我是靠谱客的博主 欢喜朋友,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍.inc.php 解码,使用php的编码功能-mime.inc(2)-PHP教程,邮件处理,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


// $horde: horde/lib/mime.php,v 1.63 2001/08/08 21:00:27 chuck exp $

$mime_types =


typetext => text, text => typetext,

typemultipart => multipart, multipart => typemultipart,

typemessage => message, message => typemessage,

typeapplication => application, application => typeapplication,

typeaudio => audio, audio => typeaudio,

typeimage => image, image => typeimage,

typevideo => video, video => typevideo,

typeother => unknown, unknown => typeother


$mime_encodings =


enc7bit => 7bit, 7bit => enc7bit,

enc8bit => 8bit, 8bit => enc8bit,

encbinary => binary, binary => encbinary,

encbase64 => base64, base64 => encbase64,

encquotedprintable => quoted-printable, quoted-printable => encquotedprintable,

encother => unknown, unknown => encother



* the mime:: class provides methods for dealing with mime standards.


* @author  chuck hagenbuch

* @version $revision: 1.64 $

* @since   horde 1.3

* @package horde.mime


class mime {


* determine if a string contains 8-bit characters.

* @access private


* @param string $string  the string to check.

* @return boolean        true if it does, false if it doesnt.


function is8bit($string)


if (is_string($string)) {

for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {

if (ord($string[$i]) >> 7)

return true;


return false;


return false;



* encode a string containing non-ascii characters according to rfc 2047.


* @param string $text    the text to encode.

* @param string $charset (optional) the character set of the text.

* @param boolean $outer  is this the final iteration?


* @return string the text, encoded only if it contains non-ascii characters.


function encode($text, $charset = null, $outer = true)


if (mime::is8bit($text)) {

if (((strlen($text) * 3) + strlen($charset) + 7) > 76) {

$text = mime::encode(substr($text, 0, (23 – strlen($charset))), $charset) . mime::encode(substr($text, (23 – strlen($charset))), $charset, false);

} else {

$text = "=?$charset?b?" . strtr(trim(base64_encode($text)), , _) . "?=nt";



// if this is the final iteration, take off any trailing

// newline/tab chars.

if ($outer && (substr($text, -2) == "nt"))

$text = substr($text, 0, -2);

return $text;



* encode a string containing email addresses according to rfc 2047.


* this differs from mime::encode() because it keeps email

* addresses legal, only encoding the personal information.


* @param string $text      the email addresses to encode.

* @param string $charset   (optional) the character set of the text.

* @param string $defserver (optional) the default domain to append to mailboxes.


* @return string the text, encoded only if it contains non-ascii characters.


function encodeaddress($text, $charset = null, $defserver = null)


include_once mail/rfc822.php;

$addr_arr = mail_rfc822::parseaddresslist($text, $defserver, false, false);

$text = ;

if (is_array($addr_arr)) {

foreach ($addr_arr as $addr) {

if (empty($addr->personal)) {

$personal = ;

} else {

if ((substr($addr->personal, 0, 1) == ") &&

(substr($addr->personal, -1) == ")) {

$addr->personal = substr($addr->personal, 1, -1);


$personal = mime::encode($addr->personal, $charset);


if (strlen($text) != 0) $text .= , ;

// fixme: dependency on imap module

$text .= mime::trimemailaddress(imap_rfc822_write_address($addr->mailbox, $addr->host, $personal));



return $text;



* decode an rfc 2047-encoded string.


* @param string $string the text to decode.

* @return string        the decoded text, or the original string if it was not encoded.


function decode($string)


$pos = strpos($string, =?);

if ($pos === false) {

return $string;


// take out any spaces between multiple encoded words

$string = preg_replace(|?=s=?|, ?==?, $string);

$preceding = substr($string, 0, $pos); // save any preceding text

$search = substr($string, $pos + 2, 75); // the mime header spec says this is the longest a single encoded word can be

$d1 = strpos($search, ?);

if (!is_int($d1)) {

return $string;


$charset = substr($string, $pos + 2, $d1);

$search = substr($search, $d1 + 1);

$d2 = strpos($search, ?);

if (!is_int($d2)) {

return $string;


$encoding = substr($search, 0, $d2);

$search = substr($search, $d2+1);

$end = strpos($search, ?=);

if (!is_int($end)) {

return $string;


$encoded_text = substr($search, 0, $end);

$rest = substr($string, (strlen($preceding . $charset . $encoding . $encoded_text) + 6));

switch ($encoding) {

case q:

case q:

$encoded_text = str_replace(_, %20, $encoded_text);

$encoded_text = str_replace(=, %, $encoded_text);

$decoded = urldecode($encoded_text);

/* convert cyrillic character sets. */

if (stristr($globals[registry]->getcharset(), windows-1251)) {

if (stristr($charset, koi8-r)) {

$decoded = convert_cyr_string($decoded, k, w);



if (stristr($globals[registry]->getcharset(), koi8-r)) {

if (stristr($charset, windows-1251)) {

$decoded = convert_cyr_string($decoded, w, k);




case b:

case b:

$decoded = urldecode(base64_decode($encoded_text));

if (stristr($globals[registry]->getcharset(), windows-1251)) {

if (stristr($charset, koi8-r)) {

$decoded = convert_cyr_string($decoded, k, w);



if (stristr($globals[registry]->getcharset(), koi8-r)) {

if (stristr($charset, windows-1251)) {

$decoded = convert_cyr_string($decoded, w, k);





$decoded = =? . $charset . ? . $encoding . ? . $encoded_text . ?=;



return $preceding . $decoded . mime::decode($rest);



* if an email address has no personal information, get rid of any

* angle brackets (<>) around it.


* @param string $address   the address to trim.

* @return string           the trimmed address.


function trimemailaddress($address)


$address = trim($address);

if ((substr($address, 0, 1) == )) {

$address = substr($address, 1, -1);


return $address;





以上就是欢喜朋友为你收集整理的.inc.php 解码,使用php的编码功能-mime.inc(2)-PHP教程,邮件处理的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决.inc.php 解码,使用php的编码功能-mime.inc(2)-PHP教程,邮件处理所遇到的程序开发问题。



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