Configuring Dynare ...
[mex] Generalized QZ.
[mex] Sylvester equation solution.
[mex] Kronecker products.
[mex] Sparse kronecker products.
[mex] Local state space iteration (second order).
[mex] Bytecode evaluation.
[mex] k-order perturbation solver.
[mex] k-order solution simulation.
[mex] Quasi Monte-Carlo sequence (Sobol).
[mex] Markov Switching SBVAR.
Starting Dynare (version 4.4.3).
Starting preprocessing of the model file ...
Substitution of endo leads >= 2: added 1 auxiliary variables and equations.
Found 32 equation(s).
Evaluating expressions...done
Computing static model derivatives:
- order 1
Computing dynamic model derivatives:
- order 1
Processing outputs ...done
Preprocessing completed.
Starting MATLAB/Octave computing.
An infinite element was encountered when trying to solve equation(s) 31
with respect to the variable(s): if.
The values of the endogenous variables when the problem was encountered were:
P 1.001
C 0.8954
B 0.2237
S 1.01
Bf 15.68
W 1.155
L 0.6362
i 0.011
cc 1e-05
lamda 1.247
ToT 1
q 1
MC 1.022
iK 0.111
Qk 0
PH 1.226
PHBAR 1.226
X1 3.775
X2 3.694
I 0
N 2.013
Th 0.05467
pi 0.0001
piH 1e-06
K 2.237
PI 1
ir 0.1223
Y 0.9513
EX 0.00145
if 0.012
Z 1.01
AUX_ENDO_LEAD_75 1.262
错误使用 lnsrch1 (line 71)
Some element of Newton direction isn't finite. Jacobian maybe singular or there is a problem with initial values
出错 solve1 (line 107)
出错 dynare_solve (line 150)
[x,info]=solve1(func,x,j1(r(i):r(i+1)-1),j2(r(i):r(i+1)-1),jacobian_flag, ...
出错 evaluate_steady_state (line 66)
[ys,check] = dynare_solve([M.fname '_static'],...
出错 steady_ (line 54)
[steady_state,params,info] = evaluate_steady_state(oo_.steady_state,M_,options_,oo_,~options_.steadystate.nocheck);
出错 steady (line 81)
[steady_state,M_.params,info] = steady_(M_,options_,oo_);
出错 capital_control (line 340)
出错 dynare (line 180)
evalin('base',fname) ;
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