我是靠谱客的博主 高高眼神,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍gdc矫正_GDC 2014总结,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



Wow! What an incredible conference GDC was this year! Our booth was awesome, incredibly busy, and full of amazing friends and partners demonstrating how talented the wide Unity community is. But while the show was great for us, it was truly amazing for developers everywhere.

哇! GDC今年真是令人难以置信的会议! 我们的展位很棒,令人难以置信地忙碌,并且充满了令人惊叹的朋友和合作伙伴,展示了整个Unity社区的才华。 但是,尽管这场表演对我们来说很棒,但对于各地的开发人员来说,确实是很棒的。

10 short  years ago, Unity was just 3 guys in a basement trying to create tech to enrich the lives of developers. Who would have thought that the company we started and technology we built would grow into this amazing community and have such an incredible impact on the industry!

短短十年前,Unity在一个地下室里只有3个人,他们试图创造技术来丰富开发人员的生活。 谁会想到我们创办的公司和建立的技术会成长为这个惊人的社区,并对整个行业产生如此巨大的影响!


It’s humbling to see our mission to democratize development succeed in a golden age of creativity. We want to continue providing the best tools to empower you to create awesome games and become successful. This means keeping the largest number of supported platforms, increasing the usability of the tools to make sure you can experiment and iterate quickly to realize your vision, and providing services to help you connect your games with great audiences.

看到我们在创新的黄金时代成功实现民主化发展的使命真是令人沮丧。 我们希望继续提供最好的工具,以使您能够创建出色的游戏并获得成功。 这意味着要保留最多数量的受支持平台,提高工具的可用性以确保您可以进行实验和快速迭代以实现自己的愿景,并提供服务来帮助您将游戏与大量受众联系起来。

Unity’s acquisition of Applifier, creators of the awesome Everyplay and GameAds services, was a big step in our new journey to democratize the bits that sit outside of creative game development. Connecting players with your game and your studio is easily one of the biggest challenges to modern developers. Of all the solution we have seen (and we’ve seen many) the Everyplay replay sharing network is the coolest way to help a game connect with an audience, and for current players to find out more about the games they’re playing. You can read more about this announcement here.

Unity收购了Applifier,Applifier是令人敬畏的Everyplay和GameAds服务的创建者,这是我们使创意游戏开发之外的部分民主化的新旅程中的重要一步。 将玩家与您的游戏和工作室联系起来很容易成为现代开发人员的最大挑战之一。 在我们已经看到(并且已经看到很多 )的所有解决方案中,Everyplay重播共享网络是帮助游戏与观众建立联系的最酷方法,并且对于当前玩家来说,这是了解他们所玩游戏的更多信息。 您可以在此处阅读有关此公告的更多信息。

Our other big announcement was Unity 5! This is a leap forward in graphics fidelity, adding physically-based shaders and real-time global illumination with Enlighten – but this major cycle is about more than that. The unified shader architecture, real-time lightmap previews, and revamped audio system are there to make your lives easier and games better. The best part of this is that what we announced at GDC 2014 is just Unity 5.0: there are a lot more major additions coming in this cycle to get excited about.

我们的另一个重要公告是Unity 5! 这是图形保真度的一个飞跃,它使用Enlighten添加了基于物理的着色器和实时全局照明-但是这个主要周期远不止于此。 统一的着色器体系结构,实时光照贴图预览和改进的音频系统可帮助您轻松生活,改善游戏。 最好的部分是,我们在GDC 2014上宣布的仅仅是Unity 5.0:在这个周期中还有很多重要的补充让您兴奋。

Check out the Unity 5 announcement and make sure to check out the preview video as well.

查看Unity 5公告 ,并确保也查看预览视频。


Our Unity 5 announcement also brought news of our 19th platform, WebGL. We have been hard at work with Mozilla behind the scenes on this and couldn’t be more proud. Seeing Dead Trigger 2 look so good and run so well with real meaty gameplay is amazing. You can see Mozilla’s blog about our work together and the video demo below.

Unity 5的发布还带来了第19个平台WebGL的消息。 我们一直在努力地与Mozilla进行幕后合作,为此感到无比自豪。 看到Dead Trigger 2看起来如此出色,并且在真实的多肉游戏中运行得如此出色,真是太神奇了。 您可以在下面查看Mozilla关于我们一起工作的博客以及视频演示。


Along with the Unity 5 announcement, we also discussed the future of the 4.x cycle, which includes two more big releases: 4.5 and 4.6. Unity 4.6 is especially noteworthy as it marks the release of our much anticipated new GUI system. We can’t wait to get it in your hands!

在发布Unity 5的同时,我们还讨论了4.x周期的未来,其中包括两个更大的版本:4.5和4.6。 Unity 4.6特别值得一提,因为它标志着我们备受期待的新GUI系统的发布。 我们迫不及待想把它掌握在您的手中!

If the games and developers hosted in our Games Pavilion this year are any indication, we can expect a lot out of you all in the next couple of years. Not only did we have top notch visuals covering a variety of genres and styles, we had a group showing off just how powerful the tools can be for small teams. Just look at Team Colorblind, a team of two, creating Aztez for seven platforms, including all of the consoles! So thank you to 5 Bits Studios, Amplitude Studios, Dynamighty, HB Studios, Infinite Fall, Madfinger Games, Press Play, Proletariat, Snowcastle Games, Team Colorblind, ustwo, and Witch Beam Studios for making us look good! And, if you haven’t seen it yet, check out our new game reel from GDC that showcases some of the games that were at our booth along with a few others.

如果今年显示在我们的游戏馆中的游戏和开发人员有任何迹象,那么在未来几年中,我们可以期望很多。 我们不仅拥有涵盖各种流派和样式的一流视觉效果,而且还有一个小组展示了这些工具对于小型团队的强大功能。 看看由两个人组成的Team Colorblind团队,他们为七个平台(包括所有控制台)创建了Aztez! 因此,感谢5位工作室,振幅工作室,Dynamighty,HB工作室,Infinite Fall,Madfinger游戏,媒体播放,无产阶级,雪堡游戏,Colorblind团队,ustwo和Witch Beam工作室,让我们看起来更好! 而且,如果您还没有看到它,请查看GDC的新游戏卷轴,其中展示了我们展位上的一些游戏以及其他一些游戏。


GDC 2014 turned out amazing! The industry as a whole lept forward, and we’re extremely proud of the part we played in this transformation. It’s exciting to walk side by side with so many of you into the future of the industry.

GDC 2014真是太神奇了! 整个行业都向前迈进了一步,我们为我们在这一转型中所扮演的角色而感到自豪。 与你们中的许多人并肩走进行业的未来是令人兴奋的。

– David Helgason

–大卫·赫尔加森(David Helgason)

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/03/29/gdc-2014-wrap-up/



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