Name | Phase | Title |
DO254_VHDL.1122 | Synthesis | Avoid assigning a signal multiple times in the same sequential path. 避免同一时序路径下对一个信号进行多次赋值 |
DO254_NETLIST.1141 | Chip | Do not overload a wire with too many drivers. 禁止对同一信号线进行多源驱动 |
DO254_NETLIST.1142 | Constraints general | Do not have simultaneously active drivers on one signal. 同一个信号禁止同时有两个及以上有效驱动器 |
DO254_NETLIST.1143_a | Chip | Use tri-states to control bidirectional bus mode. 使用三态控制双向总线 |
DO254_NETLIST.1143_b | Chip | Only tri-state elements should be connected to the bidirectional buses. 只有三态逻辑可连接到双向总线上 |
DO254_NETLIST.1211 | Constraints clocks | Do not use gated clocks (FPGA). 不适用门控时钟(FPGA) |
DO254_NETLIST.1212_a | Constraints clocks | Isolate gated clocks to a separate clock generator instance. 门控时钟应独立设计为一个时钟生成模块 |
DO254_NETLIST.1212_b | Constraints clocks | Gated clocks can be used only at top level (ASIC). 只能在顶层使用门控时钟(ASIC) |
DO254_NETLIST.1221 | Constraints clocks | Do not use flip-flop output as a clock. 不将触发器的输出作为时钟使用 |
DO254_NETLIST.1222 | Constraints clocks | Do not connect clocks to anything other than flip-flop clock pins. 仅将时钟信号连接到触发器的时钟引脚 |
DO254_NETLIST.1231 | Constraints resets | Do not connect resets to anything other than flip-flop reset pins. 仅将复位信号连接至触发器的复位引脚 |
DO254_NETLIST.1232_a | Chip | Do not use combinatorial logic in reset lines. 复位信号链路中不使用组合逻辑 |
DO254_NETLIST.1232_b | Constraints resets | Avoid internally generated resets. 避免使用内部产生的复位信号 |
DO254_NETLIST.1232_c | Constraints resets | Place the reset generator instance at the top-level of design hierarchy. 在顶层例化复位信号产生模块 |
DO254_NETLIST.1242 | Constraints resets | A flip-flop inference should have one asynchronous control. 触发器应具有异步控制端口 |
DO254_NETLIST.1243 | Constraints resets | Do not use the same signal as clock and reset. 不将一个信号同时用做时钟信号和复位信号 |
DO254_NETLIST.1244 | Synthesis | Do not use resets with mixed polarity. 复位信号使用单一极性 |
DO254_NETLIST.1245 | Synthesis | All registers should have a reset control. 所有寄存器都应具有复位控制端口 |
DO254_VHDL.1311 | Parse | Use the 'std_logic_1164' standard package whenever it is possible. 尽量使用‘std_logic_1164’库 |
DO254_VHDL.1312 | Parse | Use the 'numeric_std' package instead of 'std_logic_arith' and 'std_logic_unsigned' packages. 使用'numeric_std' 尽量不使用'std_logic_arith' 和 'std_logic_unsigned' |
DO254_VHDL.1313 | Elaboration | Use 'std_logic' only for I/O ports. 仅对I/O端口使用 'std_logic' |
DO254_VHDL.1314 | Parse | Do not use unsafe data types inside architecture. 在结构体不使用不安全的数据类型 |
DO254_VHDL.1315 | Parse | Specify range for objects of 'integer' data type. 'integer'数据类型对象须声明范围 |
DO254_VHDL.1316 | Parse | Do not use the 'bit' data type. 禁止使用 'bit'数据类型 |
DO254_VHDL.1317 | Parse | Do not use the 'enum_encoding' attribute for enumerations. 枚举对象禁止使用'enum_encoding'属性 |
DO254_VHDL.1318 | Parse | Specify range for interface objects of 'std_logic_vector' data type. ' std_logic_vector '数据类型对象须声明位宽 |
DO254_VHDL.1321 | Parse | Use descending range for one-dimensional objects. 使用降序声明一维数据对象的范围 |
DO254_VHDL.1322 | Elaboration | Specify '0' as least significant bit for one-dimensional objects. 使用‘0’表示一维数据对象的最低位 |
DO254_VHDL.1323 | Parse | Use simple signals only for non-constant indexing. 数据的非常量索引应使用简单的信号表示(索引不能使用表达式) |
DO254_VHDL.1331 | Parse | All declared objects should be used in the description. 声明的所有对象都应被使用 |
DO254_VHDL.1332 | Elaboration | All declared signals should be used in the description. 声明的所有信号都应被使用 |
DO254_VHDL.1341 | Parse | Use constants or generics instead of hard-coded numbers. 使用常量或者参量代替数字 |
DO254_VHDL.1342 | Parse | Avoid Hard-Coded vector reset Assignments. 避免在复位中直接使用数字矢量(将复位值定义为常量或者参量) |
DO254_VHDL.1411 | Parse | Do not use ordered port connections. 端口映射禁止使用顺序映射 |
DO254_VHDL.1412 | Parse | Match port and connected signal names. 匹配信号名称及所连接的端口名称 |
DO254_VHDL.1421 | Parse | Avoid unconnected input ports in component instance. 例化时,避免模块输入端口悬空 |
DO254_VHDL.1422 | Parse | Avoid unconnected output ports in component instance. 例化时,避免模块输出端口悬空 |
DO254_NETLIST.1511 | Constraints clocks | Do not use a clock signal as a data. 禁止将时钟信号用为数据 |
DO254_VHDL.1615 | Elaboration | Avoid mismatching in assignment ranges. 避免赋值两端范围不匹配 |
DO254_VHDL.1621 | Elaboration | Match bit widths of relational operator arguments. 条件运算符两边的数据位宽应匹配 |
DO254_VHDL.1633 | Elaboration | Bit widths of component port and bind signal should match. 例化时,信号及其连接的端口数据位宽应匹配 |
DO254_VHDL.1711 | Synthesis | Define all the necessary signals in the sensitivity list. 敏感列表包含所有必需的信号 |
DO254_VHDL.1721 | Synthesis | Do not define unnecessary objects in the sensitivity list. 禁止敏感列表中包含非必需的信号 |
DO254_VHDL.1722 | Synthesis | Do not use a signal within the same process statement it was assigned. 不在信号赋值的过程中使用该信号 |
DO254_VHDL.1811 | Parse | Do not read global signals in a function body. 函数中不适用全局信号 |
DO254_VHDL.1812 | Synthesis | Function return value should be defined in all the possible cases. 函数的返回值在任何条件下都应是确定的 |
DO254_VHDL.1821 | Parse | A function should return at the end of its body. 函数应在其函数体的结尾处返回 |
DO254_VHDL.1822 | Parse | Function should not return in conditional branches. 禁止函数在条件语句分支中返回 |
DO254_VHDL.1911 | Synthesis | Use proper encoding type for FSM states. 有限状态机使用合适的编码 |
DO254_VHDL.1912 | Synthesis | Use constants to define FSM state vectors. 使用常量定义有限状态机的向量 |
DO254_VHDL.1921 | Synthesis | Each FSM should have reset control. 每一个有限状态机都应具有复位控制 |
DO254_VHDL.1922 | Synthesis | All illegal or undefined states should transition to a defined state in a case of state corruption. 有限状态机应具备从非法或未定义状态中自动跳转到定义的状态中 |
DO254_VHDL.1923 | Synthesis | Avoid unreachable states in FSM descriptions. 避免有限状态机中包含不可达状态 |
DO254_VHDL.1924 | Synthesis | Avoid deadlock states in FSM descriptions. 避免有限状态机中死锁状态 |
DO254_NETLIST.1925 | Chip | All FSM inputs should be synchronous to the state machine clock. 所有有限状态机的输入都应利用其主时钟进行同步后使用 |
DO254_NETLIST.2112 | Chip | Port description order should follow a pattern. 端口定义顺序应服从某一模式 |
DO254_VHDL.2121_a | Parse | Do not describe multiple statements in one line. 禁止一行中包含多条语句 |
DO254_VHDL.2121_b | Parse | Do not describe multiple association elements in one line. 禁止一行中包含多个元素 |
DO254_VHDL.2121_c | Parse | Do not describe multiple declarations per line. 禁止一行中包含多个声明 |
DO254_VHDL.2122 | Parse | Label statements whenever it is possible. 尽量对语句进行标识 |
DO254_VHDL.2123 | Parse | Always use ending label or constructs name at the end of the statements and declarations. 在语句和声明的结尾处使用标识 |
DO254_VHDL.2124 | Parse | Do not use the same names for different objects. 禁止对不同对象使用同一名称 |
DO254_VHDL.2125 | Parse | Indent each level of the source code. 代码逐层缩进 |
DO254_VHDL.2126 | Parse | Use spaces instead of tabs. 使用空格,而不使用占位符 |
DO254_VHDL.2131 | Parse | Avoid large design files. 避免单一设计过大 |
DO254_VHDL.2132 | Parse | Describe one design unit per file. 每一个设计文件仅包含一个设计模块 |
DO254_VHDL.2141 | Parse | Ensure consistent file header. 确保一致的文件头注释 |
DO254_VHDL.2142 | Parse | Ensure sufficient comment density. 确保充足的注释 |
DO254_VHDL.2143 | Parse | Ensure commenting of design constructs. 确保设计结构具有注释 |
DO254_VHDL.2221 | Parse | Do not describe same objects using both upper and lower letter case. 禁止同一对象一处使用大写,在另一处使用小写(同一对象名称应大小写保持不变) |
DO254_VHDL.3111 | Elaboration | Do not use multiple waveform and optional delay expression in assignments. 禁止在赋值中使用多个波形和可选的延迟表达式 |
DO254_VHDL.3121 | Parse | Avoid using records in RTL description. 禁止在寄存器传输级设计中使用records |
DO254_VHDL.3131 | Synthesis | Do not use register initialization assignments. 禁止对寄存器定义时赋初值 |
DO254_VHDL.3141 | Synthesis | Avoid Undriven Signals. 禁止未经驱动的信号 |
DO254_NETLIST.3151 | Constraints general | Avoid long combinational paths. 禁止长组合逻辑路径 |
DO254_VHDL.3152 | Parse | Limit the use of nested 'if' and 'case' statements. 限制if和case语句的嵌套级数 |
DO254_VHDL.3212 | Parse | Case statement should always have 'others' choice. Case语句必须包含others分支 |
DO254_VHDL.3221 | Synthesis | Do not describe unreachable conditions. 禁止包含不可达条件分支 |
DO254_VHDL.3223 | Parse | Do not use 'with select' statement. 禁止使用’with select’语句 |
DO254_NETLIST.3411 | Chip | Do not connect inout port directly to input/output ports. 禁止直接将inout端口连接至input或者output端口 |
DO254_NETLIST.3412 | Constraints general | Avoid delay chains in digital logic. 禁止在数字逻辑中包含延时 |
DO254_NETLIST.3413 | Constraints general | Associate each signal with only one non-tri-state driver. 每个信号仅使用一个非三态源进行驱动 |
DO254_NETLIST.3414 | Constraints general | Avoid feed-throughs in digital logic. 避免在数字逻辑中使用输入输出直连 |
DO254_NETLIST.3511 | Constraints general | Do not use combinatorial feedbacks. 禁止使用组合逻辑反馈 |
DO254_VHDL.3611 | Elaboration | Do not describe multiple independent conditions in the process. 禁止在process中使用多个独立的条件 |
DO254_NETLIST.3621 | Constraints general | Avoid latches as much as possible. 尽量避免使用锁存器 |
DO254_NETLIST.3631 | Chip | Each register should be controllable from its inputs. 应能从外部输入引脚控制每个寄存器 |
DO254_VHDL.3641 | Synthesis | Avoid using variables to infer sequential logic. 避免时序逻辑中使用变量 |
以上就是老迟到宝贝最近收集整理的关于DO254 VHDL编码规范的全部内容,更多相关DO254内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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