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Z-Wave Battery Support Basics


Mains powered devices and battery devicesconfigured as Frequently Listening Routing Slave (FLiRS) can be controlled atany time. 外界电源供电的设备,以及被配置为FLiRS的电池供电设备,都可以在任何时刻被控制。

Power source: Mains powered devices areaccessible immediately and are always listening devices. Battery powereddevices focus on battery lifetime extension as one of the primary objectives. 外界电源供电的设备由于不太需要看看电池寿命,因此可以立即被访问,也始终处于侦听状态。而电池供电设备的主要关注点是如何尽可能低延长电池的工作寿命。

FLiRS: Frequently listening Routing Slave; Abattery-powered node type which may be reached within a few 100 ms. Typicallyused for applications such as door bells, networked smoke alarms, etc. 这种类型的节点虽然是电池供电的,但是可以在100ms内控制和访问它。典型的应用是门铃(door bells),门锁,联网的烟感传感器(networked smoke alarms)等等。

Wake-up Node: A battery-powered node typewhich stays in low power mode for long periods. When waking up, it may just doa single measurement before returning to sleep. The node autonomously decideswhen to send a report or a WakeUpNotification to a mailbox node.WakeUpNotifications may be sent at very long intervals. 这种节点是电池供电的节点类型,长期处于低功耗模式。 当醒来时,它可以在返回睡眠之前仅进行一次测量工作。 这种节点自主决定何时向mailbox节点发送测量报告或WakeUpNotification;其中WakeUpNotifications可能会以非常长的时间间隔发送。

To maximize battery life while stillproviding low latency communications, Z-Wave takes advantage of its uniqueFLiRs (frequently listening routing slave) technology. This technology is usedin battery-powered devices such as door locks and thermostats, or any batterypowered device. FLiRs uses an industry-standard technique, “beaming”, to wakeup FLiRs devices. This enables devices to “listen” for a beam while using barelymore power than when completely asleep.

为了最大可能地延长电池的工作寿命,同时又仍然可以提供低延迟的通信,Z-Wave使用了FLiRs(frequently listening routing slave)技术。 该技术用于电池供电的设备,例如门锁和恒温器,或任何电池供电的设备。 FLiRs使用工业标准技术“射束”(beaming)来唤醒FLiRs器件。这使得设备能够“监听”beam,同时功耗仅仅比完全睡眠时多一点点。

To conserve battery life, battery powereddevices such as door locks spend most of their time sleeping and simply go intoa kind of hibernation. However when another device such as your controllerwanted to talk to the sleeping device it had to wait until the device came outof hibernation and the battery device sent a message saying “I’m now awake, doyou need me for anything’ . If the controller had a message it would then besent while the battery device was still awake. After that the battery devicewould go back into hibernation to conserve its battery. Some battery devicesonly came out of hibernation every 30 minutes (the longer in hibernation thelonger the battery lasted). So a method was designed to be able to ‘wake up’battery devices much quicker (within 0.25 or 1 second), this system was calledFLiRS (Frequently Listening Routing Slave), what happens is the that batterydevice wakes up every 0.25 or 1 second and listens for a beam. If the beam isnot present the device sleeps, the beam is quite short so the battery used isminimal. It wakes up more often but for a shorter time period so overall thebattery used is very little.

为了节省电池寿命,诸如门锁这样电池供电的设备通常大部分时间都处于睡眠状态,类似于动物进入休眠状态。然而,当另一个设备(如控制器)想要与睡眠设备通信时,它必须等待这个休眠的设备退出休眠状态,并且等到这个电池供电的设备发送一个消息,说“我现在醒了,你需要我什么吗?”。如果控制器有消息要发给这个电池供电的设备,则它需要在电池供电设备仍然醒时尽快将消息发送出去。之后,电池供电设备将回到休眠状态以节省电力。一些电池供电设备可能仅仅每30分钟醒来一次(休眠时间越长,电池持续时间越长)。但是有时候我们可能需要尽快发送消息给某个设备,例如控制一个电池供电的门锁,不可能等30分钟命令才生效。因此,Z-Wave设计了一种方法,以便能够更快地(在0.25或1秒内)“唤醒”电池供电设备,该系统被称为FLiRS(Frequently Listening Routing Slave),采用这种机制的电池供电设备每0.25或1秒醒来并监听是否有beam存在。如果不存在beam,则设备继续返回休眠,beam相当短,因此所要消耗的电池电量最小。虽然它会更频繁地唤醒,但是由于醒的时间很短,所以整体使用的电池电量也很少。


下面的例子说明一个作为遥控器的sleeping node。遥控器只有在button被按下时才醒来,由于这个完成它的任务后,马上就进行休眠状态,因此其他节点无法发送命令给它。


但是在实际应用中,我们可能经常需要发送命令给一个电池供电的设备,例如配置参数,或者控制一个电池供电的门锁等等。Wakeup node周期性的醒来,然后和其他节点进行沟通(例如网关),或者发送命令给网络中的其他节点。


下面的例子Wakeup node实现一个温度计传感器。这个节点周期性的醒来,然后测量一次温度,然后上报度数给一个显示设备。它可能会隔很长一段时间(例如每70分钟)发送一个WakeUp Notification给网关,通知网关它醒了,有什么事情需要它做的没有?


通过仅每小时唤醒几次来报告测量,WakeUp节点可以在大多数时间保持在掉电状态以节省电力,同时利用WakeUp Notification它能够从与其他节点接收命令。网关可以碰碰运气立即发送命令给唤醒节点,它希望这个唤醒节点已经唤醒,但是实际上只有在接收到WakeUp节点的WakeUp Notification时,网关才真正能够确定WakeUp节点此时可以访问,可以发送消息给它。

A gateway basedcontrol system will often monitor the system in order to detect defunct nodes.Always listening nodes may be polled at low frequency. WakeUp Notifications canbe used to achieve a similar monitoring of the health of WakeUp nodes.

基于网关的控制系统可能会经常监控系统,以便及时发现某些已经消失不存在的节点,告知用户设备是否在线。始终处于侦听状态的节点(市电供电设备)通常会以比较低的频率被轮询。WakeUp Notifications可以被用于WakeUp node的健康检查,实现类似的设备健康监控功能。由于此时必须要等到目标电池供电节点的WakeUp Notifications后,才能发消息给该电池供电节点,同时WakeUp Notifications的发送间隔可能又非常长,所以对于控制命令来说显然是不可接收的。例如下发一个开锁命令给电池供电的door lock,可能需要等几十分钟命令才能生效。


FrequentlyListening (FLiRS) node使用一种特殊的称为beaming的特殊传输方法,通过这种方法可以实现其他节点在任何一秒内都发送命令给FLiRS node,而不需要等待目标节点的WakeUp Notifications;

下图演示FLiRS node在door lock中的应用。

Beaming比其他传输方法速率要低,同时它也是消耗功率的。另外Beaming可能会中断网络中其他节点的通讯一小段时间。因此,网关要发送一个命令给FLiRS node时,首先还是会尝试立刻发送该命令给FLiRS node节点,期盼FLiRS node当时正好处于醒的状态。如果不行的话,在使用beaming来传输这个命令。如果没有确切的需求,尽量必要使用beaming。

同样可以利用WakeUp Notifications来判断一个FLiRS node节点的存活状况。



以上就是孤独胡萝卜为你收集整理的Z-Wave Battery Support Basics ZWAVE如何实时控制电池供电设备的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Z-Wave Battery Support Basics ZWAVE如何实时控制电池供电设备所遇到的程序开发问题。



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