我是靠谱客的博主 烂漫宝贝,这篇文章主要介绍基于风险的测试终极指南:软件测试中的风险管理(一)什么是基于风险的测试?基于风险的测试及其与敏捷和DevOps的相关性基于风险的测试方法,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



基于风险的测试(即Risk Based Testing,简称RBT)是进行测试或设计和执行方案,以便在生命周期的早期阶段在产品或功能中挖掘出主要的业务风险,这些风险对用户层面的业务会产生负面影响,并且 通过实施缓解措施来缓解。



RBT是根据产品风险进行的测试。 RBT是提前发现这些:特定功能使用失败的风险是什么、通过对测试用例使用优先级排序,在成本和其他损害方面的业务影响是什么。

因此,基于风险的测试使用的原则是:优先考虑产品或软件的特征,模块和产品的功能。 优先级是基于生产中该特征或功能失效的可能性及其对客户的影响。



反过来,这可能会毁掉整个产品,只能将其从市场中撤出。 这就是“质量测试”的重要性和必要性。


我们经常注意到,这是一个常见的问题:几乎所有测试人员都承受着巨大的压力,他们的测试窗口受到挤压,并且通常在最后一分钟将构建交给他们进行测试。 没有足够的时间和资源来运行的所有测试,并且自动化覆盖率并不总是100%并且它有自己的挑战。

The delivery timeline cannot be missed and at the same time quality cannot be compromised as well. Whatever the plan B, to add additional test resources by pulling out from the other teams, is not working out, Plan C, stop doing all the other activities and divert the effort to this alone, is not really helping. However much addition of test resources, at the end, is not working out.

交付时间表不容错过,同时质量也不容妥协。 无论计划B是什么,通过从其他团队撤出来增加额外的测试资源,还没有发挥作用,C计划,停止做所有其他活动并将努力转移到这一点,并没有真正帮助。 然而,最终,测试资源的大量增加并没有发挥作用。


There is no other option but just to run limited and important tests within the available time and resources.


So, how do we decide which test is important at this stage? Whatever a Tester considers important may not be really important for the customers. From whose perspective is the importance of the feature or a functionality decided? Who will decide which are the important tests? And a lot of other questions keep arising.

那么,我们如何决定在这个阶段哪个测试很重要? 无论测试人员认为什么重要,对客户来说可能并不重要。 从这个角度来看,功能或功能的重要性决定了什么? 谁来决定哪些是重要的测试? 还有很多其他问题在不断涌现。

In order to answer all these questions and to handle the above situation effectively, a testing approach called ‘Risk Based Testing’, shortly called ‘RBT’, came into existence, where the team has clearly planned and identified the test scenarios based on the ‘Project Risk’ criteria.

为了回答所有这些问题并有效地处理上述情况,一种被称为“基于风险的测试”的测试方法(简称为“RBT”)应运而生,这样团队可以根据“项目风险来清楚地计划和识别测试场景 。

Though the QA team has a clear picture of the important tests, RBT is a proven method of identifying the crucial and important tests from the customer and business perspective through a ‘Risk Analysis’procedure.


So, now as against the traditional way of simply identifying the defects in the software, the QA approach and goal has changed with the time due to the change in the technology, increase in the competition in the market to release a quality software, introduction of ‘Automate everything’, and in totality introduction of Agile and DevOps practice of delivering the software over a period of few hours.

因此,现在与简单识别软件缺陷的传统方式相比,由于技术的变化,市场竞争的增加,以发布优质软件,引入 “自动化一切”,并全面介绍Agile和DevOps在几个小时内交付软件的做法,质量保证方法和目标随着时间的推移已经发生了变化。

Hence, the current trend of  ‘Testing Principle’ is not just merely ‘identifying the defects’ but to also,


#1) Focus on the area of the product where there is a high impact on business due to failure or high likelihood of failure in the production.

#2) Focusing on identifying the defects early and allowing a team to fix it as early as possible and hence allowing the software/product or feature to ‘Fail Fast’.

#3) The most important aspect of Service of the QA team now is to focus on the customer in bringing value to the customer by increasing the focus on ‘end to end customer experience’.





It is always like preparing for an examination, that one cannot say testing is enough and there are no more defects in the software, even if they design and execute an ample number of tests.


There is a point at which software stability is not going to be doubly assured by increasing the number of test cases alone. At this point of time, it is not just to focus upon the number of tests but on what actually the customer is expecting from the release.

通过单单增加测试用例的数量,并不能确保可以提高软件的稳定性。 在这个时间点,不仅要关注测试的数量,还要关注客户期望从中获得什么。

Hence, it is essential to strike a balance in optimizing the testing in order to get the maximum benefit with the reasonable effort of testing. And this is more important when the testing timelines are very tight and enough resources are not available to carry out sufficient testing.

因此,必须在优化测试方面取得平衡,以便通过合理的测试来获得最大的收益。 当测试时间表非常紧张并且没有足够的资源来进行充分的测试时,这一点就更为重要。

Thus, in this case, RBT approach plays a key role in optimizing the QA effort and maximizing the testing benefit with the minimum business risk.


So, if we focus on the above aspect, then the work of a QA will be much relieved. They do not have to burn their weekends in the office, continuously testing the software and getting worried about every S4 (Severity 4) and P4 (Priority 4) defects that come out of the testing.

因此,如果我们专注于上述方面,那么质量保证的工作将会大大减轻。 他们不必在办公室里烧周末,不断测试软件并担心测试中出现的每个S4(严重性4)和P4(优先级4)缺陷。

Well, 4 is considered as lowest priority and severity of the defects in testing. They can better invest their time in other useful aspects of the project.

嗯,4被认为测试中的缺陷具有最低优先级和严重性。 他们可以更好地将时间投入到项目的其他有用方面。

To summarize the key drivers of the ‘Risk-based testing’ approach:

#1) To enable testing ‘what customers want’ from a business perspective.

#2) To meet the time schedule with expected quality.

#3) To optimize the QA effort.






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