建立my answer to your simpler question,这里有一个解决方案,你可以选择15个随机整数点(即你的200乘200矩阵的下标索引),并分配从上面给出的值集中抽取的随机值:
mat = [...]; %# Your 200-by-200 matrix
x = [...]; %# Your 20 x coordinates given above
y = [...]; %# Your 20 y coordinates given above
data = [...]; %# Your 20 data values given above
fixedPoints = [x(:) y(:)]; %# Your 20 points in one 20-by-2 matrix
randomPoints = randi(200,[15 2]); %# A 15-by-2 matrix of random integers
isRepeated = ismember(randomPoints,fixedPoints,'rows'); %# Find repeated sets of
%# coordinates
while any(isRepeated)
randomPoints(isRepeated,:) = randi(200,[sum(isRepeated) 2]); %# Create new
%# coordinates
isRepeated(isRepeated) = ismember(randomPoints(isRepeated,:),...
fixedPoints,'rows'); %# Check the new
%# coordinates
newValueIndex = randi(20,[1 15]); %# Select 15 random indices into data
linearIndex = sub2ind([200 200],randomPoints(:,1),...
randomPoints(:,2)); %# Get a linear index into mat
mat(linearIndex) = data(newValueIndex); %# Update the 15 points在上面的代码中,我假设x坐标对应于行索引,而y坐标对应于列索引到mat。如果它实际上是相反的方式,则将第二个和第三个输入交换到函数SUB2IND。
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