我是靠谱客的博主 昏睡枫叶,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Listing 3 Linker script for STM32F10x devices ,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


 (1) OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-littlearm", "elf32-bigarm", "elf32-littlearm")

 (2) OUTPUT_ARCH(arm)

 (3) ENTRY(Reset_Handler)                                         /* entry Point */


 (4) MEMORY {                                        /* memory map of STM32F107C */

 (5)     ROM (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 256K

 (6)     RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 64K



     /* The size of the stack used by the application. NOTE: you need to adjust  */

 (7) STACK_SIZE = 1024;


     /* The size of the heap used by the application. NOTE: you need to adjust   */

 (8) HEAP_SIZE = 0;




 (9)     .isr_vector : {                 /* the vector table goes FIRST into ROM */

(10)         KEEP(*(.isr_vector))                                /* vector table */

(11)         . = ALIGN(4);

(12)     } >ROM


(13)     .text : {                                         /* code and constants */

             . = ALIGN(4);

(14)         *(.text)                                   /* .text sections (code) */

             *(.text*)                                 /* .text* sections (code) */

(15)         *(.rodata)           /* .rodata sections (constants, strings, etc.) */

             *(.rodata*)         /* .rodata* sections (constants, strings, etc.) */


(16)         KEEP (*(.init))

(17)         KEEP (*(.fini))


             . = ALIGN(4);

(18)         _etext = .;                        /* global symbols at end of code */

         } >ROM


(19)     .preinit_array : {

             PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_start = .);

             KEEP (*(.preinit_array*))

             PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_end = .);

         } >ROM


(20)     .init_array : {

             PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .);

             KEEP (*(SORT(.init_array.*)))

             KEEP (*(.init_array*))

             PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end = .);

         } >ROM


(21)     .fini_array : {

             PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_start = .);

             KEEP (*(.fini_array*))

             KEEP (*(SORT(.fini_array.*)))

             PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_end = .);

         } >ROM


(22)     .data : {

             __data_load = LOADADDR (.data);

             __data_start = .;

             *(.data)                                          /* .data sections */

             *(.data*)                                        /* .data* sections */

             . = ALIGN(4);

             __data_end__ = .;

             _edata = __data_end__;

(23)     } >RAM AT>ROM

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STM32 with GNU



(24)     .bss : {

             __bss_start__ = . ;




             . = ALIGN(4);

             _ebss = .;                     /* define a global symbol at bss end */

             __bss_end__ = .;

(25)     } >RAM


(26)     PROVIDE ( end = _ebss );

         PROVIDE ( _end = _ebss );

         PROVIDE ( __end__ = _ebss );


(27)     .heap : {

             __heap_start__ = . ;

             . = . + HEAP_SIZE;

             . = ALIGN(4);

             __heap_end__ = . ;

         } >RAM


(28)     .stack : {

             __stack_start__ = . ;

             . = . + STACK_SIZE;

             . = ALIGN(4);

             __c_stack_top__ = . ;

             __stack_end__ = . ;

         } >RAM


         /* Remove information from the standard libraries */

         /DISCARD/ : {

             libc.a ( * )

             libm.a ( * )

             libgcc.a ( * )




Listing 3 shows the linker script for the STM32F10x MCU. The script is identical for C and C++ versions.

The highlights of the linker script are as follows: 

(1) The OUTPUT_FORMAT directive specifies the format of the output image (elf32, little-endian, ARM)

(2) OUTPUT_ARCH specifies the target machine architecture.

(3) ENTRY explicitly specifies the first instruction to execute in a program 

(4) The MEMORY command describes the location and size of blocks of memory in the target. 

(5) The region ROM corresponds to the on-chip flash of the STM32F10x device. It can contain read-only

and executable sections (rx), it starts at 0x08000000 and is 256KB in size.

(6) The region RAM corresponds to the on-chip SRAM of the STM32F10x device. It can contain read-

only, read-write and executable sections (rwx), it starts at 0x20000000 and is 64KB in size.

(7) The STACK_SIZE symbol determines the sizes of the ARM Main stack. You need to adjust the size

for your particular application. The stack size cannot be zero.

(8) The HEAP_SIZE symbol determines the sizes of the heap. You need to adjust the sizes for your

particular application. The heap size can be zero.

(9) The .isr_vector section contains the ARM Cortex IVT and must be located as the first section in


(10) This line locates all .isr_vector section.

(11) The section size is aligned to the 4-byte boundary

(12) This section is loaded directly to the ROM region defined in the MEMORY command.

(13) The .text section is for code and read-only data accessed in place. 

(14) The .text section groups all individual .text and .text* sections from all modules. 

(15) The section .rodata is used for read-only (constant) data, such as look-up tables.

(16-17) The .init and .fini sections are synthesized by the GNU C++ compiler and are used for static

constructors and destructors. These sections are empty in C programs.

(18) The .text section is located and loaded to ROM.

(19,20) The .preinint_array and .inint_array sections hold arrays of function pointers that are

called by the startup code to initialize the program. In C++ programs these hold pointers to the static

constructors that are called by __libc_init_array() before main().

(21) The .fini_array section holds an array of function pointers that are called before terminating the

program. In C++ programs this array holds pointers to the static destructors. 

(22) The .data section contains initialized data.

(23) The .data section is located in RAM, but is loaded to ROM and copied to RAM during startup.

(24) The .bss section contains uninitialized data. The C/C++ standard requires that this section must be

cleared at startup.

(25) The .bss section is located in RAM only.

(26) The symbols marking the end of the .bss sections are used by the startup code to allocate the

beginning of the heap.

(27) The .heap section contains the heap (please also see the HEAP_SIZE symbol definition in line (8))


NOTE: Even though the linker script supports the heap, it is almost never a good idea to use the heap in embedded

systems. Therefore the examples provided with this Application Note contain the file no_heap.c/cpp, which contains

dummy definitions of malloc()/free()/realloc() functions. Linking this file saves some 2.8KB of code space

compared to the actual implementation of the memory allocating functions.


(28) The .stack section contains the C stack (please also see the STACK_SIZE symbol definition in line

(7)). The stack memory is initialized with a given bit-pattern at startup.


4.1 Linker Options

The linker options for C and C++ are the same and are defined in the Makefile located in the DPP

directory. The most 


Linker options for C and C++ builds.

(1) LINKFLAGS = -T ./$(APP_NAME).ld /

(2) -o $(BINDIR)/$(APP_NAME).elf /

(3) -Wl,-Map,$(BINDIR)/$(APP_NAME).map,--cref,--gc-sections


(1)  –T option specifies the name of the linker script (dpp.ld in this case).

(2)  –o option specifies the name of image file (dpp.elf in this case).

(3)  --gc-sections enable garbage collection of unused input sections..


以上就是昏睡枫叶为你收集整理的Listing 3 Linker script for STM32F10x devices 的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Listing 3 Linker script for STM32F10x devices 所遇到的程序开发问题。



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