我是靠谱客的博主 安静手机,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍XTGeo油藏数值模拟Eclipse模型处理python库,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



1、XTgeo介绍 1

2 数据模型 2

(1)面数据Surface: RegularSurface 2

(2)立方体数据Cube data 3

(3)三维网格及模型属性 4

(4)井数据well data 5

(5)点数据,多边形数据 5

3、 使用方法 5

(1)RegularSurface 的使用方法 5

(2)立方体数据的使用方法 6

(3)三维网格模型的使用方法 7

(4)井数据的处理 8

(5)点和多边形数据 8

4、 接口描述 8

o Subpackages 8

5、 5 参考资料 9





XTGeo is Python library to work with surfaces, grids, cubes, wells, etc, possibly in combinations.



·  Regular surfaces, i.e. 2D maps with regular sampling and rotation

·  3D grids (corner-point), supporting several formats such as RMS and Eclipse

·  Support of seismic cubes, using segyio as backend for SEGY format

·  Support of well data, line and polygons (still somewhat immature)

·  Operations between the data types listed above; e.g. slice a surface with a seismic cube




2 数据模型

(1)面数据Surface: RegularSurface


A surface can in principle be represented in various ways. Currently, XTGeo supports a RegularSurface which is commonly used in the oil industry. Due to the regular layout, such surfaces are quite fast to work with and requires small storage (only the Z values array is stored).

RegularSurface is described by:

  • An origin in UTM coordinates, defined as xori and yori
  • An increment in each direction, defined as xinc and yinc
  • A number of columns and rows, where columns follow X and rows follow Y, if a rotation is zero, as ncol and nrow.
  • A rotation of the X axis; in XTGeo the rotation is counter-clockwise from the X (East) axis, in degrees.
  • An yflip indicator. Normally the system is left-handed (with Z axis positive down). If yflip is -1, then the map is right-handed.
  • A 2D array (masked numpy) of values, for a total of ncol * nrow entries. Undefined map nodes are masked. The 2D numpy array is stored in C-order (row-major). Default is 64 bit Float.



(2)立方体数据Cube data


A Cube is described by:

  • An origin in UTM coordinates, defined as xori, yori and zori
  • An increment in each direction, defined as xinc, yinc and zinc
  • A number of columns, rows and layers, where columns follow X and rows follow Y, if a rotation is zero, as ncol and nrow. Vertically nlay
  • A rotation of the X axis; in XTGeo the rotation is counter-clockwise from the X (East) axis, in degrees.
  • An yflip indicator. Normally the system is left-handed (with Z axis positive down). If yflip is -1, then the cube is right-handed.
  • A 3D array (numpy) of values, for a total of ncol * nrow * nlay entries. All nodes are defined. The 3D numpy array is stored in C-order (row-major). Default is 32 bit Float.


cube data format support


三维网格包括两部分,几何网格部分是简化版本的角点网格(Grid class),属性部分是是网格模型上的属性场(GridProperty class)。

A 3D grid consists of two parts, a geometry which follows a simplified version of a corner-point grid (Grid class), and a number of assosiated properties (GridProperty class):

  • The geometry is stored as pointers to C arrays; hence the geometry itself is not directly accessible in Python. The C arrays are usually named p_coord_v, p_zcorn_v, and p_actnum_v. They are one dimensionial arrays.
  • The grid dimensions are given by ncol * nrow * nlay
  • The properties are stored as 3D masked numpy arrays in python. Undefined cells are masked. The machine order in python is C-order. For historical reasons, the order of the property arrays in C code (when applied) is F-order.

从上述介绍可以看出,网格部分的存储是C矩阵,因此几何属性无法直接在python中获取,C矩阵的名字分别是p_coord_v, p_zcorn_v和p_actnum_v,它们是一维矩阵。不过新版本好像提供了获取网格信息的python接口,也是pandas对象。

dataframe=grd.dataframe(), #grid=xtgeo.grid3d.Grid()

网格的维数是· ncol * nrow * nlay



3d grid geometry format support


3D grid property format support

(4)井数据well data

井数据在python中是pandas dataframe的格式,没有给据悉的细节。

Well data is stored in python as Pandas dataframe plus some additional metadata.

A special subclass is Blocked Well data.



In general, Points and Polygons are XYZ data with possible atttributes.

Points and Polygons data is stored in python as Pandas dataframe plus some additional metadata.

The term “Polygons” here is not precise perhaps, at it refers to connected lines which can either form an open polyline or are closed polygon. A Polygons() instance may have a number of individual polygon “pieces”, which are defined by a POLY_ID (default name) column. This design is borrowed from RMS.



  1. 使用方法

(1)RegularSurface 的使用方法


from xtgeo.surface import RegularSurface

# create an instance of a surface, read from file

mysurf = RegularSurface('myfile.gri')  # Irap binary as default

print('Mean is {}'.format(mysurf.values.mean()))

# change date so all values less than 2000 becomes 2000# The values attribute gives the Numpy array

mysurface.values[mysurface.values < 2000] = 2000

# export the modified surface:



def slice_a_cube_with_surface():

    """Slice a seismic cube with a surface on OW dat/map format"""

    cubefile = join(EXPATH1, "ib_test_cube2.segy")

    surfacefile = join(EXPATH2, "h1.dat")

    mycube = xtgeo.cube_from_file(cubefile)

    # import map/dat surface using cube as template (inline/xline

    # must match)

    mysurf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surfacefile, fformat="ijxyz", template=mycube)

    # sample cube values to mysurf (replacing current depth values)

    mysurf.slice_cube(mycube, sampling="trilinear")

    # export result

    mysurf.to_file("slice.dat", fformat="ijxyz")



Cube data主要是正交网格的模型和三维地震数据。Python中是个numpy的三维数组,支持两个对量之间的数学运算和重采样等。

import xtgeo

# make two cube objects from file import:cube1 = xtgeo.cube_from_file('cube1.segy')cube2 = xtgeo.cube_from_file('cube2.segy')

# subtract the two numpy arrayscube1.values = cube1.values - cube2.values

# export the updated cube1 to SEGYcube1.to_file('diff.segy')


To sample cube values into a surface can be quite useful. Both direct sampling, and interval sampling (over a window, or between two surfaces) is supported. For the interval sampling, various attributes can be extracted.

Sampling a surface from a cube

Here is sampling a regular surface from a cube. The two objects can have different rotation. See xtgeo.surface.RegularSurface.slice_cube() method

import xtgeo

# make two cube objects from file import:surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file('top.gri')cube = xtgeo.cube_from_file('cube2.segy')


# export the updated to RMS binary map formatsurf.to_file('myslice.gri')


Sampling the root-mean-square surface over a window from a cube

The root mean scquare (rms) value over a surface, +- 10 units (e.g. metres if depth), see slice_cube_window method.

import xtgeo

# slice within a window (vertically) around surface:surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file('top.gri')cube = xtgeo.cube_from_file('cube.segy')

surf.slice_cube_window(cube, zrange=10, attribute='rms')

# export the updated to Irap (RMS) ascii map formatsurf.to_file('rmsaverage.fgr', fformat='irap_ascii')



可以从大模型中提取小模型,也可以把模型网格几何数据和属性场提取出来,作为pandas frame数据。

def extractdf():

    """Extract dataframe from Eclipse case"""

    # gete dataframe from the grid only

    grd = xtgeo.grid3d.Grid(GRIDFILEROOT + '.EGRID')

    dataframe = grd.dataframe()  # will not have any grid props


    # load as Eclipse run; this will automatically look for EGRID, INIT, UNRST

    grd = xtgeo.grid3d.Grid()

    grd.from_file(GRIDFILEROOT, fformat='eclipserun', initprops=INITS,

                  restartprops=RESTARTS, restartdates=MYDATES)

    # dataframe from a GridProperties instance, in this case grd.gridprops

    dataframe = grd.gridprops.dataframe()  # properties for all cells


    # Get a dataframe for all cells, with ijk and xyz. In this case

    # a grid key input is required:

    dataframe = grd.dataframe()

    print(dataframe)  # default is for all cells

    # For active cells only:

    dataframe = grd.dataframe(activeonly=True)




Compute a grid property average and stdev

In this example, how to extract Mean ans Stddev from some geo properties, filtered on facies. An RMS inside version is also shown.


Compute a grid property average across realisations

In this example, a technique that keeps memory usage under control when computing averages is also presented.


Make a CSV file from Eclipse INIT data (aka ERT ECL)

Example on how to create a CSV file from all INIT properties. Example is for Eclipse format, but shall work also with ROFF input

def all_init_as_csv():

    """Get dataframes, print as CSV."""

    print('Loading Eclipse data {}'.format(GRIDFILEROOT))

    grd = xtgeo.grid3d.Grid()

    grd.from_file(GRIDFILEROOT, fformat='eclipserun', initprops=INITPROPS)

    print('Get dataframes...')

    dfr = grd.dataframe(activeonly=True)


    print('Filter out columns with constant values...')

    dfr = dfr.iloc[:, ~np.isclose(0, dfr.var())]


    print('Write to file...')

    dfr.to_csv('mycsvdump.csv', index=False)







  1. 接口描述


  • xtgeo package
    • Subpackages
      • xtgeo.common package
        • Submodules
      • xtgeo.cube package
        • Submodules
      • xtgeo.cxtgeo package
      • xtgeo.grid3d package
        • Submodules
      • xtgeo.plot package
        • Submodules
      • xtgeo.roxutils package
        • Submodules
      • xtgeo.surface package
        • Submodules
      • xtgeo.well package
        • Submodules
      • xtgeo.xyz package
        • Submodules



  1. 5 参考资料









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