Basically, I have 10 data files and I wrote a MATLAB function to process these data.
The code is like this:
function Z = fitdata(file_path)
A = importdata(file_path,',');
Since I don't want to input the same command 10 times (for different file names), I wrote another script to automate this processing. The code looks like this:
function X = automate()
myarray = {'file_one', 'file_two', 'file_three',......,'file_ten'};
for i = 1:9
mypath = myarray{i};
W = fitdata(mypath);
But I'm getting the error "Too many input arguments" at the call to the fitdata(file_path) function.
How should I do this?
EDIT: Since the suggestions below didn't solve the problem, and since there doesn't appear to be anything else wrong with the code you posted, I would next check to make sure the version of fitdata given above is the only function of that name on the MATLAB path. You may have inadvertently created another function or script and saved it as fitdata.m, and this may be getting called instead of the version you created above.
Previous answer:
I think you mean to use the IMPORTDATA function instead of IMPORT, which is the likely source of the error you are getting.
One additional piece of advice: it's best not to name one of your variables path, since there is already a function PATH. The variable will end up being used instead of the function (based on the MATLAB precedence rules), which will still be what you want to happen in this specific case but is a source of confusion and error in other cases.
以上就是花痴飞鸟最近收集整理的关于c# 调matlab传字符串,我如何传递一个字符串作为一个MATLAB函数参数?的全部内容,更多相关c#内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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