pannel: { x: 0, y: 0, height: 8, width: 100, speed: 8, dx: 0 }, .... drawPannel() { this.drawRoundRect( this.pannel.x, this.pannel.y, this.pannel.width, this.pannel.height, 5 ); }, drawRoundRect(x, y, width, height, radius) { // 画圆角矩形 this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.arc(x + radius, y + radius, radius, Math.PI, (Math.PI * 3) / 2); this.ctx.lineTo(width - radius + x, y); this.ctx.arc( width - radius + x, radius + y, radius, (Math.PI * 3) / 2, Math.PI * 2 ); this.ctx.lineTo(width + x, height + y - radius); this.ctx.arc( width - radius + x, height - radius + y, radius, 0, (Math.PI * 1) / 2 ); this.ctx.lineTo(radius + x, height + y); this.ctx.arc( radius + x, height - radius + y, radius, (Math.PI * 1) / 2, Math.PI ); this.ctx.fillStyle = "#008b8b"; this.ctx.fill(); this.ctx.closePath(); }
document.onkeydown = function(e) { let key = window.event.keyCode; if (key === 37) { // 左键 _this.pannel.dx = -_this.pannel.speed; } else if (key === 39) { // 右键 _this.pannel.dx = _this.pannel.speed; } }; document.onkeyup = function(e) { _this.pannel.dx = 0; }; .... movePannel() { this.pannel.x += this.pannel.dx; if (this.pannel.x > this.clientWidth - this.pannel.width) { this.pannel.x = this.clientWidth - this.pannel.width; } else if (this.pannel.x < 0) { this.pannel.x = 0; } },
drawBall() { this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.arc(this.ball.x, this.ball.y, this.ball.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI); this.ctx.fillStyle = "#008b8b"; this.ctx.fill(); this.ctx.closePath(); }, moveBall() { this.ball.x += this.ball.dx; this.ball.y += this.ball.dy; this.breaksHandle(); this.edgeHandle(); }, breaksHandle() { // 触碰砖块检测 this.breaks.forEach(item => { if (item.show) { if ( this.ball.x + this.ball.r > item.x && this.ball.x - this.ball.r < item.x + this.breaksConfig.width && this.ball.y + this.ball.r > item.y && this.ball.y - this.ball.r < item.y + this.breaksConfig.height ) { item.show = false; this.ball.dy *= -1; this.score ++ ; if(this.showBreaksCount === 0){ this.gameOver = true; } } } }); }, edgeHandle() { // 边缘检测 // 碰到顶部反弹 if (this.ball.y - this.ball.r < 0) { this.ball.dy = -this.ball.dy; } if ( // 碰到左右墙壁 this.ball.x - this.ball.r < 0 || this.ball.x + this.ball.r > this.clientWidth ) { this.ball.dx = -this.ball.dx; } if ( this.ball.x >= this.pannel.x && this.ball.x <= this.pannel.x + this.pannel.width && this.ball.y + this.ball.r >= this.clientHeight - this.pannel.height ) { // 球的x在板子范围内并触碰到了板子 this.ball.dy *= -1; } else if ( (this.ball.x < this.pannel.x || this.ball.x > this.pannel.x + this.pannel.width) && this.ball.y + this.ball.r >= this.clientHeight ) { // 球碰到了底边缘了 this.gameOver = true; this.getCurshBreaks(); } }
breaksConfig: { row: 6, // 排数 height: 25, // 砖块高度 width: 130, // 砖块宽度 radius: 5, // 矩形圆角 space: 0, // 间距 colunm: 6 // 列数 }
// 计算得出砖块缝隙宽度 this.breaksConfig.space = Math.floor( (this.clientWidth - this.breaksConfig.width * this.breaksConfig.colunm) / (this.breaksConfig.colunm + 1) );
for (let i = 0; i < _this.breaksConfig.row; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < _this.breaksConfig.colunm; j++) { _this.breaks.push({ x: this.breaksConfig.space * (j + 1) + this.breaksConfig.width * j, y: 10 * (i + 1) + this.breaksConfig.height * i, show: true }); } }
drawBreaks() { let _this = this; _this.breaks.forEach(item => { if (item.show) { _this.drawRoundRect( item.x, item.y, _this.breaksConfig.width, _this.breaksConfig.height, _this.breaksConfig.radius ); } }); }
(function animloop() { if (!_this.gameOver) { _this.movePannel(); _this.moveBall(); _this.drawAll(); } else { _this.drawCrushBreaks(); } window.requestAnimationFrame(animloop); })(); .... drawAll() { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.clientWidth, this.clientHeight); this.drawPannel(); this.drawBall(); this.drawScore(); this.drawBreaks(); }
getCurshBreaks() { let _this = this; this.breaks.forEach(item => { if (item.show) { item.show = false; for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // 每个砖块粉碎为8个小球 this.crushBalls.push({ x: item.x + this.breaksConfig.width / 2, y: item.y + this.breaksConfig.height / 2, dx: _this.getRandomArbitrary(-6, 6), dy: _this.getRandomArbitrary(-6, 6), r: _this.getRandomArbitrary(1, 4), color: _this.getRandomColor() }); } } }); }, drawCrushBreaks() { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.clientWidth, this.clientHeight); this.crushBalls.forEach(item => { this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.arc(item.x, item.y, item.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI); this.ctx.fillStyle = item.color; this.ctx.fill(); this.ctx.closePath(); item.x += item.dx; item.y += item.dy; if ( // 碰到左右墙壁 item.x - item.r < 0 || item.x + item.r > this.clientWidth ) { item.dx = -item.dx; } if ( // 碰到上下墙壁 item.y - item.r < 0 || item.y + item.r > this.clientHeight ) { item.dy = -item.dy; } }); },
<template> <div class="break-ball"> <canvas id="breakBall" width="900" height="600"></canvas> <div class="container" v-if="gameOver"> <div class="dialog"> <p class="once-again">本轮分数:{{score}}分</p> <p class="once-again">真好玩!</p> <p class="once-again">再来一次~~</p> <el-button class="once-again-btn" @click="init">开始</el-button> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> const randomColor = [ "#FF95CA", "#00E3E3", "#00E3E3", "#6F00D2", "#6F00D2", "#C2C287", "#ECFFFF", "#FFDC35", "#93FF93", "#d0d0d0" ]; export default { name: "BreakBall", data() { return { clientWidth: 0, clientHeight: 0, ctx: null, crushBalls: [], pannel: { x: 0, y: 0, height: 8, width: 100, speed: 8, dx: 0 }, ball: { x: 0, y: 0, r: 8, dx: -4, dy: -4 }, score: 0, gameOver: false, breaks: [], breaksConfig: { row: 6, // 排数 height: 25, // 砖块高度 width: 130, // 砖块宽度 radius: 5, // 矩形圆角 space: 0, // 间距 colunm: 6 // 列数 } }; }, mounted() { let _this = this; let container = document.getElementById("breakBall"); this.ctx = container.getContext("2d"); this.clientHeight = container.height; this.clientWidth = container.width; _this.init(); document.onkeydown = function(e) { let key = window.event.keyCode; if (key === 37) { // 左键 _this.pannel.dx = -_this.pannel.speed; } else if (key === 39) { // 右键 _this.pannel.dx = _this.pannel.speed; } }; document.onkeyup = function(e) { _this.pannel.dx = 0; }; (function animloop() { if (!_this.gameOver) { _this.movePannel(); _this.moveBall(); _this.drawAll(); } else { _this.drawCrushBreaks(); } window.requestAnimationFrame(animloop); })(); }, computed:{ showBreaksCount(){ return this.breaks.filter(item=>{ return item.show; }).length; } }, methods: { init() { let _this = this; _this.gameOver = false; this.pannel.y = this.clientHeight - this.pannel.height; this.pannel.x = this.clientWidth / 2 - this.pannel.width / 2; this.ball.y = this.clientHeight / 2; this.ball.x = this.clientWidth / 2; this.score = 0; this.ball.dx = [-1,1][Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)]*4; this.ball.dy = [-1,1][Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)]*4; this.crushBalls = []; this.breaks = []; // 计算得出砖块缝隙宽度 this.breaksConfig.space = Math.floor( (this.clientWidth - this.breaksConfig.width * this.breaksConfig.colunm) / (this.breaksConfig.colunm + 1) ); for (let i = 0; i < _this.breaksConfig.row; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < _this.breaksConfig.colunm; j++) { _this.breaks.push({ x: this.breaksConfig.space * (j + 1) + this.breaksConfig.width * j, y: 10 * (i + 1) + this.breaksConfig.height * i, show: true }); } } }, drawAll() { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.clientWidth, this.clientHeight); this.drawPannel(); this.drawBall(); this.drawScore(); this.drawBreaks(); }, movePannel() { this.pannel.x += this.pannel.dx; if (this.pannel.x > this.clientWidth - this.pannel.width) { this.pannel.x = this.clientWidth - this.pannel.width; } else if (this.pannel.x < 0) { this.pannel.x = 0; } }, moveBall() { this.ball.x += this.ball.dx; this.ball.y += this.ball.dy; this.breaksHandle(); this.edgeHandle(); }, breaksHandle() { // 触碰砖块检测 this.breaks.forEach(item => { if (item.show) { if ( this.ball.x + this.ball.r > item.x && this.ball.x - this.ball.r < item.x + this.breaksConfig.width && this.ball.y + this.ball.r > item.y && this.ball.y - this.ball.r < item.y + this.breaksConfig.height ) { item.show = false; this.ball.dy *= -1; this.score ++ ; if(this.showBreaksCount === 0){ this.gameOver = true; } } } }); }, edgeHandle() { // 边缘检测 // 碰到顶部反弹 if (this.ball.y - this.ball.r < 0) { this.ball.dy = -this.ball.dy; } if ( // 碰到左右墙壁 this.ball.x - this.ball.r < 0 || this.ball.x + this.ball.r > this.clientWidth ) { this.ball.dx = -this.ball.dx; } if ( this.ball.x >= this.pannel.x && this.ball.x <= this.pannel.x + this.pannel.width && this.ball.y + this.ball.r >= this.clientHeight - this.pannel.height ) { // 球的x在板子范围内并触碰到了板子 this.ball.dy *= -1; } else if ( (this.ball.x < this.pannel.x || this.ball.x > this.pannel.x + this.pannel.width) && this.ball.y + this.ball.r >= this.clientHeight ) { // 球碰到了底边缘了 this.gameOver = true; this.getCurshBreaks(); } }, drawScore(){ this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.font="14px Arial"; this.ctx.fillStyle = "#FFF"; this.ctx.fillText("分数:"+this.score,10,this.clientHeight-14); this.ctx.closePath(); }, drawCrushBreaks() { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.clientWidth, this.clientHeight); this.crushBalls.forEach(item => { this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.arc(item.x, item.y, item.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI); this.ctx.fillStyle = item.color; this.ctx.fill(); this.ctx.closePath(); item.x += item.dx; item.y += item.dy; if ( // 碰到左右墙壁 item.x - item.r < 0 || item.x + item.r > this.clientWidth ) { item.dx = -item.dx; } if ( // 碰到上下墙壁 item.y - item.r < 0 || item.y + item.r > this.clientHeight ) { item.dy = -item.dy; } }); }, getRandomColor() { return randomColor[Math.floor(Math.random() * randomColor.length)]; }, getRandomArbitrary(min, max) { return Math.random() * (max - min) + min; }, getCurshBreaks() { let _this = this; this.breaks.forEach(item => { if (item.show) { item.show = false; for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { this.crushBalls.push({ x: item.x + this.breaksConfig.width / 2, y: item.y + this.breaksConfig.height / 2, dx: _this.getRandomArbitrary(-6, 6), dy: _this.getRandomArbitrary(-6, 6), r: _this.getRandomArbitrary(1, 4), color: _this.getRandomColor() }); } } }); }, drawBall() { this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.arc(this.ball.x, this.ball.y, this.ball.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI); this.ctx.fillStyle = "#008b8b"; this.ctx.fill(); this.ctx.closePath(); }, drawPannel() { this.drawRoundRect( this.pannel.x, this.pannel.y, this.pannel.width, this.pannel.height, 5 ); }, drawRoundRect(x, y, width, height, radius) { this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.arc(x + radius, y + radius, radius, Math.PI, (Math.PI * 3) / 2); this.ctx.lineTo(width - radius + x, y); this.ctx.arc( width - radius + x, radius + y, radius, (Math.PI * 3) / 2, Math.PI * 2 ); this.ctx.lineTo(width + x, height + y - radius); this.ctx.arc( width - radius + x, height - radius + y, radius, 0, (Math.PI * 1) / 2 ); this.ctx.lineTo(radius + x, height + y); this.ctx.arc( radius + x, height - radius + y, radius, (Math.PI * 1) / 2, Math.PI ); this.ctx.fillStyle = "#008b8b"; this.ctx.fill(); this.ctx.closePath(); }, drawBreaks() { let _this = this; _this.breaks.forEach(item => { if (item.show) { _this.drawRoundRect( item.x, item.y, _this.breaksConfig.width, _this.breaksConfig.height, _this.breaksConfig.radius ); } }); } } }; </script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> <style scoped lang="scss"> .break-ball { width: 900px; height: 600px; position: relative; #breakBall { background: #2a4546; } .container { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); text-align: center; font-size: 0; white-space: nowrap; overflow: auto; } .container:after { content: ""; display: inline-block; height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; } .dialog { width: 400px; height: 300px; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); box-shadow: 3px 3px 6px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; font-size: 28px; color: #fff; font-weight: 600; border-radius: 10px; white-space: normal; text-align: center; .once-again-btn { background: #1f9a9a; border: none; color: #fff; } } } </style>
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以上就是俭朴星月最近收集整理的关于VUE+Canvas 实现桌面弹球消砖块小游戏的示例代码的全部内容,更多相关VUE+Canvas内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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