最近喜欢闲逛github,去上面看看关于Qt方面的一些开源资料和项目,看到好多优秀的Qt开源项目,特别在最新的移动开发方面的项目,比如Qt for iOS,Qt for Android等
找到一个奇葩的项目,是mac下面本地iOS app 内嵌入QML界面的,看作者对这个项目的一些描述
Steps you need to do before building
- Go to build settings tab and change QTDIR in the user-defined section at the bottom
to point to your local installation of Qt.
- You may need to update #include <QtGui/5.2.0/QtGui/qpa/qplatformnativeinterface.h> in QmlView.mm
to the correct version (instead of 5.2.0)
Steps that has already been taken to enable Qt:
- NOte: The following is a work-around for now, until hybrid case is officially supported!
- add $QTDIR/include folder to header search paths under settings tab
- change build architecture to only armv7 (not armv7s) under settings tab
- change c++ language dialiect to GNU
以上就是还单身美女最近收集整理的关于借鉴Github上面的Qt开源项目说事儿之一(Qt for iOS)的全部内容,更多相关借鉴Github上面的Qt开源项目说事儿之一(Qt内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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