

If you’ve looked at high-end headphones or speakers, you’ve probably noticed numbers on the spec sheet that read something like “20Hz-20KHz.” What do these numbers mean?
如果您看过高端耳机或扬声器,则可能已经注意到规格表上的数字显示为“ 20Hz-20KHz”。 这些数字是什么意思?
For any device that uses a standard speaker driver, the Hz-KHz value is the range of audible sound vibrations that the speaker can produce. It’s generally labeled as the “frequency response” and expressed in hertz, with kilohertz being a thousand hertz. So the typical frequency response for headphones, twenty hertz to twenty thousand hertz, is quite full indeed. More expensive models can go even higher and lower; the $700 Sony set in the image above has a range of 4Hz-100KHz.
对于任何使用标准扬声器驱动器的设备,Hz-KHz值是扬声器可能产生的听觉振动范围。 通常将其标记为“频率响应”并以赫兹表示,千赫兹为千赫兹。 因此,耳机的典型频率响应(从20赫兹到2万赫兹)确实很满。 较昂贵的型号甚至可以更高甚至更低。 上图中设置的$ 700索尼的范围为4Hz-100KHz。
To understand how all this works, you need to know a little about the physics of sound. Sound travels in waves. The distance between the crests (topmost points) of one wave and the next is called the wavelength. Waves with higher frequencies come closer together, and so have shorter wavelengths. Waves with lower frequencies come further apart, and so have longer wavelengths. Hertz are units used to measure frequency. One hertz is defined as one cycle per second. So, a frequency measured at 20 Hz is traveling at 20 cycles (or waves) per second.
要了解所有这些工作原理,您需要对声音的物理知识有所了解。 声音以波浪的形式传播。 一个波的波峰(最高点)与下一个波的波峰之间的距离称为波长。 频率较高的波靠得更近,因此波长更短。 频率较低的波相距较远,因此波长较长。 赫兹是用于测量频率的单位。 一赫兹定义为每秒一个周期。 因此,以20 Hz测量的频率每秒以20个周期(或波)传播。
Most speakers and headphones convert electrical signals into sound by using a magnetic field to move a flexible diaphragm back and forth very quickly. Those vibrations create the sound waves that travel to our ears. How quickly those vibrations happen affect the wavelength of the sound waves, and our ears hear those different frequencies as sounds in different ranges.
大多数扬声器和耳机都通过使用磁场使柔性振动膜快速来回移动,将电信号转换为声音。 这些振动产生传播到我们耳朵的声波。 这些振动发生的速度会影响声波的波长,并且我们的耳朵会听到不同频率的声音,成为不同范围的声音。
The vibrations that create a sound at 20 hertz are very low—a bass rumble—and have a long wavelength. It’s vibrating the driver twenty times every second. Most music and audio plays in the range of about 80 hertz to 15,0000 hertz. At 15,000 hertz the pitch is a high whine due to its extremely short wavelength, like a smoke detector alarm.
产生20赫兹声音的振动非常低(低音隆隆声)并且波长较长。 每秒使驾驶员振动20次。 大多数音乐和音频播放的范围在80赫兹至150000赫兹之间。 由于其极短的波长,因此音调高至15,000赫兹,就像烟雾探测器报警器一样。
We also have different styles of speakers—woofers, mid-range, and tweeters—that are specialized to play sound at specific wavelengths.
You can easily put your speakers or headphones to the test. The video above runs through the spectrum of sound from 20Hz all the way up to 20KHz. Note that at the bottom and top of the range your speakers may not be able to reproduce the sound, especially if they’ have smaller drivers—like the one on your cell phone’s primary body speaker. You can test it out with different headphones and speakers to see which ones can reproduce the widest range of sound.
您可以轻松地将扬声器或耳机进行测试。 上面的视频从20Hz一直到20KHz贯穿整个声音频谱。 请注意,在此范围的底部和顶部,扬声器可能无法再现声音,尤其是当它们的驱动器较小时(例如手机的主体扬声器上的扬声器)。 您可以使用不同的耳机和扬声器进行测试,以查看哪些耳机和扬声器可以再现最大范围的声音。
The better the range for your speakers or headphones, the wider the spectrum of audible sound they can reproduce. Some can go higher and lower than the standard 20Hz-20KHz range, like 16Hz-22KHz. But is that important?
扬声器或耳机的范围越好,它们可以再现的可听声音的频谱就越广。 有些可以高于和低于标准20Hz-20KHz范围,例如16Hz-22KHz。 但这重要吗?

Unless your hearing is exceptionally good, not really. You see, the range of human hearing is about 20Hz-20KHz. But that’s an ideal range, covering almost all of the population. Most infants will be able to hear that full range, and a few people might be able to hear frequencies a bit higher or lower. But just like eyesight, your ability to hear deteriorates as you get older, especially for high-frequency tones. If you’re over 25 or so, you probably can’t hear above 18,000 hertz—less, if your hearing has been damaged by exposure to extremely loud sounds.
除非您的听力特别好,否则不会。 您会看到,人类的听觉范围约为20Hz-20KHz。 但这是一个理想的范围,几乎可以覆盖所有人口。 大多数婴儿将能够听到该范围的声音,而少数几个人可能会听到更高或更低的频率。 但是就像视力一样,随着年龄的增长,您的听觉能力也会下降,尤其是对于高频音而言。 如果您的年龄超过25岁,则可能听不到18,000赫兹以上的声音;如果您的听力因暴露于极高的声音而受损,则听不到。
So you can test your speakers all day long, but you won’t be able to tell the difference between a set with a 20Hz-20KHz range and one with a 16Hz-22KHz range if your ears are physically incapable of hearing the highest and lowest frequencies. It’s still an interesting statistic, and a set of headphones or speakers with a higher frequency response range will generally be higher-quality than one with a lower range, made with better components and engineering and producing more accurate, rich tones for music and videos. Think of it as you think of horsepower for a car’s engine: an important specification and something people generally like to know, even if they’re unlikely ever to use all 300 horsepower on the highway.
因此,您可以整天测试扬声器,但是如果您的耳朵无法听见最高和最低的声音,您将无法分辨20Hz-20KHz范围的扬声器和16Hz-22KHz范围的扬声器之间的区别。频率。 这仍然是一个有趣的统计数据,具有较高频率响应范围的一组耳机或扬声器通常会比具有较低频率范围的一组耳机或扬声器具有更高的质量,并采用更好的组件和工程技术制成,并为音乐和视频产生更准确,更丰富的音调。 当您想到汽车发动机的马力时,就想一想:这是一个重要的规格,人们通常都想知道,即使他们不太可能在高速公路上使用全部300马力。

Note that this range concerns the tone or pitch of the sound you hear—not the volume of the sound, which is expressed in decibels (dB). Another way of expressing the ability to output volume is in electrical watts per driver or total watts for all drivers combined. That’s not very precise regarding sound, but it’s a decent shorthand for knowing how powerful the speakers are.
请注意,此范围与您听到的声音的音调或音高有关,而不与声音的音量有关,后者以分贝(dB)表示。 表达输出能力的另一种方式是每个驱动器的瓦数或所有驱动器的总瓦数。 关于声音,这不是很精确,但是对于了解扬声器的强大功能来说,这是一个不错的捷径。
Image credit: Sony, Sennheiser, Amazon
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/364909/what-does-the-hz-khz-range-for-speakers-and-headphones-mean/
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