I have a native python bridge to some C code, which returns a pointer to an array (array of structs). The struct contains some character arrays (strings). But how can I get from a c_char_p_Array_NNN to an actual Python string?
typedef struct td_Group
unsigned int group_id;
char groupname[256];
char date_created[32];
char date_modified[32];
unsigned int user_modified;
unsigned int user_created;
} Group;
int getGroups(LIBmanager *, Group **);
############# python code below:
class Group(Structure):
_fields_ = [("group_id", c_uint),
("groupname", c_char_p*256),
("date_created", c_char_p*32),
("date_modified", c_char_p*32),
("user_modified", c_uint),
("user_created", c_uint)]
def somefunc():
myGroups = c_void_p()
count = libnativetest.getGroups( nativePointer, byref(myGroups) )
print "got " + str(count) + " groups!!"
myCastedGroups = cast( myGroups, POINTER(Group*count) )
for x in range(0,count):
theGroup = cast( myCastedGroups[x], POINTER(Group) )
theGroupName = theGroup.contents.groupname
### Now how do I access theGroupName as a python string?
# it is a c_char_p_Array_256 presently
The type should be c_char*256, not c_char_p*256, because it's a char[256], not a char *[256].
string_at(theGroupName, sizeof(theGroupName))
以上就是开心嚓茶最近收集整理的关于python char_使用ctypes的Python中访问c_char_p_Array_256的全部内容,更多相关python内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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