我是靠谱客的博主 可爱鼠标,这篇文章主要介绍Lidgren Network LibraryClassesStructuresInterfacesDelegatesEnumerations,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。
Lidgren Network Library
Class | Description | |
NetAESEncryption |
AES encryption
| |
NetBitVector |
Fixed size vector of booleans
| |
NetBitWriter |
Helper class for NetBuffer to write/read bits
| |
NetBlockEncryptionBase |
Base for a non-threadsafe encryption class
| |
NetBuffer | ||
NetClient |
Specialized version of NetPeer used for a "client" connection. It does not accept any incoming connections and maintains a ServerConnection property
| |
NetConnection |
Represents a connection to a remote peer
| |
NetConnectionStatistics |
Statistics for a NetConnection instance
| |
NetDESEncryption |
DES encryption
| |
NetException |
Exception thrown in the Lidgren Network Library
| |
NetIncomingMessage |
Incoming message either sent from a remote peer or generated within the library
| |
NetOutgoingMessage |
Outgoing message used to send data to remote peer(s)
| |
NetPeer |
Represents a local peer capable of holding zero, one or more connections to remote peers
| |
NetPeerConfiguration |
Partly immutable after NetPeer has been initialized
| |
NetPeerStatistics |
Statistics for a NetPeer instance
| |
NetQueue<(Of <(<'T>)>)> |
Thread safe (blocking) expanding queue with TryDequeue() and EnqueueFirst()
| |
NetRandom |
A fast random number generator for .NET Colin Green, January 2005
| |
NetRC2Encryption |
RC2 encryption
| |
NetServer |
Specialized version of NetPeer used for "server" peers
| |
NetSRP |
Helper methods for implementing SRP authentication
| |
NetTime |
Time service
| |
NetTripleDESEncryption |
Triple DES encryption
| |
NetUPnP |
UPnP support class
| |
NetUtility |
Utility methods
| |
NetXorEncryption |
Example class; not very good encryption
| |
NetXtea |
Methods to encrypt and decrypt data using the XTEA algorithm
Structure | Description | |
SingleUIntUnion |
Interface | Description | |
INetEncryption |
Interface for an encryption algorithm
Delegate | Description | |
NetUtility..::..ResolveAddressCallback | ||
NetUtility..::..ResolveEndPointCallback |
Enumeration | Description | |
NetConnectionStatus |
Status for a NetConnection instance
| |
NetDeliveryMethod |
How the library deals with resends and handling of late messages
| |
NetIncomingMessageType |
The type of a NetIncomingMessage
| |
NetPeerStatus |
Status for a NetPeer instance
| |
NetSendResult |
Result of a SendMessage call
以上就是可爱鼠标最近收集整理的关于Lidgren Network LibraryClassesStructuresInterfacesDelegatesEnumerations的全部内容,更多相关Lidgren内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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