ACM SEACM Southeast Regional Conference
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AdaSIGAda Annual International Conference
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ANCSArchitecture for Networking and Communications Systems
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APGVApplied Perception in Graphics & Visualization
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ASEAutomated Software Engineering
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ASIA CCSACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security
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ASPLOSArchitectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
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ASSETSACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility
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BCBBioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine
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C&CCreativity and Cognition
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CCSComputer and Communications Security
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CFComputing Frontiers Conference
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CGOCode Generation and Optimization
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CHIConference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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CIKMConference on Information and Knowledge Management
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CODASPYData and Application Security and Privacy
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CoNEXTInternational Conference On Emerging Networking Experiments And Technologies
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CPRComputers and People Research
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CPSWeekCyber-physical Systems
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CSCWComputer Supported Cooperative Work
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CSEComputer Science Education
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DACDesign Automation Conference
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DATEDesign, Automation, and Test in Europe
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DEBSDistributed Event-based Systems
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DOCDesign of Communication
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DocEngDocument Engineering
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DS-RTDistributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications
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ECElectronic Commerce
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EICSEngineering Interactive Computing Systems
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ESEMEmpirical Software Engineering and Measurement
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ESWEEKEmbedded Systems Week
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ETRAEye Tracking Research and Applications
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EuroSysEuropean Conference on Computer Systems
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FOGAFoundations of Genetic Algorithms
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FPGAInternational Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays
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FSEFoundations of Software Engineering
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GECCOGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
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GISGeographic Information Systems
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GLSVLSIGreat Lakes Symposium on VLSI
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GPCEGenerative Programming and Component Engineering
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GRAPHInternational Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
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GROUPSupporting Group Work
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HCHumans and Computers
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HotMobileMobile Computing Systems and Applications
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HPDCHigh Performance Distributed Computing
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HPGHigh Performance Graphics
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HRIACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
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HTHypertext and Hypermedia
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I3DSymposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games
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ICACInternational Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communications
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ICCADInternational Conference on Computer-Aided Design
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ICERInternational Computing Education Research Workshop
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ICFPInternational Conference on Functional Programming
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ICMI-MLMIMultimodal Interfaces and Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction
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ICPEACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering
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ICSInternational Conference on Supercomputing
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ICSEInternational Conference on Software Engineering
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ICUIMCInternational Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication
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IDEASInternational Database Engineering & Applications Symposium
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IMCInternet Measurement Conference
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IRResearch and Development in Information Retrieval
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ISCAInternational Symposium on Computer Architecture
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ISLPEDInternational Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
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ISMMInternational Symposium on Memory Management
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ISPDInternational Symposium on Physical Design
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ISSTAInternational Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
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ITEInformation Technology Education Conference
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ITiCSEInnovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
| |
IUIIntelligent User Interfaces
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JCDLJoint Conference on Digital Libraries
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K-CAPKnowledge Capture
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KDDKnowledge Discovery and Data Mining
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METRICSMeasurement and Modeling of Computer Systems
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MiddlewareMiddleware Conference
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MMInternational Multimedia Conference
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MobiComMobile Computing and Networking
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MobiHocMobile and Ad Hoc Networking and Computing
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MobiSysMobile Systems, Applications, and Services
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MODInternational Conference on Management of Data
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MSPMemory System Performance
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MSWiMModeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
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NOSSDAVNetwork and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video
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NPARNon-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering
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PACTParallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
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PADSPrinciples of Advanced and Distributed Simulation
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PASTEProgram Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering
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PEPMPartial Evaluation and Program Manipulation
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PLDIProgramming Language Design and Implementation
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PODCPrinciples of Distributed Computing
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POPLPrinciples of Programming Languages
| |
PPoPPPrinciples and Practice of Parallel Programming
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RecSysACM Conference On Recommender Systems
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SACSymposium on Applied Computing
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SACMATSymposium on Access Control Models and Technologies
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SCThe International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
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SCASymposium on Computer Animation
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SenSysEmbedded Network Sensor Systems
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SGPSymposium on Geometry Processing 2010
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SLIPSystem Level Interconnect Prediction
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SoCGComputational Geometry
| |
SOSPACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
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SPAAACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
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SPLASHSystems, Programming, and Applications
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STOCACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
| |
TEITangible and Embedded Interaction
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UbiCompUbiquitous Computing
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UCCSSIGUCCS User Services Conference
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UISTUser Interface Software and Technology
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VEEACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE)
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VRSTVirtual Reality Software and Technology
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Web3D3D technologies for the World Wide Web
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WISECSecurity and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks
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WSCWinter Simulation Conference
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WSDMWeb Search and Data Mining
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WWWInternational World Wide Web Conference
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