- 前言
- 精灵调用图片的两种类
- 1、第一种类的定义
- 1.1 以文件名及缩放比例做初始参数
- 1.2 利用变换图片的颜色更换角色的使用
- 1.3 代码分析
- 转换文件来不及调用,时间问题??????
- 2、第二种方法,通过sprite的texture直接赋值
- 2.1精灵的两种加载图片方式
- 2.2 两种方式,上述类是一种以文件形赋值的 # 添加角色.
- 2.3 修改类
- 2.4 调用第二种类的代码实现
- 源码获取
1.1 以文件名及缩放比例做初始参数
class Enemy_tank(arcade.Sprite):
def __init__(self, filename, scale, x, y, speed_to_player=0.2):
super().__init__(filename, scale)
self.center_x = x
self.center_y = y
self.word = 'book'
self.hz = '书'
self.life = 1 # 生命条数,即挨几颗子弹消失
self.speed_to_player = speed_to_player # 面向角色移动的速度
def draw_word(self, x, y, fcolor=arcade.csscolor.WHITE_SMOKE, fsize=18, text=None):
if text:
arcade.draw_text(text, x, y, fcolor, fsize)
arcade.draw_rectangle_filled(x+len(self.word)*xs//2-10,y+5,len(self.word)*xs, 30,(128,138,135))
arcade.draw_text(self.word, x, y, fcolor, fsize)
def update(self):
if self.speed_to_player:
# 敌人向角色移动变量
self.change_x = math.cos(self.angle) * 0.2
self.change_y = math.sin(self.angle) * 0.2
1.2 利用变换图片的颜色更换角色的使用
def setup_enemy(self):
# pass
self.scene.add_sprite_list_after(LAYER_tanks, 'wj')
if len(self.word_keys) == 0:
if self.danyuan==len(self.gk[self.year]):
self.level += 1
self.year =self.years[self.level]
self.danyuan += 1
self.setup_word(self.danyuan, self.year)
if len(self.word_keys) > 0:
self.key = self.word_dict[self.word_keys[0]] # 朋友
# print('key',self.key)
xsword = {}
xsword[self.word_keys[0]] = self.word_dict[self.word_keys[0]]
# 随机取3
sankey = random.sample(self.word_dict.keys(), 3)
if self.word_keys[0] in sankey:
# 增加两个敌人
xsword[sankey[0]] = self.word_dict[sankey[0]]
xsword[sankey[1]] = self.word_dict[sankey[1]]
# 增加随机坦克
random_x= random.random()*SCREEN_width/3
for jj in range(3):
if tempx>self.end_of_map:
random_y = random.random() * self.top_of_map / 3
random.shuffle(posx) # 打乱顺序
# print(posx)
# 转换文件来不及调用,时间问题??????
tempcolorh = random.random()
# print('color',tempcolorh)
tempic = change_color_tmpic(Image.open("images/坦克2.png"), tempcolorh)
tempfile = 'images/temp'+str(tempcolorh)+'.png'
for x in xsword:
tank = Enemy_tank(tempfile, 0.5, posx[j], random_y)
tank.word = x
tank.hz = xsword[x]
self.scene.add_sprite(LAYER_tanks, tank)
j +=1
if (os.path.exists(tempfile)):
# 存在,则删除文件
# 去掉已显示单词
# 增加子弹层
self.scene.add_sprite_list_after(LAYER_bullet, 'wj')
# 增加爆炸粒子列表
self.scene.add_sprite_list_after(LAYER_explosions, 'wj')
1.3 代码分析
tempcolorh = random.random()
# print('color',tempcolorh)
tempic = change_color_tmpic(Image.open("images/坦克2.png"), tempcolorh)
tempfile = 'images/temp'+str(tempcolorh)+'.png'
for x in xsword:
tank = Enemy_tank(tempfile, 0.5, posx[j], random_y)
tank.word = x
tank.hz = xsword[x]
self.scene.add_sprite(LAYER_tanks, tank)
j +=1
if (os.path.exists(tempfile)):
# 存在,则删除文件
# 去掉已显示单词
class Sprite:
Class that represents a 'sprite' on-screen. Most games center around sprites.
For examples on how to use this class, see:
:param str filename: Filename of an image that represents the sprite.
:param float scale: Scale the image up or down. Scale of 1.0 is none.
:param float image_x: X offset to sprite within sprite sheet.
:param float image_y: Y offset to sprite within sprite sheet.
:param float image_width: Width of the sprite
:param float image_height: Height of the sprite
:param float center_x: Location of the sprite
:param float center_y: Location of the sprite
:param bool flipped_horizontally: Mirror the sprite image. Flip left/right across vertical axis.
:param bool flipped_vertically: Flip the image up/down across the horizontal axis.
:param bool flipped_diagonally: Transpose the image, flip it across the diagonal.
:param str hit_box_algorithm: One of None, 'None', 'Simple' or 'Detailed'.
Defaults to 'Simple'. Use 'Simple' for the :data:`PhysicsEngineSimple`,
and 'Detailed' for the :data:`PymunkPhysicsEngine`.
:param Texture texture: Specify the texture directly. 直接指定纹理
:param float angle: The initial rotation of the sprite in degrees
This will ignore all hit box and image size arguments.
.. figure:: ../images/hit_box_algorithm_none.png
:width: 40%
hit_box_algorithm = "None"
.. figure:: ../images/hit_box_algorithm_simple.png
:width: 55%
hit_box_algorithm = "Simple"
.. figure:: ../images/hit_box_algorithm_detailed.png
:width: 75%
hit_box_algorithm = "Detailed"
:param float hit_box_detail: Float, defaults to 4.5. Used with 'Detailed' to hit box
:alpha: Transparency of sprite. 0 is invisible, 255 is opaque.
:angle: Rotation angle in degrees. Sprites rotate counter-clock-wise.
:radians: Rotation angle in radians. Sprites rotate counter-clock-wise.
:bottom: Set/query the sprite location by using the bottom coordinate.
This will be the 'y' of the bottom of the sprite.
:boundary_left: Used in movement. Left boundary of moving sprite.
:boundary_right: Used in movement. Right boundary of moving sprite.
:boundary_top: Used in movement. Top boundary of moving sprite.
:boundary_bottom: Used in movement. Bottom boundary of moving sprite.
:center_x: X location of the center of the sprite
:center_y: Y location of the center of the sprite
:change_x: Movement vector, in the x direction.
:change_y: Movement vector, in the y direction.
:change_angle: Change in rotation.
:color: Color tint the sprite
:collision_radius: Used as a fast-check to see if this item is close
enough to another item. If this check works, we do a slower more accurate check.
You probably don't want to use this field. Instead, set points in the
hit box.
:cur_texture_index: Index of current texture being used.
:guid: Unique identifier for the sprite. Useful when debugging.
:height: Height of the sprite.
:force: Force being applied to the sprite. Useful when used with Pymunk
for physics.
:hit_box: Points, in relation to the center of the sprite, that are used
for collision detection. Arcade defaults to creating a hit box via the
'simple' hit box algorithm
that encompass the image. If you are creating a ramp or making better
hit-boxes, you can custom-set these.
:left: Set/query the sprite location by using the left coordinate. This
will be the 'x' of the left of the sprite.
:position: A list with the (x, y) of where the sprite is.
:right: Set/query the sprite location by using the right coordinate.
This will be the 'y=x' of the right of the sprite.
:sprite_lists: List of all the sprite lists this sprite is part of.
:texture: :class:`arcade.Texture` class with the current texture. Setting a new texture does
**not** update the hit box of the sprite. This can be done with
``my_sprite.hit_box = my_sprite.texture.hit_box_points``. New textures will be centered
on the current center_x/center_y.
:textures: List of textures associated with this sprite.
:top: Set/query the sprite location by using the top coordinate. This
will be the 'y' of the top of the sprite.
:scale: Scale the image up or down. Scale of 1.0 is original size, 0.5
is 1/2 height and width.
:velocity: Change in x, y expressed as a list. (0, 0) would be not moving.
:width: Width of the sprite
It is common to over-ride the `update` method and provide mechanics on
movement or other sprite updates.
def __init__(
filename: str = None,
scale: float = 1,
image_x: float = 0,
image_y: float = 0,
image_width: float = 0,
image_height: float = 0,
center_x: float = 0,
center_y: float = 0,
repeat_count_x: int = 1, # Unused
repeat_count_y: int = 1, # Unused
flipped_horizontally: bool = False,
flipped_vertically: bool = False,
flipped_diagonally: bool = False,
hit_box_algorithm: Optional[str] = "Simple",
hit_box_detail: float = 4.5,
texture: Texture = None,
angle: float = 0,
""" Constructor """
# Position, size and orientation properties
self._width: float = 0.0
self._height: float = 0.0
self._scale: float = scale
self._position: Point = (center_x, center_y)
self._angle = angle
self.velocity = [0.0, 0.0]
self.change_angle: float = 0.0
# Hit box and collision property
self._points: Optional[PointList] = None
self._point_list_cache: Optional[PointList] = None
self._hit_box_shape: Optional[ShapeElementList] = None
self._hit_box_algorithm = hit_box_algorithm
self._hit_box_detail = hit_box_detail
self._collision_radius: Optional[float] = None
# Color
self._color: RGB = (255, 255, 255)
self._alpha: int = 255
# Custom sprite properties
self._properties: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
# Boundaries for moving platforms in tilemaps
self.boundary_left: Optional[float] = None
self.boundary_right: Optional[float] = None
self.boundary_top: Optional[float] = None
self.boundary_bottom: Optional[float] = None
# Texture properties
self._texture: Optional[Texture] = None
self.textures: List[Texture] = []
self.cur_texture_index: int = 0
self.sprite_lists: List["SpriteList"] = []
self.physics_engines: List[Any] = []
self._sprite_list: Optional["SpriteList"] = None # Used for Sprite.draw()
# Pymunk specific properties
self._pymunk: Optional[PyMunk] = None
self.force = [0, 0]
# Debug properties
self.guid: Optional[str] = None
# Sanity check values
if image_width < 0:
raise ValueError("Width of image can't be less than zero.")
if image_height < 0:
raise ValueError(
"Height entered is less than zero. Height must be a positive float."
if image_width == 0 and image_height != 0:
raise ValueError("Width can't be zero.")
if image_height == 0 and image_width != 0:
raise ValueError("Height can't be zero.")
if hit_box_algorithm not in ["Simple", "Detailed", "None", None]:
raise ValueError(
"hit_box_algorithm must be 'Simple', 'Detailed', 'None' or None"
if texture:
self._texture = texture
self._textures = [texture]
self._width = self._texture.width * scale
self._height = self._texture.height * scale
elif filename is not None:
self._texture = load_texture(
self.textures = [self._texture]
# Ignore the texture's scale and use ours
self._width = self._texture.width * scale
self._height = self._texture.height * scale
if self._texture and not self._points:
self._points = self._texture.hit_box_points
2.2 两种方式,上述类是一种以文件形赋值的 # 添加角色.
image_source = “images/bird.png”
self.player_sprite = arcade.Sprite(image_source, CHARACTER_SCALING)
self.player_sprite.center_x = 64
self.player_sprite.center_y = 128
二 以texture引用
# 添加角色.
# image_source = “images/bird.png”
texture = arcade.load_texture(f"images/bird.png")
# self.player_sprite = arcade.Sprite(image_source, CHARACTER_SCALING)
self.player_sprite = arcade.Sprite(texture=texture, scale=CHARACTER_SCALING)
self.player_sprite.center_x = 64
self.player_sprite.center_y = 128
2.3 修改类
# 不调用文件,直接给texture给值
class Enemy_tank_pic(arcade.Sprite):
def __init__(self, texture, scale, x, y, speed_to_player=0.2):
super().__init__(texture=texture, scale=scale)
self.center_x = x
self.center_y = y
self.word = 'book'
self.hz = '书'
self.life = 1 # 生命条数,即挨几颗子弹消失
self.speed_to_player = speed_to_player # 面向角色移动的速度
def draw_word(self, x, y, fcolor=arcade.csscolor.WHITE_SMOKE, fsize=18, text=None):
if text:
arcade.draw_text(text, x, y, fcolor, fsize)
arcade.draw_rectangle_filled(x+len(self.word)*xs//2-10,y+5,len(self.word)*xs, 30,(128,138,135))
arcade.draw_text(self.word, x, y, fcolor, fsize)
def update(self):
if self.speed_to_player:
# 敌人向角色移动变量
self.change_x = math.cos(self.angle) * 0.2
self.change_y = math.sin(self.angle) * 0.2
2.4 调用第二种类的代码实现
# 转换文件来不及调用,时间问题??????
tempcolorh = random.random()
tempic = change_color_tmpic(Image.open("images/坦克2.png"), tempcolorh)
tempfile = 'images/temp.png'
texture = arcade.load_texture(tempfile)
for x in xsword:
tank = Enemy_tank_pic(texture, 0.5, posx[j], random_y)
tank.word = x
tank.hz = xsword[x]
self.scene.add_sprite(LAYER_tanks, tank)
j +=1
# 去掉已显示单词
# 转换文件来不及调用,时间问题??????
tempcolorh = random.random()
tempic = change_color_tmpic(Image.open("images/坦克2.png"), tempcolorh)
# tempfile = 'images/temp.png'
# tempic.save(tempfile)
# texture = arcade.load_texture(tempfile)
for x in xsword:
tank = Enemy_tank_pic(tempic, 0.5, posx[j], random_y)
tank.word = x
tank.hz = xsword[x]
self.scene.add_sprite(LAYER_tanks, tank)
j +=1
# 去掉已显示单词
File "E:pgamearcadegametank.py", line 135, in __init__
super().__init__(texture=texture, scale=scale)
File "E:pgamevenvlibsite-packagesarcadesprite.py", line 274, in __init__
self._points = self._texture.hit_box_points
File "E:pgamevenvlibsite-packagesPILImage.py", line 548, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: hit_box_points
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