我是靠谱客的博主 淡然白羊,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍运算符重载实验(超基础和干货的代码训练)T1.Purpose of the experimentT2.Experiment contentT3.Experiment summary,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


T1.Purpose of the experiment

Master the basic syntax of operator overloading.
Skillfully use the function with the same name to complete the same basic operation.

T2.Experiment content

[Experiment topic 1]

using namespace std;
class Complex{
double Real,Image ;
public :
Complex(double r=0.0, double i=0.0):Real®,Image(i){}
Complex(const Complex &com)
Real=com.Real ; Image=com.Image ;
void Print()
Complex operator+(Complex); //重载+运算符函数
Complex operator+(double); //重载+运算符函数
Complex operator=(Complex); //重载=运算符函数
Complex operator+=(Complex); //重载+=运算符函数
double abs(void); //求绝对值函数
Complex operator*(Complex); //重载运算符函数
Complex operator/(Complex); //重载/运算符函数
Complex Complex::operator+(Complex c)
Complex Temp(Real+c.Real , Image+c.Image) ;
return Temp ;
Complex Complex::operator+(double d)
{ //重载+
return Complex(Real+d , Image);
Complex Complex::operator+=(Complex c)
{//重载+ =
Complex temp; //为了返回Complex类型的值,使+=可以连续使用
temp.Real=Real+c.Real; temp.Image=Image+c.Image;
Real=temp.Real; Image=temp.Image;
return temp;
Complex Complex::operator=(Complex c)
Complex temp; //定义temp为可返回Complex类型值,使=可连续使用
temp.Real=c.Real; temp.Image=c.Image;
Real=temp.Real; Image=temp.Image;
return temp;
double Complex::abs(void)
return sqrt(Real
Complex Complex::operator
(Complex c)
return Complex(Realc.Real-Imagec.Image ,Realc.Image+c.RealImage);

Complex Complex::operator/(Complex c)
{ //重载/
double d=c.Realc.Real+c.Imagec.Image ;
return Complex((Realc.Real+Imagec.Image)/d , (Imagec.Real-Realc.Image)/d) ;
int main()
Complex c1(1.0,1.0) , c2(2.0,2.0) , c3(4.0,4.0) , c;
double d=0.5 ;
c=c2+c3 ; c.Print() ;
c+=c1 ; c.Print() ;
c=c+d ; c.Print() ; //可用0.5代替d
c=c3*c2 ; c.Print() ;
c=c3/c1 ; c.Print() ;
cout<<“c3的模为:”<<c3.abs()<<endl ;
c=c3=c2=c1; c.Print(); //连续赋值
c+=c3+=c2+=c1; c.Print(); //连续加赋值
return 0;

提示:编写友元函数 friend Complex operator+(int x,Complex &ob);

 Experimental procedure

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
class Complex {
	double	Real, Image;
	Complex(double r = 0.0, double i = 0.0) :Real(r), Image(i) {}
	Complex(const Complex& com)
		Real = com.Real; Image = com.Image;
	void  Print()
		cout << "Real=" << Real << 't' << "Image=" << Image << 'n';
	Complex  operator+(Complex); //重载+运算符函数
	Complex  operator+(double); //重载+运算符函数
	Complex operator+=(Complex); //重载+=运算符函数
	Complex  operator*(Complex); //重载*运算符函数
	Complex  operator/(Complex); //重载/运算符函数
	Complex operator=(Complex); //重载=运算符函数
	double  abs(void); //求绝对值函数

	friend Complex operator+(const Complex&,const Complex &);//重载+运算符非成员函数
	friend Complex operator+(double, const Complex&);//重载+运算符非成员函数
	friend Complex operator+=(Complex&, const Complex&);//重载+=运算符非成员函数
	friend Complex operator*(const Complex&, const Complex&);	//重载*运算符非成员函数
	friend Complex operator/(const Complex&, const Complex&);	//重载/运算符非成员函数
	friend Complex operator+(int,const Complex&);	/*重载+运算符函数,实现一个整数加一个复数的加法运算*/
	Complex operator--();	//重载前置--运算符成员函数
	friend Complex operator--(Complex&,int);	//重载后置--运算符非成员函数
	Complex operator-(const Complex&);	//重载-运算符成员函数
	Complex operator-=(const Complex&);	//重载-=运算符成员函数
	Complex operator*=(const Complex&);	//重载*=运算符成员函数
	Complex operator/=(const Complex&);//重载/=运算符成员函数
	friend Complex operator-(const Complex&,const Complex&);//重载-运算符非成员函数
	friend Complex operator-=(Complex&,const Complex&);//重载-=运算符非成员函数
	friend Complex operator*=(Complex&,const Complex&);//重载*=运算符非成员函数
	friend Complex operator/=(Complex&,const Complex&);//重载/=运算符非成员函数
Complex operator+(const Complex&c1,const Complex &c2)
	Complex Temp(c1.Real + c2.Real, c1.Image + c2.Image);
	return Temp;
Complex operator+(double d,const Complex&c)
{ //重载+ 
	return Complex(c.Real + d, c.Image);
Complex Complex::operator=(Complex c)
	Complex temp; //定义temp为可返回Complex类型值,使=可连续使用 
	temp.Real = c.Real;  temp.Image = c.Image;
	Real = temp.Real;  Image = temp.Image;
	return temp;
Complex operator+=(Complex &c1,const Complex &c2)
{//重载+ =
	c1= c1 + c2;
	return c1;
double Complex::abs(void)
	return sqrt(Real * Real + Image * Image);
Complex operator*(const Complex&c1, const Complex&c2)
	return Complex(c1.Real * c2.Real - c1.Image * c2.Image, c1.Real * c2.Image + c2.Real * c1.Image);

Complex operator/(const Complex&c1, const Complex&c2)
{ //重载/
	double d = c2.Real * c2.Real + c2.Image * c2.Image;
	return Complex((c1.Real * c2.Real + c1.Image * c2.Image) / d, (c1.Image * c2.Real - c1.Real * c2.Image) / d);
Complex operator+(int m,const Complex&c) 
	return Complex(c.Real + m, c.Image);
Complex Complex::operator--() {
	Complex c;
	Real--; Image--;
	c = *this;
	return c;
Complex operator--(Complex&c1, int) {
	Complex c;
	c = c1;
	return c;
Complex Complex::operator-(const Complex&c)	//重载后置-运算符成员函数
	return Complex(Real - c.Real, Image - c.Image);
Complex Complex::operator-=(const Complex&c)//重载-=运算符成员函数
	*this =(*this)-c;
	return *this;
Complex Complex::operator*=(const Complex&c)//重载*=运算符成员函数
	*this = (*this)* c;
	return *this;
Complex Complex::operator/=(const Complex&c)//重载/=运算符成员函数
	*this = (*this)/c;
	return *this;
Complex operator-(const Complex&c1,const Complex&c2)//重载-运算符非成员函数
	return Complex(c1.Real-c2.Real,c1.Image-c2.Image);
Complex operator-=(Complex&c1,const Complex&c2)//重载-=运算符非成员函数
	return c1;
Complex operator*=(Complex&c1,const Complex&c2)//重载*=运算符非成员函数
	return c1;
Complex operator/=(Complex&c1,const Complex&c2)//重载/=运算符非成员函数
	return c1;
int main()
	Complex c1(1.0, 1.0), c2(2.0, 2.0), c3(4.0, 4.0), c;
	double d = 0.5;
	c = c2 + c3;  c.Print();
	c += c1;  c.Print();
	c = c + d; c.Print(); //可用0.5代替d	
	c = c3 * c2;  c.Print();
	c = c3 / c1;   c.Print();
	cout << "c3的模为:" << c3.abs() << endl;
	c = c3 = c2 = c1; c.Print();               //连续赋值
	c += c3 += c2 += c1; c.Print(); //连续加赋值
	cout << endl;
	cout << "c:"; c.Print();
	cout << "c1:"; c1.Print();
	cout << "c1=--c后nc:"; c.Print();
	cout << "c1:"; c1.Print();
	c1 = c--;
	cout << "c1=c--后nc1:"; c1.Print();
	cout << "c: "; c.Print();
	cout << "c-c1: "; (c - c1).Print();
	c -= c1;
	cout << "c-=c1后nc:"; c.Print();
	c *= c1;
	cout << "c*=c1后nc:"; c.Print();
	c /= c1;
	cout << "c/=c1后nc:"; c.Print();
	return 0;

 Experimental results and analysis


The operation results meet the expectations

 Experimental process analysis

We know a C + + class. If the programmer does not define the overloaded function of assignment operator for it, the compiler will implicitly define it, so if we define the overloaded function of global assignment operator again, ambiguity will occur. Even if the compiler allows such a definition technique, it cannot compile at the time of calling.
The assignment (=), subscript ([]), call (()), and member access arrow (- > operators must be members (functions).
Secondly, in the process of debugging, I found that when overloading composite operators, we can use operators that have been overloaded to simplify the code. For example, the assignment operator of two objects, the operator of adding and subtracting between two objects, etc.
In the function of overloading the - = operator in the picture, the code is simplified only by using the - which operates between two objects already overloaded.

 Empirical conclusioin

The assignment (=), subscript ([]), call (()), and member access arrow (- > operators must be members (functions).
Note: non member versions of overloaded operator functions require the same number of parameters as the number of operands used by operators; member versions require one less parameter because one of the operands is the calling object that is implicitly passed.

T3.Experiment summary

For the member function version, one operand is implicitly passed through this pointer, and the other operand is explicitly passed as a function parameter; for the friend version, both operands are passed as parameters.
Remember that when you define an operator, you must select one of the formats, not both. Because these two formats match in the same expression, defining these two formats at the same time will be regarded as ambiguous errors, resulting in compilation errors.
So which format is the best? For some operators, as mentioned earlier, member functions are the only legitimate choice. In other cases, there is not much difference between the two formats. Sometimes, depending on the class design, it may be better to use the nonmember function version (especially when defining a type conversion for a class)

By Suki


以上就是淡然白羊为你收集整理的运算符重载实验(超基础和干货的代码训练)T1.Purpose of the experimentT2.Experiment contentT3.Experiment summary的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决运算符重载实验(超基础和干货的代码训练)T1.Purpose of the experimentT2.Experiment contentT3.Experiment summary所遇到的程序开发问题。



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