我是靠谱客的博主 善良紫菜,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍AF_DataRequest(),觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



 * @fn      AF_DataRequest


 * @brief   Common functionality for invoking APSDE_DataReq() for both

 *          SendMulti and MSG-Send.


 * input parameters


 * @param  *dstAddr - Full ZB destination address: Nwk Addr + End Point.     //网络地址??

 * @param  *srcEP - Origination (i.e. respond to or ack to) End Point Descr.

 * @param   cID - A valid cluster ID as specified by the Profile.

 * @param   len - Number of bytes of data pointed to by next param.

 * @param  *buf - A pointer to the data bytes to send.

 * @param  *transID - A pointer to a byte which can be modified and which will

 *                    be used as the transaction sequence number of the msg.

 * @param   options - Valid bit mask of Tx options.

 * @param   radius - Normally set to AF_DEFAULT_RADIUS.


 * output parameters


 * @param  *transID - Incremented by one if the return value is success.


 * @return  afStatus_t - See previous definition of afStatus_... types.


uint8 AF_DataRequestDiscoverRoute = TRUE;

afStatus_t AF_DataRequest( afAddrType_t *dstAddr, endPointDesc_t *srcEP,

                           uint16 cID, uint16 len, uint8 *buf, uint8 *transID,

                           uint8 options, uint8 radius )


  pDescCB pfnDescCB;

  ZStatus_t stat;

  APSDE_DataReq_t req;

  afDataReqMTU_t mtu;


  // Verify source end point

//源端点 是否有效

  if ( srcEP == NULL )


    return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;




#if !defined( REFLECTOR )

  if ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddrNotPresent )


    return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;




  // Check if route is available before sending data


  if ( options & AF_LIMIT_CONCENTRATOR  )


    if ( dstAddr->addrMode != afAddr16Bit )     //仅对单播 进行检查


      return ( afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER );



// First, make sure the destination is not its self, then check for an existing route.

//确认其目的地址 不是 本节点地址且 检查链路

    if ( (dstAddr->addr.shortAddr != NLME_GetShortAddr())

        && (RTG_CheckRtStatus( dstAddr->addr.shortAddr, RT_ACTIVE, (MTO_ROUTE | NO_ROUTE_CACHE) ) != RTG_SUCCESS) )


      // A valid route to a concentrator wasn't found

      return ( afStatus_NO_ROUTE );




  // Validate broadcasting



  if ( ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddr16Bit     ) ||

       ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddrBroadcast )    )


    // Check for valid broadcast values

    if( ADDR_NOT_BCAST != NLME_IsAddressBroadcast( dstAddr->addr.shortAddr )  )


      // Force mode to broadcast

      dstAddr->addrMode = afAddrBroadcast;




      // Address is not a valid broadcast type

      if ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddrBroadcast )


        return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;




  else if ( dstAddr->addrMode != afAddr64Bit &&

            dstAddr->addrMode != afAddrGroup &&

            dstAddr->addrMode != afAddrNotPresent )


    return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;



  // Set destination address

//根据地址模式 选择 扩展地址还是网络地址通讯

  req.dstAddr.addrMode = dstAddr->addrMode;

  if ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddr64Bit )

    osal_cpyExtAddr( req.dstAddr.addr.extAddr, dstAddr->addr.extAddr );


    req.dstAddr.addr.shortAddr = dstAddr->addr.shortAddr;



  req.profileID = ZDO_PROFILE_ID;

// 如果源端点有回调函数,调用回调函数修改规范ID

  if ( (pfnDescCB = afGetDescCB( srcEP )) )


    uint16 *pID = (uint16 *)(pfnDescCB(

                                 AF_DESCRIPTOR_PROFILE_ID, srcEP->endPoint ));

    if ( pID )


      req.profileID = *pID;

      osal_mem_free( pID );




  else if ( srcEP->simpleDesc )


    req.profileID = srcEP->simpleDesc->AppProfId;




//AF_ACK_REQUEST    0x10 要求APS应答,仅在单播时使用(会多出一个APS层的应答数据帧)。

//AF_DISCV_ROUTE 0x20 总要包含这个选项

//AF_SKIP_ROUTING 0x80 设置这个选项将导致设备跳过路由而直接发送消息。终点设备将不向其父亲发送消息。在单播和广播消息时很好用(测试情况需要在通讯范围内的两个节点才能完成直接通讯)。


 req.txOptions = 0;


  if ( ( options & AF_ACK_REQUEST              ) &&

       ( req.dstAddr.addrMode != AddrBroadcast ) &&

       ( req.dstAddr.addrMode != AddrGroup     )    )


    req.txOptions |=  APS_TX_OPTIONS_ACK;



  if ( options & AF_SKIP_ROUTING )


    req.txOptions |=  APS_TX_OPTIONS_SKIP_ROUTING;



  if ( options & AF_EN_SECURITY )



    mtu.aps.secure = TRUE;




    mtu.aps.secure = FALSE;



  if ( options & AF_PREPROCESS )


    req.txOptions |=  APS_TX_OPTIONS_PREPROCESS;



  mtu.kvp = FALSE;


  req.transID       = *transID;

  req.srcEP         = srcEP->endPoint;

  req.dstEP         = dstAddr->endPoint;

  req.clusterID     = cID;

  req.asduLen       = len;

  req.asdu          = buf;

  req.discoverRoute = AF_DataRequestDiscoverRoute;//(uint8)((options & AF_DISCV_ROUTE) ? 1 : 0);

  req.radiusCounter = radius;

#if defined ( INTER_PAN )

  req.dstPanId      = dstAddr->panId;


  if ( StubAPS_InterPan( dstAddr->panId, dstAddr->endPoint ) )


    if ( len > INTERP_DataReqMTU() )


      stat = afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;




      stat = INTERP_DataReq( &req );




#endif // INTER_PAN



//uint8 afDataReqMTU( afDataReqMTU_t* fields 返回能发送的最大字节数

//fields -要发送的消息类型参数


    if (len > afDataReqMTU( &mtu ) )


      if (apsfSendFragmented)


        stat = (*apsfSendFragmented)( &req );  //分割发送?




        stat = afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;





      stat = APSDE_DataReq( &req );   //应用层数据发送





   * If this is an EndPoint-to-EndPoint message on the same device, it will not

   * get added to the NWK databufs. So it will not go OTA and it will not get

   * a MACCB_DATA_CONFIRM_CMD callback. Thus it is necessary to generate the

   * AF_DATA_CONFIRM_CMD here. Note that APSDE_DataConfirm() only generates one

   * message with the first in line TransSeqNumber, even on a multi message.

   * Also note that a reflected msg will not have its confirmation generated

   * here.



在该处产生响应的 AF_DATA_CONFIRM_CMD 消息命令,且不会产生附带的消息。


  if ( (req.dstAddr.addrMode == Addr16Bit) &&

       (req.dstAddr.addr.shortAddr == NLME_GetShortAddr()) )


    afDataConfirm( srcEP->endPoint, *transID, stat );



//如果应用层发送成功 时间戳 自加1

  if ( stat == afStatus_SUCCESS )




  return (afStatus_t)stat;








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