我是靠谱客的博主 踏实月饼,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍unity展馆_Unity在GDC 2010上的合作伙伴展馆,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



In addition to all of our other GDC activities, we’re going to be joined in our booth with a selection of great partners. This is a win-win opportunity where we’re able to bring some more exposure to these partners and their presence helps our booth to reflect the diverse ecosystem that surrounds our tool and community! Each of these partners is going to be on hand to demo their products at their kiosk and will also have an opportunity to present in our theater. I hope you’ll come to see what they have to offer! In order to entice you, here is some info about them:

除了我们所有其他的GDC活动之外,我们还将与精选的优秀合作伙伴一起加入我们的展位。 这是一个双赢的机会,我们可以与这些合作伙伴进行更多接触,他们的参与有助于我们的展位反映出围绕我们工具和社区的多样化生态系统! 这些合作伙伴中的每一个都将在展台上现场演示他们的产品,还将有机会在我们的影院中展示。 希望您来看看他们所提供的! 为了吸引您,以下是有关它们的一些信息:


Graveck is a Saint Paul based development studio specializing in games developed using the powerful Unity engine. With their unparalleled Unity experience and drive, Graveck creates top-notch web games and retail boxed games for world renowned clients along with groundbreaking original titles. They also had the number 1 top paid app in the App Store for five weeks!

Graveck是位于圣保罗的开发工作室,专门研究使用强大的Unity引擎开发的游戏。 凭借其无与伦比的Unity经验和动力,Graveck为全球知名客户创造了一流的网络游戏和零售盒装游戏,并开创性地推出了原创游戏。 他们还连续五周在App Store中排名第一的收入最高的应用程序!


OpenFeint is the largest and most successful social gaming network, with over a thousand games and fourteen million players. Think Xbox Live meets Facebook for the iPhone with features like challenges, leaderboards, achievements, chat, forums and powerful game discovery. OpenFeint is the free, easy way for developers and players to get more out of games.

OpenFeint是最大,最成功的社交游戏网络,拥有一千多种游戏和一千四百万玩家。 Think Xbox Live与iPhone的Facebook相遇,具有挑战,排行榜,成就,聊天,论坛和强大的游戏发现功能。 OpenFeint是开发人员和玩家免费,轻松地从游戏中获得更多收益的方法。


Aquiris is a development studios baased in Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern of Brazil. They've been developing games and other interactive media for both Brazilian and global companies. They are amongst the most prolific Unity developers, having developed a total of 20 games projects, 13 of which were started and completed after establishing their games focus in January of 2008.

Aquiris是一家开发工作室,位于巴西南部里奥格兰德州南阿雷格里港。 他们一直在为巴西和全球公司开发游戏和其他互动媒体。 他们是最多产的Unity开发人员之一,总共开发了20个游戏项目,其中13个是在2008年1月确定游戏重点后启动和完成的。


Noesis Interactive is the premier developer of Video Courseware and training materials for indie-developers and game modders. Noesis is dedicated to improving gaming related education worldwide and preparing its users for industry careers or independent production. Noesis is based in the California San Francisco Bay Area, just minutes from Silicon Valley.

Noesis Interactive是视频课件和面向独立开发者和游戏修改者的培训材料的主要开发人员。 Noesis致力于在全球范围内改善与游戏相关的教育,并为用户准备行业职业或独立制作。 Noesis总部位于加利福尼亚州旧金山湾区,距离硅谷仅数分钟路程。


Digimi On the heels of a successful merger, DAZ 3D-Gizmoz present Digimi, the ultimate platform for generating personalized avatars. Leveraging the collaboration of existing technologies from DAZ 3D and Gizmoz, Digimi offers a premier solution for complete avatar customization in Unity and allows developers to import photo-realistic heads and customized avatars into games and virtual worlds at runtime.

Digimi在成功合并之后,DAZ 3D-Gizmoz推出了Digimi,这是用于生成个性化头像的终极平台。 利用DAZ 3D和Gizmoz现有技术的协作,Digimi提供了一个一流的解决方案,用于在Unity中进行完整的头像定制,并允许开发人员在运行时将逼真的头像和定制的头像导入游戏和虚拟世界。


dimeRocker is a branded self-publishing platform that enables Unity developers to deploy, monetize and build traffic across the social web (Facebook, mySpace, etc.) for their 3D games from one central account. The goal is to provide a complete solution so developers can spend less time managing the web and more time creating the best content possible. They're set to launch their open beta during GDC, so keep your eyes peeled!

dimeRocker是一个品牌化的自我发布平台,使Unity开发人员可以从一个中央帐户在其3D游戏的社交网络(Facebook,mySpace等)上部署,货币化并建立流量。 目标是提供一个完整的解决方案,以便开发人员可以花费更少的时间来管理Web,而将更多的时间用于创建最佳内容。 他们准备在GDC期间启动其公开测试版,因此请睁大眼睛!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2010/03/04/unitys-partner-pavilion-at-gdc-2010/



以上就是踏实月饼为你收集整理的unity展馆_Unity在GDC 2010上的合作伙伴展馆的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决unity展馆_Unity在GDC 2010上的合作伙伴展馆所遇到的程序开发问题。



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