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function getPanel() {
var southPanel = $("#layoutbody").layout('panel', 'south');
var attributes = southPanel.panel('options');
console.info(attributes); //可以看到其中的各个属性,浏览器调试,这里说明下:使用这种框架和使用js自己书写前台代码,浏览器调试是必不可少的:火狐或者谷歌
<body id="layoutbody" class="easyui-layout">
<div data-options="region:'north',title:'North Title',split:true" style="height: 100px;"></div>
<div data-options="region:'south',title:'South Title',split:true" style="height: 100px;"></div>
<div data-options="region:'east',iconCls:'icon-reload',title:'East',split:true" style="width: 100px;"></div>
<div data-options="region:'west',title:'West',split:true" style="width: 100px;">
<input type="button" value="获取panel" οnclick="getPanel();" />
<div data-options="region:'center',title:'center title'" href="first.jsp" style="padding: 5px;background: #eee;">
<input type="button" value="获取panel" οnclick="getPanel();" />
Layout 选项
名称 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认 |
fit | boolean | Set to true to set the layout size fit its parent container.When creating layout on 'body' tag, it will be auto maximized to the full size of whole page. | false |
Region Panel Options
The region panel options is defined in panel component, below is some common and added properties:
名称 | 类型 | 描述 | 默认 |
title | string | The layout panel title text. | null |
region | string | Defines the layout panel position, the value is one of following: north, south, east, west, center. | |
border | boolean | True to show layout panel border. | true |
split | boolean | 如果设置为true将显示一个分隔条,用户可以拖动分隔条来改变布局面板的尺寸。 | false |
iconCls | string | An icon CSS class to show a icon on panel header. | null |
href | string | 在指定区域内加载页面的body中的部分,其他不加载 | null |
collapsible | boolean | Defines if to show collapsible button. | true |
minWidth | number | The minimum panel width. | 10 |
minHeight | number | The minimum panel height. | 10 |
maxWidth | number | The maximum panel width. | 10000 |
maxHeight | number | The maximum panel height. | 10000 |
名称 | 参数 | 描述 |
resize | none | Set the layout size. |
panel | region | Return the specified panel, the 'region' parameter possible values:'north','south','east','west','center'. |
collapse | region | Collapse the specified panel, the 'region' parameter possible values:'north','south','east','west'. |
expand | region | Expand the specified panel, the 'region' parameter possible values:'north','south','east','west'. |
add | options | Add a specified panel, the options parameter is a config object, see tab panel properties for more details. |
remove | region | Remove the specified panel, the 'region' parameter possible values:'north','south','east','west'. |
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