我是靠谱客的博主 跳跃手套,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Movement models代码分析2--MapBasedMovement,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



The basic map-based movement model ( MapBasedMovement) initially distributes the nodes between any two adjacent (i.e., connected by a path) map nodes and then nodes start moving from adjacent map node to another. When node reaches the next map node, it randomly selects the next adjacent map node but chooses the map node where it came from only if that is the only option (i.e., avoids going back to where it came from). Once node has moved through 10-100 map nodes, it pauses for a while and then starts moving again.

movement.SwitchableMovement:  Movement models to be used by ExtendedMovementModels should implement this interface


import input.WKTMapReader;

import java.io.File; //An abstract representation of file and directory pathnames
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList; //An abstract representation of file and directory pathnames
import java.util.HashSet; //This class implements the Set interface, backed by a hash table (actually a HashMap instance)
import java.util.Iterator; //An iterator over a collection
import java.util.LinkedList; //Doubly-linked list implementation of the List and Deque interfaces. Implements all optional list operations, and permits all elements (including null).
import java.util.List; //An ordered collection (also known as a sequence). The user of this interface has precise control over where in the list each element is inserted.
import java.util.Queue; //A collection designed for holding elements prior to processing
import java.util.Set; //A collection that contains no duplicate elements
import java.util.Vector; //The Vector class implements a growable array of objects

import movement.map.MapNode; //A node in a SimMap. Node has a location, 0-n neighbors that it is connected to and possibly a type identifier
import movement.map.SimMap; //A simulation map for node movement
import core.Coord;
import core.Settings;
import core.SettingsError;
import core.SimError;

 * Map based movement model which gives out Paths that use the
 * roads of a SimMap
public class MapBasedMovement extends MovementModel implements SwitchableMovement {
/** sim map for the model */
private SimMap map = null;
/** node where the last path ended or node next to initial placement */
protected MapNode lastMapNode; 
/**  max nrof map nodes to travel/path */
protected int maxPathLength = 100;
/**  min nrof map nodes to travel/path */
protected int minPathLength = 10;
/** May a node choose to move back the same way it came at a crossing */
protected boolean backAllowed;
/** map based movement model's settings namespace ({@value})*/
public static final String MAP_BASE_MOVEMENT_NS = "MapBasedMovement";
/** number of map files -setting id ({@value})*/
public static final String NROF_FILES_S = "nrofMapFiles";
/** map file -setting id ({@value})*/
public static final String FILE_S = "mapFile";
* Per node group setting for selecting map node types that are OK for
* this node group to traverse trough. Value must be a comma separated list
* of integers in range of [1,31]. Values reference to map file indexes
* (see {@link #FILE_S}). If setting is not defined, all map nodes are 
* considered OK.
public static final String MAP_SELECT_S = "okMaps";
/** the indexes of the OK map files or null if all maps are OK */
private int [] okMapNodeTypes;
/** how many map files are read */
private int nrofMapFilesRead = 0;
/** map cache -- in case last mm read the same map, use it without loading*/
private static SimMap cachedMap = null;
/** names of the previously cached map's files (for hit comparison) */
private static List<String> cachedMapFiles = null;
* Creates a new MapBasedMovement based on a Settings object's settings.
* @param settings The Settings object where the settings are read from
public MapBasedMovement(Settings settings) {
map = readMap();
maxPathLength = 100;
minPathLength = 10;
backAllowed = false;

* Creates a new MapBasedMovement based on a Settings object's settings
* but with different SimMap
* @param settings The Settings object where the settings are read from
* @param newMap The SimMap to use
* @param nrofMaps How many map "files" are in the map
public MapBasedMovement(Settings settings, SimMap newMap, int nrofMaps) {
map = newMap;
this.nrofMapFilesRead = nrofMaps;
maxPathLength = 100;
minPathLength = 10;
backAllowed = false;
* Reads the OK map node types from settings
* @param settings The settings where the types are read
private void readOkMapNodeTypes(Settings settings) {
if (settings.contains(MAP_SELECT_S)) {
this.okMapNodeTypes = settings.getCsvInts(MAP_SELECT_S);
for (int i : okMapNodeTypes) {
if (i < MapNode.MIN_TYPE || i > MapNode.MAX_TYPE) {
throw new SettingsError("Map type selection '" + i + 
"' is out of range for setting " + 
if (i > nrofMapFilesRead) {
throw new SettingsError("Can't use map type selection '" + i
+ "' for setting " + 
+ " because only " + nrofMapFilesRead + 
" map files are read");
else {
this.okMapNodeTypes = null;
* Copyconstructor.
* @param mbm The MapBasedMovement object to base the new object to 
protected MapBasedMovement(MapBasedMovement mbm) {
this.okMapNodeTypes = mbm.okMapNodeTypes;
this.map = mbm.map;
this.minPathLength = mbm.minPathLength;
this.maxPathLength = mbm.maxPathLength;
this.backAllowed = mbm.backAllowed;
* Returns a (random) coordinate that is between two adjacent MapNodes
public Coord getInitialLocation() {
List<MapNode> nodes = map.getNodes();
MapNode n,n2;
Coord n2Location, nLocation, placement;
double dx, dy;
double rnd = rng.nextDouble();
// choose a random node (from OK types if such are defined)
do {
n = nodes.get(rng.nextInt(nodes.size()));
} while (okMapNodeTypes != null && !n.isType(okMapNodeTypes));
// choose a random neighbor of the selected node
n2 = n.getNeighbors().get(rng.nextInt(n.getNeighbors().size())); 
nLocation = n.getLocation();
n2Location = n2.getLocation();
placement = n.getLocation().clone();
dx = rnd * (n2Location.getX() - nLocation.getX());
dy = rnd * (n2Location.getY() - nLocation.getY());
placement.translate(dx, dy); // move coord from n towards n2
this.lastMapNode = n;
return placement;
* Returns map node types that are OK for this movement model in an array
* or null if all values are considered ok
* @return map node types that are OK for this movement model in an array
protected int[] getOkMapNodeTypes() {
return okMapNodeTypes;
public Path getPath() {
Path p = new Path(generateSpeed());
MapNode curNode = lastMapNode;
MapNode prevNode = lastMapNode;
MapNode nextNode = null;
List<MapNode> neighbors;
Coord nextCoord;
assert lastMapNode != null: "Tried to get a path before placement";
// start paths from current node 
int pathLength = rng.nextInt(maxPathLength-minPathLength) + 

for (int i=0; i<pathLength; i++) {
neighbors = curNode.getNeighbors();
Vector<MapNode> n2 = new Vector<MapNode>(neighbors);
if (!this.backAllowed) {
n2.remove(prevNode); // to prevent going back
if (okMapNodeTypes != null) { //remove neighbor nodes that aren't ok
for (int j=0; j < n2.size(); ){
if (!n2.get(j).isType(okMapNodeTypes)) {
else {
if (n2.size() == 0) { // only option is to go back
nextNode = prevNode;
else { // choose a random node from remaining neighbors
nextNode = n2.get(rng.nextInt(n2.size()));
prevNode = curNode;
nextCoord = nextNode.getLocation();
curNode = nextNode;
lastMapNode = curNode;

return p;
* Selects and returns a random node that is OK from a list of nodes.
* Whether node is OK, is determined by the okMapNodeTypes list.
* If okMapNodeTypes are defined, the given list <strong>must</strong>
* contain at least one OK node to prevent infinite looping.
* @param nodes The list of nodes to choose from.
* @return A random node from the list (that is OK if ok list is defined)
protected MapNode selectRandomOkNode(List<MapNode> nodes) {
MapNode n;
do {
n = nodes.get(rng.nextInt(nodes.size()));
} while (okMapNodeTypes != null && !n.isType(okMapNodeTypes));

return n;
* Returns the SimMap this movement model uses
* @return The SimMap this movement model uses
public SimMap getMap() {
return map;
* Reads a sim map from location set to the settings, mirrors the map and
* moves its upper left corner to origo.
* @return A new SimMap based on the settings
private SimMap readMap() {
SimMap simMap;
Settings settings = new Settings(MAP_BASE_MOVEMENT_NS);
WKTMapReader r = new WKTMapReader(true);
if (cachedMap == null) {
cachedMapFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); // no cache present
else { // something in cache
// check out if previously asked map was asked again
SimMap cached = checkCache(settings);
if (cached != null) {
nrofMapFilesRead = cachedMapFiles.size();
return cached; // we had right map cached -> return it
else { // no hit -> reset cache
cachedMapFiles = new ArrayList<String>();
cachedMap = null;

try {
int nrofMapFiles = settings.getInt(NROF_FILES_S);

for (int i = 1; i <= nrofMapFiles; i++ ) {
String pathFile = settings.getSetting(FILE_S + i);
r.addPaths(new File(pathFile), i);
nrofMapFilesRead = nrofMapFiles;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SimError(e.toString(),e);

simMap = r.getMap();
// mirrors the map (y' = -y) and moves its upper left corner to origo
Coord offset = simMap.getMinBound().clone();
simMap.translate(-offset.getX(), -offset.getY());
cachedMap = simMap;
return simMap;
* Checks that all map nodes can be reached from all other map nodes
* @param nodes The list of nodes to check
* @throws SettingsError if all map nodes are not connected
private void checkMapConnectedness(List<MapNode> nodes) {
Set<MapNode> visited = new HashSet<MapNode>();
Queue<MapNode> unvisited = new LinkedList<MapNode>();
MapNode firstNode;
MapNode next = null;
if (nodes.size() == 0) {
throw new SimError("No map nodes in the given map");
firstNode = nodes.get(0);
while ((next = unvisited.poll()) != null) {
for (MapNode n: next.getNeighbors()) {
if (!visited.contains(n) && ! unvisited.contains(n)) {
if (visited.size() != nodes.size()) { // some node couldn't be reached
MapNode disconnected = null;
for (MapNode n : nodes) { // find an example node
if (!visited.contains(n)) {
disconnected = n;
throw new SettingsError("SimMap is not fully connected. Only " + 
visited.size() + " out of " + nodes.size() + " map nodes " +
"can be reached from " + firstNode + ". E.g. " + 
disconnected + " can't be reached");
* Checks that all coordinates of map nodes are within the min&max limits
* of the movement model
* @param nodes The list of nodes to check
* @throws SettingsError if some map node is out of bounds
private void checkCoordValidity(List<MapNode> nodes) {
// Check that all map nodes are within world limits
for (MapNode n : nodes) {
double x = n.getLocation().getX();
double y = n.getLocation().getY();
if (x < 0 || x > getMaxX() || y < 0 || y > getMaxY()) {
throw new SettingsError("Map node " + n.getLocation() + 
" is out of world  bounds "+
"(x: 0..." + getMaxX() + " y: 0..." + getMaxY() + ")");
* Checks map cache if the requested map file(s) match to the cached
* sim map
* @param settings The Settings where map file names are found 
* @return A cached map or null if the cached map didn't match
private SimMap checkCache(Settings settings) {
int nrofMapFiles = settings.getInt(NROF_FILES_S);

if (nrofMapFiles != cachedMapFiles.size() || cachedMap == null) {
return null; // wrong number of files
for (int i = 1; i <= nrofMapFiles; i++ ) {
String pathFile = settings.getSetting(FILE_S + i);
if (!pathFile.equals(cachedMapFiles.get(i-1))) {
return null; // found wrong file name
// all files matched -> return cached map
return cachedMap;
public MapBasedMovement replicate() {
return new MapBasedMovement(this);
public Coord getLastLocation() {
if (lastMapNode != null) {
return lastMapNode.getLocation();
} else {
return null;

public void setLocation(Coord lastWaypoint) {
// TODO: This should be optimized
MapNode nearest = null;
double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
Iterator<MapNode> iterator = getMap().getNodes().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
MapNode temp = iterator.next();
double distance = temp.getLocation().distance(lastWaypoint);
if (distance < minDistance) {
minDistance = distance;
nearest = temp;
lastMapNode = nearest;

public boolean isReady() {
return true;


以上就是跳跃手套为你收集整理的Movement models代码分析2--MapBasedMovement的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Movement models代码分析2--MapBasedMovement所遇到的程序开发问题。



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