我是靠谱客的博主 无聊睫毛膏,这篇文章主要介绍Android资源的加载与匹配,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。










  private Activity performLaunchActivity(ActivityClientRecord r, Intent customIntent) {
        // System.out.println("##### [" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "] ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(" + r + ")");

        ActivityInfo aInfo = r.activityInfo;
        if (r.packageInfo == null) {
            r.packageInfo = getPackageInfo(aInfo.applicationInfo, r.compatInfo,

        ComponentName component = r.intent.getComponent();
        if (component == null) {
            component = r.intent.resolveActivity(

        if (r.activityInfo.targetActivity != null) {
            component = new ComponentName(r.activityInfo.packageName,
        ContextImpl appContext = createBaseContextForActivity(r);
        Activity activity = null;
        try {
            java.lang.ClassLoader cl = appContext.getClassLoader();
            activity = mInstrumentation.newActivity(
                    cl, component.getClassName(), r.intent);
            if (r.state != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!mInstrumentation.onException(activity, e)) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Unable to instantiate activity " + component
                    + ": " + e.toString(), e);

        try {
            Application app = r.packageInfo.makeApplication(false, mInstrumentation);

            if (localLOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "Performing launch of " + r);
            if (localLOGV) Slog.v(
                    TAG, r + ": app=" + app
                    + ", appName=" + app.getPackageName()
                    + ", pkg=" + r.packageInfo.getPackageName()
                    + ", comp=" + r.intent.getComponent().toShortString()
                    + ", dir=" + r.packageInfo.getAppDir());

            if (activity != null) {
                CharSequence title = r.activityInfo.loadLabel(appContext.getPackageManager());
                Configuration config = new Configuration(mCompatConfiguration);
                if (r.overrideConfig != null) {
                if (DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Slog.v(TAG, "Launching activity "
                        + r.activityInfo.name + " with config " + config);
                Window window = null;
                if (r.mPendingRemoveWindow != null && r.mPreserveWindow) {
                    window = r.mPendingRemoveWindow;
                    r.mPendingRemoveWindow = null;
                    r.mPendingRemoveWindowManager = null;
                activity.attach(appContext, this, getInstrumentation(), r.token,
                        r.ident, app, r.intent, r.activityInfo, title, r.parent,
                        r.embeddedID, r.lastNonConfigurationInstances, config,
                        r.referrer, r.voiceInteractor, window, r.configCallback);

                if (customIntent != null) {
                    activity.mIntent = customIntent;
                r.lastNonConfigurationInstances = null;
                activity.mStartedActivity = false;
                int theme = r.activityInfo.getThemeResource();
                if (theme != 0) {

                activity.mCalled = false;
                if (r.isPersistable()) {
                    mInstrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(activity, r.state, r.persistentState);
                } else {
                    mInstrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(activity, r.state);
                if (!activity.mCalled) {
                    throw new SuperNotCalledException(
                        "Activity " + r.intent.getComponent().toShortString() +
                        " did not call through to super.onCreate()");
                r.activity = activity;
                r.stopped = true;
                if (!r.activity.mFinished) {
                    r.stopped = false;
                if (!r.activity.mFinished) {
                    if (r.isPersistable()) {
                        if (r.state != null || r.persistentState != null) {
                            mInstrumentation.callActivityOnRestoreInstanceState(activity, r.state,
                    } else if (r.state != null) {
                        mInstrumentation.callActivityOnRestoreInstanceState(activity, r.state);
                if (!r.activity.mFinished) {
                    activity.mCalled = false;
                    if (r.isPersistable()) {
                        mInstrumentation.callActivityOnPostCreate(activity, r.state,
                    } else {
                        mInstrumentation.callActivityOnPostCreate(activity, r.state);
                    if (!activity.mCalled) {
                        throw new SuperNotCalledException(
                            "Activity " + r.intent.getComponent().toShortString() +
                            " did not call through to super.onPostCreate()");
            r.paused = true;

            mActivities.put(r.token, r);

        } catch (SuperNotCalledException e) {
            throw e;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!mInstrumentation.onException(activity, e)) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Unable to start activity " + component
                    + ": " + e.toString(), e);

        return activity;

   private ContextImpl createBaseContextForActivity(ActivityClientRecord r) {
        final int displayId;
        try {
            displayId = ActivityManager.getService().getActivityDisplayId(r.token);
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
        ContextImpl appContext = ContextImpl.createActivityContext(
                this, r.packageInfo, r.activityInfo, r.token, displayId, r.overrideConfig);

        final DisplayManagerGlobal dm = DisplayManagerGlobal.getInstance();
        // For debugging purposes, if the activity's package name contains the value of
        // the "debug.use-second-display" system property as a substring, then show
        // its content on a secondary display if there is one.
        String pkgName = SystemProperties.get("debug.second-display.pkg");
        if (pkgName != null && !pkgName.isEmpty()
                && r.packageInfo.mPackageName.contains(pkgName)) {
            for (int id : dm.getDisplayIds()) {
                if (id != Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {
                    Display display =
                            dm.getCompatibleDisplay(id, appContext.getResources());
                    appContext = (ContextImpl) appContext.createDisplayContext(display);
        return appContext;


在上述performLaunchActivity函数中,首先创建了Activity与Application,然后通过调用createBaseContextForActivity 创建了一个ContextImpl对象。而在createBaseContextForActivity 函数中又调用了ContextImpl类的ContextImpl.createActivityContext 静态函数,源码如下:

static ContextImpl createActivityContext(ActivityThread mainThread,
            LoadedApk packageInfo, ActivityInfo activityInfo, IBinder activityToken, int displayId,
            Configuration overrideConfiguration) {
        if (packageInfo == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("packageInfo");

        String[] splitDirs = packageInfo.getSplitResDirs();
        ClassLoader classLoader = packageInfo.getClassLoader();

        if (packageInfo.getApplicationInfo().requestsIsolatedSplitLoading()) {
            Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_RESOURCES, "SplitDependencies");
            try {
                classLoader = packageInfo.getSplitClassLoader(activityInfo.splitName);
                splitDirs = packageInfo.getSplitPaths(activityInfo.splitName);
            } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
                // Nothing above us can handle a NameNotFoundException, better crash.
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            } finally {

        ContextImpl context = new ContextImpl(null, mainThread, packageInfo, activityInfo.splitName,
                activityToken, null, 0, classLoader);

        // Clamp display ID to DEFAULT_DISPLAY if it is INVALID_DISPLAY.
        displayId = (displayId != Display.INVALID_DISPLAY) ? displayId : Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY;

        final CompatibilityInfo compatInfo = (displayId == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY)
                ? packageInfo.getCompatibilityInfo()
                : CompatibilityInfo.DEFAULT_COMPATIBILITY_INFO;

        final ResourcesManager resourcesManager = ResourcesManager.getInstance();

        // Create the base resources for which all configuration contexts for this Activity
        // will be rebased upon.
                context,//0105 temp
                packageInfo.getApplicationInfo().isThemeable));//porting theme
        context.mDisplay = resourcesManager.getAdjustedDisplay(displayId,
        return context;
 private ContextImpl(@Nullable ContextImpl container, @NonNull ActivityThread mainThread,
            @NonNull LoadedApk packageInfo, @Nullable String splitName,
            @Nullable IBinder activityToken, @Nullable UserHandle user, int flags,
            @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) {
        mOuterContext = this;

        // If creator didn't specify which storage to use, use the default
        // location for application.
                | Context.CONTEXT_DEVICE_PROTECTED_STORAGE)) == 0) {
            final File dataDir = packageInfo.getDataDirFile();
            if (Objects.equals(dataDir, packageInfo.getCredentialProtectedDataDirFile())) {
                flags |= Context.CONTEXT_CREDENTIAL_PROTECTED_STORAGE;
            } else if (Objects.equals(dataDir, packageInfo.getDeviceProtectedDataDirFile())) {
                flags |= Context.CONTEXT_DEVICE_PROTECTED_STORAGE;

        mMainThread = mainThread;
        mActivityToken = activityToken;
        mFlags = flags;

        if (user == null) {
            user = Process.myUserHandle();
        mUser = user;
        mPackageInfo = packageInfo;
        mSplitName = splitName;
        mClassLoader = classLoader;
        mResourcesManager = ResourcesManager.getInstance();

        if (container != null) {
            mBasePackageName = container.mBasePackageName;
            mOpPackageName = container.mOpPackageName;
            mDisplay = container.mDisplay;
        } else {
            mBasePackageName = packageInfo.mPackageName;
            ApplicationInfo ainfo = packageInfo.getApplicationInfo();
            if (ainfo.uid == Process.SYSTEM_UID && ainfo.uid != Process.myUid()) {
                // Special case: system components allow themselves to be loaded in to other
                // processes.  For purposes of app ops, we must then consider the context as
                // belonging to the package of this process, not the system itself, otherwise
                // the package+uid verifications in app ops will fail.
                mOpPackageName = ActivityThread.currentPackageName();
            } else {
                mOpPackageName = mBasePackageName;

        mContentResolver = new ApplicationContentResolver(this, mainThread, user);



     * Creates base resources for an Activity. Calls to
     * {@link #getResources(IBinder, String, String[], String[], String[], int, Configuration,
     * CompatibilityInfo, ClassLoader)} with the same activityToken will have their override
     * configurations merged with the one specified here.
     *(为活动创建基础资源。 使用相同的activityToken调用{@link #getResources(IBinder,String,String [],String [],String [],int,Configuration,CompatibilityInfo,ClassLoader)}将使其覆盖配置与此处指定的配置合并。)
     * @param activityToken Represents an Activity.  //表示活动
     * @param resDir The base resource path. Can be null (only framework resources will be loaded).(基本资源路径。 可以为null(仅加载ramework resources资源)。)
     * @param splitResDirs An array of split resource paths. Can be null.  分割资源路径的数组。 可以为null。
     * @param overlayDirs An array of overlay paths. Can be null. (一系列叠加路径。 可以为null。)
     * @param libDirs An array of resource library paths. Can be null.(一组资源库路径。 可以为null。)
     * @param displayId The ID of the display for which to create the resources.(要为其创建资源的显示的ID。)
     * @param overrideConfig The configuration to apply on top of the base configuration. Can be
     *                       null. This provides the base override for this Activity.(要在基本配置之上应用的配置。 可以为null。 这为此Activity提供了基本覆盖。)
     * @param compatInfo The compatibility settings to use. Cannot be null. A default to use is
     *                   {@link CompatibilityInfo#DEFAULT_COMPATIBILITY_INFO}.(要使用的兼容性设置。 不能为空。 默认使用的是{@link CompatibilityInfo#DEFAULT_COMPATIBILITY_INFO})
     * @param classLoader The class loader to use when inflating Resources. If null, the
     *                    {@link ClassLoader#getSystemClassLoader()} is used.(在加载资源时使用的类加载器。 如果为null,则使用{@link ClassLoader#getSystemClassLoader()}。)
     * @return a Resources object from which to access resources. (返回一个可访问的资源的对象)
    public @Nullable Resources createBaseActivityResources(@NonNull IBinder activityToken,
            @Nullable String resDir,
            @Nullable String[] splitResDirs,
            @Nullable String[] overlayDirs,
            @Nullable String[] libDirs,
            int displayId,
            @Nullable String packageName,
            @Nullable Configuration overrideConfig,
            @NonNull CompatibilityInfo compatInfo,
            @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader,
            @Nullable Context context,
            boolean isThemeable) {
        try {
            final ResourcesKey key = new ResourcesKey(
                    overrideConfig != null ? new Configuration(overrideConfig) : null, // Copy
            classLoader = classLoader != null ? classLoader : ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();

            if (DEBUG) {
                Slog.d(TAG, "createBaseActivityResources activity=" + activityToken
                        + " with key=" + key);

            synchronized (this) {
                // Force the creation of an ActivityResourcesStruct.(强制创建ActivityResourcesStruct。)

            // Update any existing Activity Resources references.(更新任何现有的Activity Resources引用。)
            updateResourcesForActivity(activityToken, overrideConfig, displayId,
                    false /* movedToDifferentDisplay */, packageName, context, isThemeable);

            // Now request an actual Resources object.(现在请求一个实际的Resources对象。)
            return getOrCreateResources(activityToken, key, classLoader,
                    packageName, context, isThemeable);
        } finally {
 private ActivityResources getOrCreateActivityResourcesStructLocked(
            @NonNull IBinder activityToken) {
        ActivityResources activityResources = mActivityResourceReferences.get(activityToken);
        if (activityResources == null) {
            activityResources = new ActivityResources();
            mActivityResourceReferences.put(activityToken, activityResources);
        return activityResources;

     * Updates an Activity's Resources object with overrideConfig. The Resources object
     * that was previously returned by
     * {@link #getResources(IBinder, String, String[], String[], String[], int, Configuration,
     * CompatibilityInfo, ClassLoader)} is
     * still valid and will have the updated configuration.
(使用overrideConfig更新Activity的Resources对象。 先前由{@link #getResources(IBinder,String,String [],String [],String [],int,Configuration,CompatibilityInfo,ClassLoader)}返回的Resources对象仍然有效,并且将具有更新的配置。)
     * @param activityToken The Activity token. //表示活动
     * @param overrideConfig The configuration override to update. 配置覆盖更新。
     * @param displayId Id of the display where activity currently resides.
     * @param movedToDifferentDisplay Indicates if the activity was moved to different display.
    public void updateResourcesForActivity(@NonNull IBinder activityToken,
            @Nullable Configuration overrideConfig, int displayId,
            boolean movedToDifferentDisplay,
            @Nullable String packageName, @Nullable Context context, boolean isThemeable) {
        try {
            synchronized (this) {
                final ActivityResources activityResources =

                if (Objects.equals(activityResources.overrideConfig, overrideConfig)
                        && !movedToDifferentDisplay) {
                    // They are the same and no change of display id, no work to do.

                // Grab a copy of the old configuration so we can create the delta's of each
                // Resources object associated with this Activity.
                final Configuration oldConfig = new Configuration(activityResources.overrideConfig);

                // Update the Activity's base override.
                if (overrideConfig != null) {
                } else {

                if (DEBUG) {
                    Throwable here = new Throwable();
                    Slog.d(TAG, "updating resources override for activity=" + activityToken
                            + " from oldConfig="
                            + Configuration.resourceQualifierString(oldConfig)
                            + " to newConfig="
                            + Configuration.resourceQualifierString(
                            activityResources.overrideConfig) + " displayId=" + displayId,

                final boolean activityHasOverrideConfig =

                // Rebase each Resources associated with this Activity.
                final int refCount = activityResources.activityResources.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < refCount; i++) {
                    WeakReference<Resources> weakResRef = activityResources.activityResources.get(
                    Resources resources = weakResRef.get();
                    if (resources == null) {

                    // Extract the ResourcesKey that was last used to create the Resources for this
                    // activity.
                    final ResourcesKey oldKey = findKeyForResourceImplLocked(resources.getImpl());
                    if (oldKey == null) {
                        Slog.e(TAG, "can't find ResourcesKey for resources impl="
                                + resources.getImpl());

                    // Build the new override configuration for this ResourcesKey.
                    final Configuration rebasedOverrideConfig = new Configuration();
                    if (overrideConfig != null) {

                    if (activityHasOverrideConfig && oldKey.hasOverrideConfiguration()) {
                        // Generate a delta between the old base Activity override configuration and
                        // the actual final override configuration that was used to figure out the
                        // real delta this Resources object wanted.
                        Configuration overrideOverrideConfig = Configuration.generateDelta(
                                oldConfig, oldKey.mOverrideConfiguration);

                    // Create the new ResourcesKey with the rebased override config.

                    final ResourcesKey newKey = new ResourcesKey(oldKey.mResDir,
                            oldKey.mOverlayDirs, oldKey.mLibDirs, displayId,
                            rebasedOverrideConfig, oldKey.mCompatInfo,

                    if (DEBUG) {
                        Slog.d(TAG, "rebasing ref=" + resources + " from oldKey=" + oldKey
                                + " to newKey=" + newKey + ", displayId=" + displayId);

                    ResourcesImpl resourcesImpl = findResourcesImplForKeyLocked(newKey);
                    if (resourcesImpl == null) {
                        resourcesImpl = createResourcesImpl(newKey, packageName, context, isThemeable);
                        if (resourcesImpl != null) {
                            mResourceImpls.put(newKey, new WeakReference<>(resourcesImpl));

                    if (resourcesImpl != null && resourcesImpl != resources.getImpl()) {
                        // Set the ResourcesImpl, updating it for all users of this Resources
                        // object.
        } finally {


     * Gets an existing Resources object set with a ResourcesImpl object matching the given key,
     * or creates one if it doesn't exist.
     * @param activityToken The Activity this Resources object should be associated with.(应与此Resources对象关联的Activity。)
     * @param key The key describing the parameters of the ResourcesImpl object.(描述ResourcesImpl对象参数的键。)
     * @param classLoader The classloader to use for the Resources object.
     *                    If null, {@link ClassLoader#getSystemClassLoader()} is used.(用于Resources对象的类加载器。
如果为null,则使用{@link ClassLoader#getSystemClassLoader()}。)
     * @return A Resources object that gets updated when
     *         {@link #applyConfigurationToResourcesLocked(Configuration, CompatibilityInfo)}
     *         is called.(调用{@link #applyConfigurationToResourcesLocked(Configuration,CompatibilityInfo)}时更新的Resources对象)
    private @Nullable Resources getOrCreateResources(@Nullable IBinder activityToken,
            @NonNull ResourcesKey key, @NonNull ClassLoader classLoader,
            @Nullable String packageName, @Nullable Context context, boolean isThemeable) {
        synchronized (this) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                Throwable here = new Throwable();
                Slog.w(TAG, "!! Get resources for activity=" + activityToken + " key=" + key, here);

            if (activityToken != null) {
                final ActivityResources activityResources =

                // Clean up any dead references so they don't pile up.

                // Rebase the key's override config on top of the Activity's base override.
                if (key.hasOverrideConfiguration()
                        && !activityResources.overrideConfig.equals(Configuration.EMPTY)) {
                    final Configuration temp = new Configuration(activityResources.overrideConfig);

                ResourcesImpl resourcesImpl = findResourcesImplForKeyLocked(key);
                if (resourcesImpl != null) {
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        Slog.d(TAG, "- using existing impl=" + resourcesImpl);
                    return getOrCreateResourcesForActivityLocked(activityToken, classLoader,
                            resourcesImpl, key.mCompatInfo);

                // We will create the ResourcesImpl object outside of holding this lock.

            } else {
                // Clean up any dead references so they don't pile up.
                ArrayUtils.unstableRemoveIf(mResourceReferences, sEmptyReferencePredicate);

                // Not tied to an Activity, find a shared Resources that has the right ResourcesImpl
                ResourcesImpl resourcesImpl = findResourcesImplForKeyLocked(key);
                if (resourcesImpl != null) {
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        Slog.d(TAG, "- using existing impl=" + resourcesImpl);
                    return getOrCreateResourcesLocked(classLoader, resourcesImpl, key.mCompatInfo);

                // We will create the ResourcesImpl object outside of holding this lock.
        // If we're here, we didn't find a suitable ResourcesImpl to use, so create one now.
        ResourcesImpl resourcesImpl = createResourcesImpl(key, packageName, context, isThemeable);
        if (resourcesImpl == null) {
            return null;

        synchronized (this) {
            ResourcesImpl existingResourcesImpl = findResourcesImplForKeyLocked(key);
            if (existingResourcesImpl != null) {
                if (DEBUG) {
                    Slog.d(TAG, "- got beat! existing impl=" + existingResourcesImpl
                            + " new impl=" + resourcesImpl);
                resourcesImpl = existingResourcesImpl;
            } else {
                // Add this ResourcesImpl to the cache.
                mResourceImpls.put(key, new WeakReference<>(resourcesImpl));

            final Resources resources;
            if (activityToken != null) {
                resources = getOrCreateResourcesForActivityLocked(activityToken, classLoader,
                        resourcesImpl, key.mCompatInfo);
            } else {
                resources = getOrCreateResourcesLocked(classLoader, resourcesImpl, key.mCompatInfo);
            return resources;


private @Nullable ResourcesImpl createResourcesImpl(@NonNull ResourcesKey key,
              @Nullable String packageName, @Nullable Context context, boolean isThemeable) {
        final DisplayAdjustments daj = new DisplayAdjustments(key.mOverrideConfiguration);

        final AssetManager assets = createAssetManager(key);
        if (assets == null) {
            return null;
        final DisplayMetrics dm = getDisplayMetrics(key.mDisplayId, daj);
        final Configuration config = generateConfig(key, dm);

        boolean iconsAttached = false;

        /* Attach theme information to the resulting AssetManager when appropriate. */
        if (config != null && context != null && !context.getPackageManager().isSafeMode()
                && !packageName.equals("android")
                && !packageName.equals("com.android.providers.settings")
                && !packageName.equals("org.gome.mksettings")
                && !packageName.equals("system")) {
            //panjuan add 0529 for GM22APF-765 begin
            ThemeConfig themeConfig = key.mThemeConfig;
            if (themeConfig == null) {
                try {
                    themeConfig = ThemeConfig.getBootTheme(context.getContentResolver());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Slog.d(TAG, "ThemeConfig.getBootTheme failed, falling back to system theme", e);
                    themeConfig = ThemeConfig.getSystemTheme();
            }//panjuan add 0529 for GM22APF-765 end

            if (isThemeable) {
                if (themeConfig != null) {
                    if (key.mOverlayDirs != null && key.mOverlayDirs.length > 0) {//panjuan for Optimizing startup time.
                        attachThemeAssets(assets, themeConfig);
                        attachCommonAssets(assets, themeConfig);
                    iconsAttached = attachIconAssets(assets, themeConfig);
            } /*else if (themeConfig != null &&
                    !ThemeConfig.SYSTEM_DEFAULT.equals(themeConfig.getFontPkgName())) {
                // use system fonts if not themeable and a theme font is currently in use
            if("com.gau.go.launcherex".equals(packageName)) {
                config.themeConfig = null;
            } else {
                config.themeConfig = themeConfig;
        final ResourcesImpl impl = new ResourcesImpl(assets, dm, config, daj);
        if (iconsAttached) setActivityIcons(impl);
        if (DEBUG) {
            Slog.d(TAG, "- creating impl=" + impl + " with key: " + key);
        return impl;
     * Protected so that tests can override and returns something a fixed value.
    protected @NonNull DisplayMetrics getDisplayMetrics(int displayId, DisplayAdjustments da) {
        DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
        final Display display = getAdjustedDisplay(displayId, da);
        if (display != null) {
        } else {
        return dm;

     * Returns an adjusted {@link Display} object based on the inputs or null if display isn't
     * available.
     *(根据输入返回调整后的{@link Display}对象,如果不显示,则返回null。)
     * @param displayId display Id.
     * @param resources The {@link Resources} backing the display adjustments.
    public Display getAdjustedDisplay(final int displayId, Resources resources) {
        synchronized (this) {
            final DisplayManagerGlobal dm = DisplayManagerGlobal.getInstance();
            if (dm == null) {
                // may be null early in system startup
                return null;
            return dm.getCompatibleDisplay(displayId, resources);


 * Creates an AssetManager from the paths within the ResourcesKey.
 * This can be overridden in tests so as to avoid creating a real AssetManager with
 * real APK paths.
 * @param key The key containing the resource paths to add to the AssetManager.
 * @return a new AssetManager.
protected @Nullable AssetManager createAssetManager(@NonNull final ResourcesKey key) {
    AssetManager assets = new AssetManager();

    // resDir can be null if the 'android' package is creating a new Resources object.
    // This is fine, since each AssetManager automatically loads the 'android' package
    // already.
    if (key.mResDir != null) {
        if (assets.addAssetPath(key.mResDir) == 0) {
            Log.e(TAG, "failed to add asset path " + key.mResDir);
            return null;

    if (key.mSplitResDirs != null) {
        for (final String splitResDir : key.mSplitResDirs) {
            if (assets.addAssetPath(splitResDir) == 0) {
                Log.e(TAG, "failed to add split asset path " + splitResDir);
                return null;

    if (key.mOverlayDirs != null) {
        for (final String idmapPath : key.mOverlayDirs) {
            Log.d(TAG, "idmapPath:" + idmapPath);
            //assets.addOverlayPath(idmapPath, null, null, null, null);//panjuan for theme overlay 0302 remove for 8.0

    if (key.mLibDirs != null) {
        for (final String libDir : key.mLibDirs) {
            if (libDir.endsWith(".apk")) {
                // Avoid opening files we know do not have resources,
                // like code-only .jar files.
                if (assets.addAssetPathAsSharedLibrary(libDir) == 0) {
                    Log.w(TAG, "Asset path '" + libDir +
                            "' does not exist or contains no resources.");
    return assets;


 * Create a new AssetManager containing only the basic system assets.
 * Applications will not generally use this method, instead retrieving the
 * appropriate asset manager with {@link Resources#getAssets}.    Not for
 * use by applications.
 (创建仅包含基本系统asserts的新AssetManager。应用程序通常不会使用此方法,而是检索适当的assert manager{@link Resources#getAssets}。 不是为了由应用程序使用。)
 * {@hide}
public AssetManager() {
    synchronized (this) {
        if (DEBUG_REFS) {
            mNumRefs = 0;
        if (localLOGV) Log.v(TAG, "New asset manager: " + this);

private static void ensureSystemAssets() {
    synchronized (sSync) {
        if (sSystem == null) {
            AssetManager system = new AssetManager(true);
            sSystem = system;

private AssetManager(boolean isSystem) {
    if (DEBUG_REFS) {
        synchronized (this) {
            mNumRefs = 0;
    if (localLOGV) Log.v(TAG, "New asset manager: " + this);

 private native final void init(boolean isSystem);

static void android_content_AssetManager_init(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jboolean isSystem)
    ///M: Fix ANR in webview_zygote, Avoid non-root process fork child idmap, it is no need.
    if (isSystem && getuid() == 0) {
    AssetManager* am = new AssetManager();//创建Native层的AssertManager
    if (am == NULL) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError", "");


    ALOGV("Created AssetManager %p for Java object %pn", am, clazz);
    env->SetLongField(clazz, gAssetManagerOffsets.mObject, reinterpret_cast<jlong>(am));



static const char* kSystemAssets = "framework/framework-res.apk";

bool AssetManager::addDefaultAssets()
    const char* root = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT");
    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(root == NULL, "ANDROID_ROOT not set");

    ///M:add for CIP feature @{
    String8 pathCip(root);
    if(access(pathCip, W_OK) == 0) {
       ALOGW("AssetManager-->addDefaultAssets CIP path exsit!");
       bool isOK1 = addAssetPath(pathCip, NULL, false, true);
           ALOGW("AssetManager-->addDefaultAssets CIP path isok1 is false");
       String8 pathCip2(root);
       bool isOK2 = addAssetPath(pathCip2, NULL, false, true);
           ALOGW("AssetManager-->addDefaultAssets CIP path isok2 is false");
       return isOK1;
    } else {
       //ALOGD("AssetManager-->addDefaultAssets CIP path not exsit!");
       String8 path(root);
       ///M:add the new resource path into default path,so all the app can reference,@{
       bool isOK1 = addAssetPath(path, NULL, false /* appAsLib */, true /* isSystemAsset */);
       String8 path2(kMediatekAssets);
       bool isOK2 = addAssetPath(path2, NULL, false, false);
          ALOGW("AssetManager-->addDefaultAssets isok2 is false");
       String8 path3(root);
       bool isOK3 =addAssetPath(path3, NULL);
           ALOGW("AssetManager-->addDefaultAssets isok3 is false");
           ALOGW("AssetManager-->addDefaultAssets isok3 is true");
       return isOK1;


bool AssetManager::addAssetPath(
        const String8& path, int32_t* cookie, bool appAsLib, bool isSystemAsset) {
    AutoMutex _l(mLock);

    asset_path ap;

    String8 realPath(path);
    if (kAppZipName) {
    ap.type = ::getFileType(realPath.string());
    if (ap.type == kFileTypeRegular) {
        ap.path = realPath;
    } else {
        ap.path = path;
        ap.type = ::getFileType(path.string());
        if (ap.type != kFileTypeDirectory && ap.type != kFileTypeRegular) {
            ALOGW("Asset path %s is neither a directory nor file (type=%d).",
                 path.string(), (int)ap.type);
            return false;

    // Skip if we have it already.
    for (size_t i=0; i<mAssetPaths.size(); i++) {
        if (mAssetPaths[i].path == ap.path) {
            if (cookie) {
                *cookie = static_cast<int32_t>(i+1);
            return true;

    ALOGV("In %p Asset %s path: %s", this,
         ap.type == kFileTypeDirectory ? "dir" : "zip", ap.path.string());

    ap.isSystemAsset = isSystemAsset;

    if (mResources != NULL) {
        size_t index = mAssetPaths.size() - 1;
        appendPathToResTable(ap, &index, appAsLib);

    // new paths are always added at the end
    if (cookie) {
        *cookie = static_cast<int32_t>(mAssetPaths.size());

#ifdef __ANDROID__
    // Load overlays, if any
    asset_path oap;
    for (size_t idx = 0; mZipSet.getOverlay(ap.path, idx, &oap); idx++) {
        oap.isSystemAsset = isSystemAsset;

    return true;

此时,在ActivityThread的getTopLevelResources 函数中的new AssetManager的过程就执行完毕了,然后继续执行AssetManager对象的addAssetPath函数。

 * Add an additional set of assets to the asset manager.  This can be
 * either a directory or ZIP file.  Not for use by applications.  Returns
 * the cookie of the added asset, or 0 on failure.
*(向asset manager添加一组额外asset。 这可以是目录或ZIP文件。 不适用于应用程序。 返回已添加asset的cookie,或者失败时返回0。)
 * {@hide}
public final int addAssetPath(String path) {
    return  addAssetPathInternal(path, false);

private final int addAssetPathInternal(String path, boolean appAsLib) {
    synchronized (this) {
        int res = addAssetPathNative(path, appAsLib);
        return res;

  private native final int addAssetPathNative(String path, boolean appAsLib);


Java层的AssetManager的addAssetPath函数中实际上调用到是Native层的addAssetPathNative函数。需要注意的是,这个path函数必须是一个目录或者是一个zip压缩文件(APK本质上就是一个zip文件)路径。这个addAssetPathNative 函数在Native层的函数为android_content_AssetManager_addAssetPath , 该函数定义在android_util_AssetManager.cpp中。

static jint android_content_AssetManager_addAssetPath(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz,
                                                       jstring path, jboolean appAsLib)
    ScopedUtfChars path8(env, path);
    if (path8.c_str() == NULL) {
        return 0;
    //将Java AssetManager对象中的mObject字段转换为AssetManager指针。
    AssetManager* am = assetManagerForJavaObject(env, clazz);
    if (am == NULL) {
        return 0;

    int32_t cookie;
    bool res = am->addAssetPath(String8(path8.c_str()), &cookie, appAsLib);

    return (res) ? static_cast<jint>(cookie) : 0;

// this guy is exported to other jni routines
AssetManager* assetManagerForJavaObject(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj)
    jlong amHandle = env->GetLongField(obj, gAssetManagerOffsets.mObject);
    AssetManager* am = reinterpret_cast<AssetManager*>(amHandle);
    if (am != NULL) {
        return am;
    jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "AssetManager has been finalized!");
    return NULL;

在android_content_AssetManager_addAssetPath 函数中会调用assetManagerForJavaObject函数先将从java层的AssetManager对象中获取到mObject字段,该字段存储了由Native层AssetManager指针转换而来的整型值。此时需要通过这个整型值逆向地转换为Native层的AsssetManager对象。然后将APK路径添加到资源路径中,这样也就含有了应用本身是资源。



     * Creates a new ResourcesImpl object with CompatibilityInfo.
     * @param assets Previously created AssetManager.
     * @param metrics Current display metrics to consider when
     *                selecting/computing resource values.
     * @param config Desired device configuration to consider when
     *               selecting/computing resource values (optional).
     * @param displayAdjustments this resource's Display override and compatibility info.
     *                           Must not be null.
    public ResourcesImpl(@NonNull AssetManager assets, @Nullable DisplayMetrics metrics,
            @Nullable Configuration config, @NonNull DisplayAdjustments displayAdjustments) {
        mAssets = assets;
        mDisplayAdjustments = displayAdjustments;
        updateConfiguration(config, metrics, displayAdjustments.getCompatibilityInfo());

Resource类的构造函数首先将参数assets所指向的一个AssetManager对象保存在成员变量mAssets中,我们获取资源就是通过这个AssetManager对象进行操作的。接下来调用updateConfiguration 函数来配置设备信息,最后调用AssetManager的成员函数recreateStringBlocks来创建字符串资源池。

  public void updateConfiguration(Configuration config, DisplayMetrics metrics,
                                    CompatibilityInfo compat) {
        Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_RESOURCES, "ResourcesImpl#updateConfiguration");
        try {
            synchronized (mAccessLock) {
                if (false) {
                    Slog.i(TAG, "**** Updating config of " + this + ": old config is "
                            + mConfiguration + " old compat is "
                            + mDisplayAdjustments.getCompatibilityInfo());
                    Slog.i(TAG, "**** Updating config of " + this + ": new config is "
                            + config + " new compat is " + compat);
                if (compat != null) {
                if (metrics != null) {
                // NOTE: We should re-arrange this code to create a Display
                // with the CompatibilityInfo that is used everywhere we deal
                // with the display in relation to this app, rather than
                // doing the conversion here.  This impl should be okay because
                // we make sure to return a compatible display in the places
                // where there are public APIs to retrieve the display...  but
                // it would be cleaner and more maintainable to just be
                // consistently dealing with a compatible display everywhere in
                // the framework.

                final @Config int configChanges = calcConfigChanges(config);

                // If even after the update there are no Locales set, grab the default locales.
                LocaleList locales = mConfiguration.getLocales();
                if (locales.isEmpty()) {
                    locales = LocaleList.getDefault();

                if ((configChanges & ActivityInfo.CONFIG_LOCALE) != 0) {
                    if (locales.size() > 1) {
                        // The LocaleList has changed. We must query the AssetManager's available
                        // Locales and figure out the best matching Locale in the new LocaleList.
                        String[] availableLocales = mAssets.getNonSystemLocales();
                        if (LocaleList.isPseudoLocalesOnly(availableLocales)) {
                            // No app defined locales, so grab the system locales.
                            availableLocales = mAssets.getLocales();
                            if (LocaleList.isPseudoLocalesOnly(availableLocales)) {
                                availableLocales = null;

                        if (availableLocales != null) {
                            final Locale bestLocale = locales.getFirstMatchWithEnglishSupported(
                            if (bestLocale != null && bestLocale != locales.get(0)) {
                                mConfiguration.setLocales(new LocaleList(bestLocale, locales));

                if (mConfiguration.densityDpi != Configuration.DENSITY_DPI_UNDEFINED) {
                    mMetrics.densityDpi = mConfiguration.densityDpi;
                    mMetrics.density =
                            mConfiguration.densityDpi * DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT_SCALE;

                // Protect against an unset fontScale.
                mMetrics.scaledDensity = mMetrics.density *
                        (mConfiguration.fontScale != 0 ? mConfiguration.fontScale : 1.0f);

                final int width, height;
                if (mMetrics.widthPixels >= mMetrics.heightPixels) {
                    width = mMetrics.widthPixels;
                    height = mMetrics.heightPixels;
                } else {
                    //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination
                    width = mMetrics.heightPixels;
                    //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination
                    height = mMetrics.widthPixels;

                final int keyboardHidden;
                if (mConfiguration.keyboardHidden == Configuration.KEYBOARDHIDDEN_NO
                        && mConfiguration.hardKeyboardHidden
                        == Configuration.HARDKEYBOARDHIDDEN_YES) {
                    keyboardHidden = Configuration.KEYBOARDHIDDEN_SOFT;
                } else {
                    keyboardHidden = mConfiguration.keyboardHidden;
                mAssets.setConfiguration(mConfiguration.mcc, mConfiguration.mnc,
                        mConfiguration.densityDpi, mConfiguration.keyboard,
                        keyboardHidden, mConfiguration.navigation, width, height,
                        mConfiguration.screenWidthDp, mConfiguration.screenHeightDp,
                        mConfiguration.screenLayout, mConfiguration.uiMode,
                        mConfiguration.colorMode, Build.VERSION.RESOURCES_SDK_INT);

                if (DEBUG_CONFIG) {
                    Slog.i(TAG, "**** Updating config of " + this + ": final config is "
                            + mConfiguration + " final compat is "
                            + mDisplayAdjustments.getCompatibilityInfo());
                /// M: Boost cache on system @{
                /// @}

            synchronized (sSync) {
                if (mPluralRule != null) {
                    mPluralRule = PluralRules.forLocale(mConfiguration.getLocales().get(0));
        } finally {







     * Creates the top level resources for the given package. Will return an existing
     * Resources if one has already been created.
     */(创建给定包的顶级资源。 如果已经创建了一个现有资源,将返回现有资源。)
    Resources getTopLevelResources(String resDir, String[] splitResDirs, String[] overlayDirs,
            String[] libDirs, int displayId,
            LoadedApk pkgInfo, Context context, String pkgName) {
        return mResourcesManager.getResources(null, resDir, splitResDirs, overlayDirs, libDirs,
                displayId, pkgName, null, pkgInfo.getCompatibilityInfo(),
				pkgInfo.getClassLoader(), context, pkgInfo.getApplicationInfo().isThemeable);











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