我是靠谱客的博主 殷勤乐曲,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍【电子技术】【2014】FPGA增强的数据处理系统,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。




这一趋势导致了所谓的数据设备(data appliances)的兴起,这些设备是专门的数据处理引擎,其中的软件和硬件被封装在一个封闭的盒子里,并为特定的应用领域定制硬件组件。





It is roughly a decade ago that power consumption and heat dissipation problemsforced the semiconductor industry to shift from a sequential to a parallel computingparadigm. However, exploiting parallelism in general-purpose parallel devices suchas multi-core CPUs and GPGPUs is often difficult. Furthermore, in the prospectof dark silicon, it is questionable whether single programs can be executed onthousands of CPU cores (on the same die) in the near future. As a consequence, theperformance increase of software due to newer general-purpose hardware is slowingdown, which is also affecting databases and other data processing applications.

This trend has led to the rise of so-called data appliances, which are specializeddata processing engines, where software and hardware are shipped together in aclosed box with tailor-made hardware components for specific application domains.

For such appliances, customized hardware is a promising approach to furtherincrease performance in an energy-efficient manner. Given that it is becomingincreasingly difficult to produce software that scales on general-purpose parallelhardware, the question is to what degree it is worthwhile to adapt hardware devices to particular problem domains, and what the implications thereof are. Thisdissertation explores enhancing data processing applications and systems with customized hardware. Our platform to build and test specialized hardware components is a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). An FPGA is a generic devicethat allows circuits to be loaded onto it after the FPGA has been manufacturedand shipped. Using FPGAs, hardware approaches can be easily implemented andverified without actually fabricating a new silicon chip for every design change.

While FPGAs are a convenient tool to implement customized hardware, thereare fundamental differences between application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs)and circuits designed for FPGAs. Hence, the first part of this dissertation covers key characteristics of FPGAs before discussing opportunities of using FPGAsto improve data-driven applications and systems. In the process, examples ofapplications that map well to FPGAs are presented, runtime-parameterizationversus FPGA reprogramming is discussed, and effective on-chip communicationpatterns are illustrated. Moreover, tools and design patterns are presented todevelop FPGA circuits that leverage the inherent parallelism of these massivelyparallel devices in a simple yet scalable way.

The second part of this dissertation focuses on full-fledged data processingsystems that are enhanced with FPGAs. Many of the concepts of the first part ofthe dissertation will be revisited and applied to build complete systems such as areal-time complex event detection system, an FPGA-accelerated XQuery engine, oran intelligent storage engine for a relational database that increases performanceand reduces energy consumption at the same time. Key topics of this secondpart are physical and logical system integration of FPGA-based accelerators andthe interplay between customized hardware and software in co-designed hybridsystems. Furthermore, we present selected end-to-end results that we measuredwhile running experiments on each of these systems.

  1. 引言
  2. FPGA
  3. 基于有限状态自动机的设计
  4. Shifter Lists
  5. 复杂事件检测系统
  6. FPGA加速的XQuery引擎
  7. 智能数据库存储引擎
  8. 总结与结论
    附录A.1 FPGA芯片
    附录A.2 FPGA板卡






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