我是靠谱客的博主 洁净盼望,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍图像缩放的三种方法_确保您的下一个缩放视频通话的8种方法,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。




Zoom Logo

Almost every video conferencing program available has some sort of vulnerability, and Zoom is undoubtedly no exception. However,  Zoom users can do a few things to make their next conference call a bit more secure.

几乎每个可用的视频会议程序都具有某种漏洞,并且Zoom毫无例外也不例外。 但是, Zoom用户可以做一些事情来使下次电话会议更加安全。

采取积极措施 (Take Proactive Measures)

None of us are entirely immune to cybercrime—even to petty offenses like Zoombombing. But being aware of security risks and taking proactive measures to protect yourself can significantly lower your chances of becoming a victim.

我们每个人都不能完全免受网络犯罪的侵害,即使是像Zoombombing这样的小罪行也不能幸免。 但是,意识到安全风险并采取积极措施保护自己可以大大降低您成为受害者的机会。

While Zoom has recently taken action to make its software more secure by adding new security features and enabling some settings by default, it’s still up to you to ensure these features are enabled and that your video conference is as secure as it can possibly be.


All of the following options can be enabled or disabled in your Zoom account’s Settings page.


要求密码才能加入会议 (Require a Password to Join the Meeting)

Requiring a password to join your conference call is your first layer of defense. Without it, nearly anyone can join—and we mean nearly anyone. If your meeting does get indexed, having it password protected will stop uninvited people from jumping in.

要求密码才能加入电话会议是您的第一道防线。 没有它,几乎任何人都可以加入-我们的意思是几乎任何人。 如果您的会议确实被索引,对其进行密码保护将阻止不速之客加入。

It’s also worth mentioning that Zoom provides a feature for embedding a password in the invitation link. We don’t recommend this, as anyone with the link can join. If it ends up in the wrong hands, then you may have an unexpected guest appear.

还值得一提的是Zoom提供了一种在邀请链接中嵌入密码的功能。 我们不建议您这样做,因为知道链接的任何人都可以加入。 如果最终落入不正确的人之手,那么您可能会出现意外的客人。

Here are the password settings Zoom offers:


  • Require a password when scheduling new meetings

  • Require a password for instant meetings

  • Require a password for Personal Meeting ID (PMI)

  • Embed passwords in meeting link for one-click join (not recommended)

  • Require password for participants joining by phone


To access these settings, go to your profile settings page in your web browser and make the changes to your account.


启用候诊室 (Enable a Waiting Room)

Zoom’s waiting room is your second layer of defense. If someone happens to get their hands on your conference link, and that conference isn’t password-protected, they’ll still be placed in a virtual waiting room and need permission to enter.

Zoom的候车室是您的第二道防线。 如果有人碰巧获得了您的会议链接,并且该会议没有密码保护,则他们仍将被放置在虚拟候诊室中并需要获得许可才能进入。

You can also find the “Waiting Room” setting on your profile settings page.


Enable the waiting room

不要将PMI用于公开会议 (Don’t Use Your PMI for Public Meetings)

Your Personal Meeting ID is the meeting that is launched by default. This meeting is, in theory, perpetually running. That means if someone gets your PMI, they can join your session whenever they want. You should only use your PMI for private meetings and refrain from sending it out to the public. The fewer people that have it, the better.

您的个人会议ID是默认情况下启动的会议。 从理论上讲,该会议是永久性的。 这意味着,如果有人获得了您的PMI,则他们可以随时加入您的会话。 您仅应将PMI用于私人会议,并避免将其发送给公众。 拥有它的人越少越好。

Ensure that the settings that use your PMI as the default when scheduling a meeting or starting one instantly are disabled from your settings page.


Remove the PMI

用铁拳统治 (Rule with an Iron Fist)

Don’t let anyone start the meeting before you, the host, arrives. Period. This keeps uninvited people from having the jump on you. But do keep in mind that if you disable the “Join Before Host” setting, it’s always best practice to be prompt. Keep uninvited people out, but don’t leave important clients or colleagues waiting.

在主持人到达之前,不要让任何人开始会议。 期。 这样可以防止不速之客赶上您。 但是请记住,如果禁用“主持人先加入”设置,则提示时总是最佳做法。 将不请自来的人拒之门外,但不要让重要的客户或同事等待。

Join before host

知道谁加入 (Know Who’s Joining)

Zoom has a setting you can enable that prevents unauthenticated users from joining a meeting via the web client. This means that users will need to register their name and email to be able to participate, allowing you to know precisely who joins the meeting.

缩放具有可以启用的设置,该设置可以防止未经身份验证的用户通过Web客户端加入会议。 这意味着用户将需要注册他们的姓名和电子邮件才能参加,从而使您可以准确地知道谁加入了会议。

Only authenticated users can join option

锁定会议 (Lock Your Meeting)

If all expected attendees have made it to the meeting room, go ahead and lock the meeting so nobody else can enter. During the meeting, you’ll see a “Security” button at the bottom of the screen. Select the button and then click the “Lock Room” option from the pop-up menu.

如果所有预期的与会者都已到达会议室,请继续并锁定会议,以便其他人不能进入。 在会议期间,您将在屏幕底部看到一个“安全性”按钮。 选择按钮,然后从弹出菜单中单击“锁定房间”选项。

Lock the meeting room

从会议中踢人 (Kick Someone From Your Meeting)

If someone happens to make it to your conference room, you can remove them by hovering over their name in the right-hand pane and then selecting the “More” button.


More user options

From the menu that appears, select the “Remove” option.


Remove from room

Next, you should disable the setting from your profile Settings page that allows removed participants to rejoin. Once you get rid of the intruder once, you get rid of them for good.

接下来,您应该在个人资料“设置”页面上禁用该设置,该设置允许已删除的参与者重新加入。 一旦摆脱了入侵者,您就永远摆脱了入侵者。

remove participants for good option

禁用通讯功能 (Disable Communication Features)

One of the beautiful things about Zoom is that it provides several options for participants to communicate with each other. However, if an uninvited person joins your conference call, they may use these features to harass the participants. If you, the host, will be the only member required to communicate, disable these features:

关于Zoom的美丽之处之一是,它为参与者提供了几种相互交流的选项。 但是,如果不请自来的人加入您的电话会议,他们可能会使用这些功能来骚扰参与者。 如果您(主持人)是唯一进行通信的成员,请禁用以下功能:

  • Private Chat

  • Screen Sharing

  • Attendee Speaking (mute everyone’s mic)

  • Annotations

  • File Sharing

  • Virtual Backgrounds


All of these features can, again, be found in your profile settings using the web browser.


A determined cybercriminal is hard to deter, but don’t just sit idly by while people take advantage of you. Good cybersecurity starts with you—always be prepared.

坚定的网络犯罪分子很难阻止,但在人们利用您时,您也不要袖手旁观。 良好的网络安全始于您-时刻准备着。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/668477/8-ways-to-secure-your-next-zoom-video-call/






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