- 使用分离链路法处理冲突
- 问题描述
- Hash表的大小为2k-1,初始可以为15
- 表中的装填因子达到3/4时,增加表的大小至2k+1 –1,完成再哈希
- 实现插入,删除和查找操作
- 问题分析与算法设计
- hash表 :首先定义一个数组链表,元素存储在链表中,并且每个链表是首元素为仅为表头,不存储任何元素。
- 插入 :首先找到链表数组位置,然后将元素查到元素前端
- 删除 :同样先查找元素,如果存储,则删除,不存在,就提示没有该元素
- 查找 :首先查找链表数组,然后依次遍历链表
- 算法实现
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SUCCESS 1
#define FAILURE 0
typedef struct ListNode *position;
typedef position list;
typedef struct HashTable *hashTable;
typedef int ElementType;
hashTable initializeTable(int tablesize);
void destroyTable(hashTable H);
position find(ElementType key, hashTable hash);
void insert(ElementType key, hashTable hash);
int Hash(ElementType key, int tableSize);
int Delete(ElementType key, hashTable hash);
void extend(hashTable hash);
*element : 存储的数据
*next : 指向下一个元素地址的指针
struct ListNode
ElementType element;
position next;
*tableSize : hash表是尺寸
*curSize : 当前已经填入的元素的个数
*thelists : 指向ListNode的指针的指针
struct HashTable
int tableSize;
int curSize;
list *thelists;
*tableSize : hash表输入尺寸,实际尺寸为 2^k - 1
hashTable initializeTable(int tableSize)
tableSize = (tableSize >> 1) - 1;
hashTable hash;
hash = (hashTable)malloc(sizeof(struct HashTable));
if (hash == NULL)
printf("out of spacen");
return NULL;
hash->tableSize = tableSize;
hash->curSize = 0;
hash->thelists = (list*)malloc(sizeof(list) * hash->tableSize);
if (hash->thelists == NULL)
printf("out of space!n");
return NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < tableSize; i++)
hash->thelists[i] = (struct ListNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
if (hash->thelists[i] == NULL)
printf("out of space!n");
return NULL;
hash->thelists[i]->element = 0;
hash->thelists[i]->next = NULL;
return hash;
*hash : hash表
void destroyTable(hashTable hash)
position list, tmp, ptr;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < hash->tableSize; i++)
list = hash->thelists[i];
ptr = list->next;
while (ptr)
tmp = ptr->next;
if (!tmp)
tmp = NULL;
ptr = tmp;
*key : 要查找的元素
*hash : 被查找的hash表
position find(ElementType key, hashTable hash)
position pos;
list list;
//hash,找到 key 本该被存入的位置
list = hash->thelists[Hash(key, hash->tableSize)];
if (list == NULL)
return NULL;
pos = list->next;
if (pos->element == key)
return pos;
pos = pos->next;
return NULL;
*key : 元素值
*tableSize : hash表尺寸
int Hash(ElementType key, int tableSize)
return key % tableSize;
*key : 要插入的元素
*hash : 被插入的hash表
void insert(ElementType key, hashTable hash)
position pos, cell;
position lsit;
pos = find(key, hash);
if (pos == NULL) //错把pos=null当作判断条件,此条件永远为真。
cell = (struct ListNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
if (cell == NULL)
printf("out of spacen");
lsit = hash->thelists[Hash(key, hash->tableSize)];
if (lsit->next == NULL)
cell->next = lsit->next;
cell->element = key;
lsit->next = cell;
if (hash->curSize * 1.0 / hash->tableSize >= 0.75)
*实现 hash 表元素的删除
*key :要删除的元素
*hash :要被删除的 hash 表
int Delete(ElementType key, hashTable hash)
position pos, list;
//对应 hash 表位置的表头
list = hash->thelists[Hash(key, hash->tableSize)];
if (list->next == NULL)
printf("can't find that key!n");
return FAILURE;
while (list != NULL && list->next != NULL && list->next->element != key)
list = list->next;
if (list->next == NULL && list->element == key)
return SUCCESS;
if (list->next != NULL && list->next->element == key)
//pos 为要删除的元素的指针
pos = list->next;
list->next = pos->next;
return SUCCESS;
return FAILURE;
*进行再 hash
*hash :被再 hash 的hash表
void extend(hashTable hash)
int preSize = hash->tableSize;
hash->tableSize = (1 << preSize) + 1;
int nowSize = hash->tableSize;
list* pre = hash->thelists;
hash->thelists = (list*)malloc(sizeof(list) * nowSize);
for (int i = 0; i < hash->tableSize; i++)
hash->thelists[i] = (struct ListNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
for (int i = 0; i < nowSize; i++)
list temp = pre[i]->next;
while (temp != NULL)
insert(temp->element, hash);
list temp2 = temp;
temp = temp->next;
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