您正在寻找对他们进行培训,培训或服务的机构。 试图与所有人沟通可能会令人生畏,更不用说管理他们的知识和理解了。 当今的技术正是在这里为您提供管理所有利益相关者的能力和触角。
For the past ten years, I have worked with a variety of Learning Management Systems (LMS) as a student, instructor, and as an administrator. These include Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, eCollege, Cornerstone, SumTotal, Epic, and WebCT (now owned by Blackboard).
在过去的十年中,我曾作为学生,讲师和管理员与各种学习管理系统(LMS)一起工作。 这些包括Moodle , Blackboard , Canvas , eCollege , Cornerstone , SumTotal , Epic和WebCT (现在归Blackboard拥有)。
Learning Management Systems have been around for almost two decades, but have become more prevalent due to the expansion of the Internet and to the growth of for-profit colleges and universities. They are used to house information and create opportunities for individuals to learn.
学习管理系统已经存在了将近20年,但是由于Internet的扩展和以营利为目的的学院和大学的增长,它变得更加流行。 它们用于存储信息并为个人创造学习机会。
Originally learning platforms were used to document and deliver online, asynchronous, computer-based training via the web.
Today, these types of platforms have the capability of offering not only those just mentioned but live streaming or synchronous teaching.
In addition, they have the ability to generate analytical reports that can assist organizations in identifying performance indicators.
有不同的类型吗? (Are there different types?)
Yes. Learning Management Systems are utilized by all types of educational institutions from K12 through Graduate school. They are also used by organizations to train their employees. Although most of these learning platforms can be used within each of these types of organizations, they do tend to cater to one or the other.
是。 从K12到研究生院的所有类型的教育机构都使用学习管理系统。 组织还使用它们来培训员工。 尽管这些学习平台中的大多数都可以在每种类型的组织中使用,但它们的确能够迎合彼此的需求。
Much of this is due to the fact that learning occurs in different ways based on whether you are an educational institution or private business. In addition, educational institutions track user performance by grades — whereas a private business may offer certifications and/or badges that show accomplishments.
这主要是由于基于您是教育机构还是私营企业,学习以不同的方式发生的事实。 此外,教育机构会按等级跟踪用户的表现-而私营企业可能会提供证明和/或显示成就的徽章。
Educational institutions are using learning platforms for a variety of reasons. These include the ability to enroll students who are not near the campus, thus increasing admissions. Classes are not limited to the size of the classroom. It also aligns with how many prefer to learn; at their own time and pace as well as utilizing the chunking strategy of delivering learning into manageable parts or modules.
教育机构出于各种原因而使用学习平台。 其中包括招收不在校园附近的学生的能力,从而增加了入学率。 课程不限于教室的大小。 它还与有多少人喜欢学习保持一致; 并根据自己的时间和进度,并利用将学习内容传递到可管理的部分或模块中的分块策略。
Organizations on the other hand are using the LMS to drive employee training, skill development, and succession planning. In the beginning organizations used the learning platforms for compliance training that may have been required by a government agency as well as an onboarding tool for new hires.
另一方面,组织正在使用LMS来推动员工培训,技能开发和继任计划。 最初,组织使用学习平台来进行政府机构可能需要的合规性培训,还为新员工提供了入门工具。
Savvy organizations are now beginning to realize that their learning platforms can be used as a tool for continuous improvement offering training that goes beyond compliance and onboarding.
他们要多少钱? (How much do they cost?)
The cost of an LMS can be anywhere between free to several thousands of dollars. The Moodle LMS, for example, is free but requires the ability to configure it. The fact that it is also an open source program allows for easy upgrades and customization. There is still a cost factor to consider — that is the time it takes for a programmer to develop and configure it.
LMS的成本可以在免费到数千美元之间。 例如,Moodle LMS是免费的,但需要能够对其进行配置。 它也是一个开源程序,因此可以轻松升级和定制。 仍然需要考虑成本因素–这是程序员开发和配置它所花费的时间。
For those that do have a price, the cost can vary greatly depending upon the number of users. Most of these types of LMSs have the option to purchase the system as an Enterprise solution in which there are no recurring costs regardless of the number of users and data is stored on your own servers. In other words, it is a WYSIWYG.
对于确实有价格的产品,成本可能会根据用户数量而有很大差异。 这些类型的LMS中的大多数都可以选择将系统作为企业解决方案购买,无论用户数量多少和数据存储在您自己的服务器上,都不会产生重复成本。 换句话说,它是所见即所得。
The other option is to purchase it as a SAAS (software as a service) where your data is stored in a cloud or on the vendor’s servers. This option usually includes vendor assistance and automatic upgrades.
另一种选择是将其作为SAAS(软件即服务)购买,其中您的数据存储在云中或在供应商的服务器上。 此选项通常包括供应商帮助和自动升级。
LMS的功能和优势 (The features and benefits of an LMS)
This is where your homework occurs, and it is important that you ask all the right questions. Be sure to consider whether it is scalable and can grow with your organization. It is also important to recognize not only how you would use it today, but in the future as well.
这是您进行家庭作业的地方,重要的是您要问所有正确的问题。 请务必考虑它是否可扩展,并且可以随您的组织一起发展。 同样重要的是,不仅要认识到今天如何使用它,而且还要认识到将来如何使用它。
Furthermore, there are several different types of learning platforms where you can add plug-ins to enhance its functionalities.
One area to consider closely is the ability for the LMS to analyze data and report on it. You should also consider whether it can communicate with other systems such as an HRIS (Human Resources Information System) or an SIS (Student Information System) since this may be tied directly to the user.
LMS需要分析的一个方面是分析数据并报告数据的能力。 您还应该考虑它是否可以与其他系统(例如HRIS(人力资源信息系统)或SIS(学生信息系统))进行通信,因为这可能与用户直接相关。
Some LMSs are very robust in what they have to offer — such as built-in quiz makers and course authoring tools that allow you to design your courses that are loaded onto the system. If they don’t have these built-in tools, then you need to consider the ability for the LMS to integrate with other software tools and accept different types of file formats such as SCORM and xAPI. Also, a good LMS should be mobile device friendly.
某些LMS在提供的功能方面非常强大-诸如内置的测验工具和课程编写工具,可让您设计加载到系统上的课程。 如果他们没有这些内置工具,则需要考虑LMS与其他软件工具集成并接受不同类型的文件格式(例如SCORM和xAPI)的能力 。 同样,一个好的LMS应该对移动设备友好。
But what may be the most important aspects to consider are the UI (user interface) and UX (user experience). You want your users to feel comfortable when working with your learning platform. Remember to also consider the different types of users that will be working with the LMS and their respective UI and UX; such as trainers, managers, and administrators.
但是,可能要考虑的最重要方面是UI(用户界面)和UX(用户体验)。 您希望用户在使用学习平台时感到舒适。 记住还要考虑将与LMS及其各自的UI和UX一起使用的不同类型的用户 ; 例如培训师,经理和管理员。
您如何利用您的LMS? (How do you leverage your LMS?)
The reason for this question has to do with the concept of acceptance or buy-in. Acceptance reflects how well your users will respond to working with a new piece of software and buy-in reflects as to the level of support that management gives for purchasing the LMS. Therefore your systems’ reporting capabilities are important since they may help to identify how well your users are responding and whether there are any gaps or deficiencies in their training or education.
这个问题的原因与接受或买入的概念有关。 接受程度反映了您的用户对使用新软件的React有多好,而买入则反映了管理层为购买LMS提供的支持水平。 因此,系统的报告功能非常重要,因为它们可以帮助您确定用户的响应程度,以及他们的培训或教育是否存在任何差距或不足。
To secure buy-in from management you will need to also communicate its ROI (return on investment). The reporting tools can assist you with this and other challenges to the effectiveness of using an LMS.
为了确保管理层的支持,您还需要传达其ROI(投资回报率)。 报告工具可以帮助您解决使用LMS的有效性方面的挑战。
One of the most overlooked strategies when choosing to implement or purchase an LMS has to do with connecting it to your organizational goals. In fact, this should be one of the first things that you consider. By using this strategy you improve your chances of acceptance or buy-in.
选择实施或购买LMS时,最容易被忽略的策略之一就是将其与您的组织目标联系起来。 实际上,这应该是您考虑的第一件事。 通过使用此策略,您可以提高接受或买入的机会。
使用LMS有什么陷阱吗? (Any pitfalls in using an LMS?)
The first potential pitfall that comes to mind is whether you choose the right learning platform for your organization. The time and cost factors that go into developing it as well as learning to use it can be high. Switching from one LMS to another is not as easy as it sounds. Consider how you will utilize your system in the future since this will take into account its ability to add features.
首先想到的潜在陷阱是,您是否为组织选择了正确的学习平台。 开发和学习使用它的时间和成本因素可能很高。 从一个LMS切换到另一个LMS听起来并不容易。 考虑一下将来如何使用系统,因为这将考虑其添加功能的能力。
Another concern is its scalability. You want an LMS that can grow with your organization. It needs to be able to add users quickly. Remember that the cost of an LMS is often tied to the number of users, so your costs will rise as the number of users increase.
另一个问题是它的可伸缩性。 您需要一个可以随您的组织一起发展的LMS。 它需要能够快速添加用户。 请记住,LMS的成本通常与用户数量有关,因此您的成本将随着用户数量的增加而增加。
Probably the most overlooked pitfall is the inability to use the system at its optimum level. This can include how you set up your courses to curating your data. In other words, “Is it easy to find what you are looking for?”
可能最容易被忽视的陷阱是无法以最佳状态使用系统。 这可以包括如何设置课程来管理数据。 换句话说,“找到想要的东西容易吗?”
Perhaps your system has a built-in calendar that allows for easy scheduling of live sessions. Some learning platforms allow you to send push notifications to the users to remind them or encourage them to register for specific courses or training.
也许您的系统具有内置日历,可以轻松安排实时会话。 一些学习平台允许您向用户发送推送通知,以提醒他们或鼓励他们注册特定课程或培训。
In addition, some learning platforms can configure the landing pages and search capabilities which can enhance the UX. Perhaps you are not using some of the features that are built in to the system such as discussion forums or reporting capabilities.
此外,某些学习平台可以配置登录页面和搜索功能,从而增强用户体验。 也许您没有使用系统内置的某些功能,例如论坛或报告功能。
By using all the tools that your LMS can give you, you increase the chances of acceptance and buy-in.
最后的想法 (Final thoughts)
When the time comes to consider purchasing an LMS, remember to ask yourself many of the questions that were posited in this article. A good learning platform vendor should also have the capability for you to demo the LMS as in a sandbox, so you can better understand its abilities and functionalities.
当需要考虑购买LMS时,请记住问自己一些本文中提出的问题。 优秀的学习平台供应商还应具有在沙箱中演示LMS的功能,以便您可以更好地了解其功能和功能。
If you choose to go with an open source LMS or develop your own, consider the time factor for developing it. If you choose to go with a vendor, read the fine print and look to see that they have a good support system in place which can include tutorials as well as the ability to keep your data secure.
如果您选择使用开源LMS或自行开发,请考虑开发它的时间因素。 如果您选择与供应商合作,请阅读详细说明,以确保他们拥有一个良好的支持系统,其中可以包括教程以及保持数据安全的能力。
With the advent of the Internet and the ever-growing field of technology, your ability to reach your workforce or students globally is now a reality. Consider investing in a Learning Management System today and watch your learning and development be but a click away.
随着Internet的出现和不断发展的技术领域,如今已经成为您实现覆盖全球员工或学生的能力。 立即考虑投资学习管理系统,只需单击一下即可观看您的学习和发展。
翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learning-management-systems-what-they-are-and-why-you-might-want-one-9bc28186e395/
以上就是贪玩灰狼为你收集整理的intext:后台管理系统_学习管理系统:它们是什么,为什么要一个 学习管理系统:它们是什么,为什么要一个 (Learning Management Systems: what they are, and why you might want one)的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决intext:后台管理系统_学习管理系统:它们是什么,为什么要一个 学习管理系统:它们是什么,为什么要一个 (Learning Management Systems: what they are, and why you might want one)所遇到的程序开发问题。
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