将 M 文件中的代码拷贝到Matlab Function模块中直接使用会出现错误
function out =abscontroller(in)
alpha =in(1);
beta =in(2);
sigma =in(3);
theta =[alpha;beta;sigma];
p =in(4);
q =in(5);
r =in(6);
w =[p;q;r];
alpha_ref =in(7);
beta_ref =in(8);
sigma_ref =in(9);
theta_ref =[alpha_ref;beta_ref;sigma_ref];
dalpha_ref =in(10);
dbeta_ref =in(11);
dsigma_ref =in(12);
dtheta_ref =[dalpha_ref;dbeta_ref;dsigma_ref];
% ddalpha_ref =in(13);
% ddbeta_ref =in(14);
% ddsigma_ref =in(15);
% ddtheta_ref =[ddalpha_ref;ddbeta_ref;ddsigma_ref];
% vs =in(13:15);
delta_1g =in(13);
delta_2g =in(14);
zI =in(15:17);
% I =[1997922 0 0;0 276629966.8 0;0 0 28383800.1];
I =[434270 0 -17880;0 961200 0;-17880 0 1131541];
% Ixx=434270*(1+0); Iyy=961200*(1+0); Izz=1131541*(1+0);
% Ixz=17880*(1+0);
R =[0 1 0;sin(alpha) 0 -cos(alpha);-cos(alpha) 0 -sin(alpha)];
Omega =[0 -r q;r 0 -p;-q p 0];
k1 = 25*diag([1 1 1]);
k2 = 25*diag([3 3 3]);
kI = 0;
c1 = 2;
a1 = 0.01;
eta1 = 0.0001;
a2 = 0.01;
c2 = 2;
eta2 = 0.0001;
z =theta-theta_ref;
ztheta =z+kI*zI;
% dztheta =R*w-dtheta_ref;
zf =norm(ztheta);
delta1 =c1*a1*delta_1g*ztheta/(zf+eta1);
wd =R(-k1*ztheta+dtheta_ref-delta1-kI*z);
% % %%
if zf>=eta1/(c1-1);
ddelta_1g =c1*a2*zf^2/(zf+eta1);
ddelta_1g =0;
z1 =w-wd;
zf2 =norm(z1);
fw =-IOmega*I*w;
% dvs =epslion*[sign(z1(1));sign(z1(2));sign(z1(3))];
delta2 =c2*a2*delta_2g*z1/(zf2+eta2);
if zf2>=eta2/(c2-1);
ddelta_2g =c2*a2*zf2^2/(zf2+eta2);
ddelta_2g =0;
M =I*(-k2*z1-fw-delta2);
out =[M;ddelta_1g;ddelta_2g;zI];
Index expression out of bounds. Attempted to access element 2. The valid range is 1-1.
More information
Function 'MATLAB Function' (#35.94.95), line 5, column 18:
Launch diagnostic report.
Component: MATLAB Function | Category: Coder error
Index expression out of bounds. Attempted to access element 3. The valid range is 1-1.
More information
Function 'MATLAB Function' (#35.115.116), line 6, column 18:
Launch diagnostic report.
Component: MATLAB Function | Category: Coder error
Simulink does not have enough information to determine output sizes for
this block. If you think the errors below are inaccurate, try specifying
types for the block inputs and/or sizes for the block outputs.
Component: MATLAB Function | Category: Coder error
Undefined function or variable 'theta'. The first assignment to a local variable determines its class.
Function 'MATLAB Function' (#35.1245.1250), line 52, column 15:
Launch diagnostic report.
Component: MATLAB Function | Category: Coder error
经实验,将该M文件放在Interpreted Matlab Function中可以正常使用。
推测是Matlab Function相比于Interpreted Matlab Function 在变量输入或赋值上有特殊的限制。
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以上就是专一发箍最近收集整理的关于MATLAB中assignment模块,Simulink Matlab Function 模块使用问题求教的全部内容,更多相关MATLAB中assignment模块,Simulink内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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