我是靠谱客的博主 香蕉烤鸡,这篇文章主要介绍Android环境搭建,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


repo init -u https://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/platform/manifest -b android-9.0.0_r12
repo init -u https://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/platform/manifest -b android-9.0.0_r48
build/make/core/product_config.mk:292: warning: "tom INTERNAL_PRODUCT device/generic/uml/uml.mk"
build/make/core/product_config.mk:293: warning: "tom 11 

$(warning "tom INTERNAL_PRODUCT $(INTERNAL_PRODUCT)")                           
fangwei@S108-CCS2-01:/workspace1/fangwei/imx8-CSS$ lunch 33
build/make/core/product_config.mk:271: warning: "tom INTERNAL_PRODUCT device/fsl/imx8q/mek_8q/mek_8q.mk"
build/make/core/product_config.mk:272: warning: "tom PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS core-oj core-libart conscrypt okhttp bouncycastle apache-xml ext framework telephony-common voip-common ims-common android.hidl.base-V1.0-java android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java framework-oahl-backward-compatibility android.test.base autosdk"
device/fsl/imx8q/ProductConfigCommon.mk:65: warning: "tom PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS @inherit:build/target/product/core_64_bit.mk @inherit:build/target/product/languages_full.mk @inherit:build/target/product/generic.mk @inherit:frameworks/base/data/sounds/AllAudio.mk autosdk"

build/target/product/core_base.mk:66: warning: "tom PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS @inherit:build/target/product/core_minimal.mk"

build/target/product/core_minimal.mk:122: warning: "tom PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS core-oj core-libart conscrypt okhttp bouncycastle apache-xml ext framework telephony-common voip-common ims-common android.hidl.base-V1.0-java android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java"

build/make/core/product_config.mk:271: warning: "tom INTERNAL_PRODUCT device/fsl/imx8q/mek_8q/mek_8q.mk"

build/make/core/product_config.mk:272: warning: "tom PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS core-oj core-libart conscrypt okhttp bouncycastle apache-xml ext framework telephony-common voip-common ims-common android.hidl.base-V1.0-java android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java framework-oahl-backward-compatibility android.test.base autosdk"

build/make/core/product_config.mk:273: warning: "tom PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS core-oj core-libart conscrypt okhttp bouncycastle apache-xml ext framework telephony-common voip-common ims-common android.hidl.base-V1.0-java android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java framework-oahl-backward-compatibility android.test.base autosdk"



device/generic/uml/AndroidProducts.mk:19: warning: "tom PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS "
device/generic/uml/uml.mk:31: warning: "tom PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS @inherit:build/target/product/core_64_bit.mk @inherit:build/target/product/embedded.mk":



PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS :=                                                              


  0% 6/4216] tom target profman: out/target/product/uml/dex_bootjars/system/framework/boot.prof
FAILED: out/target/product/uml/dex_bootjars/system/framework/boot.prof 
/bin/bash -c "(echo "tom target profman 1: " ) && (echo "tom target profman 2: " ) && (echo "tom target profman 3: " ) && (echo "tom DEXPREOPT_BOOT_JARS_MODULES: " ) && (mkdir -p out/target/product/uml/dex_bootjars/system/framework/ ) && (ANDROID_LOG_TAGS="*:e" out/host/linux-x86/bin/profman 	    --create-profile-from=frameworks/base/config/boot-image-profile.txt 		 		 		--reference-profile-file=out/target/product/uml/dex_bootjars/system/framework/boot.prof )"
tom target profman 1: 
tom target profman 2: 
tom target profman 3: 
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] APK files must be specified
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] Command: out/host/linux-x86/bin/profman --create-profile-from=frameworks/base/config/boot-image-profile.txt --reference-profile-file=out/target/product/uml/dex_bootjars/system/framework/boot.prof
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] Usage: profman [options]...
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] 
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --dump-only: dumps the content of the specified profile files
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       to standard output (default) in a human readable form.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] 
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --dump-output-to-fd=<number>: redirects --dump-only output to a file descriptor.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] 
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --dump-classes-and-methods: dumps a sorted list of classes and methods that are
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       in the specified profile file to standard output (default) in a human
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       readable form. The output is valid input for --create-profile-from
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] 
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --profile-file=<filename>: specify profiler output file to use for compilation.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       Can be specified multiple time, in which case the data from the different
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       profiles will be aggregated.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] 
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --profile-file-fd=<number>: same as --profile-file but accepts a file descriptor.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       Cannot be used together with --profile-file.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] 
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --reference-profile-file=<filename>: specify a reference profile.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       The data in this file will be compared with the data obtained by merging
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       all the files specified with --profile-file or --profile-file-fd.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       If the exit code is EXIT_COMPILE then all --profile-file will be merged into
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       --reference-profile-file. 
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] 
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --reference-profile-file-fd=<number>: same as --reference-profile-file but
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       accepts a file descriptor. Cannot be used together with
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       --reference-profile-file.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] 
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --generate-test-profile=<filename>: generates a random profile file for testing.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --generate-test-profile-num-dex=<number>: number of dex files that should be
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       included in the generated profile. Defaults to 20.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --generate-test-profile-method-percentage=<number>: the percentage from the maximum
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       number of methods that should be generated. Defaults to 5.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --generate-test-profile-class-percentage=<number>: the percentage from the maximum
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       number of classes that should be generated. Defaults to 5.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --generate-test-profile-seed=<number>: seed for random number generator used when
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       generating random test profiles. Defaults to using NanoTime.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] 
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --create-profile-from=<filename>: creates a profile from a list of classes and
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       methods.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] 
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --dex-location=<string>: location string to use with corresponding
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       apk-fd to find dex files
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] 
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --apk-fd=<number>: file descriptor containing an open APK to
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       search for dex files
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --apk-=<filename>: an APK to search for dex files
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --skip-apk-verification: do not attempt to verify APKs
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] 
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --generate-boot-image-profile: Generate a boot image profile based on input
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       profiles. Requires passing in dex files to inspect properties of classes.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --boot-image-class-threshold=<value>: specify minimum number of class occurrences
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       to include a class in the boot image profile. Default is 10.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --boot-image-clean-class-threshold=<value>: specify minimum number of clean class
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       occurrences to include a class in the boot image profile. A clean class is a
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       class that doesn't have any static fields or native methods and is likely to
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       remain clean in the image. Default is 3.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --boot-image-sampled-method-threshold=<value>: minimum number of profiles a
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       non-hot method needs to be in order to be hot in the output profile. The
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       default is max int.
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]   --copy-and-update-profile-key: if present, profman will copy the profile from
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       the file passed with --profile-fd(file) to the profile passed with
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       --reference-profile-fd(file) and update at the same time the profile-key
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78]       of entries corresponding to the apks passed with --apk(-fd).
profman E 09-10 12:14:15 37144 37144 profman.cc:78] 
[  0% 25/4216] //bionic/tools/versioner/src:versioner clang++ DeclarationDatabase.cpp [linux_glibc]
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
12:14:31 ninja failed with: exit status 1


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