我是靠谱客的博主 爱撒娇冥王星,这篇文章主要介绍安装WordPress后您需要做的18件事,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

We are often asked by users about what to do right after starting a blog? Once you have installed WordPress, there are still quite a few things you need to do to properly setup and launch your website. In this article, we will share the most important things that you will immediately want to do after installing WordPress.

用户经常问我们创建博客后该怎么办? 一旦安装了WordPress,仍然需要做很多事情来正确设置和启动网站。 在本文中,我们将分享在安装WordPress之后您将立即要做的最重要的事情。

Checklist of things to do after installing WordPress

1.添加联系表格 (1. Add a Contact Form)

All websites on the internet need a contact form. It allows your website visitors to quickly contact you by simply filling out a form on your website.

互联网上的所有网站都需要联系表格。 它使您的网站访问者只需在您的网站上填写表格即可快速与您联系。

By default, WordPress does not come with a built-in contact form.


This is where WPForms comes in. It is the best WordPress contact form plugin and allows you to easily create beautiful contact forms for your website.

这就是WPForms出现的地方。它是最好的WordPress联系人表单插件 ,可让您轻松地为您的网站创建漂亮的联系人表单。

They also have a WPForms free version that you can download from WordPress.org plugin repository.

他们还有一个WPForms免费版本 ,您可以从WordPress.org插件存储库下载。

Creating a contact form in WordPress

See our step by step guide on how to create a contact form in WordPress.


2.更改网站标题,标语和时区 (2. Change Site Title, Tagline, and Timezone)

Next, you need to change the site title, tagline, and timezone settings. Simply head over to Settings » General page and change these settings.

接下来,您需要更改网站标题,标语和时区设置。 只需转到设置»常规页面并更改这些设置。

Change title, tagline, and timezone settings

3.设置WordPress SEO (3. Setup WordPress SEO)

SEO, short for Search Engine Optimization, is used by website owners to get more traffic from Google and other search engines.

SEO (搜索引擎优化的缩写)被网站所有者用来从Google和其他搜索引擎获取更多流量。

WordPress is pretty SEO friendly out of the box. However, there is a lot more that you can do to optimize your SEO and get more traffic to your website.

WordPress开箱即用,对SEO非常友好。 但是,您可以做很多事情来优化SEO并获得更多网站访问量。

The best time to set up your website’s SEO is right after installing WordPress.


We recommend using the Yoast SEO plugin. It is the most comprehensive WordPress SEO plugin on the market, and it takes care of all the important SEO settings out of the box.

我们建议使用Yoast SEO插件。 它是市场上最全面的WordPress SEO插件,开箱即用地处理所有重要的SEO设置。

Yoast SEO installed in WordPress

For complete step by step instructions, see our ultimate WordPress SEO guide for beginners.

有关完整的分步说明,请参阅我们针对初学者的终极WordPress SEO指南 。

4.安装Google Analytics(分析) (4. Install Google Analytics)

As a website owner, you need to understand your audience, what they are looking for, and how you can help them find it. These insights help you make smarter decisions to grow your business.

作为网站所有者,您需要了解您的受众群体,他们在寻找什么以及如何帮助他们找到他们。 这些见解可帮助您制定更明智的决策来发展业务。

This is where you need Google Analytics. It shows you how many people visit your website, where they came from, and what they did on your website.

这是您需要Google Analytics(分析)的地方 。 它显示了有多少人访问您的网站,他们来自哪里,以及他们在您的网站上所做的事情。

The easiest way to install Google Analytics is by using MonsterInsights. It is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress and shows beautiful analytics reports right inside WordPress.

安装Google Analytics(分析)的最简单方法是使用MonsterInsights 。 它是适用于WordPress的最佳Google Analytics(分析)插件,可在WordPress内部显示精美的分析报告。

MonsterInsights reports

For the complete setup, see our beginner’s guide on how to easily install Google Analytics in WordPress.

有关完整设置,请参阅我们的初学者指南,以了解如何在WordPress中轻松安装Google Analytics(分析) 。

5.安装缓存 (5. Install Caching)

Studies show that 1 second delay in page load time can lead to 7% loss in conversions, 11% fewer page views, and 16% decrease in customer satisfaction.


Strangeloop study

As a website owner, you need to make sure that your website is fast and performs well even under high traffic.


This is where caching comes in. It allows your website to quickly serve cached copies of your pages to users instead of generating them on the fly. This reduces server load on your website and improves your page load speed.

这就是缓存的用处。它使您的网站可以将页面的缓存副本快速提供给用户,而不是即时生成它们。 这样可以减少您网站上的服务器负载,并提高页面加载速度。

There are a lot of caching plugins available for WordPress, but we recommend using the WP Super Cache plugin. See our guide on how to install and setup WP Super Cache plugin for detailed instructions.

有许多可用于WordPress的缓存插件,但我们建议使用WP Super Cache插件。 有关详细说明,请参见有关如何安装和设置WP Super Cache插件的指南。

Caching alone can significantly improve your website’s speed. However, there are lots of other things you can do to make it faster. See our complete guide on how to improve WordPress speed & performance.

单独缓存可以大大提高您网站的速度。 但是,您可以执行许多其他操作来使其更快。 请参阅有关如何提高WordPress速度和性能的完整指南。

6.设置备份 (6. Setup Backups)

Each year millions of dollars worth of damages are caused by data loss. Creating backups is the only way to make sure that you can easily recover your website in case of a disaster.

每年因数据丢失造成数百万美元的损失。 创建备份是确保在发生灾难时可以轻松恢复网站的唯一方法。

Some WordPress hosting companies offer limited backup services with their hosting plans. However, these backups are not guaranteed, and it is your responsibility to backup your website on your own.

一些WordPress托管公司通过其托管计划提供有限的备份服务。 但是,不能保证这些备份,因此您有责任自行备份网站。

Luckily, there are several great WordPress backup plugins that you can use to automatically create backups.

幸运的是,有几个很棒的WordPress备份插件 ,可以用来自动创建备份。

We recommend using Updraft Plus. It is the best WordPress backup plugin and allows you to setup automatic backup schedules. You can also store your backups securely on remote storage services like Google Drive, Amazone S3, Dropbox, and more.

我们建议使用Updraft Plus 。 它是最好的WordPress备份插件,可让您设置自动备份计划。 您还可以将备份安全地存储在远程存储服务上,例如Google Drive,Amazone S3,Dropbox等。

Setting up WordPress backups using UpdraftPlus

For step by step instructions see our step by step tutorial on how to backup and restore WordPress using UpdraftPlus


7.设置WordPress安全 (7. Setup WordPress Security)

WordPress is quite secure out of the box. However, you still need to follow security best practices to keep your website secure.

WordPress开箱即用非常安全。 但是,您仍然需要遵循安全最佳实践来保持网站的安全。

Some of these best practices are quite easy to do on your own like using strong passwords, securing WordPress admin area, and installing updates.

这些最佳实践中的一些非常容易自行完成,例如使用强密码, 保护WordPress管理区域和安装更新。

For other things, you will need a plugin. There are some great WordPress security plugins that you can use.

对于其他事情,您将需要一个插件。 您可以使用一些很棒的WordPress安全插件。

We recommend using Sucuri. They are the industry leader in website security, vulnerability scanning, and malware protection.

我们建议使用Sucuri 。 他们是网站安全, 漏洞扫描和恶意软件防护的行业领导者。

The best part about using Sucuri, is that they offer the best WordPress firewall plugin. A website firewall blocks suspicious traffic from ever reaching your website.

关于使用Sucuri最好的部分是,它们提供了最好的WordPress防火墙插件 。 网站防火墙可以阻止可疑流量到达您的网站。

Sucuri website firewall

For complete instructions, follow the steps in our ultimate WordPress security guide for beginners.


8.设置垃圾邮件防护 (8. Setup Spam Protection)

Spam comments can be quite problematic. Most of them contain links to malicious websites known for distributing malware. Spam comments can affect your search rankings and your website’s reputation.

垃圾评论可能很成问题。 其中大多数包含指向以分发恶意软件而闻名的恶意网站的链接。 垃圾评论会影响您的搜索排名和网站声誉。

You can enable comment moderation in WordPress to prevent any comment appearing without approval. However, as the quantity of spam grows you will be spending considerable time moderating comments.

您可以在WordPress中启用评论审核功能,以防止未经批准就显示任何评论。 但是,随着垃圾邮件数量的增加,您将花费大量时间来审核评论。

To fix this, you need to install and activate the Akismet plugin. It is a WordPress anti-spam plugin and one of the only two plugins that come pre-installed on every WordPress website.

要解决此问题,您需要安装并激活Akismet插件。 它是一个WordPress反垃圾邮件插件,并且是每个WordPress网站上预安装的仅有的两个插件之一。


To learn more, see our guide on how to setup Akismet anti-spam plugin in WordPress.


9.删除未使用的WordPress主题 (9. Delete Unused WordPress Themes)

Most WordPress users will install and test a few themes before deciding on one that’s a keeper. Instead of leaving those unused themes installed, be sure to delete them. The reason for that is because even inactive themes will need updates.

大多数WordPress用户会先确定几个主题并进行测试,然后再决定是谁。 一定要删除它们,而不要保留那些未使用的主题。 这样做的原因是因为即使是不活动的主题也需要更新。

We do recommend keeping at least one default theme installed. This theme will act as a fallback in case you have to to switch themes when troubleshooting for errors.

我们建议至少安装一个默认主题。 如果您在对错误进行故障排除时必须切换主题,此主题将用作备用。

Go to Appearance » Themes page and click on an unused theme that you want to delete. This will bring up a popup showing theme details. In the bottom-right corner of the popup you will see the link to delete the theme.

转到外观»主题页面,然后单击要删除的未使用的主题。 这将弹出一个显示主题详细信息的弹出窗口。 在弹出窗口的右下角,您将看到删除主题的链接。

Delete unused themes

Repeat the process to delete all unused themes.


10.设置WordPress注释 (10. Setup WordPress Comments)

Comments play an important role on most blogs. They are a good indicator of user engagement and allow you to build a community around your blog.

评论在大多数博客中起着重要作用。 它们是用户参与度的良好指标,可让您围绕博客建立社区。

Simply go to Settings » Discussion page to setup comments. From here you can enable or disable comments, setup comment notifications, and enable comment moderation.

只需转到设置»讨论页面即可设置评论。 您可以在此处启用或禁用评论,设置评论通知以及启用评论审核。

Comment settings

11.删除默认内容 (11. Delete Default Content)

WordPress comes with some default content to be used as the placeholder items. This includes a blog post titled ‘Hello World’, a sample comment, and a sample page.

WordPress附带了一些默认内容,用作占位符。 这包括标题为“ Hello World”的博客文章,示例注释和示例页面。

Simply go to Posts » All Posts page. Take your mouse to the ‘Hello World’ post and then click on the ‘Trash’ link.

只需转到帖子»所有帖子页面。 将鼠标移至“ Hello World”帖子,然后单击“垃圾箱”链接。

Delete default post

Next, go to Pages » All Pages page and then delete ‘Sample Page.


Lastly, visit the Comments page and then delete the default comment.


Delete default comment

12.设置默认类别 (12. Setup a Default Category)

WordPress posts are required to be filed under at least one category. By default, WordPress uses the ‘Uncategorized’ category as the default category. If you don’t change the category when writing a blog post, then it will automatically be filed under the default category.

WordPress帖子必须至少归为一类。 默认情况下,WordPress使用“未分类”类别作为默认类别。 如果您在撰写博客文章时未更改类别,则它将自动保存在默认类别下。

To change the default category, first, you need to visit Posts » Categories page to create a new category. This will be used as your new default category.

要更改默认类别,首先,您需要访问帖子»类别页面以创建新类别。 这将用作新的默认类别。

Add new category

After that, go to Settings » Writing page. Here you will see the default category option, you can go ahead and select the new category you created earlier.

之后,转到“设置”»“书写”页面。 在这里,您将看到默认的类别选项,可以继续选择先前创建的新类别。

Change default category

Finally, you can go to Posts » Categories page and delete the ‘Uncategorized’ category.


To learn more, see our guide on how to change the default Uncategorized category in WordPress.


13.设置首页和博客页面 (13. Setup Front and Blog Pages)

By default WordPress displays your blog posts on the homepage. However, if you are making a small business website, then you would want to use a static page as your homepage.

默认情况下,WordPress在首页上显示您的博客文章。 但是,如果您要创建一个小型企业网站 ,则需要使用静态页面作为主页。

Even most blogs want to use a static front page as their homepage. This allows them to create custom layouts for their homepage.

甚至大多数博客都希望使用静态首页作为主页。 这样,他们就可以为其首页创建自定义布局。

To set up these pages, you can simply go to Settings » Reading page and select the pages you want to use as your front page and blog page.


Select static front page and blog pages

For more details, see our article on how to add a separate page for blog posts in WordPress.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中为博客文章添加单独页面的文章 。

14.上传你的Gravatar (14. Upload Your Gravatar)

WordPress uses Gravatar to display user photos in author bios and in WordPress comments. Gravatar is a profile image hosting service that allows users to use the same photo as their profile image across millions of website.

WordPress使用Gravatar在作者简介和WordPress注释中显示用户照片。 Gravatar是个人资料图片托管服务,可让用户在数百万个网站上使用与其个人资料图片相同的照片。

A WordPress website showing author photo

Simply go to the Gravatar’s website and create an account using the email address you have used in your WordPress account.


After that, you can use this email address to comment on millions of websites using Gravatar including your own site.


For more details, see our article on how to use Gravatar in WordPress.


15.填写您的用户资料 (15. Complete Your User Profile)

Next, you would want to complete your WordPress user profile. Simply head over to Users » Your Profile page to update your profile information.

接下来,您需要完成WordPress用户个人资料。 只需转到用户»您的个人资料页面即可更新您的个人资料信息。

Update WordPress profile

By default, WordPress will use your username next to your blog posts and comments. You would want to replace it with your full name or nickname. See our article on how to add or change your full name in WordPress.

默认情况下,WordPress将在博客文章和评论旁边使用您的用户名。 您想用您的全名或昵称代替它。 请参阅有关如何在WordPress中添加或更改您的全名的文章 。

You would also want to provide your website link. Other plugins may also add their own custom fields to your user profile like social media links.

您还希望提供您的网站链接。 其他插件也可以将自己的自定义字段添加到您的用户个人资料中,例如社交媒体链接。

Lastly, enter a short bio of yourself. This would give your users a quick introduction and help them learn more about the author behind the articles.

最后,输入您的个人简介。 这将为您的用户提供快速介绍,并帮助他们进一步了解文章背后的作者。

16.上传图标和网站图标 (16. Upload Favicon and Site Icon)

Favicon or Site Icon is the tiny image that appears next to your website title in the browser. It helps your users identify your website and increases brand recognition among your most frequent visitors.

网站图标或网站图标是在浏览器中网站标题旁边显示的微小图像。 它可以帮助您的用户识别您的网站,并提高您最常访问者的品牌知名度。

Favicons displayed in browser tabs

First, you will need to create an image of exactly 512×512 pixels in dimensions and save it in png, jpeg, or gif format.


After that, you need to visit Appearance » Customize and click on the ‘Site Identity’ tab. Under the ‘Site Icon’ section click on the ‘Select File’ button to upload your favicon.

之后,您需要访问外观»自定义 ,然后单击“站点标识”选项卡。 在“站点图标”部分下,单击“选择文件”按钮以上传您的收藏夹图标。

Add favicon and site icon

For more details, see our article on how to add favicon and site icon in WordPress for step by step instructions.


17.更改WordPress电子邮件地址 (17. Change WordPress Email Address)

Most users add their own email address when installing WordPress. This means their first user profile and their website’s email address are the same.

大多数用户在安装WordPress时都会添加自己的电子邮件地址。 这意味着他们的第一个用户配置文件和他们的网站的电子邮件地址是相同的。

To change this you can go to Settings » General page and enter the new email address you would like to use for the website.


Change your site email

Make sure that the new email address is active, as WordPress will send a confirmation email to that address.


You can use any email address here. However, it would be best to use an email address that shows that this address is for automated emails sent from your website.

您可以在此处使用任何电子邮件地址。 但是,最好使用显示该地址用于从您的网站发送的自动电子邮件的电子邮件地址。

If you want to use email accounts using your own domain name, then please see our guide on how to create a free business email address for your WordPress website.


18.设置您的WordPress主题 (18. Setup Your WordPress Theme)

The next step is to setup your WordPress theme. Most WordPress themes come with different features and customization options. However, there are some basic settings that are the same in all WordPress themes. In fact, they are common among most websites on the planet.

下一步是设置您的WordPress主题。 大多数WordPress主题都具有不同的功能和自定义选项。 但是,有些基本设置在所有WordPress主题中都是相同的。 实际上,它们在地球上的大多数网站中都很常见。

Let’s start with setting up navigation menus. It is the links menu that usually appears in the header section. It contains links to different areas of your website.

让我们从设置导航菜单开始。 它是通常显示在标题部分的链接菜单。 它包含指向您网站不同区域的链接。

Adding navigation menus

For detailed instructions, see our beginner’s guide on setting up navigation menus in WordPress.


Next, you would want to add widgets to your WordPress. Widgets allow you to add different blocks to your website’s sidebar or widget ready areas.

接下来,您需要向WordPress添加小部件 。 窗口小部件允许您向网站的侧边栏或窗口小部件就绪区域添加不同的块。

By default, WordPress will display a few default widgets in your primary sidebar. You would want to rearrange them or add other widgets. Your theme may also come with its own custom widgets for social media and other features that you would want to use.

默认情况下,WordPress将在主侧边栏中显示一些默认小部件。 您可能需要重新排列它们或添加其他小部件。 您的主题还可能带有用于社交媒体的自定义小部件以及您要使用的其他功能。

For detailed instructions, see our beginner’s guide on how to add and use widgets in WordPress


Your theme may also include plenty of other options like color schemes, layout choices, header styles, and more. Explore these options and set them up to your own liking.

您的主题还可能包括许多其他选项,例如配色方案,布局选择,标题样式等等。 探索这些选项,并根据自己的喜好设置它们。

We hope this article helped you learn things you will immediately want to do after installing WordPress. You may also want to see these actionable tips to drive traffic to your new WordPress site.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习安装WordPress后立即要做的事情。 您可能还希望看到这些可行的技巧,以将流量吸引到新的WordPress网站 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/top-10-most-important-things-to-do-after-installing-wordpress/




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