我是靠谱客的博主 强健夕阳,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍NCI --- 体系结构1 NCI Components,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


1 NCI Components

1.1 NCI Core:

  1.    定义了NCI Packet格式,命令(commands)、响应(response)、通知(Notification)、数据交换(Data exchange);
  2.    A flow control mechanism for Command/Response Message exchange  (流控制机制)
  3.    A Logical Connection concept for Data Messages (数据消息的逻辑连接)
  4.    A credit-based flow control mechanism for Data Messages sent from the DH to the NFCC (数据消息 基于credit 流控制)
  5.    Segmentation and reassembly(分包和组包) for Control and Data Messages.
  6.    An addressing scheme for NFC Execution Environments (NFCEE).  (NFCEE的地址策略)
  7.    An addressing scheme for Remote NFC Endpoints  (Remote NFC Endpoints 的地址策略)
  8.    Reset, initialization, and configuration of the NFCC. 
  9. Exception handling, including Control Messages for indicating errors, and rules for how to use them.

1.2 Transport Mappings:

    Transport Mappings SHALL provide means to transport Data and Control Packets in both directions between the DH and NFCC. (提供DH和NFCC之间 数据包和控制包双向传输的方式)
  Transport Mappings SHALL provide a reliable data transfer.(提供可靠的数据传输)
  Transport Mappings MAY include flow control mechanisms. However, if possible they SHOULD rely on the flow control built into the NCI protocol. (也可以提供流控制机制)
  Transport Mappings providing framing SHALL NOT forward Packets with a size smaller than 3 bytes to the NCI Core.

1.3 NCI modules:

  • Each module provides a well-defined functionality to the DH. (提供定义好的功能模块)
  • NCI modules provide the functionality to configure the NFCC and to discover and communicate with Remote NFC Endpoints or with local NFCEEs.(NCI模块提供了配置NFCC和发现远程NFC端点或与本地NFCEE通信的功能。)

1.4 Interface:

An NCI module might contain a single Interface. Each Interface defines how a DH can
communicate via NCI with a Remote NFC Endpoint or NFCEE. Each Interface is defined to
support specific protocols and can only be used for those protocols (the majority of Interfaces
support exactly one protocol). NCI defines two types of Interfaces: RF Interfaces and NFCEE

每个interface 定义支持为特定的协议;

NCI 定义了两种类型接口:

  • RF Interfaces : DH与Remote NFC Endpoint 通过HCI通讯
  • NFCEE Interfaces: DH与NFCEE通过HCI通讯

Protocols used to communicate with a Remote NFC Endpoint are called RF Protocols. Protocols
used to communicate with an NFCEE are called NFCEE Protocols.


  • RF Protocols
  • NFCEE Protocols.

An NFCEE Interface has a one-to-one relationship to an NFCEE Protocol. However, there might
be multiple RF Interfaces for one RF Protocol. The multiple RF Interfaces allow NCI to support
different splits of the protocol implementation between the NFCC and DH. An NCI
implementation on an NFCC includes the RF Interfaces that match the functionality implemented
on the NFCC.

RF Interface 与 RF Protocol  存在多对1的关系

NFCEE Interface 与NFCEE Protocol 存在1对1的关系





以上就是强健夕阳为你收集整理的NCI --- 体系结构1 NCI Components的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决NCI --- 体系结构1 NCI Components所遇到的程序开发问题。



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