我是靠谱客的博主 野性裙子,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍关于$P Point-Cloud Recognizer (点云手势识别)的理解,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



这个算法就是:$P Point-Cloud Recognizer 

它是由Radu-Daniel Vatavu ,Lisa Anthony 还有 Jacob O. Wobbrock 三人共同发布的一个算法,之前他们还发布了$1(单笔画手势识别) $N(多笔画手势识别)等实用算法,但是它们各自都有着自己的缺陷。而$P(点云识别算法)的出现正是给这些算法的缺陷进行填补,它同时兼备了多笔画和单笔画的识别功能,还解决了$N当中会出现的由于存储手势的排列组合而造成的内存占用过高的问题(因为$P不用记录笔画的顺序和多少)。


关于手势识别,我们可以理解成是关于两个点对集之间的匹配问题,通过将待匹配手势和手势模板这两个点对集转换放于同一个坐标体系下,然后求相对点之间的欧氏距离加和得到最小的值,则可以认为是所匹配的手势。例如:有一个待确认手势点对集C 和 一个候选手势模板T,对于每一个点 Ci 均有相应的对应点 Tj , 那么,这两个点对集之间的欧氏距离和为:


我们将手势C和手势模板里面的各个备选手势T进行欧氏距离的计算,当出现最小的值的时候,我们认为当前的T是最匹配C的存在。(实际上这要匹配出n! 种可能性)



这个问题由匈牙利算法可以很好的解决,同时在算法创造者的验证下,匈牙利算法也是进行手势匹配最精确的算法,但是无奈的是它的时间复杂度较高,执行时间代价太大。所以作者推出了新的识别方案,从另一个角度来看,我觉得它可以称为伪·匈牙利算法了 : ) 。



但是我们知道,当第 i 点匹配的时候, i+1个点可以选择的匹配范围就会变少,也就是说,进行匹配的点之间是有一定的权重的,第一个点的权重是最大的,他的可信度是最高,因为他所匹配的是整个点集之间选取,而最后一个点是最不可信的,因为它只能选择剩下的点,所以在算法的基础上,作者们加上了一个权重加衡:





Recognizer main function. Match points against a set of templates by employing the Nearest-Neighbor classification rule.Returns a normalized score in [0..1] with 1 denoting perfect match.


$P-Recognizer (Points points, Templates templates)  // 核心识别

1: n ← 32 // number of points
2: Normalize(points, n)
3: score ← ∞
4: for each template in templates do
5: Normalize(template, n) // should be pre-processed
6: d ← Greedy-Cloud-Match(points, template, n)
7: if score > d then
8: score ← d
9: result ← template
10: score ← Max((2.0−score)/2.0, 0.0) // normalize score in [0..1]
11: return result, score


Cloud matching function. Match two clouds (points and template) by performing repeated alignments between their points(each new alignment starts with a different starting point index i).Parameter ∈ [0..1] controls the number of tested alignments(n ∈ {1,2, ...n}). Returns the minimum alignment cost.


Greedy-Cloud-Match (Points points, Points template, int n)
1: e←0 .50
2: step ← n^(1-e)
3: min ← ∞
4: for i = 0 to n step step do
5: d1 ← Cloud-Distance(points, template, n, i)
6: d2 ← Cloud-Distance(template, points, n, i)
7: min ← Min(min, d1, d2)
8: return min


Distance between two clouds. Compute the minimum-cost alignment between points and tmpl starting with point start. 


Cloud-Distance (Points points, Points tmpl, int n, int start)
1: matched ← new bool[n]
2: sum ← 0
3: i ← start // start matching with pointsi
4: do
5: min ← ∞
6: for each j such that not matched[j] do
7: d ← Euclidean-Distance(pointsi, tmplj)
8: if d < min then
9: min ← d
10: index ← j
11: matched[index] ← true
12: weight ← 1 − ((i − start + n) MOD n)/n
13: sum ← sum + weight · min
14: i ← (i + 1) MOD n
15: until i == start // all points are processed
16: return sum



Gesture normalization. Gesture points are resampled, scaled with shape preservation, and translated to origin.


Normalize (Points points, int n)
1: points ← Resample(points, n)
2: Scale(points)
3: Translate-to-Origin(points, n)


Points resampling. Resample a points path into n evenly spaced points. We use n = 32.(文章中提到,重采样n的值越大,越精确,同时耗时越多)


Resample (Points points, int n)
1: I ← Path-Length(points) / (n − 1)
2: D ← 0
3: newP oints ← points0
4: for each pi in points such that i ≥ 1 do
5: if pi.strokeId == pi−1.strokeId then
6: d ← Euclidean-Distance(pi−1, pi)
7: if (D + d) ≥ I then
8: q.x ← pi−1.x +((I − D)/d) · (pi.x - pi−1.x)
9: q.y ← pi−1.y +((I − D)/d) · (pi.y - pi−1.y)
10: q.strokeId ← pi.strokeId
11: Append(newP oints, q)
12: Insert(points, i, q) // q will be the next pi
13: D ← 0
14: else D ← D + d
15: return new Points

Path-Length (Points points)  // 求某一个笔画当中的长度
1: d ← 0
2: for each pi in points such that i ≥ 1 do
3: if pi.strokeId == pi−1.strokeId then
4: d ← d + Euclidean-Distance(pi−1, pi)
5: return d


Points rescale. Rescale points with shape preservation so that the resulting bounding box will be ⊆ [0..1] × [0..1].


Scale (Points points)
1: xmin ← ∞, xmax ← 0, ymin ← ∞, ymax ← 0
2: for each p in points do
3: xmin ← Min(xmin, p.x)
4: ymin ← Min(ymin, p.y)
5: xmax ← Max(xmax, p.x)
6: ymax ← Max(ymax, p.y)
7: scale ← Max(xmax − xmin, ymax − ymin)
8: for each p in points do
9: p ← ((p.x −xmin)/scale, (p.y −ymin)/scale, p.strokeId)


Points translate. Translate points to the origin (0,0).

Translate-to-Origin (Points points, int n)
1: c ← (0,0) // will contain centroid
2: for each p in points do
3: c ← (c.x + p.x, c.y + p.y)
4: c ← (c.x/n, c.y/n)
5: for each p in points do
6: p ← (p.x - c.x, p.y - c.y, p.strokeId)


以上就是野性裙子为你收集整理的关于$P Point-Cloud Recognizer (点云手势识别)的理解的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决关于$P Point-Cloud Recognizer (点云手势识别)的理解所遇到的程序开发问题。



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