vb 获取句柄禁用状态

If you enter a lot of sequential values in your Excel worksheets, the Fill Handle can help you save time by automatically filling cells with incremented values. What if you find the fill handle doesn’t work?
如果您在Excel工作表中输入很多顺序值,则“ 填充句柄”可以通过用递增的值自动填充单元格来帮助您节省时间。 如果发现填充手柄不起作用怎么办?
By default, the fill handle is enabled, and we’ll show you how to disable it. These same instructions can be used to re-enable it, if you find it got turned off by accident.
默认情况下,填充手柄处于启用状态,我们将向您展示如何禁用它。 如果发现意外关闭了这些说明,则可以使用这些说明重新启用它。
To enable or disable the fill handle in Excel, open a new or existing workbook file and click the “File” tab.

On the backstage screen, click “Options” in the list of items on the left.

Click “Advanced” in the list of items on the left side of the Excel Options dialog box.
在“ Excel选项”对话框左侧的项目列表中,单击“高级”。

If you want to disable the fill handle, and the “Enable fill handle and cell drag-and-drop” box in the Editing section is checked, uncheck the box. To re-enable the fill handle, just re-check it.
如果要禁用填充手柄,并且选中了“编辑”部分中的“启用填充手柄和单元格拖放”框,请取消选中该框。 要重新启用填充手柄,只需重新检查即可。
To avoid replacing existing data in cells you are filling using the fill handle, make sure the “Alert before overwriting cells” box is checked, which should be the default. If you don’t want to see the warning dialog, uncheck the box.
为避免替换使用填充手柄填充的单元格中的现有数据,请确保选中“覆盖单元格之前警告”框,该框应为默认设置。 如果您不想看到警告对话框,请取消选中该框。

Click “OK” to accept the change and close the Excel Options dialog box.
单击“确定”接受更改,然后关闭“ Excel选项”对话框。

Note that the fill handle displays when you select one or more cells, even when it’s disabled.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/279361/how-to-enable-or-disable-the-fill-handle-in-excel/
vb 获取句柄禁用状态
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