caret If you like your things large, mouse cursors or otherwise, like I do, you can make the Windows Caret (the little text flashy inserty thing) wider with this Registry Key on XP: 如果像我一样喜欢大的东西,鼠标光标或其他类似的东西,则可以使用XP上的此注册表项来使Windows Caret(小的文本浮华的插入物)变宽: However, on Vista, hit the Start Menu and type "Ease" to get to the Ease of Access Center then click on "Make things on the screen easier to see" then (here's where it gets lamer) scroll-down. 但是,在Vista上,单击“开始”菜单,然后键入“轻松”以进入“轻松访问中心”,然后单击“使屏幕上的内容更容易看清”,然后向下滚动(在此情况下会变慢)。 You'll see "Set the thickness of the blinking cursor. That changes the Registry for you. 您将看到“设置闪烁光标的粗细。这将为您更改注册表。 翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/make-the-windows-text-cursor-caret-wider caret[HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop]
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