function [legend_h,object_h,plot_h,text_strings] = columnlegend(numcolumns, str, varargin)
% columnlegend creates a legend with a specified number of columns.
% columnlegend(numcolumns, str, varargin)
% numcolumns - number of columns in the legend
% str - cell array of strings for the legend
% Additional Input Options:
% columnlegend(..., 'Location', loc)
% loc - location variable for legend, default is 'NorthEast'
% possible values: 'NorthWest', 'NorthEast', 'SouthEast', 'SouthWest',
% 'NorthOutside', 'SouthOutside',
% 'NortheastOutside', 'SoutheastOutside'
% columnlegend(numcolumns, str, 'padding', 0.5); % add 50% vertical padding between legend entries (relative to original height)
% columnlegend(..., 'boxon')
% columnlegend(..., 'boxoff')
% set legend bounding box on/off
% example:
% plot(bsxfun(@times, [0:9]',[1:10]));
% columnlegend(3, cellstr(num2str([1:10]')), 'location','northwest');
% Author: Simon Henin
% 4/09/2013 - Fixed bug with 3 entries / 3 columns
% 4/09/2013 - Added bounding box option as per @Durga Lal Shrestha (fileexchage)
% 11 May 2010 - 1.2 Add instructions for printing figure with columns
% 08 Feb 2011 - 1.4 Added functionality when using markers.
% 31 Oct 2015 - Updates for compatibility with 2015a, Adds minor improvements as per user suggestions
% 07 Nov 2016 - Bug fixes, added functionality for bar plots, added all valid legend locations
% 07 Jun 2017 - Added a quick padding feature that creates additional
% vertical space between legend entries.
location = 'NorthEast';
boxon = false; legend_h = false; padding = 0;
for i=1:2:length(varargin),
switch lower(varargin{i})
case 'location'
location = varargin{i+1};
case 'boxon'
boxon = true;
case 'boxoff'
boxon = false;
case 'legend'
legend_h = varargin{i+1};
case 'object'
object_h = varargin{i+1};
case 'padding'
padding = varargin{i+1};
if legend_h == false,
%create the legend
[legend_h,object_h,plot_h,text_strings] = legend(str);
%some variables
numlines = length(str);
numpercolumn = ceil(numlines/numcolumns);
%get old width, new width and scale factor
set(legend_h, 'units', 'normalized');
set(gca, 'units', 'normalized');
pos = get(legend_h, 'position');
width = numcolumns*pos(3);
newheight = (pos(4)/numlines)*numpercolumn;
rescale = pos(3)/width;
%get some old values so we can scale everything later
type = get(object_h(numlines+1), 'type');
switch type,
case {'line'}
xdata = get(object_h(numlines+1), 'xdata');
ydata1 = get(object_h(numlines+1), 'ydata');
ydata2 = get(object_h(numlines+3), 'ydata');
%we'll use these later to align things appropriately
sheight = ydata1(1)-ydata2(1) + (ydata1(1)-ydata2(1))*padding; % height between data lines
height = ydata1(1) + (ydata1(1)-ydata2(1))*padding*2; % height of the box. Used to top margin offset
line_width = (xdata(2)-xdata(1))*rescale; % rescaled linewidth to match original
spacer = xdata(1)*rescale; % rescaled spacer used for margins
case {'hggroup'}
text_pos = get(object_h(1), 'position');
child = get(object_h(numlines+1), 'children');
vertices_1 = get(child, 'vertices');
child = get(object_h(numlines+2), 'children');
vertices_2 = get(child, 'vertices');
sheight = vertices_1(2,2)-vertices_1(1,2);
height = vertices_1(2,2);
line_width = (vertices_1(3,1)-vertices_1(1,1))*rescale; % rescaled linewidth to match original
spacer = vertices_1(1,2)-vertices_2(2,2); % rescaled spacer used for margins
text_space = (text_pos(1)-vertices_1(4,1))./numcolumns;
%put the legend on the upper left corner to make initial adjustments easier
% set(gca, 'units', 'pixels');
loci = get(gca, 'position');
set(legend_h, 'position', [loci(1) pos(2) width pos(4)]);
col = -1;
for i=1:numlines,
if (mod(i,numpercolumn)==1 || (numpercolumn == 1)),
col = col+1;
if i==1
linenum = i+numlines;
if strcmp(type, 'line'),
linenum = linenum+2;
linenum = linenum+1;
labelnum = i;
position = mod(i,numpercolumn);
if position == 0,
position = numpercolumn;
switch type,
case {'line'}
%realign the labels
set(object_h(linenum), 'ydata', [(height-(position-1)*sheight) (height-(position-1)*sheight)]);
set(object_h(linenum), 'xdata', [col/numcolumns+spacer col/numcolumns+spacer+line_width]);
set(object_h(linenum+1), 'ydata', [height-(position-1)*sheight height-(position-1)*sheight]);
set(object_h(linenum+1), 'xdata', [col/numcolumns+spacer*3.5 col/numcolumns+spacer*3.5]);
set(object_h(labelnum), 'position', [col/numcolumns+spacer*2+line_width height-(position-1)*sheight]);
case {'hggroup'},
child = get(object_h(linenum), 'children');
v = get(child, 'vertices');
v([1:2 5],1) = col/numcolumns+spacer;
v(3:4,1) = col/numcolumns+spacer+line_width;
% y-positions
v([1 4 5],2) = (height-(position-1)*sheight-(position-1)*spacer);
v([2 3], 2) = v(1,2)+sheight;
set(child, 'vertices', v);
set(object_h(labelnum), 'position', [v(3,1)+text_space v(1,2)+(v(2,2)-v(1,2))/2 v(3,1)-v(1,1)]);
%unfortunately, it is not possible to force the box to be smaller than the
%original height, therefore, turn it off and set background color to none
%so that it no longer appears
set(legend_h, 'Color', 'None', 'Box', 'off');
%let's put it where you want it
fig_pos = get(gca, 'position');
pos = get(legend_h, 'position');
padding = 0.01; % padding, in normalized units
% if location is some variation on south, then we need to take into account
% the new height
if strfind(location, 'south'),
h_diff = pos(4)-newheight;
pos(4) = newheight;
switch lower(location),
case {'northeast'}
set(legend_h, 'position', [pos(1)+fig_pos(3)-pos(3)-padding pos(2) pos(3) pos(4)]);
case {'northwest'}
set(legend_h, 'position', [pos(1)+padding pos(2) pos(3) pos(4)]);
case {'southeast'}
pos(4) = newheight;
set(legend_h, 'position', [pos(1)+fig_pos(3)-pos(3)-padding fig_pos(2)-pos(4)/2+pos(4)/4 pos(3) pos(4)]);
case {'southwest'}
set(legend_h, 'position', [fig_pos(1)+padding fig_pos(2)-pos(4)/2+pos(4)/4 pos(3) pos(4)]);
case {'northeastoutside'}
% need to resize axes to allow legend to fit in figure window
set(gca, 'position', [fig_pos]-[0 0 pos(3) 0]);
set(legend_h, 'position', [pos(1)+fig_pos(3)-pos(3) pos(2) pos(3) pos(4)]);
case {'northwestoutside'}
% need to resize axes to allow legend to fit in figure window
set(gca, 'position', [fig_pos]+[pos(3) 0 -pos(3) 0]);
set(legend_h, 'position', [fig_pos(1)-fig_pos(3)*.1 pos(2) pos(3) pos(4)]); % -10% figurewidth to account for axis labels
case {'north'}
% need to resize axes to allow legend to fit in figure window
set(legend_h, 'position', [fig_pos(1)+fig_pos(3)/2-pos(3)/2 fig_pos(2)+(fig_pos(4)-pos(4))-padding pos(3) pos(4)]);
case {'northoutside'}
% need to resize axes to allow legend to fit in figure window
set(gca, 'position', [fig_pos]-[0 0 0 pos(4)]);
set(legend_h, 'position', [fig_pos(1)+fig_pos(3)/2-pos(3)/2 fig_pos(2)+(fig_pos(4)-pos(4)) pos(3) pos(4)]);
case {'south'}
y_pos = fig_pos(2)-h_diff+pos(4);
set(legend_h, 'position', [fig_pos(1)+fig_pos(3)/2-pos(3)/2 y_pos pos(3) pos(4)]);
case {'southoutside'}
% need to resize axes to allow legend to fit in figure window
set(gca, 'position', [fig_pos]-[0 -pos(4) 0 pos(4)]);
set(legend_h, 'position', [fig_pos(1)+fig_pos(3)/2-pos(3)/2 fig_pos(2)-pos(4)-pos(3)*0.1 pos(3) pos(4)]);
case {'eastoutside'}
% need to resize axes to allow legend to fit in figure window
set(gca, 'position', [fig_pos]-[0 0 pos(3) 0]);
set(legend_h, 'position', [pos(1)+fig_pos(3)-pos(3) fig_pos(2)+fig_pos(4)/2-pos(4)/2 pos(3) pos(4)]);
case {'southeastoutside'}
% need to resize axes to allow legend to fit in figure window
set(gca, 'position', [fig_pos]-[0 0 pos(3) 0]);
set(legend_h, 'position', [pos(1)+fig_pos(3)-pos(3) fig_pos(2)-pos(4)/4 pos(3) pos(4)]);
case {'westoutside'}
% need to resize axes to allow legend to fit in figure window
set(gca, 'position', [fig_pos]+[pos(3) 0 -pos(3) 0]);
set(legend_h, 'position', [fig_pos(1)-fig_pos(3)*.1 fig_pos(2)+fig_pos(4)/2-pos(4)/2 pos(3) pos(4)]); % -10% figurewidth to account for axis labels
case {'southwestoutside'}
% need to resize axes to allow legend to fit in figure window
set(gca, 'position', [fig_pos]+[pos(3) 0 -pos(3) 0]);
set(legend_h, 'position', [fig_pos(1)-fig_pos(3)*.1 fig_pos(2)-pos(4)/4 pos(3) pos(4)]); % -10% figurewidth to account for axis labels
% display box around legend
if boxon,
drawnow; % make sure everyhting is drawn in place first.
% set(legend_h, 'units', 'normalized');
pos = get(legend_h, 'position');
orgHeight = pos(4);
pos(4) = (orgHeight/numlines)*numpercolumn;
pos(2)=pos(2) + orgHeight-pos(4) - pos(4)*0.05;
pos(1) = pos(1)+pos(1)*0.01;
annotation('rectangle',pos, 'linewidth', 1)
% re-set to normalized so that things scale properly
set(legend_h, 'units', 'normalized');
set(gca, 'units', 'normalized');
以上就是勤奋猫咪最近收集整理的关于matlab gridlegend,Gridlegend函数用法的全部内容,更多相关matlab内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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